SIX THE MORNING ASTORIAN, . WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1901. Maces Cigars In All. Brands and Sizes We have them in stock. The Trade . supplied at absolutely bottom prices. We have added a Pipe Repairing Department. Best work in this line. ' Bl 530 Gcmmerclal Street -114 Eleventh Street ANASTX)ftIAPRGDUCT Pale Bohemian Beer Best In The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. -i cnnaannaanaanaaanaaananKnttnnan. 8 a a a a a s a a a a 8 Palace Cafe The Best Restaurant Refnlar Meals. 25 Cents ; Sunday Dinners a Specialty Ei erytnin toe Market Affords Palace Catering Company aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatJttuaaaaaaaaaaaaB STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Floor, Feed, Provision. Tobacco and Ciara. Supplies of all kinds at lowest prices for Fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A. V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets ASTORIA, OREGON THE LOUVRE A First Class Concert Hall - - Finest .Resort In The City ADMISSION FREE ATTRACTIVE PKOGRAM CHANGE WEEKLY Seventh and Astor Streets CHARLES WIRKKALA, Prop. SHIPMENTS ARE HEAVY Lumber Exports From Colum bia for Month of May Break All Records. TOTALNEARLY2O,000,000FEET Domestic aud Foreign Cargoes About Even Shipments of Other Stuff Lighter Than la Usual. Lumber exports, domestic and for eign, from the Columbia river during the month of Hay aggregated almost 80,000,000 feet, surpassing- the total of any other month for a long time. For- eign shipments slightly exceeded do mestic cargeee. Despite tha fallln nfr In blue-water shlDDln. the lumHa Indrasamha 10,191 00 II. K. Halt ... I.80S 14 Samar . .... ' 1,7m 05 W. H. Talbot I,74 Si Invermay ..... . ...... 13,993 00 Nicomedia 71.135 31 Nat ;.. . 113.000 00 Total 13)7,031 8 Hyadea Reaches Port. The American steamship Ityadci reached port yesterday from Taeoma on a trip for the government 8he has never before been here. The big freighter registers almost 3,000 tons and presents a more attractive ap pearance than most of the carriers of her class. She ts commanded by Cap tain Qeorge Wright and Is under char ter to the government to carry lumber to Manila. The Hyades proceeded up the river without stop. ' to the , traffic brought many vessels to port, and the month proved a very busy one. Twenty vessels.' departed from the loiumoia during the month with full partial cargoes. The total domestic shipments were 9,5(1,939. Ten vessels clearing for foreign ports took lumber the extent of 9,977.972 feet, making grand total shipments for May 19,- 544,911 feet Domestic Shipments. The domestic shipments sent out during May were as follows: Vessels Feet. Andy Mahoney 725,000 Homer 1(0,000 S. Holmes (10,000 Prentiss ....... 425,000 Newsboy (77,983 Hesper r 800,000 Sophie Christenson .... 140,000 Aurelia , 280,000 Aberdeen 425,000 Despatch .. 100,000 Virginia 700,000 William Renton '. -575.000 Falcon 325,000 Grace Dollar 480,000 Aurelia .......... . 300,000 Columbia 21,000 Manila 805.951 John Smith 3(0,000 F. Coats 750.000 Alliance 7,000 Nome Fleet Salle. Seattle, May 11. Three vessels of the first Nome fleet, the steamships Oregon, Taeoma and Senator, sail to morrow. They have about 1,100 pas sengers booked. Brooks & Johnson, Proprietors. Phone No. 831 THE WIGWAM CIS BROOKE, Manager Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars SEE THE ILLUSTRATED PICTURES Eighth and Astor Sts. ASTORIA Total 9.666,939 Foreign Shipments. ine foreign shipments sent away from the Columbia during May were as follows: Value. 117,029 73 1.200 00 14.650 00 12,485 03 1,600 00 9,803 84 9,749 05 9,749 82 12.993 00 4,302 00 Vessel Feet. Inverness 1,988,646 Chlng Wo 190,000 Gulsseppe ... 1,485,650 J. H. Lunsman. ...1,248,500 Indrasamha 160,000 H. K. Hall 1,453,005 Samar 907,857 W. H. Talbot ..... 991,130 Invermay 1,125,890 Nicomedia 427,294 Insanity, Death or Health? No. 2807 Loctut Street, Ut. Louii, Mo., March , M08. I was s victim of sleeplessness and extreme nerroointss for ig htsso mootbs, unable to get proper night's rest and tiding tired and worn out continually. I waa easily irritated and hysterical at the slightest nrovocation. but Win. nf Cardui gave uie great re.ief. Within a week after I began nslnf it I had my tint real good night's rent that I bad had for months. My appe tite wai toon restored, my general system toned ap and nervousness became a thing of the past. j . lam so pleased to acknowledge M ' r Sfl - the great curative merit of your health )0IAAJLq (f, Jjt&dtf g.vingmedicineandgladlyendorselt. Chaphih, Udim or