PAGE FOUR. THE MORNING ASTORIA, SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1904. THE MORNING ASTORIA N. ESTABLISHED 1873 PUBLISHED BY ASTORIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. RATES. By wail, per year ; $6 00 By mail, per mouth . . 50 Bv cfirriprs. ner month 00 , l . THE SOU-WEEKLY ASTOKIAN. By mail, per year, in advance H 00 ft I ki lAll NO ANARCHIST NEED APPLY. setlement. Another, and perhaps the chief, point is that Brazil demands that Peru shall, as a sine qua non preliminary to arbitration, withdraw her troops from the disputed territory, while Peru is said to demand that, if her troops are withdrawn, the ter ritory shall he neutralized pending arbitration. The point is really a trifling one. Peru's "troops" iu that region probably number not more than a hundred men, who are performing mere poliee service, jnd such police service is needed in that remote and lit tie settled region. It would he improper for either power to send an army thither while arbitration is pending, but it really would seem reasonable for the small police force now there to remain in the per formanee of its duties. On the other hand, if the Peruvian police force is withdrawn, it would certain ly seem to be a graceful thing for Brazil to regard the territory as neutral ground until the title is fully settled by arbitration. That would simply mean for her to leave it in statu quo for, a time, and not seek to strengthen her hold upon it while the ease is under adjudication. Certainly no such trifling detail as this should be ntisiaction and approval of the decision of the permHted to preYent or to deiay the adjudication of gnpreme court, sustaining the action of the immigra- case which both parties want and which is from tion authorities in refusing to allow Turner, the Eng-jail points of view desirable. The setlement of it is lish anarchist, to land in this country, says the Post- essential to the industrial and commercial develop Intelligencer ment of that rich region, as well as for the strength , , . , . . , .. . , . ening of bonds of friendship among the South Aracr There has been a deal of twaddle written about . win i 1 i ican states. W e shall not enlarge upon its desirabu Ihis matter by that little coerie of men in New York ity fl3 & mm5 of kecpbg the peace sccure or we are uu A,c uS1u,u, xuvv, . vu wuuu, n()t prepared to believe that either Brazil or Peru 3 V. ! A A. - J. a.- I ever rong, ana no consign uie nation 10 uie u ctmtempiatillg any breach of the peace. They are munition bow wows wnenever a virUe policy is of fte mogt enlightened mil progressive coun aopiea in any airecuon. tries m th&t contincnt and tw0 wnich have They claimed that Turner was not personally a thm prospectg of exccptional prosperity and great potential murderer but a "philosophical anarchist" Qesg For them to g0 to war wouM a caiaraity too ind that to prevent his spreading his crazy and great for contemplation. It has more than once been eangerous aoeirines was 10 aonage iree speecn ana foun(J to effect g peaceful Kltkmcnt of a turn the land of liberty into a brutal despotism. spute vhea one o the parties WM towarJ Chief Justice Fuller in delivering the opinion war a CMe m in wWch parties arc oi me coun mases snort wore or tms nonsense, lie smcerelv desirou3 of Dcace and of settlement by arbi points out that every nation, as every person, has trat(m it mm aImogt criminal t0 spcak o even a the right of self-preservation and that therefore it possibility of war !t wiU be cause for profound re may exclude whom it will, when it considers that t if the friendlyand just desires of both those ineir admission wouia oe aangerous to its saiety ana nati(mg are not promptiy gratified weiiare. t iU1"cl "au "cv" uwum umauiwmk Ui GREAT MONETARY DEALS. mis country ne never naa any ngnt oi tree speecn JUST FOR INSTANCE. J Mr, Hitt Ut frankly that h would llkt to ba vlca president Wouldn't thut make a llltt with youT What a bh'Htwd