The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 07, 1904, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    . . . A Sa ' i
1 1 I
Established 1873.
iy mail, per year . $6 00
By mail, per month 50
By carriers, per mouth 60
By mail, per year, iu advance $ 1 00
The active struggle now on for the democratic
presidential nomination affords a uniquelstudy in
politics. Even the most sanguine of the deuiocrats
confess that their chance this year is merely a
fighting one, "but the canvass for the nomination on
7 -
the part of the various aspirants could not pos
sibly be more acute. The candidates are fighting
not so much for the honor attached to the nomina
tion or the possibility of success in the election as
for the principal involved. On the one hand are
lined up the conservatives, men of the Cleveland
6tripe, while pitted against them are the men who
have been regular in their political habits. The
last-named class is vastly in the majority, though
" the former once defeated Mr. Bryan in 1S.
when 50,0(X) votes, properly placed, would have
elected him over the lamented McKinley.
It is now almost certain that Judge Parker will
not be named by the democrats. Judge Parker
was brought into sudden prominence by those who
fought their party's candidate in the Jast two
campaigns. He is known as the candidate of Mr.
Cleveland. Several months have elapsed since
Judge Parker's name was sprung, yet the, judge
has never once delivered himself of a political
utterance. He is noncommittal as to matters of
polities, and refrains from expressing any opin
ions, evidently fearful a statement made before
the convention assembles would be construed to
be antagonistic to one of the two contending fac
tions within the party.
In point of strength at the present time Mr.
nearst has a decided lead. He is getting strength
which his opponents never expected he would get.
Illinois and Indiana have gone for liim. All over
the country it is Hearst vs. someone else. In
Massachusetts it was Hearst vs. Gluey; in Illinois,
Hearst vs. Harrison; in New York, Hearst vs. Par
ker. Everywhere his campaigners aro active among
the democrats, and it is.becoming evident he will go
into the convention with a greater apparent follow
ing than any other candidate. "When his name was
first mentioned he was laughed at. But a man of
Mr. Hearst's energy is not to be laughed at: He has
Become the greatest publisher in'tlie world, and when
he tries for an honor he can be depended upon to get
it if such a thing is possible. Eliminating" the yotf
of the south in" the national convention,' he' would
receive tne nomination which ne is rams.
f Mr. Bryan is still the factor in democratic politics,
The great mass of democratic voters stand behind
him. He was nominated twice and on both occasions
thrown down. Had the sound money democrats sup
ported him he would have won in 1890, when, as has
been previously stated, 50,000 votes would have given
him the victory although not the majority of the
popular vote. The man who tries for the presidency
of the United States on the democratic ticket and
fails because of the refusal of democrats to support
him enjoys the sympathy of the voters. For this
and other reasons Mr. Bryan represents the bulk of
the democratic Vote of the union.
Mr. Bryan is opposed to the schemes of the re
organizers. He says these reorganizes defeated him
and thereby sacrificed the party. He demands the
nomination of a man who has always supported the
nominee, and his demand in this respect is eminently
eorrect. Doubtless when he finally declares himself
he will be found supporting Mr. Hearst, who has al
ways been regular in his support of the ticket.
; But the nomination will be made by the south.
This section of the union furnishes the democratic
strength, and is, therefore, entitled to say who shall
be the nominee. The democrats of the south are anx
ious for success and will vote in convention for the
nominee who appears to be strongest in those north
ern states which are considered doubtful, or possible
of being carried. The south does not seem favorably
inclined toward the candidacy of Mr. Hearst, but at
the convention may support him. The south wants
the party to return to the old-time principles, but
probably will not countenance the nomination of an
irregular democrat. If Mr. Hearst is not successful,
then, it is likely a dark horse will be named and the
Speaker of House Greets Townspeople
With Volet Full of Tears.
Danville, III.. May fllx-tUtti
Joseph M. Cannon reeelwd n enhu
slnstle welcome at home this evening.
