PAGE TWO. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1904. TO FIGHT THE RACETRACKS Leading New York Firm Has Ac cepted Retainer for That Purpose. SUITS FOR MONEY LOST Poolroom. Are Making Ketaliiv lory Fijrht "Against Kac Tracks Prominent Courses Attacked New York .May 21.-A leading law firm of this city is stated to have ac cepted a retainer to direct an attack of great proportions upon the race (tracks. All the courses In existence in or near New York will be subject to the most vigorous campaign in the history of , racing. i - j The war will, it is understood, be aj retaliatory one growing out of closing are John W. Gates, John A, Drake and Mortimer Schtft. The recipients of the summonses are divided in their opln ion as to the purpose of District Ator ney Jerome in calling them before decision had been secured In the case of Jesse Lewishon, who was recently questioned as to his knowledge of Richard Canfiold's house and refused to answer. The district attorney left the city while his subpoena servers were at work and will remain over Sunday at his summer home near Lakeville, Conn. When questioned by the press, he refused to give any in formation as to his Intentions. MINES WERE ON HIGH SEAS Japanese Claim That Battleship Hatsuse Struck Mine Ten Miles Out at Sea. ; RUSSIAN PROSPECTS BETTER FISK HAS RESIGNED. Principal of Northwestern University Academy Will Retire. Chicago, May II. The Rev. Herb ert Franklin Flsk. D.D.. IX. D., for nearly 31 years principal of Northwest ern university academy, has resigned that nositlon and will relinquish his post June 18. He was nearly 70 yearsold and his desire to lead a life free from official responsibility and to have more time to pursue his special studies led him to send in his resignation. During- his regmle. Dr. Fisk raised his schol from the rank of a mere pre- of the pool rooms. It is even being iparatory department to a small col- Intimated that plans are being formu lated for legislation that would make racing in this state impossible. Al ready a public attack upon the race tracks has been begun, demands have been made for the aboltlon of betting, and negotiations are said to be under way for the publication of articles to this end. Suits also will be entered for money lost to the bookmakers and attempts made to carry the cases to the higher courts. One of the oldest pool room keepers in the city is said to be at the head of the new movement. lege into the front rank of the best secondary school in the country. In both America and Europe he Is re garded as an expert in this field of education. CONCERNING STOCKS. BACILLI TURNED LOOSE. Scientist Looses Fever Germs While on Train in Wisconsin. Chicago, May 21. Several thousand bacilli taken from plague sufferers in India and inclosed in a small tin case, leather bound, have been lost some where between St. Paul and Chicago by iW. W. H. Hulbut, a scientist from Lon don, England, who has arrived here. The bacilli are as yet unnamed though labelled. - Some are mounted and some are preserved alive. They are destined for the use of learned men of England and Germany in their researches regarding the Asi atic plague. JEROME AFTER 'EM. Men Chasing New York's Prominent With Subpoenas. . New York, May 21. Agents of the district attorney have served subpoenas on a number of well-known capitalists and sportsmen returnable on Monday. Among those said to have been notified Listless Drift of Prices Characterizes Wall Street. New York, May 21. The list- less drift of prices for stocks in Wall street this week Indicate the halt ing tone of the speculative sentiment The timidity and the ultimate effects of the flood of gold exports are sub jects of some uneasiness which, have not been Justified by any perceptible effect in the money market. Declining railroad earnings, the moderate ex pressions of traffic officials over the prospects, discouraging views over the course of the iron and steel trade and a growing conviction of an impairment of the winter wheat crop to be har vested, unfavorable conditions for the cotton crop and the belief that trade activity generally Is of a diminishing scale, have all contributed to the neglect of the stock market. They Claim That Japanese Al vnnce lias lleiu'hcri Its Cul mination and F.vent Will Change. Mukden, May 20. The main body of the Japanese