TITE MORNING ASTORIAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE I, 1004. PAGE BBvnr. First National Bank of Astoria ESTABLISHED 1886 Capital and Surplus $100,000 J ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CupitaJ l'sld Ip 1100,000. Barpltu and Undivided Froflte $25,000 TrtnsnoU aerl Unking butine. Interest puld on time deposits. J. 0. A. DOWLBV, 0. 1. rETEU80N, FRANK PATTON, J. W. GARNER, President Vio President Cashier. Aset Cestter 168 TENTH STREET, ASTORIA, ORE. OUR DAILY SHORT STORY. LOVE'S CHOICE. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET 0. W. Morton and John Fahrman, Proprietor. CHOICEST FBESB AD SALT 1IEATI. - PBOMPT DELIVERY. 34 J Commercial St. Phone Main 321. QOINO TO TKI FAIR Paul. These rataa apply vU direct liflM, but If passenger wishes to What t Do If You Delr Praotloal tn through California' ticket eaa be Information. If you conUmplat vtaMnf tho St Uo of III M addod U above. Loula Eapoeltlon, to foeuro reliable in IJQHiW Myimuvi w . . thJair4 " nddrteo A. D. Charlton, formation a to railroad arnica, tb inwant rata and th nat route. Alo aa to tho local condition In St Louis; hotels, tH tt If you will writ tha undralgnd, elating what Information you desire, tha narna will bo promptly furnished. If wo do not bav It on hand, will socur It for you If posslbl, and with out an erpew to you. Address B. II. TRUMBULL, Commoreial Agent, It! Third aveet Portland, Or. fit., Speelat Exturalon to tho World' Fair. Tb Denver Rio Grande, In con nection with tha Missouri Pacific, will run a eerlea of personally conducted excursions to tha world'a fair during June. These eacurelons will run through to St. Loula without changa if cars, making ahort atopa at principal polnta anrouta. Tha first of these ex curslons will leave Portland Juna 7th. and tha aacond Juna 17th. Tha rata from Aatorla will ba HT.60 to St Loula and return. Excursionist going via the Denver A Rio Grande have the privilege of returning via a different route. Thla la the most pleasant way, aa well aa the moet delightful route, to croee tha continent. Tha atopa ar ranged give an opportunity to vlU the varloti point of Interest In and about Suit Lake City. Denver and Kanaaa City. If you wish to accom pany one of .these excursion write at once to W. C. McBrlde, II Third otreet Portland, for aleeplng car re rvatlona. ' Tha Northern Faclfle Railway Com pany will place round trip tlcketa from Portland to St Loula and return on account of the world'a fair on aala aa follow: Juna 16th, 17th and 18th. July 1st, 2nd and Srd. August 8th, 9th and 10th. : -' Sept 5th, 6th and 7th. Ootober Srd, 4th and 6th. The round trip rata to St Loula aad return from Portland will be 117.10. ' Tloketa will be good for return via any. ellrect line. . A round trip rate of 7!.lt will aleo ba aaade from Portland to Chleago and ret"- - jf paacangar daatrea to take In both OMcago and St Leu the raaad trip rat will ba $71.16. AM ticket will be good for day Ken data af . ?!k ,u feed intafl f U aa that a felted t-vr aaa b had a bha gg Ms aa a raauw aria peaeeagw , at at h4r las ra waet of hat! vf r ld accordingly, but at an Inoreaaed Fef say additional Information de- Aaaietaat General Paenger Agent, Uorthera Paclflo Ry., ISt Morrison etreet, corner of ltd, Portland, Ore. Startling Evldenee. Freeh testimony In great quantity la constantly coming In, declaring Dr. King" New Discovery for Consump tion, Cough and Cold to be unequal- ed. A recent expression from T. J. McParland, Bentorvllle, Va., aervea a example. He writes: "I had Bron chitis for three year and doctored all the time without being benefited. Then I begun taking Dr. King' New Discov ery, and a few bottle wholly cured me." Equally effective In curing all Lung and Throat trouble, Consump tlon, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaran teed by Cha. Roger, Druggist Trial bottle free; regular sixes, 50c and 11.00. POLITICAL NOTICES. VOTE FOR JOHN V. BURNS. Regular Democratic Nomine for Representative She cam with one little faltering step straight Into hi horn and Into hla heart, though at the time ha was not conscious of tha latter fact but only of a great desire to ba kind to thla child of ths wondrou eye. Which in itself was odd, for until them ha had been reckoned, and had reckoned him self hard and cynical and blase, and he had lived 46 years, while ah was barely out of her teens. Neither spoke until th stately, t7- baired butler had silently closed th door behind him. Then he came forward. "Who are you, child H he questioned, and his manner had a touch of geatle- neaa. " But to her tha audden reaction f tha warmth and tha soft, ahaded light within, after tha long, cold weariness without proved too much or perhaps It waa merely the sudden realization that aha had found a friend, and that the lonely Journeying waa over at last For it waa a far cry from th winds of western America to thla stately English mansion, and only her promise to the dead had brought her here. She put out her bands with an in articulate cry, staggered, and th next moment her little white face, In its setting of dusky curls, lay against bis coat sleeve, and her wondrous eyes were closed. Barker," he said to th hastily summoned housekeeper, 'please attend to this lady; she has fainted, I thin And have Miss Angela's rooms prepared for her." Mrs. Barker was too well trained to betray the astonishment