A majority ot the business houses wore
ii8til mill an Inum-itse crowd lined
the tret. Business houses und
dwelling were dremed with Him and
bunting. When Cannon could make
himself heard, hi voice was shaking
ii ml tear stood In his eyes.
"I would rather have this." he wild
"than any other testimonial on the face
of the earth."
prophets are pointing to Mayor MeClellan of the
American metropolis, who has always been good ami
who is regarded with great pride by both factions.
' "" . ' :
Socrates, observing his eldest son, Ijaniproch's, in
a ragoVith his mother, the sharp-tongued Xantippc
rebuked him in a discourse duly reported by the ad
miring Xenophon. "Can there be any stricter obli
gation than children are laid under to their pa
rents!" asked the philosopher. "For it is they who
gave them a being, and who have put them in a con
dition to behold all the wonders of nature, and to
partake of the many good things exhibited befort
them by the bounty of providence, and which hiv so
delightful, that there is not anything that men more
dread than to leave them." The philosopher then
describes the anxieties and the pangs endured, the
labors, undergone, the solicitude exhibited by the
mother for her child; and he presents all these con
siderations to Lamprocles as good reasons why he
. j- i
should b respectful even to the lll-humorw
The duty of children to their parents is ji'mpha
ized by all preachers, Christian, Hebrew ami pagan,
4k '
and the argument of Socrates is repeated front many
pulpits, "Honor thy at her and thy mother," saith
the commandment But this obligation between pa-
ent and child is not unilateral but mutual, although
the duty of parents to honor their children and show
them gratitude is not often touched upon by the
homilists. After all, we must remember, children ar
not consulted about being brought into the world,
and the action of the parents in bringing them hither
is not inspired by any parental love fur the children.
f we ought to bless our parents for all the good that
we enjoy in life ougth we not also curse them for nil
the evil that happens to us between birth and death?
Philosophers have questioned wueuicr u is wuuu farmi,1R ilinil(,t it must naturally forge
while bein born: whether it is not a kindness to leave ahead, it has also the proud dlstlm
an infant in that state of oblivion and nothingness turn of being out of .iw.t. whi. h shown
where it has reposed, without pain, from all eternity -
1 ' . . . will be found entertaining and i-nrr-
Parents, having brought a child into the wr,V .m.. Bnd piv,in.h1 to -how any . th
are responsible for it. They owe the child a dlity torM fllul mnoiting apparatus at work
give it the best nurture, the best education, and gen-j and h will have the support of all peo
erallv, the best bringing up within their means. Ilav- i'le minted i the develop,,,,., of
,i .... i our rich resources.
ing brought a child into the world, they are under.
an obligation to make the child's way as smooth "d JU8T opened NEW GROCERY.
happy as possime. anu Aainqqa:, m.-.iuu,s jiam.-j Grocerk. tobacco, soft drinks, ton-
eles, was really violating her duty as much as he vio- jfectlonery; home-made bread and
... . i - .i ...
lated his dutv Lv falling into a rage witn nis moiner. icookr-s. eio. etc
Columbia County Iron Or.
From the St. Melons Mist.
Frank Payne of Scapintose has In
stalled a smelter on his place on
Seapoose creek, and In a short time
will be smelting Iron for market. .We
have seen a sample to the possession
of lr. Cliff of this city, and It appear
to be of very fine quality. It was taken
from the flint trial run, made ntout
month ago. We are t be congratulated
ujam havlnrf euch a' man an Mr. Payne
In our county, who Is willing to spend
his money In the development of the
rich resources, and we.frel sure thut
it will result In great benefit to the
proprietor.? ! Coiulder. the Immense
amount of good It will bring ti others
In the county and community. H
seems beyond nuestlon that the county
from Mr. Payne' place to liuuker Hill
abounds In Iron.-ore. and It has bevii
so far developed In different places
near there as to show to any one the
quantity and quality. It Is so located
that it enn be brought to market by
way of the Columbia river or North
ern Patlflc railroad on a very easy
grade, and the fuel for smelting can ba
secured at a nominal cost coal and
wood abounding In the neighborhood,
Columbia county Is destined to u great
future. Rich In minerals, lumber nnd
, Du. VAU01IAN,
' Dkntibt.
