PAGE FOUR. THE MORNING ASTORIAM, TJlUKSUAi, jiai -d, SHE MORNING ASTORIA N. ESTABLISHED 18T3 1 ' PUBLISHED BY ASTORIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. J. H. CARTER, GENERAL MANAGER". RATES. Bj mail, per year By mail, per month , By corners, per month $6 00 50 00 THE SEMI-WEEKLY ASTOHIAX. By mail, per year, in advance $1 00 Anglo-French convention defined the spheres of those nations in Africa. Another important subject of negotiation will be the reduction of armaments on the Indian frontier, which now constitute an enor mous and useless expenditure for both Russia and Great Britain. V Many Americans will naturally be skeptical as to the practicability of such a program. Yet it niny prove to oe no more uiiucuu man wh iicgouiuions with France, which at the start deemed equally per plexing to most outsiders. For it must lie remem bered that Nicholas II. was the first to propose in ternational disarmament a few years ago, and the recent Russian reverses in the far east may possibly have taught the czar's most bellicose advisers that reliance on mere brute strength is not, after all, the safest of anchorages. King Edward may yet be known in history as the great conciliator. JUST FOR INSTANCE. ADVISING Mil. CARNEGIE. ' Professor Goldwin Smith has written to Andrew Carnegie advising that "instead of spending so many I -H. 1M -. 1. 1 1 O l. .... .1... . CONVENTIONS IN THE WEST I millions in noranes, wnicn woiuu grow ui uiemseives An effort is being made by some of the eommer- wllu lue "UBUW Vi l"'uauu"' uc uu ,ul rial organizations of the west to take advantage of thinS to relieve tlle in tho ho,nes of t,,e the meetings this year in St. Louis of 300 or more world 8 re conventions and induce them, if possible, to convene Professor Smith is not aUme in thinkinS he uM aeit year in some city in the west, says the Call. The Puu ur; "v "-'v Batter was favorably discussed at the Trans-Missis- sPeua xa,mner' S snppi commercial congress held last year in Seattle " ' and later was taken up by the Denver Chamber of lndd' ere never 'et was a Vmiurop wnose Commerce, The plan to unite for the purpose has ndShbors could not tel1 him ti,at wa8 makin a Been already indorsed by the active officers of the M of himself, not in being charitable, but it being commercial bodies stated, the National Irrigation cnaruaoie in me particular way um seems xo mm Association and the heads of the passenger depart- best. ments of several western railroads. The problem how to be most wise in giving has An idea of the importance of the matter may be never been solved, and probably never will be ab- gained by noting the following list of some of .the solutely. There are at least as many ways of giving meetings that will be held this year at St. Louis: as there are givers. Good roads congress, international congress of elec- Mr. Carnegie's library idea may not be the best tricity, international congress of lawyers and jurists, way of spending money for the benefit of others, but congresses on engineering, temperance, Sunday rest, it has this merit it brings nearer to the hand of instruction of the deaf and an international library every person the knowledge that is contained in congress, national federation of musical clubs, fed- books, and therefore stimulates ambition, and so in eration of day nurseries, national co-operative con- directly may raise more men out of squalor than are s, National Electic Medical Association, Sons of to the credit of the home charities of which Professor the American Revolution, railway clerks of America, Smith writes. Music Teachers' National Association, American Considering what Andrew Carnegie is doing Neurological Association, American congress on with his millions in comparison with the course of tuberculosis, National Educational Association, most other rich men, the issue should not be between American Library Association, American League of library donations and "relieving the misery in the Civic Improvement jointly with the American Park homes of the world's poor," but rather between and Outdoor Art Association and the League of what Carnegie is doing and what these other mil- American Municipalities. lionaires are failing to do. It is intended at all times during the existence of The iron master's method of applying his money the St Louis exposition to have a delegation of active to the purchase of public libraries may not be the western representatives attend every convention and most beneficent form of philanthropy, but compared advocate the interests of some city previously de- with employing that money to the incessant making eided upon and to have all Pacific coast and west- of more for the exclusive .benefit of his heirs it is cm cities interested join in backing such action. It good enough. has been suggested that to promote unity an advance A professor m search of something to criticise conference of those cities be held in San Francisco should be able to select a subject more worthy of