The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 27, 1904, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    -T1TE MORNING AST6UTAN, FftTBAY, MAY 47r1904.--
1 1
4 .
In All Brands ntid Sizes
-. v.' . It "--. " -- . ft " .. r ' '.i '
ye nave them in stock. The Trade
supplied at absolutely bottom prices.
We have added a Pie Repairing
Department. Best work in this line.
530 Commercial Street -114 Eleventh Street
Pale Bohemian Beer
Best Iu The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.
The Best Restaurant"
: f ; . a
Refnlar Metis. 25 Ceota jj
Sunday Dinners a Specialty ; a
E erytnlrj toe Market Affords a
Palace Catering Company S
Floor, Feed, Provisions, Tobacco and Cigars.
Supplies ot all kinds at lowest prices for
Fishermen, Farmers and Loggers.
THtb Commtrci.l Slftets . ASTORIA, OREGON
A First Class Concert Hall - - Finest Besort In The City
Seventh and Astor Streets CHARLES WIRKKALA, Prop.
Revenue Cutter Perry Departs a
Sundown to Be Prepared for
Northern Cruise".
Ulcctro Takes Party of Friends
or Officers as Far as llnr
Seven Vessels Added to
Overdue List.
The revenue cutter Commodore Perry
departed at sundown last night for
the sound. News of the fact that the
cutter Was to sail created a furor
among the many friends ot the officers
of the Perry, and during the day they
were kept busy saying good-bye to
faetr acquaintances here. The cutter
beth, La Rochefoucaul, Wynford and
Neck, all sailing vessels. '
Dredge Doing Good Work.
The port of rorttand dredge Colum
blft la doing an excellent piece of work
In making the ship channel In the lower
part of the harbor., The work la slow,
on account of the nature of the ma
term!, but the channel, when owe
dredged, will be permanent. In Ave
days she has excavated 35.000 cubic
yards of material , It consists of blue
clay and gravel with a liberal sprinkling
of sticks and logs. The clay and sand
Is deposited 500 or (00 feet buck from
the bank, where there la no danger of
Its getting Into the river again.
The new channel, which will be SO
feet deep and 300 feet wide, will extend
from the lower beacon to a point above
the present Alblna ferry.
Marine Notes.
The lighthouse tender Columbine has
returned from Portland, where she was
The Gerald C. arrived yesterday from
Taqutna bay. Bhe brought 411 cases
of cans and 10 tons of scrap Iron.
The steamer Alliance arrived last
avantiiff frnm Ran Franrlaeo. with her
took a berth at Elmore's dock In the! , m . fr.lght ,,,.
forenoon and there coaled for the trip
around to the sound, and by 6 o'clock
all was In readiness for the sailing of
the vessel. ... . .
Friends of Captain Dunwoody and
the other officers determined to ac
company the cutter as far as the mouth
of the river, and Dr. Earle was asked
to take down the party on the Electro.
The doctor readily compiled with the
request, and when the Electro pulled
away from, her dock shortly after S she
was crowded with ladles and gentle
men. Together the two government
vessels steamed down the harbor, and
for 15 miles farewells were cried back
and forth. The trip exemplified that
parting is Indeed sweet sorrow, for the
evening was a lovely one and the jaunt
down the bay proved a great pleasure,
When the two boats reached the
mouth of the river the final farewell
took place, the Electro's party wishing
the Perry's officers a pleasant Journey
to the north and expressing the wish
that all may soon return again to As
As to whether or not the Perry will
winter here next season there seems
to be a wide difference of opinion. It
Is learned on high authority that a
larger vessel will be sent here next
winter, as the Perry Is considered too
small to be of assistance to shipping
during the stormy season of the year.
However, the opinion prevails among
many that Captain and Mrs. Dunwoody
will be back next year, and from this
It Is taken the captain will be trans
ferred to the larger vessel. As was
started yesterday, the Perry will go on
the drydock at Seattle and after being
overhauled will, be fitted out for the
cruise in Alaskan waters.
The barkentlne John Smith depart
ed yesterday for San Francisco. She
takes 360,000 feet ot lumber and 1.400,
000 lath.
The barkentlne Northwest arrived
yesterday from San Francisco, after
passage of tl days. She was delayed
by head winds. The Northwest reg
isters 489 tons and Is In command of
Captain A. C. Smith. .
The bar dredge Chinook yesterday
made another fine showing at the
mouth ot the river, taking away from
the ridge on the bar during the day
4500 yards ot sand. Her officers are
highly enthusiastic with the results
which are being accomplished, and are
convinced that the Chinook will not
be long In demonstrating her ability to
provide the required depth.
The least busy counter in your store
is where the things yeu didn't adver
tise are sold. Look about the store
and see. "
Si 'Business opportunities' I
l'S ! "J
Lost Lady's shell purse containing
lady's gold watoh with Initials M
' B. engraved en the ease.. Lost be
tween the Imperial oyster house and
; Hillside osmstery May 23.. Return
' (or reward to Imperial oyster house.