Fytbtan Pullding, Astoria, Oregon.
Dr. T. I. BALL
121 Commercial street. Astoria Ore.
my myw, m; l.
'' ' AOtlill lUllt Sll'lnou .
I'. 8. Marine llos IUI Mervli.
Office hours: 10 to tl a.m. 1 to 1:io,
ill Commercial Blreet, ind Moor, ,
Dr. W. 0. IXX3AN
678 OotumereuU St., Rlianahan HuUJIrk
Insurance, Commission and Snipping
Agent Willi-Fucgo and Northern
v Faciflo Ksprea Companies,
Cor. ELEVENTH and 1IOND 8T8.
Dr.MIODA (5. 11ICK8
Msnsrll Kldf. 171 Cummsrclal It
ritONI BI,A('K W '
Mantoll ltuilding
673 CiimnrnvUI Btroet, , AsUiri, Ore
Vtov eo to couaeasik
n I VikM bu.u . . . A
m. 1 ri inui hi. 3
Uwt, s.m w. tn Brm.i'. V.
Wholesale Am! Retail
Sl)ijs, IRging C'ais and Mills ujilied on sliyrt notice.
Sieves Have Their Uses, But zsrt$v&i$i
Roofing is Not One of Them. s tsss p
It pueetl. The pru
nihterlal that will Ut as long
hi. it
ItldMHl. Ilia nrliv. tt 111
please you Wrile fur detailed iuformatM'n. We re sU ays glad to answer (uellon.
The Elaterite Roofing Co. ?0SVnl
A timh1 many parents look on their children ns
chattels who owe numerous duties, hut to whom no
duties are owinjr. But if there were suen a tiuiik a
..-o.Winrr an,l meimiiriri!' duties, the ''reater burden.
m.ipuinj5 luiu ... v -v.- ry ,
Cor. Second nnd Astor Hts.
"Neglected colds make fat grave
yards." Dr. Wood's Norway I'lne
all likelihood, would ha found to rest ujioa thejsyrup helps men and women to a
... ....1 !l 1 .. ....... 1.1 1... h.tii,v .-l..r..ii r. ira
,t it w rur it fnriiH'H tniir enuureil miiuuu in:
respectful and obedient, and natural enough that
they should he affectionate; hut children, t have
their rights.
The term "anthracite coal," which so many writ
ers persist in usin, should be laid on the shelf aloiiK
with that other old favorite of the careless, "funeral
obsequies," .or ; its equally slovenly expression
"yearly anniversary." As well speak of a "dead
corpse." "Anthracite" means simply "hard coal."
It is not an adjective, hut a noun in its own ritfht,
and should he respected accordingly.
1 .
A young Frenchman, occupying the positional
secretary to a iiiemto of the Spanish nobility, has
just been sentenced to imprisonment in Paris for
pawning, without authority, an historic necklace lx;
longing to the Bourbon family. There's usually
trouble when a man gets too familiar w ith anything
with Bourbon in it. Pity the secretary didn't know
Fully 900 Astorians who ought to vote this year
have thus far neglected to register. County Clerk
Clinton and his deputies can take care of about 113
voter's a day for the next eight days, so if the de
linquents will make up their minds to hurry a full
vote will be polled at the coming elections.
If the Oregon Historical Society is duly incor
porated under the laws of the state of Oregon, and
made up of some 800 of its best citizens (not includ
ing "Billy" Welch) ; if the society is all that is
claimed for it, and really has no designs upon Shark
rock who swiped the McTavish monument?
A hero of the Boer war is visiting in Portland,
and, strange to relate, he has not yet commenced
suit against the Portland Club for twice the amount
of money lost by him at the gaming tables.