and the details of a working plan adopted. him than the method of a man who chooses to do Portland is particularly interested in the move- good in his own way. ment in -view of the Lewis and Clark centennial ex- position to be held there next year, and the Portland There is one clause in the local option law which Commercial Club has already engaged a manager to is hardly fair, and which leaves an excellent open vork for the proposition. - ing for attack by the opponents of the measure. The The movement is a good onp and the exceptional bill provides that if a county votes against prohi- chance offered at St. Louis for concentrated effort bition any precinct that has cast a majority for pro- ahonld stimulate to action those cities that will profit hibition shall be declared prohibition territory. On by it The United States is pre-eminently a con- the other hand, however, if a county votes for pre vention country.' There is a growing recognition hibition any precinct which might vote against it here of the advantage to be derived from a general will be subject to the will of the majority of the discussion by representative people of trade, finance, voters of the entire county. The law does riot work social, religious and fraternal matters. The city both ways in this respect, and as a result there is that can gain a reputation as a successf ul "conven- much; antagonism 'to it. tion city" is fortunate. It has the opportunity of : entertaining those people who, as a rule, are promi- General Kuropatkin is said to have carried his nent in their respective communities at a time when coffin to tne front wjth him. The narrative goes that they are enjoying themselves by combining pleasure the good general had a dream (variety not stated) with business and are therefore in, a favorable mood jn wnich he imagined himself killed and thrown into to be impressed. a trench with the common soldiers who had been For our western cities there is more than a Lwhtered in battle. It is up to the public to be- temporary financial benefit to be obtained by enter- iieve tni8 gtory or conclude that Kuropatkin is mere taining such people! In their travels they cover y running a bluff to make the czar think he intends pretty thoroughly all points of interest and thus 0DS oa tne rDg xjne. see and become familiar with our great undeveloped resources, gaining a knowledge of them which could Wft . f()r it th . . th Xp(,.m thftt thp nototiurwise be obtained, ine dissemination 01 sucn Portland cit council recentl adopted a resoution V V 1 1 il. . A L. I U I .1 kA . I " ' xnowieage 10 tne greaiesi nuiuur wwum our mm, without knowing jt. In view of this remarkable and the plan to use the fair to that end should be t d -t t b v f th . aeartuy encouraged. f th t i , to determine whether or not tbev are It la thoughtful of Kuropntktn to carry a wffln ilnc the Jopn are about to carry evrythlinc In night, . A ml that It la better to die on tha iH'lil than go homo and be ahot for not ilolnir what Kuroimtkln according to tho war uartmiit of ImnlKhlcd Kim la. oivrou In Mill In the Jiwul. One of htr fair duunhtMia hna Hoped In a tiam lwill milt. Wouldn't that make you utilke out? If Tortlatul would tnuiHfer nonie of the pvopltt In the milium box to the ;iltcher'a box perhaps lhlKdule'8 HrOtt n would climb up the percentage column. Extra! Extrat St. IVteraburic. May 2!i.--The rumor that Nicholas waa koIiik to take a cot tage for the summer ut Keanlde la a falae alarm. It'a too near n bar, and Nick cun't uffiird to aee ea aerpenta thla yeur! lle'a Heelng tlilngn the way it Ik. U U KM EL. It'a getting to be ao talked about that even Alexleff now write, "I-re- gatta-to-atate.' A millionaire In Chicago named Shurtleff haa been robbed of hla Jew elry and plate. Still it cun't be auld he huan't a Shurt to Ma name. And Judge Porker attll Buwa wood! t A girl named Hammer Hoed fronl Philadelphia with a man named Hltt and It whs up to the ahertff to NAIL them. And Phlladelphlana auy they never SAW the like. And have placed the Incident away In the FILES. . It'a a PLANE caae, however. And on the BQUAUE. And that'a AWL. s JAY TUTTLE, M. D. , DR. VAUGIIAN, rilYSICIAN AND SUltOKON rjirvrtuT Aetlng Aalitapl Burgeon Ut.iun. , V.fUMariue llopltal Morvloa. , , Pvtblan BaUdiqt. Artorte, OreBon: , Offlc. houralO to II ""j ' 47? Commercial gtreet, 2nd floor. Dr. T. L." BALL Dr. KIIODA C. HICKS DENTIST OSTEOfATIlV Manaell Uldf. Ml Commercial flt 624 Commercial atreet. Aetorla Ore. I'll'iNK HWfK Dr. V. 0. LOGAN U W. JAlUt,DKNT18T PENTIST Vml Huihlmif 57:1 ComiiKUvlul Htreel, Atirla, Ore 678 Commercial St-, Sliniialtan Huilillng TELEI'IIONK ltED 2Wll. : : " wr oo to -coujii pot-Class ook-ler or Ton Aftwm nnnv S.SrA'rrtiWOT MATTRESSES Wool, Curled Hair, Mohair, Spring. ' All kinds of Mattresses made to order. Prices tlio Ixwot. L. H. HENNING5EN CO. 504 BOND STREET, ASTORIA. OREGON. PHONE. RED 2305 I Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works Manufacturers or Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings. General Foundrynien and Patternmakers. Absolutely flrslcliifw work. Prices IowchL McCULLEY. BECOMES RICH 8UDDENLY. Workingman Advlaed He Haa Fallen Heir to 940,000. New York, May 26. After having tolled for more than IS years at 13 a day ae a custom house weigher In a sugar refinery here, Patrick O. Hen nessy of Urooklyn, hue suddenly found himself to be the heir of $40,000. Hen nessy became cognizant of hla good fortune through an advertisement In serted In a dally paper here by a firm of London solicitors who have charge of In estate left by Hennessy's uncle. The latter was a weulthy merchant of Melbourne. He went to Australia In his youth and ,he nephew sought his fortune In America, never having seen his benefactor since childhood. Phone 2451. Corner Eighteenth and Franklin. COOPER SHOP Tierce, Barrels and Kits for Packing Fish, Butter, Etc., Made to Order at Lo west Prices by M. 0. Stanovich, cor, n a Duane sts. AsrrtmiA, oiinuo 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY HIIEltMAN, Manager Hacks, Carringos Bnggngo Checked and Transferred Trucks and Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. METHODIST CONFERENCE. Still Rushing Through Business at Los Angeles. Los Angeles, May 25. The Metho dint conference today assigned the 16 bishops of the church to fhelr re spectlve residences for the next quad rlennlum, adopted the reports of the Epworth League committee and the committee on book concerns, balloted for editor of the Epworth Herald and held brief "memorial services in honor of the memory of some of the leading clerygmen who have died within the pat four years. DON'T GO TO 8T. LOUIS 'Till you call at or write to the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Office 134 Thirt street, Portland, Ore Low rates to ail points east, In connec tion with all transcontinental. H. 8. KOWB, General Agent, CHANCE FOR KINO EDWARD. If King Edward should succeed in bringing really councilmenf Between having his picture taken out at the fair aSont amicable relations between Russia and Great grounds and standing off the assaults of the goodly Britain, as he did between England and France, it people of the metropolis, Mayor Williams may well would be an event of world-wide importance, the I regarded as an ouicial who is earning his salary, A Portland policeman confesses to having immediately concerned. The arrival of St. Charles $1 The incident h intercsting M fihowing Uardinge, the new British ambassador to Kussia, m that there's nothing too small for a Portland official St. Petersburg recently, has naturally provoked great to "take." interest in European diplomatic circles, because it I . it enerallv believed St. Charles is intrusted by the! It is reported that a combination has been ef- king- wih a special mission to the czar direct, the fected in Ohio for the purpose of downing Hearst. bject of which is to reach an understanding where- This trust business is awful. ly the respective spheres of influence of Russia and , England in Asia shall be strictly defined, just as the Now watch for the fireworks in the far east. "Neglected colds make fat grave yards.'' Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup helps men and women to a happy, vigorous old ace. "Mr fthr htd bn s nlim from lick bodaehe tor tbt Im Iwnt7 Ht yun tod narsr found anf nlUf antll b bemo taking four Curirati. Bine htbM btgnn Ukinf OHanM k hu Birtt h4 tbt btadacb. They bun ntlraljr ennd htm. CuetnM do wbt 700 neommsnd tbora to do. I will rlra jroa th prlvllac of Mini bli nuns." K.H. Dlcktoa, 1U0 tUslnsr bl., W.Iadtsnapolti, lad. f7 Best For ff Tht Dowels j CAHDYCATKWmC MMn, Pttb!, Potnt, Tit O nod, Do Oood. Kmi Ulcktn, Wkn or Orlpa, ltki, SSe.Ho. Vvrei ild In balk. Tho ganuln tabid ttampad OOO, Ooafantaad to aura or yoor nionejr baak. Sterllag Keroady Co., Chlcajo or N.V. 558 uxLuiz.Tu eniui boxes! ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH. Having Installed a KubWr Tiring Machine of tha latest pattern I ara prepared to do all kinds of work in tbat line at reasonable prices. Telephone 211 1. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE 5TREETS like A ROOF THAT IS A ROOF THAT'S ELATERITE. 22 ii, wein oeiter than aaytlilnff else on the market. Guaranteed to do it. ll.e price will salisfjr yoa. So will the roof. Write for Information. The Elaterite Roofing Co slji? bldc yvr PORTLAND, OREGON traxxraimxxxxxxxxxxxixxxamxxxxxxxxj FRE5H AND CURED MEATS. . ' f ' Wholesale arid Retail t Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice, i LIVE STOCK BOUG.I1T AND SOLD WASHINGTON MARKET . CIIRISTENSON Q CO. TTTTTTTtTfTITTTTT t smiXXXXIXn XMITTITTTTT 1,000 TON BEST LUMP Free Delivery. Phono orders to No. 19Ct. Elmore & CO. Fresh and Bright Ld fuii of Mw. f and near are the pages of THE MORNING ASTORIAN. Its num ber of readers w rapidly increasing, and it is acknowledged to be the best newspaper Astoria has ever had. Do vou A nVF.fiTrsT? in it ? ay A M V (