t ! 5 f t ' ? ' I i ' 1 i i s i i , - r!p ' K - " "U 4 " fc 1 I ? f t .. t .,1 'fvJx !f ft HM ' 1:1 1L ' ;i i 1 saI n I Li W . .31 THE MORNINO ASTOKTAX, S.TVK1VY, JttXK 4, AFTER THE MARQUIS NVblcmtn Ch$td by Numer ou$ Crediton Who Art riinninj to Effect Settlement. OWES OVER A MILLIOM w.U b a llltlt unomfortbl- vi wnico or niw uhmm n uU hum iom eommtnl monj LouU. Is on thftt glvei you th endilur cut toe mall for your bull tHi( miurmntf to ltf DON'T 00 TO ST, LOU 1 1 'TtU you rH at or writ to tha Chi- oA MIlwauliHi A St. Taul Railroad omoa 1S4 Thlrt aiwt, rrtland, Or raiot all ilnta taat, In connao- Uon tlh all tianauntliintala. II. 8. ROWB, Oanoral Aftnt, THE KOREAN EMPEROR. Tha Man Whosa Country tha Ruttia na and Jipanesa Arc Destroying in Their War. JOBBERS OF THE WEST ARE HAVING GOOD TRADE Conditions Which Are Effecting Trade Throughout the Mississippi Valley and in the General West. New York. June 8. Reports to the International mercantile agency from prominent western centers reflect fair ly active Jobbing trade with a pro nounced hesitancy in manufacturing lines, induced by the growing uncer tainty of the presidential campaign. Most branches of the dry goods trade have not recovered from the effects of a backward spring wholesale business in many sections, averaging below a year ago. In Oklahoma and Indian territory merchants are buying less than usual, and In extreme portions of Kansas and Missouri constant rains are having a bad effect upon business. Lumber, paints and glass are depressed in these and other sections where build ing operations have been restricted by Inclement weather. Drugs have bene fitted as usual by conditions that op press other branches of trade. The Kansas City district has been held back by peculiar restrictions. In this territory and other sections of the west merchants are hopeful about the outlook and expect excellent June business. Retail trade is picking up In many sections as is evidenced by the , bttter demand for women's apparel. Consumption of necessities Is on the Increase and country merchants are giving Chicago wholesale houses plenty of orders, indicating a sustained Inter ior demand. Further serious embarrassment is threatened the transportation industry on the great lakes, where the labor dlf ferences are proving disastrous. Very little Improvement baa been noted In the steel Industry, which con tinues exceptionally dull. Coke pro duction is still at the maximum, but curtailment is looked for, the outlook In general giving little promise of greater activity in the near future. In the south the trade Is excellent with good Inquiry for most lines of merchandise. Railway traffic in Tex as is heavy and people are generally prosperous. PREPARING BALTIC FLEET. Russians Hurrying Preparations on Battleships and Cruisers. New York, June 3. Russian naval contractors have been advised that final preparations for the Baltic fleet must be completed by the first week of August, say 8 a Times dispatch from Paris. This information is supple mented by another dispatch from St. Petersburg suggesting the fleet per haps will not start at all If Port Arthur falls into the hands of the Japanese. Another St. Petersburg telegram says two submarines will be started for the far. east today, two others will start within a. fortnight and two more within a month. ' TO SETTLE THE QUESTION. Fish Commissioner Will Attempt to Close Canadian Trouble. Victoria, B. C, June Jj Honorable Mr. Fulton, provincial secretary, and S. P. Babcock, fishery commissioner for British Columbia will leave Victoria for Ottawa Saturday to confer with the Dominion government upon the -vexed and seemingly Interminable subject of the adjustment of the fisheries question as between the Dominion and the pro vlnce. The Dominion government has aurplled, the speaker said It appeared intimated to the British Columbia gov- that the unsecured liabilities were mn.nl la wiHInrno. In W th. SOmewnere aDOUl SI.S&V.VVU. tie SOIU Incurred Ilti of Owr Two Million nn.l a Half lit Thrr Yours-Trot mI n l't Kent. New