she felt at this extraordinary order, for though many years had passed since the death of the little sister who, folks were wont to say, had occupied the one soft spot In the baronet's proud heart, yet no one had ever been allowed to use the sunny girlishly decorated room that had once been hers. Curiosity was rife that night in the servants' hall, but It was many days before the little stranger was able to give any account of herself. Then, dressed In a soft white gown of tha long dead Angela, she was half led, half carried by the kindly house keeper into the little adjoining sitting VOTE FOR " JAMES N. LAWS,' Regular Democratic Nomine for Representative, VOTE FOR ISAAC BERGMAN, Regular Democratic Nomine for Treasurer. VOTE FOR GEO. W MORTON, Regular Democratic Nominee for Sheriff. VOTE FOR P. J. GOODMAN, Republican Nomine For Justlc of th Peace. VOTE FOR CIIAS. A. IIEILBORN, Regular Republican , , Nominee for Treasurer. VOTE FOR C. G. PALM BERG, Kerular Repybllean Nominee for Representative. room, and there Sir Stephen came to her, "I want to thank you," aha aaid Imply, putting out on Small whit hand as ha sat down beside her couch. II murmured something unintel ligible, aad her eyes, eyes of tha dark est, deepest blue, wandered from hla face fb tha table at her side, where there stood treat howl f ;vet crated flowers aad a dish f tempting bothous fruit. Mrs. Barker saya yeu'v be sand' tag them to an every day. Bo kind you must bI" . It's a trill. Flea don't mention it," he said niteosafortably. for (h rot of kindly benefactor was new to him. A quaint, shrewd BUS smile dimpled th eornera ef her mouth. 'Ah!" she said, "but tt'a aaly th rea- ry kind people who think f little things uui it's tha Uttls thins that eount most I th end." I It?" be said smilingly. "And now, do you know I haven't been able to haz ard a guess as to your Identity, or why you have come to me?" She winced Just perceptibly, and a faint pink rose In her cheeks. - "But I am glad you came," he ad ded, gently; "and I want you to yet me be a friend to you, and help you." "Do you know," she said, in sudden like fatherr It was his turn to wince now, though she had paid him the highest compli ment she knew. "Tell me all about yourself," he said presently. "My home la in America," she began. obediently, "right away in the west em states. Mother died when I .was quite tiny, but father oh, there's no one in the world like father! But six months ago he had an accident and. when he was dying." her voice faltered. and half unconsciously Sir Stephen put out a strong hand and closed It over her little thin ones, "he gave me a sealed packet Take it to Sir Stephen Harriot The' Towers, Somerset he said, 'and tell him I wouldn't have asked for myself that I'm happier here, as my father was before me. But ask him to take care of Pearl' that's my name, you know 'only to take care Dr. Ivono 0 of you, aothlng more.' Be hardly spoke again" two hot tears fell on Sir Stephen's hand. "Afterward they were all very good to me, the men on the claims near father's, aad they clubbed together, because father hadn't left enough money for my passage. W were always very foer," aha explained. simply. "But they hadn't enough for n f these to em With aa to Trtoco, so I cast aleae. t waa so sorry to tears th alt Tu see I had Bred among thea all any Ufa, and they ware always kind, 4 f waa CtlslUmti at cot&f away all y myself.' "Poor titti trlrt" h aaid. uadarly. -And th fAcfcetr "I dropped It In yeur avenue, my hand wera so cUL And theft I couldn't find It, It waa so dark, and X waa very tired. I told Mrs. Barker, and ah said on of th gardeners should look for it I do hop they'll and It" ah added, anxiously. "Don't worry, little one," he aaid. kindly. "If it doesn't turn up well, we'll Just take you on trust" Th short afternoon faded Into twl- PCnFCCT . get ' if ri yyiill OwuJ AN ELEGANT JOILET LUXURY Used try people of refinement for over a Quarter of a ceatury PREPARED BY light and still he lingered on beside bar, while sh talked to him of her home aad her lather, of the wild, free Ufa ho had Iain an th roomy old eouch, there waa w fek rn hla eyeav and a of himaelf iwconsctouRiy by th snn' sktay. unsulSad soul that looked out ef her eye drawls tit tha beat that waabthh. V 1 want" ha aaid. on day, "to go down to th big room where I saw you first I always," added dreamily, "think it tha most beautiful room In tb world - '-I T b continued. A salesman msy fail, now and then, t ' present your good in th proper light ta your customers but your ad vertisement is sur to say just what you want it to. YOKE FOR- . TMOMAS LINTILLE, Regular Republican Nomine, for Sheriff. EAST R. GOING rjUTIL I QBNUINE PLEASURE ON Baltimore 65 Ohio R ROYAL BLUE TRAINS BETWEEN Chicago and New York via Washington, d. c. Finest and Fastest .orios of trains bT Coach et, Pullman Buffet Parlor and Drawing Room Oars. The Finest Dining Car Service In the World. ' Is operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. 