forces, estimated at $0, 000 men, remains south of the Russian troops who are covering Llao Yang. They apparently have suspended their advance. This inaction caused sur prise and some satisfaction as every days postponement of a decisive en gagement is considered favorable for the Russians who are daily increasing their forces and are enabled by the delay to strengthen their positions. It Is supposed that the recent rains hampered the movement of the Jap anese artillery and compelled a tem porary halt. Chicago's Glorious Fourth. Chicago, May 21. Chicago's Fourth of July celebration promises to be one of the most elaborate affairs of its kind ever undertaken by an American city. President Roosevelt, members of his cabinet, representatives of the army and navy, the mayors of all the large cities of the country and consuls of foreign powers In Chicago have been Invited to be present. The distinguished guests will take part in the street parade. NEWSPAPER MEN SENTENCED. Chinese On Staff of Reform Newspa per Go to Prison. Shanghai, May 21. Afternoon. The two remaining members of the staff of the Chinese reform newspaper Supao were sentenced today to two and three years' hard labor respectively, dating from their arrest last year, with ban ishment from every foreign settlement upon the expiration of their sentence. In August last the Taotal of Shang hai Issued warrants for the arrest of the editor and staff of the Chinese re form newspaper Supao, published In Shanghai. They were accused of pub lishing seditious matter. It was re ported that the prisoners were about to be tortured, but through the Inter vention of the British minister, this was averted and the prlconers were given an open trial with the above re suits. Is there any soap but Pears' which has been sold in two centuries and is selling in the third ? Bold nil owl the world. Republican Ticlfet. For Congressman, J. N. WILLIAMSON, Of Crook County, STATE. For Justice of the Supreme Court, ; ' FRANK A, MOORE, Of Columbia County, For FRUIT AGENCY TO DISSOLVE. California Organization Will Cease to Exist in September. Los Angeles, Cal., May 21. The an nouncement has been made that the California fruit agency, the big merger In control of the packing and shipping of a large part of the orange crop of southern California, ' about to dis solve. The combine will go out of busl neHS next September. The California fruit agency is composed of the south ern California fruit exdiange, with 16 The'Torc of tfrwcid NOTHING . SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS Why Is Newbro's Herplclde a success? Because It has the "Force" or capacity to produce an effect What is the effect? The destruction of the invisible, vine-like, microbic growth that lodges in the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles, where Its growth and development causes dan ruff, Itching scalp, failing hair, and later, incurable bald ness. Is Herplclde pleasant to use? Clear as crystal Newbro's Herplclde Is the daintiest, most delightful and refreshing application ever prepared for the scalp. It contains no oil, grease, sediment or dye matter. Careful people who now consider it a duty to use a scalp prophylactic, to insure cleanliness and freedom from dandruff contagion, prefer Newbro's Herplclde on account of its extreme purity, exquisite fragrance and refreshing quality. Ladles, In particular, become enthusi astic over It, because it keeps the hair light and fluffy and gives It a silken gloss. STOPS ITCHING INSTANTLY, .., ' "' '3 1" , w'-.Y P, i ' ;, THE FIR8T HAIR-SAVER, Newbro's Herplclde Is the first "Hair-Saver." It was not made until the microbic and contagious nature of true wandruff was discovered. Before this discovery, ap proaching baldness was considered inevitable, and after It came the scalp was treated with tincture of canthar Ides (made from dried blistering bugs) and other Irritant to make the hair "grow," Every dermatologist now recog nizes the fallacy of this treatment. Save your hair while you have hair to save. Kill the dandruff germ with Newbro's Herplclde and give nature a chance; marvelous Iresults will follow. MATERIALLY BENEFITED BY ITS USE. "I have noticed a very material benefit from the use kf Herplclde and believe it will effect an entire cure." (Signed) C. S. MUDQE. Baker City, Ore. MARVELOUS RESULTS. "I