Tork, June 1 Creditor of th Marquis Of Awteleay have hold a meet, lag to discuss plans 'for sevurliig a set tlement, says n Hrld dispatch from London. It was agreed ultimately thit there should be a deed of assignment to the trustees for the benefit of the cred itors who would get practically an im mediate payment of 1& cents on the dollar. Lord Antlesy succeeded In 18S to the title and eststes and within six ywrs has Incurred liabilities amountln to more than $2.7:0.000, but was fully insured for $1,250,000. One of the creditors announced that the reason for convening the meeting) was because writs had been Issued arulnst the marquis. Judgment had been obtained against him, but Angel)- was abroad and out of the Jurisdiction of the court. Adverting to such figures as had been A DIRECT LINE r for your money, and tha fact that ILLINOIS CENTIIAL ofTtra uniurpss- led aervlct via then points to the WOnLD'S FAIR, and In this eonnc. lion to all points Uyond, makes it to your advantagt, In cam you eontem. plait trip to any point tast, to writa us before making final arrangsmsnta . Wt ean offer tha choice of at lat a dosen different routes, 0.. K. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent 141 Third treat, FortUnd. Oregon, J. C. UND8ET, T, F. A P. A, 141 Third ilreet, Portland, Ore. O. THOMPSON, 1 A P. A. Room L Colman lUdg, SmUI. Wash toChlcMtoaod all po.nU Loulo- ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA vllie. Memphts, New Orleans, and all I points south, mm mtiEOAD Se that your ticket raada rU U Illinois Central R. R. Thoroughly mod ern trains connect with all transconti nental lines at St. Paul and Omaha. If your friends art coming west (at tta know and wa will quote them direct tha specially low ntta now In effect from all eastern points. LKAVXI PORTLAND ARJUVa Too ft mi IrtlndnfeTlK,-( U:ll am MMpm pot for AftorU ftod : Way Pointa ASTORIA T:ttftin For Portland tad 11:14 am 140 p m War PoinU 10;IO p m SSA8IDS DIVISION l:Uftin Aatoru for wajrtft- 7:44 a a U:tfftm ton, Flaval Fort 4:Mpu l:U p n SMvtna, Usvmmond ni:4l ? land Saaaldo 1:11 mj Saaalda (or War- ll:Mpn l:m ranton, FlavsJ. T:Wpa !:Mpm Hammond, Fort t:HftBi Stevens A Astoria whole matter amicably settled. RUSSIANS ARE PAYING. Are Not Looting Goods and Chattels of tha Koreans. Seoul,' Korea, June 2. (4:10 p. m.) The Russians In the province of Hamgyung are said to be using rouble notes In payment for goods taken. he was sorry to say that out of an I Income of $050,000 a very small margin was left from which to liquidate the liabilities. Among other things he de clared the marquis had spent $1,0(13,000 for Jewelry. Sunday only All trains make close connection Oohl with all Northern PiAin intu Any iniurnwiiun as w ri. rvuie. 10 ana ITOm U EASt ftnd Sound DOtnta. etc., cneetTuiiy given on application. . a. Ms.ro. B. II. TRUMBUuI Commercial -J!l?i Agont, Agent, 141 Third street, Portland, Or. J. C. UNMET, T. F. P. A., 141 Third street, Portland, Or. P. B. THOMPSON, F. A. P. A., Special Exeursion to the World's Fair. The Denver A Rio Orande, In con- Beeves and grain command fair pri. es. I nectlon with the Missouri Pacific, will The above statement hardly corre- n Mr,e ot Ponaly conducted sponds with the continental tales of excursions to the world's fair during looting, yet the Japanese report that June- The excursions will run Korean fugitive bring Russian paper 'hrough to 8L Louis without change money to General San. Twenty thou- of cars- making short stops at principal sand dollars worth has been sent to P,nti n"oute. The first of thesa ex Shanghai via Nagaskl for settlement by curslons-will leave Portland June 7th, r m ASK TUB AOENT FOR TICKETS vu Mail .. .jr si m ''-wu m tin W Wmm IS mm the Russo-Clilnese bank. DEATH ENDS DISGRACE. and the second June 17th. Th rate from Astoria will be $67.60 to St Louis 1 and return. Excursionists going via the Denver A Rio Qrande have the privilege of returning via a different route. This Is the most pleasant way, as well as the most delightful route, to cross the continent. The stops ar ranged give an opportunity to visit V Oregon and Union Pinnr 70 hour from Portland to Chicago. No chang of car. For Forty Year Attorney Was Scorn ed by His Acquaintances. - Mlddletown, O., June 3. George w. Powers, an aged lawyer, Is dead at his home here after having borne during the various point of Interest In and 40 years the disgrace of a dishonorable about Salt Lake City, Denver and discharge from the army because he Kansas City. If you wish to accom- kr.ocl.ed down General Mansfield In a pany 0ne of theM cxcurslon wrlt a wiu.hlnfn hntfli tthn ,h. once to W. C. McBrlde. 