0, El, AUSTIN, General Pass. At- - thlcao. III. NOTICE. To th Voter of Clatsop County: Owing to business engagements, It will be Impossible for me to make a personal canvass In my own interest as Republican candidate for represen tative In the legislature. I therefore take this means to state the grounds upon which I ask your support. This county ha been honored by the election of it talented citizen, Hon. C. W. Fulton, to .the United State senate, where he can and will accomplish much for the state at large, and this section In particular. Irre spective of party, the pPl 01 th,s county rejoice in his election. The best way to indicate your approval and to keep him where he Is' will be to give an Increased majority for the whole Republican ticket The legislature of Oregon has been for many years a Republican body. The Democrats In their wildest dreams would scarcely hope to control the nert session. It Is always difficult for a man In the minority to secure legis lation, for the majority naturally. take care of Its own measures. If the peo ple of this county have bills In which they are interested, it would be best to Intrust them to men who will be in political accord with the majority. The legislature will be Republican. Therefore elect Republicans to look after your interests. There is no senatorial question to settle at the next session of the legis lature, and It will be distinctly a ses sion for work, when experience and a knowledge of the way of doing busi ness will count I have served an ap prenticeship, having already occupied the place for which I now ask your votes. In this connection I wish to call to mind what seems at this time like ancient history in the light of the change f opinion which has taken plac In this county in the last few years. You will remember that eight or ten years ago it seemed as though the salmon Industry was doomed to destruction. Nine-tenths of the peo- nt rintunn county believed this was due to the methods by which the flsh were caught, and were in favor of abolishing traps and wheels. All the parties incorporated such a de mand in their platforms. I did not receive the endorsement of the fisher men In my campaign, they supporting the secretary of the union, who was a candidate on the'Cltisens' Octet, and whom I defeated, and Mr. C. 3. Curtis, who was elected on the Republican ticket with me. When I went to Sa iem, I made a fight for the chairman ship of the fisheries committee and secured the place. Throughout the en tire session I worked for the passage of the fish trap bill, and finally It was passed through the house. In work ing for the bill I was at all times ably assisted bv my colleague. C. J. Curtis. After Its passage through the house, the bill was intrusted to the senator from Clatsop county to light its bat tles through the senate. If good faith, untiring energy and good generalship on the part of the gentleman in charge of the bill could have secured its pass age through the senate, it would have gone through and taken its place on the statute books as a law. But un fortunately for himself and for the Re publican party, th senator was a Democrat and the Republican major ity was not dishing out favors to its political opponents, and the bill did not come to a vote. The Columbia River Fishermen's Union had a com mittee present during the entire ses sion to look after their interests, of which committee Hon. J. H. Surnath was a member, and. If I mistake not Mr. Ious Jensen was another. These gentlemen belonged to the opposite political party from myself, yet I doubt not they will testify the fidelity and success with which I worked In their Interest. I have wot called these things to mind for the purpose of giving the impressto that If again elected I shall run around on fishing legislation. There is a ld saying that a wise man ' sometimes changes his mind; a fool never. Pub lic opinion has changed on this subject in the last few years, and I now be lieve in common with a large majority that - if enough young flsh and the right kind are plaeed in the river It doesn't matter whether you eatck them with a gill net or ehase them with a torpedo. There has been talk among my' political opponents, whose wish I bellevf was father to the thought that I would be opposed by the labor vote. I have gone at length into my action on the flsh trap bill to. show that I worked In the Interest of labor when before a member of the legislature. Should I agam be elected and the oc casion come, I pledge my word to sup port all honorable legislation In the Interests of the laboring elasses. In writing this address to the voters, it has been neeessary to wse the per sonal pronoua "V wore fte than pleasant to. either tb writer or reader, for which please aeeept my apology. C. T. LESTER. Famous Trains The Southwest Limited Kansas City to Chicfigo, The OyerlandJLimited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chscago, run via Chicago. Milwaukee t St. Paul Railway Each route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a uick, comfortable trip east is to see that your tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. H. S. ROWE. General Agent 134 Third Street, Portland r STEAMER' , .: SUE H. ELMORE The Largest; Staunchest, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel ever on this route. Best of Table and State Boom Accommo dations. Will make round trip every five days between Astoria AND Tillamook Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. and Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Portland, San Francisco arid all points East. For freight and passenger rates apply to SAMUEL ELMORE & Co. General Agents, Astoria, Or. OR TO t 'A. a C. R. RrXo., Portland, Or. Pacific Navigation Co., Tillamook, Or. O. R. & N. Co., Portland, Or. f!