used a couple of bottles of New bro's Herplclde with marvelous results. Dandruff disappeared and my hair stopped falling out." (Signed) CLAUDE WATKINDS. Portland, Ore. A Healthy Hair. T. F. LAURIN, SPECIAL AGENT At Drug Stores 1.00. Send 10c in stamps to THE HERPICIDE CO., Detroit, Mich., for sample. -DESTROY THE CAUSE YOU REMOVE, THE EFFECT." , Aa Unhealthy Hair. Dairy and Food Commissioner, t J. W. BAILEY, Of Multnomih County.' ; DISTRICT. For Circuit Judge, THOMAS A. M'BRIDE, Of Columbia County. For District Attorney, HARRISON ALLEN, Of Clatsop County. COUNTY. " " For Representatives, C. F. LESTER, C. G. PALMBERG. For County Commissioner, WILLIAM LARSON- J. C. CLINTON. For Clerk, For Shertff, THOMAS LINVILLE. For Treasurer, CHARLES A. HEILBORN. For Assessor, T. 8. CORNELIUS. For School Superintendent. H. S. LYMAN. For Surveyor, R. C. F. A8TBURY. For Coroner, W. C. A. POHL. a few days the horlaon will be cleared and it will be possible to form an idea regarding the possibilities of the com Ing presidential election. Qulok Arrest, J. A. Qulledge of Verbena, Ala., was twice In the hospital fro ma sever cast of piles causing 24 tumors. After doc tors and all remedies failed, Rucklen' Arnica Salve Quickly arrested further Inflammation and cured him. It con quers aches and kills pain. 26a at Chaa. Rogers, Druggist. A DIRECT LINE to Chicago and all points east; Louis Vllie, Memphis, New Orleans, and all points south. PRECINCT. For Justice of the Pence, P. J. GOODMAN. directors, and the California citrus union, which the same number. Thewe 32 directors make up the directorate of the agency. The southern California fruit exchange Is composed of the growers' organizations, while the Cali fornia citrus union Is composed of the combined packers and shippers. MAIL BAGS RAIDED. Thibetiant Succeed in Worrying Eng lish Into Early Morning Fight, New York, May 21. A party of mounted infantry with mall bags was ambushed two miles from here on Thursday, says a dispatch from the London Times correspondent at Oy- angtse, Thibet. The 18 soldiers composing the escort fought gallantly, but lost one killed, two men wounded and seven horses killed and wounded. " ' .When Captain Ottley with a reliev ing party came out 12 to 13 Thibetans were seen dead. Ottley drove the enemy across two farms, but found them in great numbers occupying vil lages on both sides of the river four miles south of Oyantse and was com pelled to retire. One mall bag was lost. It is possible that the post will now be discontinued. , ANOTHER TRUST. Leading Dye Woolen Interests Effect Consolidation In New York. New York, May 21. -Plans have been announced for the consolidation of the leading dye woolen interests In the country, which will be known as the American Dye Wool Company, and will be Incorporated next week In Pennsyl vania with a capitalization of $3,000, 000. It Is claimed that two-thirds of the trade would be controlled. Trusts Will Meet. New York, May 21. A call has been Issued for a meeting of the presidents of the trust companies of New York state with the object of forming a trust company association along the lines of the national, state and savings banks of this state. There are 81 trust com panies, in the state capitalized at 1200, 000,000 and controlling deposits of more than $800,000,000. Peruvian Politics. Lima, Peru, May 21. The political situation so far Is a matter of pure speculation, but It is expected that in U " TUB FAIR ROUTE. Via Chicago or Now Orleans to 8W Louts, I ont that gives you tho moot for your money, and tho fact that tho ILLINOIS CENTRAL offera unsurpas sed service via these "point to tho WORLD'S FAIR, and In thla conn, tlon to all point beyond, tnakea It to your advantage, In case you contem plate a trip to any point cast, to wrlto ua before making final arrangements Wo can offer the choice of at least a dosen different routes, a. IL TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent 141 Third street, Portland, Oregon. J. C. LI NOSEY, T. F. A P. A, i 141 Third street, Portland, Or. F. B. THOM PSON, F. A P. A. ' Room 1. Colman Illdg, Seattle, Wash ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Be that your ticket read via th Illinois Central R. R, Thoroughly mod ern trains connect with all transconti nental lines at St. Paul and Omaha. If your friends are coming west let tit know and wo will quota them direct th specially low nt now In effect from all eastern points. Any Information at to rat, rout, to., cheerfully given on application. B. II. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 143 Third street. Portland. Or, J. C. LIND6BT, T. F. A P. A.. 14J Third street, Portland, Or. P. B. THOMPSON. F. A. P. A ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKETS VIA To Spokane, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago, St. Loult, and all points east and south. Q OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q L The Flyer and 1 he Fast Mail L 8PLENDID SERVICE UP TO DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES Daylight trip eoross th Cascade and Rooky Mountains. For tickets, rates folders and full In formation call on or address IL DICKSON. City Ticket Agent 123 Third Street, Portland, Or. S. Q. YERKES; G. W. P. A., 612 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. These tiny Capsule tre suporiot to Balsam of Copaiba,. Cubebs or Injections sadAifwuN CURE IN 48 HOURSPUrJ tho am disease with- V"" It Snlit v all f)rtii-(rfttt. LBAVK PORTLAND ARRIVfl I ; W "a mTport land UnkiTDiTOTlO a m 7:00 p ml pot for Astoria and 1:40 a m Way Point ASTORIA 7:41 am For Portland audi U:Man :10pml Way Poiata , il0;t0m SEASIDE DIVISION 1:11 a m Il:ttam 8:60 p tn Astoria for Warea-I 7:40 n ton, Flaval Fortf 4:00 pm Stevens. IUmmond!l0:4a m land Seaald 1.15 am : a m i;90pm Seaside for War- ronton, Flavl. Hammond, , Fort Stevona A Astorlal UMpia 7:MpM ;28am Sunday only All train mak close connection at Gobi with all Northern Pactflo train to and front th East and Sound point. J. C. Mavn 0nrl Freight and Paa. Agent dial , ,ne ja !! !... . urn s V Oregon Sisoqj Line AMD Union 70 hour from Portland to Chicago. No chang of car. Depart from Arrive POUTIANP OtlMlgO I'urtUnd MU Uk, M,nvor, fi HmwImI Worth, Oiimha. Kan- ft 34 p 10 fclAa.m. (,, yla Hunt- I'bicago mid n, I ii ton Atlanta KxprMM fnlt iik., Denver ft fcta n. m. Worth, Uiiiaha, Kan- 9 tf a in via Hunt- u ( iiy, mi IiikImu jC'hliiMfuKii.1 the M, Ps'ul jwalhi Walla, wl. ft Mali iloti.Hpoknim, .Mltinw luff: "' u1!'.'""' lml,,t, P " "sua janil Kiwt OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Astoria All sailing date subject to change. For San Francisco every flv day. Daily es- rc-in Mini day aiTuin Columbia Klvor to I'oriliiiid and Way lAlllllllg 4am . Daily ps- enpt Mou Steamer Nahcotta leave Astoria on. tide dally except Sunday for Ilwaco, connecting there with train for Long Beach, Tioga and North. Beach point., Returning arrive at , Astoria am evening. Through ticket to and from all prin cipal European cities. h Q. W. ROBERTS, Agent, Astoria, Or. i Pennyroyal pills HT.V Orfclnol in Only OaanlMk KTNlNSAFE. llfll.ll. I.a.lla. .k UrujHllt t.4(l fc (lim'UfrMTKlVM KNtMUHtf In Ni.! tn Hold iv.'illU InaM. mM win, uiu. rltiMw. I'akf) atkan B lHiiriu MahvtlinOanii mm4 Imlla. itim Ha If font llruKgt.1, r M4 4. Rl i.n.p. fbr Partlonlnn, TwtliMnlala in.l "Rrllltf fur mIm, IMUr, tf r. I u -a Mall. IH.O.IO l..llmo,l.l.. MM II l)r j.l.n. 'klkatr 'kailaal 11a. llaMMtaUniw. MaSlaOa Nnra. I'HJI.i- "A Ivery Wonian Is totem lieu nnn innuia mow abuut tlie wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray Tn nw TutImI SfrtM. Itijf lluu an annum. nri nr- iiiiil (;otivenifni. UUMMMl""IM. k& roor oranM tor II. It In' i'nniiuiiiipiljr Hit .itt.i.r. lull anit autlnu fur llliitriii-l lxik-r'. ItRiTf nll tuHlnlnrKnnil dlrPf!tloni In. Tillmililf tolmlmi !I.IH IX;0., 1 1'nrfc IUw, sew 1 or. PorTaflammatlaiierOatarrli f tho Ilbuldnr and PUewej Aiuaeja. 310 ear do p, Curi ontokir and ten. (ho wont oues ol oarrhnra ant Uloat, so uatlrrof kow long itarnl. ing, Absolntelf iiatmlMa Poiii by drugjluta. rrlw 11.00, er by mall, poitbaid. U,'. boi.,..f5. THE tAKTAl-fEPtll eo, hiaroHTMNa OMIOa Bold by Chaa, Kegara, 459 Commercial '?Best by Test" A transcontinental trav eler says: " I've tried them all and I prefer the North western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast" It's "The Train for Com fort" every night in the year between Minneapolis, StJ Paul and Chicago. ' matter whore-whte for Intprextlns; In forma tioa about comfortable traveling. H. L SISLER, General Ajent. 132 Third St Portland, Oregon. T. W. TE48DALE, General rawienKpr Agent. Bt raul.Mlnu.