THE MORNING ASTORIAN, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1904. PAGE 7ILBEK. 17 "c 'iP Na iwd LI Ticnio Cakt'ts Clothes Hank-eta Wood DakcU Satchel Boaketa Taper Basket Telescope Baskets . German Baskets Hand Baskets . Shopping Baskets Lunch Baskets All Kinda'of Baskets JAPANESE LANDED FOAMS TORES CO. IN HIGH FAVOR. Bod a. water, a as made out of pur fruit Juice, delightful flavori, pur carbonated water, milk and Ice cream when desired, and erved a w aervt It la In great demand. Ladle and gen tlemen, large and small, clamor for It, and we can hardly satisfy the numerous calls for It But we try to have a glass for you every time you calL EASTERN CANDY STORE, 606'SOt Commerelal 8U Next Griffin's Book Store. Six Thousand Infest Takushan Are Building Barracks at Pit sowe Small Skirmishes. BANKS RELIEVED OF CASH Russian General Takes All Money to Be Found and Chinese Hold the Bag. Chefoo, May 25. (2 p. m.) Chi nese junk arriving from Takushan, a port lying southwest of Antung, re port the landing of 1000 Japanese troops at Takushan on the 21st Inst Another junk from Pltsewo reports the Japanese landing a small number of troops there every day and building temporary barracks on Elliott Island. where 100 ships, Including men-of-war and transports,, have made a rendez vous. Only small skirmishes are reported along the western shore of the Llao Tung peninula up to the 22d. Heavy firing was heard In the rl- rectlon of Port Arthur yesterday, Indi cating that a una attack bad com menced, as the Japanese fleet Is not to be seen off Port Arthur, DaJney refugees say that General Btoessel has taken all the cash from the Port Ar thur and Dalny banks, so that the depositors are unable to cash checks. ures. In huge, smoky, lamp-lit eel tors, It was his to drink down mugs of beer at a word of command from some 'gross "president" or beer-lord; to sing when he was told or howl In chorus, and to play for scars In the foolish game of swords. Germany Is a land of castes, but Its student-world Is utter democracy. It Is well enough for a coarse-grained youth, who has been roughened In a "gymnasium,' to take a dip Into such a world; he will come out of It a grave doctor, lawyer, or theologian; but for & timid lad, bred In the quast-monastery of a court. It Is not so well. The crown prince found It anything but welL He begged to be allowed to leave or, at least, If he must stay, to attend only the lectures and spend his time In study. The kaiser told him bis choice was between the bler-knelpe and a military prison, so the young man finished his semester. Came the vacation. The docile youth, though be had shown no great beer prowess, was rewarded with a trip to his royal kin In England. There he was to receive another eduactlon; that of high life, 1' education mondalne. His professor was to be the "first gentle man In Europe" as the fond English call him his great-uncle, Edward VIL POTTER WILL BE CENSURED. (There are two Takushans on the I Llao Tung peninsula. One lies about 40 miles southwest of Antung and the other Is situated midway between Plt sewo and Tallenway bay. The latter Is the point at which the Japanese have been landing their troops and Is evi dently the one referred to above.) f DECORA IE Y01R Sco our Burlaps, Lcatlien, Lincrusta, Wood Imitations, Crown Mouldings, Plate and Picture Rails, Etc. B. F. ALLEN 8 SON, 3C5-3C7 Commercial Street WHITE GET8 A JOB. Report of Investigating! Committee to That Effect (Washington, May 25, The report of Inspector Nesler and Supervisor Hol land, who Investigated affairs 'at the Chemawa Indian school has been re ceived by Secretary Hitchcock. It recommends that Superintendent Pot ter be severely censured, but does not recommend his dismissal. Potter was found to have committed gross Irre gularities and breaches of the regula tions, but he did not personally profit by the transactions. Potter wtil prob ably not be removed, but the recom mendation of the Inspectors will be followed. TWO HUNDRED PIANOS BURNED. NEW ZEALAND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY '- Of NEW ZEALAND. l W. P. Thomas, Manaar, 8aa iFranefaoo.1 ;' ' UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. Has been Uodenrrltlag on the Faolfie , Goat! twrnrtj-itt yetm. Ss ELT.OEE 0 CO., Resist Aieats. AstsHii Civ Famous Trains The Southwest Limited Kansas City to 1 Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chscago, run via Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Each route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a quick, comfortable trip east is to see that your tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. H.S.R0WE. ! General Agent. 