PAGE TWO. SAD DEATH OF OLD LADY Street Car Conductors Refuse to Carry Her, Saying She was Drunk. TRIED TO WALK TWO MILES Dropped on Doorstep ami Dentil f i Followed Soon An Invest.. galion Will Be Held. Brooklyn. May 27. The refusal of conductors of the Graham avenue line to permit Mrs. Annie Walters. 7S years Id. of 147 Bayard street, to board a ear while she was suffering from a paralytic stroke, is sail to have im responsible for the woman's gcath. which occurred yesterday aft ernoon. Coroner's Physician Wuest who examined the woman's body, has asked Coroner Williams to make an Investigation of the circumstances sur rounding her death. Mrs. Walters was a resident of the astern district all her life and a mem ber of a well known family of that sec- tlon. Thursday afternoon she visited a married daughter who lives in Kings ten avenue near Herkimer street. While leturnlng home on a Tompkins avenue car she suffered a paralytic stroke, and alien she got off the car to transfer to flic Graham avenue line at Flushing venue she was so dizzy that she stag gered. Mrs. Walters attempted, to board the an car that came along, but the con doctor refused to permit her to get on. He told her she was drunk and that intoxicated passengers were not want ed. Mrs. Walters staggered to the side walk and waited for the next car. She tree again prevented from boarding Che car, and knowing that she ought to get home as soon as possible the aged woman started to walk, a distance f nearly two miles. . - HThen Mrs. Walters finally reached ter home she was so ill that she fell exhausted on the steps. She was car ried to her room and a physician sum moned. Before he arrived she had an other shock and sank into unconscious aesa She was revived for a few mln ates and told her story to her family. Again she became unconscious and Called rapidly until death came last alght Dr. Wuest, after looking at the body and learning of the conductors' re fusal to permit Mrs. Walters to board their cars, said that the treatment she aad received had undoubtedly hastened ex death. a pension, waived examination and was bound over to appear at the next term of the United States court In Septem ber In the sum of 1500. J. t. Matlock and F. W. Osborn, two leading cltlsens of this place, are his bondsmen, The arrest of Travis has created a big sensation here, as he Is considered one of the leading young attorneys of the citv. He served In Company C of the Second Oregon volunteer regiment, in the Philippines, but on account of a severe attack of fever was sent home after having been on the islands only a few months. It was on account of this illness that he was attempting to t.ecure a pension SOLVES PERPETUAL MOTION. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, SATUlCiiAi, max so, iwt Republican TicKet Cincinnati Man Unable to Stop When Once in Motion, Cincinnati, May 27. Should a police man encounter James Cassldy. 60, of the Union Bethol, he will have no oc casion to tell him to move on. Cassldy is on the move alt the time because an ailment from which he suf fers will not permit of his standing still If he so desires. A peculiar derangement of his nerv ous system has caused him to lose control of his muscles, and once he Is in motion It Is Impossible for him to stop of his own accord unless he steers for an Immovable obstacle. The gait he assumes is that of a man on the verge of losing his equilibrium. With head and body thrown forward he at once enters on a trot, which may continue Indefinitely, as defective nerves communication witn the muscles renders him Impervious to fatigue. Cassidy was taken to the city hos pital yesterday, where his peculiar lo comotion Is attracting general Interest among the doctors. Kilted by Tornado. Toronto, Kan., May 27. The news reached here this afternoon of a tor nado last night at Pleasant Grove southwest of here, in which David Fellingham was killed and his wife badl injured. RELEASED ON BONDS. Eugene Attorney Will Await Action of Grand Jury. Eugene, May 27. Attorney Lee M. Travis, who was arrested here yester day afternon on the charge of