The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 07, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Judje of District Court Obdurate
In Stand Taken Against
the Strikers.
Comjmny Mnkea JCfTort to Italic
Uto Machinists Hut I'ull
Kuiployca DUclmrgcd and
Jailed u Vagrants.
Albuquruue, N, M., May l. In th
district court, Judge Baker ha. refused
to modify th. Injunction against tht
striking Battta Tt machinists, Attor
ney! for tht strikers sought to have
' the clause forblQdlnf th. strikers talk
tnf to non-union mn stricken out
Th. court held that the granting of thi
request might lead to the Intimidation
Mf new men and alio to their feeing
driven from the servlc. of the road
against their will. The court held that
the injunction Injured no law-abiding
cltlxen and, therefore, continued it. In
force until June L
A referee waa appointed to Uke testl
money on the mertu of the cane to be
ueed at the final hearing. During the
course o,f the proceeding, the com
pany's attorney Introduced affidavit
charging that the strikers had attempt
ed to disable locomotives by placing
emery dust In the driving Journals
They also charged that one engine was
rendered usclwis by placing a heavy
bar of Iron In the running gear. At
torneys for the strikers asked for a
continuance to enable them to Intro
duce affidavits refuting these charges
This the courj. denied. Efforts have
been made by the shop officials to In
duce some of the more expert among
the striking workmen to return to work
on the same terms as before the trouble
I 'I jdCtiSTRiwrcMTO ' S i f P ''?yfj
If i S" . . A W
The Clothes That Make WISE Famous.
(Sole Distributor For Astoria
occurred. So far as can be learned
these offers have been declined. Sev
eral of the new men have been dis
charger and three of them who were
penniless, were taken Into custody by
the police as vagrants.
Falls to His Death.
Chicago, May . Fitnn a ladder 150
feet up tht side of a temporary tower
at Bteger, III., Michael Trutclua has
fallen to Infant death. Fifty fellow
workmen In a piano factory witnessed
the plunge. His neck was broken.
D If NW8
See our Burlaps, Lontlicn, Lincrustn, Wood Imitations,
Crown Moulding?, Plate and" Picture Rails, Etc.
Jm 365-307 Commercial Street
Stabbed Young Woman in the
Because of Her Refusal to
Marry Him.
W. P. Thorns., Manager, Ben Franeisoo.
IIm been Underwriting on tba racifie ,
Coast twenty-five yeara.'
8. ELFIOHE 0 CO., Resident Agents. Astcfla. Or.
Those who hare ever felt its keen, cuttingpains, or witnessed the intense)
ufferinz of others, know that Rheumatism Is torture, and that it is tighU
ly called' The Kinyo! Pain. V 1' 4 ,
All do notsuffcr alike. Some are suddenly seized with the most excrucia
ting1 pains, and it seems every muscle and joint la the body was beinj tora
asunder. Others feel only occasional slight pains for weeks or months, whe
sudden change in the weather or exposure to damp, chillr winds or might
sir brings on a fierce attack, lasting of days perhaps, an4 leayinr thepa.
tient with a weakened constitution or crippled and deformed for all time.
Att acid, polluted condition of the blood is the cause of erery form and
Tariety of Rheumatism, Muscular, Articular, Acute, Chronic, Inflammatory
and Sciatic, and the blood must be purged and purified before there is aa
end to your aches and pains. External applications, the use of liniments and
plasters, do much toward temporary relief, but such treatment does not reach
the real cause or cleanse the diseased blood ; but S. S. 8., the greatest of all
blood purifiers and tonics, does cure Rheumatism by antidoting and neutralix
ing the poisonous acids and building up the weak and sluggish blood. It Ja
Sale ana reiiauic m u lunus ui juicuuhuiuu. iub
the old acid blood rich, and the pain-tortured mus
cles and joints are relieved, the shattered nerves are
made strong, and the entire system is invigorated and
toned ud bv the use of this rreat vejretable remedy.
Tf vnn flaw BtiMimatism. write us. and our physicians will furnish with
out charge any information desired, and we will mail free our book on
-T-- . . , " ' r
TViiK srA Rrip'Kt and fnii of
news from far
and near are the papes of TI1E MORNING -ASTORIAN. Ita nura-
bor of readers is rapidly increasing, ann n is ac:nowiwippu m iw
best newspaper Astoria" has ever bad. Do you ADVERTISE in it?
Walla Walla, May 6. (Special) Z,
Champoux was banged here at 6:11
this morning for the murder of Miss
Lottie Urate, Into whose brain he
drove a dagger because the young
woman refused to marry him. The
execution was the first under the new
law providing that all hangings shall
take place at the penitentiary.
Chamopux punned a good night and
slept soundly, He seemed entirely
reconciled to the fate which his crime
hoi broubht him .to, and expressed the
belief that he would Immediately go to
heaven. After a hearty breakfast he
was marched to the room In which the
scaffold had been erected, and with
Arm step mounted the gallows. Of
the 60 persons present he seemed the
calmest and never once betrayed the
least nervousness as his hands were
strapped and other necessary prepa
rations made. His last words were,
"God bless you all." A moment later
the trap woe sprung and Champoux'
body shot downward. The neck was
broken by the fall, paralysis was in
stantaneous, and death ensued . In IT
minutes The utmost effort waa put
forth to save the neck of the mur
derer, but the courts refused to grant
him a new trial. Even when the death
warrant was Issued the murderer's-'
attorneys sought to prevent the exe
cution, on the allegation of Irregular
ity because the warrant was addressed
to the "superintendent of the peniten
tiary," when there la no such official
designated In the law.
Murdered Miss Brace Beesuse
Refused to Marry Him.