thins It will be for Kurnpatkln when tha Jupa aurrnund him, rut the wlrea and h vnn ntit even "rvtrret-to-repoitskl." Thut ille of anwduat In Judge IMr- kor'a back yard 1 naaumlnj Rlirnutlc pmporuuna. w nrn ine jiuige auwa wood, he aawa, Th IndU'atlona nre that thoe Metho- ll.tla In Loa Angidca huve bttn Kullty of lobbying, There wua a mim In Dubuque, Who wiilkoil llko nn AuMtrlnn (tuijuo, Hut a limn whu hnuled rout Loft uncloaed a man-hole . And down went the duque of Dubuque. (Copy rot.) lere to be abridged. Going further, the court brushes Seldom have so many big financial operations aside the flimsy pretext that because Turner did not come simultaneously as have taken place within the directly preach murder and rapine he was not an past few days. The United States has just paid out active anarchist and so should be allowed to enter. $40,000,000 on account of the Panama canal. Russia He refers to Turner's discourses on the "universal floating a loan for from $150,000,000 to $200,000,- strike" and his classification of the execution of the n ,. . v . i iha ,,, , .. 000, and some of the money is being put up by the Chicago anarchists as "legal murder." , . . , , , , .,ftrtrt a M .xv United States. More than half of Japan's $o0,000,- Ab a matter of fact Turner refused to say that he &d not believe in the assassination of rulers and 000 loan has been in this country, the rest when asked point blank whether he believed that of it being provided by England. New York city has Czolgosz deserved punishment, he replied that he just borrowed $37,000,000 on its stock, at 3 1-2 per GcT not, as he believed that all legal punishment was cent interest, the money to be used on public improve wrong, ments which are designed to make that city one of John Most, when he can get out of hearing of the the most attractive spots in the world, police, has taught murder. This gentle, "philosophic Yet these vast monetary operations have not uu anarchist," who does not disbelieve in it and who cer- settled the markets to any perceptible degree. New tainly does not believe it should ever be punished, is York's loan has all been taken in this country, tvrice as dangerous, as he is a slayer, shrewder, more though Europe's investors were anxious to share in plausible and would excite weak minds just as vi- the deal. A premium was obtained for the stock, oiously. which proves that New York's credit is good, as it "We want no anarchist of any brand, stripe or ought to be. Gold is going out of the country rapidly color. As the chief justice well says: "The flaming days on the Panama canal and other accounts, brand which guards the realm -where no human gov- but nobody is showing any concern about the matter, eminent is needed still bars the entrance, and as long The working balance of the .treasury has been re as human governments endure they cannot be denied duced by this $40,000,000 disbursment, yet the cash the power of self-preservation." on hand is "so large in' amount'that the void due to : 7 .. the big outgo has not been noticed. FOR PEACE IN SOUTH. AMERICA, These things show that the United States is espc- The recent alarmist reports concerning relations cially well provided with cash. fcetween Brazil and Peru were prabably unwar fanted. "We have been able to discover no sufficient Investigation of "bucketing" m bucket shops fol ground for them. There is, it is true, a controversy lowing the Woodend failure may possibly result in between those countries concerning the ownership of Dene hnprudent speculators who pay little re guru lo uieir nuances ui uix-es mien un-y uuy vr sell stocks, and do not take the pains to discover whether or not the transactions to which they com- ertain territories in the upper Amazon valley. It las been pending for some time. Bolivia also is, or was, a party to it. At one time there was much talk mit themselves are actually carried out about the "independent republic of Acre," which a 1 i M i ii a I