124 Third was in command of the District of Columbia, then under martiul law. The intervention of Secretary Stanton saved Power from court-martial. To Spokane, 8L Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chiosgo, St Louts, and all points east and south. fi OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY n lj The Flyer and 1 he Fast Mail L KmJi street, Portland, for sleeping car res ervation. 8PLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES pl TIMEHKOI'LIS fepan rmtn Arrlva POItTUXP ' rhlcoso i'L,''' ";ltUss,I)nv.r.r iBgiifn CNrMd '" Alio title ItittUin t'liksosnd IhtKMt vhfu1!! 1Wl,wl'.'ews. " MtMH Un Hpok.ne .Mlnnl Ita C' "Jni'' tl "'"iMlli 10) p nt ue (ml Republican TicKet. For Congressman, ). N. WILLIAMSON, Of Crook County. Daylight trip across th Cascade and Rocky Mountains. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Astoria-. All sailing dates subject to chang. For San Francisco every five day. Pally e- ct Hun ly at?m . 3- s t. I " l STATE. For Justice of the Supreme Court, FRANK A. MOORE, Of Columbia County. For tickets, rates folders and full In formation call on or address II. DICKSON. 'City Ticket Agent 122 Third Street, Portland. Or. S. O. TERKES, O. W. P. A.. 12 First Avenue, Seattle. Wash.! i iTimiiq ana wy UiKtiim ' 4 am Dmly H-pt Mon For Dairy and Food Commissioner, J. W. BAILEY, Of Multnomah County, Jul I A mm m y ... DISTRICT. For Circuit Judge, THOMA8 A. M'BRIDE, Of Columbia County. For District Attorney, HARRI80N ALLEN, Of Clatsop County. COUNTY, For Representatives, C. F. LESTER, C. G. PALMBERG. For County Commissioner, WILLIAM LARSON J. C. CLINTON. For Clerk, For Sheriff, THOMAS LINVILLE. For Treasurer, CHARLES A. HEILBORN. For Assessor, T. 8. CORNELIU8. For School Superintendent H. 8. LYMAN. J These tiny Capiulei ir supenoTi :A to Balsam of Copaiba, --v I CURE IN 48 HOURSlAuUl, th same disease with out inconvenience, :. S(tlii all nrvpftftthl Steamer Nahcotta leave Aitorls. on the tld DAILT FOR ILWACO. connecting there with train for Lor. Beach, Tioga and North Beach nolnM. Returning arrive at Aatorla same venlng. Through ticket to and from an prln- cipai European cltle. O. W. ROBERTS, Arent, Atorla, Ora. awcti'ti i u ... ... W ll""'"?'" n"imiIm, mm M "llrlUr tor MMrm," n Mur, M n. Ian 111 nil. 1 .1.(10(1 r.uimaii,. 4iAiZ MMm l-UiLC 4T mil h. mi.tM wnmvu i sw papw Ivory Woman , u unsTOMeii nn nionid know ....... ""m womliiiful MARVEL fthlrlino Sorav ITh 'IWW Nd..l Sjrrlw. iHJtf 9wn ami omrittm. Hi-tl fr. VA ILMMM II UU. .... .TT7... i, tn If lirmimH,uppli I VIAHtkl,. no other, but nil ,uinn tat Ulaatruml lili-tMlr, ItflTM full Mrtlculantnd .HrMli.n. in. t rrklU, Saw ttu. ' v wmimu vumu UUUwU R. For Surveyor, . C. F. A8TBURY. S.: For Coroner, W. C. A. POHL. PRECINCT. For Justice of th Peac. P. J, GOODMAN. ll PCSITIVE CU.11 Vr Inflammation or GaUnk niunara. mo oars so tir. "Bur lh worn mm, j i"rr,, f?."1'!0,' how loo sUsfi nr Abaolatcly barolM W MtTALflrtJI 80U SSUCBTAuia..uJvT oId by Cha. Roger. l Coinnwrcjjj "Best by Test" A transcontinental trav elor says: "I've tried them all and I prefer the North western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast." It's "The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. RefbrS afmtlnr tin a. Mn.nn matter where write for lntraiina Informa tion about comfortable traveling. H.LSISLF.2, Genera! Aftnt. 132 THrd EL Portland, Oregon. T. W. TKARDALK, Ganeml piuuienfror Agent, bl I'ftul.Ulna,