Seattle.May . The crime for which
James or Zenon Champoux was exe
cuted at the Walla Walla penitentiary
this morning was the murder, on" Oc
tober 5, 190S, of Miss Lottie Brace, a
concert " hall singer with whom the
murderer was In love. With the blade
of a knife the French-Canadian
stabbed the girl in the head, driving
the knife with such force that a sur
gical operation waa necessary for Its
removal. The girl lived about 12
hours after being stabbed, but never
regained consciousness.
Champoux fell In love with Miss
Brace in the Klondike, where he was
employed by her father. She feared
him because of threats to kill her and
did not encourage hla suit At a Seat'
tie variety theater he met her one
night, and stabbed her to death.
moment a new nebula will be bora
The force of their impact will suffice
to evaporate their substance into an
other cloud, which will repeat the his
tory of the old. The path of the two
dead suns will determine the posi
tion of the "principal plane" which will
form the ground plan of the new sys
tem. C. W. Saleeby, In Harper's Mag
azine for May.
Repetition of Bender Crimes
Thought to Have Been Com
mitted in Vermont
; Notice.
To the citizens of Astoria. The"!
Grand Lodge of L O. O. F. for Ore
gon will meet in Astoria on May 17.
There will be about 600 persons to
accommodate. Anyone having a spare
bed or beds will please notify J as. W.
Welch,' 654 Commeicial street, with
name, number of house, beds and
Bodies of Three Men Found on
Railroad Track Not Kilted
by Train as at First
Rutland. , Vt, , May t. Attaches at
the sheriff, office have unearthed evi
dence which they believe will prove
that three men who were supposed ts
have been ktlted by train, on the Rot
land railroad were robbed and mur
dered In a roadhouse on the ouUkirt
of this city and their bodies placed oa
the railroad tracks by the' marderera.
In some respects the case resembles
that of the notorious Bender family,
years ago in Kansas.
Since the finding of the body of
Joseph Murray on the railroad tracks
near the house last June the sheriff's
department has been working on a
murder theory. A note found near
the body caused them to put aside the
Idea that Murray was killed by a train,
but they never made much progress
on the case until within a few days.
It Is now thought certain that Murray
was killed for a few dollars and that
his murderers will shortly be placed
under arrest.
Stories of wild orgies which have
taken place In the roadhouse and which
was followed by the disappearance of
the men who, until recently, it waa
thought had left the country, are now
being investigated, but the police say
they will only .be able to charge one
murder, that of Murray,. against the
persons they suspect.
M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind.,
knew what to do tn the hour of need.
His wife had such an unusual case of
stomach and liver trouble, physicians
could not help her. He thought of and
tried Dr.. King's New Life PUls and
she got relief at once and was finally
cured. Only 2Ec at Charles Rogers
dru store.
Chases Miscreant, Laden With Jewelry.
r Into Street at Point of Revolver.
New" York, May 6. A courageous
woman with a revolver has brought
about the capture of a thief In the
Bronx upon whose person Jewelry was
found valued at $3000, together with
stolen promlsory notes for $2000. The
heroine was Mrs. Daly, sister-in-law
of a New York merchant The latter
and his wife were absent when Mrs
Daly visited one of the bedrooms where
her sister', child lay asleep. She was
surprised to find a stranger ransack
ing the family Jewel case and catching
up a pistol, chased him Into the street
A dozen patrolmen Joined the chase
and under Mrs. Daly's lead they sur
rounded the thief In a vacant lot After
considerable "parley he surrendered
under threats of being shot to death.
Every pocket In his clothing was
filled with fine Jewelery, evidently the
proceeds of several burglaries.
When the End Comes.
The alterations now occurring In the
distribution in the solar system have
le'dProfessor George Darwin to pre
dict that the moon will ultimately re
turn to the earth, which gave her sud-
. Terrible plagued those Itching, pest
ering diseases of the akin. Put an end
to misery. Doan's Ointment ourea. At
any dn store.
den birth so many ages ago; and it
may further be propheslded that the
planets and their satellites must ulti
mately yield to the gravitational Influ
ence of our dying sun and must return
to the bosom of their parent We must
conceive of the solar system of today,
then, as gathered Into one central mass
closely. aggregated around that point
which from the beginning has consti
tuted its center of gravity. And what
will be. the stage of this shrunken ob
ject? There are myriads such in the
heavens. Sir Robert Ball has said that
to count all the bright stars that we
can see and say "these are all there
are" would be like counting the red
hot horseshoes In England and saying
this Is the total number." This dark-to-be
will, therefore, be Just such an
other as millions more. There will be
no life upon It We cannot conceive
the terror of Its cold, for the nebula
has been dissipating energy In the form
c? light and heat Into the chilly depths
of lnterslderal space ever since the
first hour of Its longaeval shrinkage.
What "is the destiny of this dead sun,
among whose constituent atoms, re
member, will be those In teh printer's
ink before your eyes end those In the
eyes themselves? Are they forever
"stabel In desoluation," as Stevenson
has it to be borne onward through in
finite space? No; this shriveled globe,
the common tomb of sun and earth
and Mars and of the bodies of the great
that once breathed thereon, may live
again. Give It but the consuming em-j
brace of such another voyage and In a
Preserves, Vegetables,
Canned Fruits,
Sole Agents, Astoria, Oregon. . -:,
, Soda water, as Made sat t
pure fruit Julees, delightful
flavors, ' pure carbonated water,
milk and Ice eream wbe deetred,
and served as we serve It la la
great demand. Ladies and gwt
tlemen, large and small, clamor
for It, and we can hardly satisfy
the numerous calls for it But
we try to have a glass for you
every tlm you call.
VR1CHTV iqoo
-606-508 Commercial St.,
Next Griffin's Book Store.
O. W. Morton and John Fuhrmaai Proprietors.
54a CiiOdercial St. P'hona MsJa 3i.