amoumea to taiK ana notning more. A year or more . A statesman named Smith, presiding over the ago Brazil and Bolivia came to an understanding, democratic state convention in Indiana, declared that and the dispute between them was practically set- the expenditures under the Roosevelt administration tied, Bolivia relinquishing to Brazil, for a satisfac- were enormous M to "chill the imagination." So tory quid pro quo, her claim upon the territory. i0Dg as we can "chill the imaginations" of our states- jjut rem claims to nave been tbe rightlul sovereign men the country is reasonably safe. i tne territory, or some oi it, wmcn lioiivia assumed t to own and relinquished to Brazil, as well as of other Kdltor J. F. I. A a a realdent of Oregon and Portland I ahould be gtnd If you would gtve me your opinion of thla aubjevt: "la there auch a thing aa a Hadee?" CRAY Z. MANN. (We are aurprlaed that a realdent of Portland ahould nxk tbla question.) Extra! Extra! Berlin, May Tour rorreapondent lenrniufroin an official aourre that Era peror Wllhelm la making preparation to attend the Aatorla regatta. t " And now the Topcka nchoot board la trying to teach the high achol pupllaj that Punaton la not a hero. Aw, whut'a Uer ue of belli' a hero anyhow? A wedding hai occurred In Chicago after an engagement of 38 yeara. When aaked by the mlntNter why he waited ao long before getting married the groom replied that he desired to get well acquainted with the lady before he married her. And the day following the ceremony there waa a flght and divorce proceedings were atarted. Now thut man wlahea he had been married young and often. A man in Iowa worked three years for no pay In order that his employer would grant him the daughter of the house for his wife. And the night be- Ifore the expiration of the contract the girl eloped with another man. Where upon the Infuriated farmhand aaked for wages and being refused stole his em ployer's horse and buggy. Now he will get ten yeara In the pen, which he de clares will be better than being mar ried. From which It appears that the course of true love In Illinois and Iowa runs over many bunipa. And the man always got the bumps. Love la like death anyway It Is In evitable and never cornea but once at a time. And then It Is never timely! (Police!) Except for a time! 1 1 If you got on the street car to go to work And met a pretty girl on the car And struck up an acquaintance Dit. VAUOIIAN, ' , . Dentist. ' Pytllao Building, Astoria, Oregon, Dr. T. L. HAM DENTIST (U Commercial street. Astoria Ore. JAY TUTTLE, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND 8 U ltd EON . Acting AMintanl surgeon w U.g,atarlua Hospital Hsrvlue, Offlce hours: 10 to 11 am. 1 to 4:10 p.m. 477 Commercial Street, tnd Floor. Dr. W. C. LOGAN " DENTIST 678 Commercial St., Khimulmn IluilJIr.g C. J. TKEXCIIAHD Insurance, Commission and Shipping. CUSTOMS HOUSE BROKER. Agent Wells-Fargo and Northern Paclflo Expreas Companies, Cor. ELEVENTH and BOND bts Dr.MIODA C. HICKS OSTEOPATHY Mansfll Hldg, 67S Commercial ML MlnNKDUrKMft, U W. 1IAKR, DKNTIST Manuel! HuiMinir 573 0iiinmarflal Street, Astoria, Ore TRLKPJIONK 11120 2001. Vtnr m o TOLuaeiav arv a u i mi m -i... .... ... V iu .wm mia ai rriNO I j WHI N WiLLMAKKA or voir at irjrn twmw t X vi ruimtirt r"MTi, ..(,l'lMlliii((iaASiis. I'ff. "iff II. II'HIIIWIN, KMr( w, m. w.j THI.1. WMITK. 1, II. (IIMll)WIN lwinlii Hwim S. till flrii.l r MATTRESSES ' Wool, Curled Hair, Molinir, Spring. All klml of MattrcwM ttiaJa to onler. rmix tlio lA'ont, " ' ' L. H. HENNINGiSEN Q CO. S04 BONO STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON. PM0NE, RED 2303 I v Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Worts Manufacturers of Iron, Stool, Brass and Bronzo Custingi. General FounJryiuon and Patternmakers. Absolute!)' firutdass work. Prices lowtwt Phone 2451 . Corner Eighteenth and Franklin. COOPER SHOP Tierce, Barrels and Kita for Packing Fish, Butter, Etc., Made to Order