Lump Coal Large Lumps Ring up
6. Elmore A Co., Main 1981, and or
der if ton of Lady smith coal. They
deliver It. Select lump eoal.
New stook of faney goods Just arrived
at Yokohama Baiaar. Call and tee
the latest novelties from Japan.
For good, reliable plane work see your
looal tuner, Th. Fredrlekson. Ewl
Bond street 'Phone Red 074.
Union made heating stoves, home man
ufactured and very stove perfect, at
Montgomery's ' tin and plumbing
store, 42S Bend street 'Phone 1031.
Upper Astoria Ttas a plaee where yeu
ean get a fine glass of beer, as good
wines and liquors as you ean find
any place In ths slty.
Opposite North Paoiffo Brewery.
oauss of his death. Yeu should get
your hair cut at least ones month
at the Occident Barber Shop, where
there are first-class artists.
Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any
kind of wood at. lowest prices. .Kelly,
the transfer man. Phone 2211 Black,
Barn on Twelfth, opposite , opera
house. , K J' t! bO'Xf
Brooks & Johnson, Proprietors, Phone No. 831
Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast
Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars
Eighth and Astor Sts. ASTORIA
jtwmdim ssaisiBalliiaMi liiiwiilii
l; 'm ' . , n"-"S -
M .- u 0 -
does li go?
That's a question we
are asked a dozen times
. . . . , a day. .Where does the
Rock Island go? '
The answer is: Pretty nearly ,
everywhere -
To Peoria and Chicago.
To Davenport and Rock
To Lincoln and Omaha.
To Topeka and Kansas City. ;
To St. Joseph and St Louis.
To Texas and Oklahoma.
Three routes east via Den
ver, Omaha and St Paul. -
Ceneral Agwii,
140 Third St,"
Portland, Ore.
ef -a" : 3
Seven Vessels Added to the Roll at
San Francisco.
A dispatch from San Francisco says
There was a big spurt In the overdue
market today. Seven vessels were ad
ded to the list posted at the Merchants'
exchange, a larger number than has
been placed on the board In a single
day for years. The wholesale posting
was the result of a telegram received
from London reporting that the Brit
Ish steamer Florida, at New York from
Calcutta, had passed through miles of
wreckage on May 5, 100 miles east of
Nantucket lightship, consisting moetly
of case oil. In the wreckage were
raft and small boat upside down. The
day before she met the wreckage the
Florida experienced a very heavy gale,
All the new overdue carry cargoes
of case oil, and though none of them is
overdue In point of time, the report
made by the Florida gives rise to fears
In the case of every one of the oil
carriers. Nothing has been heard from
any of the vessels since they left the
Atlantic coast. All are posted at the
low rate of 6 per cent and all are bound
from New York or Philadelphia for
points in the far east.
The list Includes the Juteopolls, Wil
ly RIckmers, Largo Law, Queen Eliza
Tet you toss about all night, unable to
sleep." It's. your nerves that are un
strung. Weak nerves are starved nerves
and you therefore need something to
nourish and put vim and vitality Into
them. For this particular duty tlos-
tetters Stomach Bitters is highly en
dorsed by physicians. It Is also In
valuable In cases of Poor Appetite, In
somnia, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Weak
Kidneys, ..Biliousness and Malaria,
Fever and Ague.. We hope you'll try
it at once.
Laser V ijuauu
Senator Gorman Dictates Policy of Con
vention Through Entire Session.
Baltimore. May 28. The democratic
state convention of Maryland met In
this city today, adopted a plutform and
elected delegates to the St. Louis con
vention. Senator Gorman was a dele
gate from Howard county and the plat
form adopted by the convention admit
tedly embodies -his opinion as to what
the national platform should be. It
was confined to national Issues and
practically Indorsed the line of action
followed by the democratic committee
during the lute session of congress.
It calls for a moderate tariff revis
ion. Independence , for the Filipinos,
economy In expenditures and full In
vestlgatlon of aU alleged crookedness
In the postofflce and other govern
ment departments, and severely crltl
clsed the present administration.
It condemns the methods under which
the Panama canal territory was ac
quired and alleges the administration
disregarded the law and treaty obllga
tlons toward a sister republic.
While the delegates to St. Louis were
not Instructed except to vote as a unit
It Is admitted that this course was fol
lowed by the request of Senator Gor
man, the convention being plainly
the humor to Instruct for him.
j, Notioe to Contractors.
Proposals will be received by the
Astoria Water Commission until 1 p.
m. on June t, 1904, for the construction
of a Stone netalnlng Wall at Six
teenth street and Irving avenue, Asto
ria, Oregon. Plans and specifications
can be seen at the office of the Water
Commission, 601 Duane street The
right Is reserved to reject any and all
bids. J. II. MANS ELL, Clerk.