forgery in connection with his application for The World's Fair Route. Those anticipating an eastern trip, or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase exposition at St Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered by the Mlssurl Pacific Railway, which, on account of its various routes and gate ways, has been appropriately named "The World's Fair Route." Passengers from the northwest take the Missouri Pacific trains from Den ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either going direct through Kansas City, or via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to St. Louis without change, carrying all classes of modern equip ment. Including electric lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten dally trains between Kansas City and St. Louis. Write or call on W. C. McBrlde, gen eral agent, 124 Third street, Portland, for detailed Information and Illustrat ed literature. Caught in a st . Blazing Car Stampede of Passengers Preven ,, ted by Firemen in Nick of Time, For Congressman, J. N. WILLIAMSON, Of Crook County. Brooklyn. May 27. A biasing trolley car of the. Bergen street Hue cauxel great excitement among the passenger and spectators for few minutes this morning. Flrwnnn Lnwrenu Martin of Knglne Company NtK 131, was tho hero of the occasion, succeeding In stopping a stampede of the passenger and putting out the flume.' The "car was on its way downtown. and had reached Bond street, when the Insulation of the motor caught fire which quickly spread to the floor. Wo men shrieked when they say the smoke and flame that filled the car. Flremnn Martin, who waa a passenger, did his best to calm tt women and after help ing them to the street, threw water and sand on the flame. In five min utes the fire was extinguished, but the car was sent to the repair shop. RIVERS OVERFLOWING. Tributaries to San Joaquin at Danger Mark. Stockton, Cal., May 17. The warm weather of the past few days has caused large quantities of snow In the mountains to melt, and the Stanislaus and Tuolumne rivers, which empty Into the San Joaquin,, are running bank full. This ha taxed the latter river to such an extent that the danger mark Is fast being reached in several places. Last evening a large number of men were sent from Stockton to the Fabian tract, west of Tracy, to work the sand to the top of the embankment. A tele phone message reported a 40-foot break on the Kasson ranch, four miles south of Banta. An effort Is being made to stop the water, but large quantities of it Is flowing onto the farms and un less the break Is closed the water will run onto other valuable tracts. NO CHANGE IN DISCIPINE. STATE. For Justice of the Supreme Court, FRANK A. MOORE, Of Columbia County. For No Methodist Conference Placet Amusements on Black List. Los Angeles, May 27. By a decisive vote the Methodist conference this aft ernoon decided not to make any change in the church discipline in the matter of prohibited amusements. The church at large took wide Interest In the sub Ject, which proposed the striking out of specified prohibited amusements, and many memorials and petitions from all parts of the country reflected the popu lar opinion of the church on this matter. STILL AT LARGE. Man Bank Who Robbed California Eludes Officers on Trail, Auburn, Cal., May 27. The bank robber who looted the Placer County bank Thursday Is still at large. Last s -. m- w mm - a .4 it if QJl Dairy and Food Commissioner, J. W. BAILEY, Of Multnonnh County. DISTRICT. For Circuit Judge, THOMAS A. M'BRIDE, Of Columbia County. For District Attorney, HARRISON ALLEN, Of Clatsop County. COUNTY. For Representatives, C. F. LESTER, C. G. PALMBERQ. For County Commissioner, WILLIAM LARSON. J. C. CLINTON. For Cleric For Sheriff, THOMA8 LINVILLE. For Treasurer, CHARLES A. HEILBORN. For Assessor, T. 8. CORNELIUS. For School Superintendent H. 8. LYMAN. For Surveyor, R. C. F. ASTBURY. For Coroner, W. C A. POHL. PRECINCT. For Justice of the Peace, P. J. GOODMAN. night Constable Henry Leak of Penryn ran across a man n mile below Aubrn and the fellow refusing to halt, fired a