134 Third Street, Portland Did you see it advertised in The Astorian toil the Advertiser f it But the Popular Author Doesn't Get a 8alary. Chicago, May 25. A dispatch to the Tribune from Emporia, Kan., says: William Allen White, editor of the Emporia Dally Gasette, has been of' fered the position of state accountant without pay under Governor Bailey. Mr. White has not yet accepted. The offer made by Governor Bailey Is the result of an editorial written by Mr. White last week In which he declared that he would gladly accept the place of state accountant without a salary. He expressed the belief that a state accountant could find plenty of work to do In checking up the expenditures of the state officers. The place of state accountant was created by the legisla ture of 1903 and pays a salary of 12000 a year, but has never been filled. WILL DISSOLVE. Universal Tobaooo Company Soon to Go Out of Business. New York. May 25. Notice has been sent, to the stockholders of the Uni versal .Tobacco Company that the di rectors have voted to dissolve the cor poration. A special meeting . of the stockholders will be held June II In Jersey City to paaa upon the directors' action. . The company business was absorbed some time ago by a larger concern. The Modesty of the Crown Prinoe. Prom "Diplomatic Mysteries," by Vance Thompson, In June "Success." "Go now," said the kaiser, "and be a student." The art of being a student In Ger many Is, as everyone who has tried It knows, rather complicated. The getting of book lore Is supplemented by much clashing of schlaeger. by some blood letting, by a great deal of loud sting ing, and by deep drinking .of beer, Whether It be Jena or Bonn or Heidel berg, It Is all the same. The young philosopher must show his prowess both In the beer-duel and In the less dangerous duel with Bwords. The young prince was not only permitted to attend the classic bier-kneipe; he was also ordered to attend and drink as ' become the heir to the German throne. It was an imperial and pa ternal command. Can you imagine the scene T The crown prince, was; not only modest', but was also timid as a child, in spite of his military rank. He had been brought up in the rigor of Prua- sion discipline, and under the caprice of home tyranny; the slightest .fault had been punished with military sever ity; he was a repressed and bashful lad, but no more. This youth, senti mental, poetical, and pure-minded, was thrown into the broad-girthed, brawl ing, guzzling proletariat of a German university, and commanded to compete with such fellows in their coarse pleas-; Musical Dealers' Peculiar Antics in New York City. New York, May 25.-Whlle 150 dele gates to "the National Dealers Convention in Atlantic City waved red lights and danced in a circle, 200 venerable square pianos have been cre mated to mark what the dealers term the passing of the old mark of Instru ments. The bonfire which was built In an open place on high ground, biased like a burning house and was not extinguished for several hours. Chinese Get Busy. Hongkong, May 25. Four , Chinese gunboats and two torpedo boat de stroyers have arrived at Macao, the Portuguese settlement In Kwangtung province, to support the demand of the viceroy of Canton for the extradition of a fugitive from Chinese justice. The government of the Portuguese set tlement Is preparing to resist a land ing by the-Chinese. Correct Clothes for Men MESS you are well dressed, or a genius, the world will take little notice of you i and nine times in ten you o7rcMws,a.s.c need the world's good opinion to succeed. See that this label MAKERS NCWyORK Is on your clothes and you have won half the battle. The other half depends on your ability, hon esty, courage and common sense. Coast to flat e(osMMd hi s9 but pries. Th auktn guarantee, w4 art, with every garment, Wt arc fcttluWOiitributriUithltjty. mam it mm POLITICAL K0T1CBL VOTB FOR JOHN V." BURNS. Regular Democratic Nominee for RepresesftaUwa. VOTE FOR -JAMES 'N. LAWS, Regular Democratic Nominee for Represeatatfrsk VOTB FOR ISAAC BERGMAN, Regular Demscrade "Nominee