Hoios, No. 91. Mrs Hi rnti ObeSL We want to call your attention to the complete and immediate relief Mrs. Best secured by taking Wine of Cardui. Within a week after the be gan taking Wine of Cardui, Mrs. Bent bad her first good flight's rest for eighteen months. Her restleBgiieis was caused by nervousness and Wine of Cardui, as the best menstrual regulator, has no superior in the world as a medicine to soothe a woman's nerves Nervousness and hysteria are warn inga of the approach of insanity and if relief is not secured the end can only be the asylum or the grave. With such an outlook as this before ber, no suffering woman can reasonably refuse to give Wine of Cardui a trial. It brings a cure that thousands of wouien have sought for in vain. Will you secure a uouie or w ine ot uardui today and start treatment All druggists sell $1.00 bottles Wine of Cardui. Totals 9,977,972 193,662 47 Other Exports. Flour and wheat exports for the month were light The following state ment shows the amount of grain and flour taken away during May: WHEAT. Vessel Bushels. Value. Chlng Wo 23 185 Indrasamha 82,332 26,000 Nal 149,276 112,000 Totals 181,844 1138,185 FLOUR. Vessel Barrels, Chlng Wo 13,076 Indrasamha 7,307 Nicomedia Totals 6,854 Value. 134,266 26,302 21,075 Marine Notes. The barkentlne George C. Perkins arrived yesterday from California to load lumber. ' The schooner-Alpha arrived yester day from California to load lumber. The raft contains 180,000 feet. The four-masted schooner Irene ar rived down the river yesterday. She has a cargo of lumber for Ban Fedro. The steamer Aurelia arrived yester day from San Francisco with 3,867 packages of merchandise for Astoria. and 4,665 packages of merchandise for Portland. The pilot schooner Pulltser came in side yesterday and will remain until she Is overhauled. . The Sun Jose will replace her outside the Heads within a few days. The British ship Beacon Rock ar rived last evening from Port Los An geles. She brings a partial cargo from Antwerp. The Beacon Rock registers about 1,800 tons and Is commanded by Captain Hughes. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ... BEST 18-CCNT MEAL - You can always find the. at 19-eent meat la the) elty at ths Rising tun restaurant, No. (12 Commercial street Lump CMi-vLtrgs Lumps Rinj we Elmpps Co., Main 1861, and er def a ton of kady smith coal. They deliver It, Select lump eoat. JAPANESE GOODS. New stock of fancy goods Just arrived at Yokohama Basaaiv Call and eee the latest novelties from Japan. PIANO TUNER. For good, reliable plane work see your local tuner, Th. Fredrlekeon. 2071 Bond street 'Phone Red 2074. Union mads heating stoves, horn man ufaetared and vary stevs perfect, at Montgomery's tin and plumbing store, 43 Bend street 'Phone 1031. Uppee Astoria Via a ptsoe where you an get a fine glass of beer, as good wines and liquors as you can And any place in the city. HARRY JONES. Opposite North Paelfle Brewery. Alder brook Transfer Compsny Bsa gage transferred and wood fur niched. Orders .received at Qatten's stable. Phone Main 171. E. L Qeddes, Mgr. WOOD. WOOD. WOOD. Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phone 211 Black, Barn en Twelfth, opposite opera house. NEBRASKA CONVENTION. v. Bryan Will Dictate to ths Delegstes at Omaha Today. Omaha, May 11. The democratic leaders from different parts of the state began arriving today for the democratic state convention, which will be held In this city Wednesday. Indications now are that William J. Bryan's friends will completely dom inate the convention, the county con vention In Douglass county Inst Sat urday having eliminated the last hope of the "reorganises to secure recog nition. The convention, In addition to selecting four delegates-at-large, will also name two delegates for each dis trict to the national convention and adopt a platform which is expected to reflect the views of Bryan. Mr. Bryan himself will probably be elected m lend the Nebraska delegation at the SL Louis convention. No contests ars anticipated, only one county hav Ing elected delegates directly opposed to the Kansas City platform. Notice to Contractors. Proposals will be received by the Astoria Water Commission until I p. m. on June f, 1904, for the construction of a Stone Retaining Wall at Six teenth street and Irving avenue, Asto ria, Oregon. Plans and spec Ideations can be seen at the office of the Water Commission, S01 Duane street. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. J, H. MANS ELL, Clerk. Mrs. Schwari, Praotlcsl Midwife, ft? end ct. Reasonable eherg , satis faotlon guaranteed. - WANTED Bey te make himself wee "ful around our olfjce." Addren Men sger Morning Asterlan, . ; Plrtt-slasa meal fee Se nlee sake, eoffee, ale, er doughnuts, Be. U. 0. restaurant, 434 Bond street For taleAt Gaston's feed stable, one Colfax roller feed mill ene 20 horse power meter end starter hex belt Ing, shafting and pulleys, and ene Fairbanks floor soslet else ene truteher'e wall seals. " ' v Standard portable end adjustable hewer bath, finest mads, prise 111 Only two screw to put In plsee. Johr A. Montgomery, tinner end plumber, 428 Bond street Phone 1031. Driven to Despsration, Living at on out-of-the-way place, remote from civilisation, a family le often driven to desperation In ease 'of accident, resulting In Burns, Cuta, Wounds, Ulcers, etc. Lay In a supply of Hucklen's Arnica Halve. If the best on earth; 25c. At Chaa. Rogers Drug Store. Wanted Several industrious persons In seoh state te travel for house stsbllshed 11 years and with a large capital, te eall upon merchant and agents for successful and profit able line, Psrmansnt engsgement Wsskly eash sstary of S24 and all traveling expenses and hetsl bllle advanced In eash each week. Ex , psrlsnoe not esssntial. Mention ref erence and Inclose self-addressed envelope. National, Caxton Bldg Chlesgo. Stonsd to Death. Chicago, May 11. A dispatch to the Record-Herald from Anderson, Ind. says: Hiram Staley, a young business man, hAs been stoned to death lust after stepping from an electric car at Chest erfield, five miles east of here. His as sallanta have not been Identified and their motive Is not known. 181,643 Vessel Chlng Wo Vessel Value, 110,350 Value. 153,000 26,237 BARLEY. Bushels; 20,932 OATS. Bushels. Invermay 125,000 Value of Foreign Exports. The value of the foreign, exports from the Columbia during 2&Rr traa aa follows: Vessel Value. Inverness S 17,029 73 Chlng Wo 65,051 00 Francesco GulBseppe 15,000 00 J. H. Lunsman 12,845 03 Veinhard s Loerer.iffiHRS If sickly wo ntalonly knew the value of the Bitters as a tonic, regulator and health ma ker, they would never use any other. Thou sands hare found this true. We hope yod'll try it at onoe. It cares Sick Headacse. Cramps, Blostloj Back Ache snd Palatini Spells. Dsvid Frsser Dead. Chicago, May 11. David R. Fraser, one of the founders of what Is now the Allls-Chalmers Company, and Identified with the concern until 1893,' Is dead of apoplexy. He was 80 years old. Mr. Fraser was the Inventor of machinery which almost revolutionized the min ing Industry, and amassed a fortune In Its manufacture. Japs Loss Ships, Mukden, May 81. The Japanese on the night of May 21 made another at tempt, to block Port Arthur by sinking merchant vessels in the harbor en trance. The attempt was discovered through the operations of a search light and one Japanese gunboat and two torpedo boat destroyers were sunk. The merchantment then retired. , Refuses to Drivs. , New York, May 31. S. F. Edge, who was selected by the race committee of the Automobile Club as first driver to represent Great Britain In the In ternational automobile cup race, has asked the club to relieve him of that honor, says a Herald dispatch from London. The reason for his action is not stated. New York, May 31. Crookshank Pasha, who is to represent the Khe dive of Egypt at the St Louis Fair, has arrived from Europe. ASTORIA- IRON WORKS JOHN r()X.Frwi.nd Hunt. r.L 1)1 31101', Becretary A. I..rOX, Vice President, AHUmiA rU VINOS BANK, Troa Designers and Manufacturers of P y THE LATK8T IMPROVED CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. CORRESPONDENCE SOUCITED. Foot of Fourth Street, . ASTORIA, OREGON. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. HATS TRIMMED FREE Mrs. luglcton has commenced a closing out sale of everything except HATS. It includes Coats, Wrappers, Skirts, Underwear, Shirt Waists, Stock lugs, Notions, and all Ladies' and Children's Furnishing Goods. WELCH BLOCK. New Style Restaurant Everything First Class. The Best the Market Affords. Open Day and Night Good Service. 120 llth SL. next door to Griffin Bros. snd adjoining the Office Saloon ASTORIA, 0RE00N ELATERIIE ROOFING is in a Class by Itself. or other prepared roofing materials. It consists of a Jute caavgs. saturated and coated heavily with mineral rubber or ELATEKITE. It ha. a S felt dry sheet and a Ground Mica weather surface. It never wears out. Hadn't you better investigate? The Elaterite Roofing Co. EK HOTEL PORTLAND The Finest Hotel In the Northwest PORTLAND. OREGON. Don't Forget the GREEN STRIPE at the Eagle Dance Hall! ,P. A. PETERSON