at Lowcat Price by M. 0. Stanovich, cor, napuane sts. AM'roitiA, oiintion 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 Sherman Transfer Co. HENHY SIIKRMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages Baggugo Checked and Transferred Trucks and Furniture Wagons-Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipjiod. And began to have visions of a steady home Then offered to pay her fare And found that when you changed your trousers you had forgotten to transfer your money and didn't have a red Wouldn't It JAR you? McCl'LLEY. s land to which Brazil lays claim. The present dispute The official report that General Kuropatkin is to .1 i ,i i i .1 . iiciuaiii. xvi uie uicmjut ab xjiav a.utz win nut urcvLuX cf Bolivia, as well as some that have been mooted for muvmg u "u7u expeaiem, the best part of a hundred years. and circumstances of that knd are lying around loose The ease appears to be one well suited to settle- aU Ver Manchuria at Present ment by arbitration, says the New York Tribune. It is so regarded by the two powers concerned. Each The 'well known Palmer House at Chicago has is quite willing, and indeed eager, to submit it to changed hands, but the silver dollars in the floor of arbitration, if certain minor details can be arranged, the barber shop will probably remain to dazzle the One point is that each seems to want some specific as- eyes of . the farmer who visits Chicago to "see the gurance of the good faith of the other. That could be I sights. given by the simple expedient of each of the disput- ; ants formally declaring to some impartial third . A Sti Patrick to banish reptiles from both stock power its desire for arbitration and its willingness exchanges would be a useful figure in the street -in to accept the result thereof in good faith as a final these days, and worthy of renewed canonization. KEEP YOUR HEAD UNCOVERED. Tfce Ooaataat Weartaa; of Hat Provo cates DaadraS Germs. There are many men who wear their hata practically all the time when awake, and are blessed with a heavy shook of hair; yet If the scalps of these same men once became Infested With dandruff germs, the parasites would multiply all the Quicker for lack of air. Baldness would ensue as the final result New bro's Herplclde kills these germs and stimulates unhealthy hair to abundant growth, Herplclde Is a pleasant hair dressing as well as a dandruff cure and contains not an atom of Injurious sub stance. Cold by leading drugfrlnts. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herpl clde Co., Detroit, Mich. Eagle Drug Btore Owl Drug Store 361-S63 Bond St. 549 Com. St. Astoria, Oregon. T. V. LAURIN, Proprietor. Special Agent "Neglected colds make fat grave yards." Dr, Wood's Norway pine Syrup helps men and women to a happy, vigorous old age. ANDREW ASP, BLACKSMITH, Halng InMalhn a IttibW Tiring Machine of the latest pattern I am prepared to do all kinds of work in that Hoe at reasonable prices. Telephone 201. CORNER TWELFTH AND DUANE STREETS. ROOF TROIIRI FS OIRFnTO TAYfe. ? - - wv.xv v vans milt rooigoou, you'll noi DO florrv. The orlcfl will nleaM nn. thn mtniU III filAnu vnn nn .i ti... 1 - . , j Bl,u i,v nar- ' era nol amatnnra mt lh hn.l. ' r Si 10 WORCESTER W.DG OREGON aurry. ine price win piease 70a, tue goods win pi antce we give yon will pleano you moat of all. We nous. We've bad over twelve years exDerienoe. . ThATClntarritA "R nnflnrr n. aiivw.a- jvw avvwuuq W PORTLAND, I s-n. CEZZZXXZXIXX1 gmnnnrrminiiiiiitmr FRESH AND CURED MEATS Wholesale and Retail Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notico. y;t LIVE STOCK BOUGHT AND SOLD WASHINGTON MARKET - CHRISTENS0N CO. xxxxzxi 1,000 1 BEST LUMP :ons L Free Delivery. Phone orders to No. 1961. Elmore & CO. Fresh and Bright and M of news from far ana near are tno pages oi uiu mukmjng ASTORIAN. Its nunv ber of readers is rapidly increasing, and it is acknowledged to bo th best newspaper Astoria has ever had. Do you ADVERTISE in it?