Wanted Two or three furnished room
, for light housekeeping. Inquire' at
Asterlsn office,
Mrs. Schwara, Practical Midwife, Z$T
Bond St. Reasonable charges) satis
faction guaranteed, t J y , j n. J
Piret-otase meal for 19o nloe cake,
.. oeffee, pie, or doughnuts, Sc. U. f.
restaurant 434 Bond atrtft,---T
For 8f An Ideal cash register, good)
ae new) will sell cheep for cash. Ad
dress C, care The Astorlan.
Yeu ssn always find the beet 15-ecnt
meal in the elty at the Rising Burs
restaurant, No. 112 Commercial street
AWerbreok Transfer Company Bag
gage transferred and weed fur
.nlshsd. Order received at Qasten'a
.Ufa!.. Phone ' Main 1l?t. C. L.
Oeddee, Mgr.
For Sate At Gaston's feed stsbte, one
Colfax roller feed millf on 20 herst
power motor and starter bexi belt
Jng, shafting and pulleys, and one
Fairbanks floor sealesi also an
.: butcher's wstt scales.
Standard portable and adjustable
shower bsth, finest made, pries 1S
Only two .crews te put In piss. John
A. Montgomery, tinner and plumber,
42S Bond street Phone 1031.
such "scientific rubbish." Of what
good Is an artistic temperament or
genius to the sculptor who does not
know the origin, the Insertion, and the
contour of the various muscles, who
Wanted Several industrious psrsena
' In each state to travel, foe house)
established 11 years and with
large cap its I, te salt upon merchant
and agents for successful snd profit
abls line. Permanent engagement
Weekly cash salary of 24 and all
traveling expenses and hotel bill
advanced In cash each week. Ex
perienee not essential. Mention ref
erence and Inolos self-addressed)
envelope. Notional, Caxton Bldg
Chloago. 'i.'r. -
Is not thoroughly familiar with tho hu
man anatomy? Michael Angelo thought
It worth while to spend a great deal
of time upon the atmtomy of a horse)
and upon abstruse mathematics. ,
Hsil and Wind in Kansss, J
W lshlta;t Kan.,' May 28. At 4:80
m. a tornado struck seven miles north
west of Augusta, Kan., wrecking light
houses and accompanied by hall, which
did much damage to crops. . What
appeared like a cyclone also tore up
an orchard, ana destroyed a Darn at
Valley Center, Sedgwick countyl
'' : Hot In Pittsburg'. '
Pittsburg, May it. Two deaths and
a number of prostrations were recorded
tonight. The maximum temperature
Is 91. '
common '' and
He Was Going to Be an Artist.
From "Success.".
"My son Is going to be an artist,"
said a proud father; "he does net need
o study a lot of scientific rubbish.'
Perhaps this father does not know
that what he calls "scientific rubbish"
the ' difference between the
the superb, between
mediocrity and excellence. It was
What thln man called "scientific rub
blah" which made the difference be
tweeri the works of Michael Angela
and those of 100 other artists of his
day who have gone into oblivion. It
was this "scientific , rubblsh"-Hstudy-
lng anatomy for a dozen yearsthat
gave Immortality to his statues of
Moses and of David, and to his paint
ings, the "Last Judgment" and "The
Story of Creation." .,'.
Many an artist of real ability ,has
failed to produce any great work of
art because of his ignorance of just
JOHN FOX.Prea.and Bupt
K.L.BIHHUP,Bcreury ,
A. f. FOX, Vloe Prraldttit.
V Designers and Manufacturers of V V
thk latest improved 5
2-yti;Al li comStimuth soucrrED.Tq III . y
Toot of Fourth Street,, f ) ,, J f , r, j . ASTORIA, OREGON.
433 Commercial Street
1 Mr i i
! V7
Phone Main 121
Sherman Transfer Co.
y ;HENRY SHERMATf, MaBflger Cf t1
Hacks, Carriages-rBaggago Chccketl and Trau8ferred--Trtick3 and
S . - Furniture WagonaPianos Moved, Boxed and Shippod.
I ? ! f
f t T t H m i .
jjrs. Ingleton has commenced a closing
oat sale of everything except HATS.
It includes Costa, Wrapper j, Skirls, Underwear, Shirt Waists, Stock
ings, Notions,; mi sil ,'Ladies' iitf , fitiijan'i Furufebing Goods.
New, r StyleiiRestaurant
Everything First Class. The Best the Market Affords.'
Open Day and Night.:. Good Service.
120 ilth St. next door to Crlffla Bros. $ . , ; f
snd idjolnlnj the Office Saloon
it. . Wears better than anything else on the mai-kni. lHtloiDnrA1 t Jl fa.
1 1.; The price will satisfy you.,., 80 wUl be roof. Write for information.
The Matente Roofing Co. 2?! bldg 5
X,riSJM MlA'Xrilmm full of news iroih ht 5
and near are Jho pages of THE MOKNING ASTORIA Jia niimil
be? of readers is rapidly increasing, and it is acknowledged to be the r:
bet newspaper Astoria has ever had. -Do yoa ADVEHTISE in it