shot at him. The man's hat was knocked off. but he got away. It Is not known whether It wa the bank robber or not. The bank has posted a reward of $500 for the apprehension of the robber and the return of the stolen money. GOING TO THE FAIR? What to Do If You Desire Praetioal Information. If you contemplate visiting the St. Louis Exposition, to secure reliable In formation as to railroad service, the lowest rates and the best routes. Also as to the local conditions In St Louis; hotels, etc., etc. If you will write the undersigned, stating what Information you desire, the same will be promptly furnished. If we -do not have It on hand, will secure It for you if possible, and with out any expense to you. Address B. II. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third street, Portland. Ore. ACCIDENT GRIEVES DOG. Refuses to Come from Watch Till Lost Food Is Recovered. Morrlstown, N. J., May 27. Nero, a large Newfoundland dog owned by J. Newcomb of Dover was so heartbroken yesterday over his carelessness In drop ping Into the canal a luncheon he was carrying that he nearly killed him self In his efforts to regain the parcels, and refused to come out the water till they were fished up. Yesterday Nero started from his master's home for his shop with a lunch pall and soma coffee In a' gloss bottle having a handle by which It could be carried. He suddenly seemed to remember that he could shorten the trip a quarter of a mile by going across lots and over the foot bridge of the canal. The bridge la a narrow plank, and In crossing It Nero had to be so watchful of his steps that he forgot to keep his Jaws tightly shut on the coffee bottle, and It dropped Into the water. Forgetting that he had the lunch pall In his mouth, Nero Jumped in after the coffee, and thus lost both burdens. Then he began to plunge and swim around frantically In the canal. The accident had been seen by two boys, and after they had watched the dog swim around for half an hour they went to the shop and told Mr, Newcomb about It The latter hurried over and found the dog swimming bout, plung ing here and there, endeavoring to get the lost luncheon. He called he dog to come out of the water, but Nero would not leave the canal. All efforts to get him to the shore were fruitless. The dog was becoming exhausted, but still he swam around, yelping piteously, grieved and nearly heartbroken at hav ing met with the accident Mr. Newcomb said that the only way to get the dog out of the water would h. nub mi the lost luncheon. After about 18 'minutes' fluhlng the dinner pall was pulled out and tna tht coffee bottle. Nro then consented to come out of the water, but was so weak he could not crawl out, and had to b hauled up on land. The dog had been swimming about for over an hour. Quick Arrest. J, A. tlulledge of Verbona, Ala., was twice In the hospital fro ma severe case of piles causing St tumor. After doe tor and all remedies failed, llucklen's Arnica Halve quickly arrested further Inflammation and cured him. It con quer ache and kills pain. 25o at Chu. Ilngtira, Druggist. A DIRECT LINE to Chicago and all point east; Louis ville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all point south. See that your ticket read via the Illinois Central R. II. Thoroughly mod ern train connect with all transconti nental lines at St. Paul and Omaha. If your friend are coming weet let u know and wt will quote thsm direct the specially low rttei now In effect from all eastern point, Any Information as to rate, route, to., cheerfully given on application. B. II. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 141 Third street Portland. Or, J. C. LINDSET, T. F. A P. A., 141 Third street Portland, Or. P. B. THOMPSON, r. A. P. A ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKETS VIA To Spokane, St Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago, 8t. Louis, and all points east end south. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q The Flyer and 1 he Fast Mail Z SPLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES Daylight trip scroti the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. For tickets, rate folder and full In formation call on or address IL DICKSON, City Ticket Agent 122 Third Street, Portland. Or. S. O. YEItKES, 0. W. P. A, 612 First Avenue. Seattle, Wash. l IT bese tiny Cspiule are superior to oaisam of topaiDa,- Cubebi or Injections andun-iv CURE IN 48 HOURS the same diseases with-' out Inconvenience, all Prvfyfttt EfJiiYROYAL PILLS . linn umj .raln. la Hl.n ul Cll4 ..' JIM bun. mM .JUilJ-rll-fc.. 1 M .Ik fern, "Hrra HubatlmUaM ni lollo. (Inn. Ilu; of jnr KrungM. t w 4. la ""T. I'rtlluf, Twtlmaial M 'IMIr mains' M feiMr, b? rm, Mall. It.AOv) r.wllnoat.l.. IUUM alt Itirii. I kuku, , i (taatt akui a. . it tUaa Mil I .A- 7 lv- If Every Woman , if UMrotUxi ana .noma mow . Hoot me woiulerful MARVEL Whirling Spray nW Taalaal (rrlaaa, ;. hwh Har. i.;noiBiVvraMvn V. "VT fliCK V nun una auctum a. vN- J lV7Sa -aw?"1-M "l COnatlt!lt, V',. awaw"" 'Ma"' XL I ".';.: K'; I m kik m cmail.t for H. If li rnmiolaiiptily Hi HA lit Kl. ariwnt no llipr. ImL awitl iLainD for llllialmtMl iHxik-axi'a. Itftrat full MfcrUnilarl and llrfH?tliiiH In. hIiiI(I to laillal M A K L CO., i mm now, bow lara. ,!.,, tJM PMAnfta lrtfclQ Vaaai 1 iul a-ISaiinatrOUrit f Mm HaMfcter u Dimae! M mi so Mj MBr Mm vmsS m- of J ;'.aalB7l SASMl-rBTSllI d. MUXBrOWTiaM. aUaUV Bold by Caa. Rogers, 4M Coaaevwctel T1II5 FAIR ROUTE. via Chicago or New Oilcan to Bt. Uils, It on that gtvee you the moat for yur money, and the fact that tb ILLINOIS CENTRAL offer unaurpa. sd service via these point! to tht WORLD'S FAIR, and In Uil connte tlun to all points beyond, make It to your advantage, In cane you content pla( a trip to any point eaet to write us before making final arrangements We can offer tht choice of at least doien different route, R. II. TRUMBULL, Commtrclal Agont 141 Third street, Portland, Oregon. J. C. LINDPKT, T. F, & P. A. 142 Third ttrwt. Portland, Or, f. B. THOMPSON, F. It P. A. Room 1. Colman llldg, Seattle, Wash ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD LEAVE f PORTLAND ARRIVS 1.00 a ml Portland Unjon Co 7.00 p ml pot for Attorla and I Way Point nd 1:40 pm ASTORIA 7:41 a ml For Portland andl 11: to am :I0 p m Way Point , j 10:M p ra SEASIDE DIVISION l;lm 11:1. am l:M p m Astoria for Waren-I T:4itm ton, navel Fort 4:00pm Stevtna, l'amrnondj.0:5 mv land Seaside 1:16 am 1:sm 2:10 pm Seaside for War ren ion, Fiavel, Hammond, Fort Stevtnt It AttortsJ 12:Mpm 7:10 pn. 'Sunday only All train makt close connections at Coble with all Northern Pmolno trains to and from the East and Sound point X. C. Mayo, Oneral Frolght and Pas. Agent ro iio OREGON o Union Pacific 70 hour from Portland to Chicago. No change of ear. Depart Chtcngo I'tirilaiid fipralul nil a. m. via HuiiU inillun Fnmt lOI(TI,AND MH Ukit, Denver, Kl Worth. Onmlia. nit'llV. HI IjiiU. i.huuikoiiiiJ tiin Kant Allnnllo xprM ,nla Uke, hnvr PU 0.10 1.. in. i n win, milium, Kan via llutit-iiuM uiy, 4l l.iil., liiK'oa ,t'liloani HioKaal HI, Paul ! Walla Walln. rwla. Kl Mull tun, HlMikaun. Ml nun. BMllla. Ml 'ul, iMllutlll wiiwmukbo, Clilcaao, I 7:p, III. via Mu. kane Arrlvs 139pm IrOOam 8:00 p in OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Astoria All sailing dates ubject to change. For San Francisco every nve days. Dully i crpl Hun Uuy attain W'olumble Klvr to rortiaud and Way Ijtndlnn 4 am Daily ax cop, 41 on Steamer Nahcotta leave Astoria on tide daily except Sunday for Ilwaco. connecting there with train for Long Oeach, Tioga and North Beach point. Returning arrives at Astoria sarhe evening. . Through tlckett to and from an prin cipal European cities. O. W. ROBERTS, Agent, Astoria, Or. "Best by Test" A transcontinental trav eler says: " I've tried them all and I prefer tho North western Limited It's the best to bo found from const to coast." It's "The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, St. l'aul and Chicago. rtofere slatting on a trip no mattnr wlipre write for Inloreiting lnforma tlea about comfortable traveling. H.LSISLER, General Ajcnt 112 Third St Portland, Oregon. T. W. TEA8DALK, -tfoneral PaxMeiiKor Agent , Bt Paul, Minn.