for VOTE FOR GEO. W MORTON, Regular Nominee for ta& VOTE FOR P. J. GOODMAN, Republics Nomine For Justice f th VOTE FOR CHAS. A. IIEILBORN, ' Regular Republic Nominee for Treasures. Official News' Of Yoshino Report to Government Shows That 283 Men and Officers Went Down With Vessel. Toltlo, May 25. Of the complement of the protected-cruiser Yoshino, sunk recently in collision with the cruiser Kasuga, 63 non-commissioned officers and 220 bluejackets were drowned and 48 non-commissioned officers and -men were rescued. No details of the disaster have as yet been received. The navy department is awaiting a detailed report of the loss of the battleship Hatsuse, de stroyed by coming In contact with a VOTE FOR C. G. PALMBERG, Regular Republican Nominee for RepresentaGhr. VOTE FOR THOMAS LINVILLE, Regular Republics Nominee for Sheriff. mine while cruising oft Port Arthur on the morning of May 15, which it expects hourly. A naval conatractoa has been dispatched by the department to Question the survivors of the catas trophe and make a thorough technic investigation into the affair. t . Some people patronize your store from habit; some from friendship; but the great mass of your custsimins fluctuate from day to day a yewr newspaper advertising attracts or fails to attract them. Settle With Telegraphers. Omoha, Neb, May 25. Officials of the Union Pacific today completed set tlement of hours and pay with the tele graph operators. It Is stated that the telegraphers were granted ' better hours and Increased pay In a large number of places. ; Black 8a Fleet Geing. New Tork, May K. Intelligence has been received from St Petersburg, ac cording to a Times dispatch from Vi enna that 14 vessels of the Black sea fleet are being mobilised and placed in readiness for service. Ladies' and Misses' Suite Sale. We have on display a splendid line of Ladles' and Misses' Suits, Skirts and Shirt Waists at Mrs. McKeen's, Woman's Exchange, Tenth street, which we are selling at cost for a limi ted time only. All ladles of Astoria are requested to call and see them. MRS. M. S. COPELAND. - Give us your order for any kind of printing; plain or artistic, business or perscm&l. We guarantee satisfac tion. Beat workmanship. Most reasonable prices. The World's Fair Route. Those anticipating an eastern trip, or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase exposition at St Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered by the Mlssuri Paclflo Railway, which, on account of Its various routes and gate ways, has been appropriately named "The World's Fair Route." Passengers from the northwest take the Missouri Paclflo trains from Den ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either going direct through Kansas City, or via Wichita, Fort Bcott and Pleasant Hill. s two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to Bt Louis without change, carrying all classee of modern equip ment Including electrlo lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten dally trains between Kansas City and St. Louis. Write or call on W. C. McBrlde, gen eral agent 124 Third street Portland, for detailed information and illustrat ed literature. .' j JOB . PRINTING THE 1BBT. . ' WE SUPPL-Y IT Tw Bnetype; maehtnea enabte uHe print brleJB asd other book weak a efcert notice. . . ...... Newspaper eonipoaKlea a epedalty. Write fee Terms. ASTORIAN PUBLISHING CO III. u'i'M!,lrtnjWl,,: DELIGHTFUL ROUTE AYLIGHT RIDE IZZY CRAGS 'EEP CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY See nature hi an he gloriou besnty, aad thea the a roe ef man's kaa work. The first la found alewg the line of the Denver & Rio Grande Ratllrosvd, the latter at the St Loals WerWs Fair. Tour trip will be one of pleas uremake the most of It For infor mation and illustrated literature write ... .... W. C McBBIDE, Gen. Ait. Ptrtlaod, Oc. . NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Card ol Train PORTLAND Leaves Arrives Paget Sound Limited. 7:15 am t:9 9m Kansas Clty-St Louts Special ; 11:11 asa 4: 91 North Coast Limited t.H 9 m Taooma and! Seattle Nisi pr 11:8 9 ss M fi Take Fwjwt festal Hto r Cos Limited let ray's Hacfeer peieto Take 'Fnee MmmA Uaissst Car Q$yas ate ffirewl Take Puget Soand Limit! r Sjsjb sae City-St Louis Special fer pMntm on South Bend branch. Double daily train terviee a Harbor hraaea. Four train flsifv festwmea FvrtS&ft Taeom &3 -s.