Mr. Himes says he is not going to swipe Shark
rock. And he might have added that no one is going
to swipe it for him.
Register today. : Tommorrow you may die or he
swiped for the Oregon Historical Society's collection
of rare relics. ' -
There was a tig sensation In Iees
vllle, Ind., when W. II. llrown of that
place, who was expected to die, had
his life saved by Dr. KIiir's New Dis
covery for Consumption. He writes: "1
endured Insufferable agonies from
Asthma, but your New Discovery jrave
me Immediate relief nnd soon there
after effected a complete cure." Similar
cures of Consumption, Pneumonia,
Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It's
the peerless remedy for all throat and
lung troubles. Price 50c, and $1.00.
Guaranteed by Charles Rogers, Drug
gist. Trial bottles free.
t ,rf''. . 5. tt
Marine and
A Istbnary.
1'i to AO
I torso power
An absolutely
First Class
at lU-ssonnble
1-ct mo send
you a catalogue
and prices.
rnn fair route.
via Chicago or New Orleans to St.
LojIs, la one that gives you the most
for your money, and the fact that the
ILLINOIS CENTRAL offere unsurpas
sed service via these points to- the
WORLD'S FAIR, and In this connec
tion to all points beyond, makes it to
your advantage, In case you contem
plate a trip to any point east, to write
us before making final arrangements
We can offer the choice of at least
a dozen different routes,
B.. II. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent
HI Third atreet, Portland, Oregon.
J. C. LIHDSBT, T. F. A P. A.
143 Third street, Portland, Ore.
F. B. THOMPSON, F. & P. A.
Ream 1, Colman Bldg, Seattle, Wash
TAVEr; is genuine pleasure on
Baltimore & Ohio R. R.
.-BETWEEN ; y-
! Chicago and New York
1 - . i via WASHINGTON, D.C. ,
Finest nnd Fastest scries of trains in the world. Talutial Coach
es, Pullman Uull'ct Parlor and Drawiug Koom.Cars.
The Finest Dining Car Service In the World.
Is operated by tho Paltiinoro tW)liio Knilroad.
Be Mi AUSTIN, General Pass. Agf. - Chicago, III.
"I hT. Bt.d roar Tlnbl Ciwirtli ml And p.rf.nt. Couldn't do wllhnut tlium, 1 h.
u.d th.m for lorn. Mm. for lndl(tlon nd bll
oaan.i. and snt now coioDl.liilr enni. Haeom.
Bend them to aT.rrons. Once tried. To a Will
MT.r b. without tuem In th. family."
Kdward A. Mara, Albany, M.T.
ft Hl. jiJ The Dowels
Pleaaant. PalataM., Potent, Tait. Oood. Do flood.
Herer 8lckn, Weaken orOrlpe. Me, Jfe,Mo.NeT.r
old In hulk. Th. gennln. tablet itaraixd OOti.
ttuarantx-l U) cur. or your nony back.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicsso or N.Y. Sot
See nature in all he glorious beauty,
and then the acme of man', handi
work. The first Is found along the line
of the Denver A, Rio Grande Railroad,
the latter at the St Louis World's
Fair. Tour trip will be one of pleas
ure make the most of It. For Infor
mation and Illustrated literature write
W. C. HcBRIDE, Gen; Agt.
I , ' ' , : - Portland, Or.
, Time CarU of Trains '
Learea Arrive
Puget Sound Limlted.T.tS m l:tt m
Kansas Clty-flt. Louis
Special u:io am pm
North Coast limited 1:10 p m 7:00 a m
Tacoma and Seattle Night
pro 1:06 srs
Take Puget Sound Limited or North
Coast Limited for Graf's Harbor points
Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym
pia direct
Take Puget Bound Limited or Kan
sa Clty-8t Louis Special for points
on South Bend branch.?
Double -dally train servlos on Gray's
Harbor branch.
I, Four trains dally between Portland,
Tacoma and Beattl