i i ii ii ill t Jr 2 - . r. m r n i ts' i k (. .i i AA1 lA A As VOLUME LVII. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1904. NO. 182. dytti c ncnnnT thm ,4oni th" the hf UJ I I JLLi lL.r V7il btt, which they mistook for the rig a m m l""1" vi viupijr puruw(F puss, uie HUilllVtLY DENIED two outlaw who robbed the Imnah postortk, and who have uccwwfully eluded Wallowa county o Alder for days, early yesterday morning wakened the crew at Roberta' sheep camp and surrendered. Tbe period of their re pentenec wan short-lived, however, for Correspondent Insists That Port they aoon found they had been scared Arthur- ItNrtf CiukiA Itn Dae. by rlderleea horaea, overpowered thi age Pronounced to ' Be Open. - j . ...... t ,,..,.,,. News Comes From St. Petcrsberg Via the Paris Echo de . 1; Paris, i , i'- 40,000 jap troops; UNO i camp hand and took to the wood. Shortly after their get-away a atrong poeee arrived at the camp and la now cloae on the heela of tha outtawa. The robber were badly frightened when they reached the herder' cabin While they were traveling the trail at night they heard hoofbeata behind them. ( They Increaaed their apeed and the following horaea did llkewlae. Then the fugitive fired baric into the dark neaa, but after a moment' pauae the purauera again came on. Thla convinced the robbera they were almoat la the graap of tha deputies and they reeotved to aurrender to heeomen. aa they did not want to come to actual conflict, and feared they would be ahot down If found armed by the posse. Aa It waa dork, employee at the aheep Pari, May 1 The Bt Petersburg camp aecured no deacrlption of the correspondent of the Echo de Parla men. The place where they gave up end th following! . I about 12 mile from Enterprise, "The general atari believea that the JAPANESE TROOPS SWARA ACROSS LI AO TUNG PENINSULA-PORT ARTHUR SEALED Events Long Anticipated by Russians Oc cur Simultaneously and Are Accepted V With Great Stoicism. Walk of KnrokU Army Now Nine Ml In From Teng.Wang Chcnr Ueneral ZaMRlltr-k Will lUi Side-tracked. Japanese have landed at Ptteaow not lea than 40,000 men, and aaya that the bulk of Kurukia' army waa thU morn Ing about nine mUea from Feng-Wang- Cheng. A alaff officer aald that Gen eral Zaasalltch would be kept In the background during the remainder of the war. "I am utile to poeltlvely deny the NOW WAIT FOR DECISION. Argumenta in Moyer Habeaa Cerpui Proceedlnga Conoluded. Denver, May . Argumenta In the hnbea carpua proceedlnga of Prealdent Moyer of the Weetern Federation of 9 j ; frorirtss Pronounced to Be Impregnable and Provisioned so Tha It Will Be Abie to Stand Siege for Year-Orientals Landing Troops From Sixty Transports at Two Important Points-Details Are Meager. Mlnera, held by the military at Tellu- atatement that Port Arthur la bottled ride, were conoluded In the aupfeme court today. The attorneya for twtb up. A paaeage la atlll free. "The correspondent repeala the re port that the Japanese have occupied Port Adam and aaya that they art advancing on Port Arthur." 8TORM3 IN TEXAS. ftldea will file aupplemental brief early next week and the court will take the raae under advlnernent In the ubuiU couree of proceeding a declalon can be jshpa Celled the ahore preparatory to expected In about 10 daya. St Petersburg, May 7-Japaneat troop are awarmlng acroaa tha narrow neck of the Uao Tung penlnaula. rail road and telegraph communication cut, Port Arthur ieolated and left to It own reaourcea are th condition which the Ruaalana aeem to accept with great atoiclam. Theae eventa have been anticipated el nee the outbreak of the war and the authorltlea in a aenae appear to be relieved now that the blow haa fallen, They aasert that the fort rem la Im pregnable and amply provisioned to' atand a siege for a year and it can hold out until the time cornea to re lieve it. ! According to offlclul Information the landing of troops from transports simultaneously at PI tie wo and Cape Terminal May S. It Is also reported that troops are landing at Kinchcow, but this la not credited as the Russians are known to have fortifications there. Complete dctuila of the landing are larking owing to the Interruption of communications. No resistance waa made, the few Cossacks who observed the movement retiring when the war tne enemya troop had landed and taken up quarter In Chinese village The enemy sent two columns, about one regiment each, one in a westerly direction and the other to the south ward. May I a passenger train from Port Arthur waa fired on a mile and a Quarter outside of Toiandlen. about 0 miles north of Port Arthur, by 100 Japanese Infantrymen. The train car ried many passengers, 200 sick occu pying an ambulance carriage flying the red cross flag. Two of the sick were wounded. The train succeeded In reaching Polandlen- COMMANDER SHUT OUT. Vio to Prop Number of People Killed and erty Ii Damaged, , Bt. Louis, May 6. A special to the Itvpubllc from Dallas, Tex., says: A Tornado in the northwest of Texas Inst night killed three people at Mo ran. A duxen persons were severly but not fatally Injured. At Putniim a man was killed and a woman was injured. A negro cabin waa swept In the nraxu river and three negroes drowned. A wrecking train was blown from the track near Crescent and two negro laborers drowned Twenty house were wrecked at Moran and half a doxen at Putnam. Hundreds of head of livestock are reported killed and crops are badly injured. It i be lieved that Uvea were lost In Isolated place that w)ll swell the total to the number of JO. ' MEN TRAID OF HORSES. Thinking They Are Pursued by Posse Robber Prepar to Surrender. ' Enterprise, Or., May I. Frightened Into aubmlsston by wild horses follow- FLOODS IN NORTH. Horse Drowned and Passengers Hsve Narrow Escape. Voncouver, D. C, May . A special from Dawson to the Province says: Owing to a sudden rise In the Hun- ton river, seven horse connected with the White Pass mall stage were drowned at Yukon crossing, and the driver and four passengera barely escaped. Yukon and other streams are now impassable and the entire mall service Is demoralised. debarkation. It la believed there are more than 20,000 men now on land preparing for a forward movement " . . . LANDING OF JAP TROOPS. THIBETANS LOSE HEAVILY. Re- Attack British Mission and Are pulsed In Disorder. London, May I. A correspondent say that 800 Thibetan, coming from the direction of Bhlgatse, attacked tht British mission at Gyangt April S The Thibetan were repulsed with heavy losses and fled. The British lose wa two aepoya wounded. Sixty Transport Suddenly Bear Down Upon Pitetewo, St. Petersburg. May 8. (9:30 p. m.) The ministry of war has received the following from General Pflug, chief of the military staff: "According to Information I have re celved, seven of the enemy' tran porta, and afterward about 40 ap peared, opposite Plteswo on the even ing of May 4. "On the morning of May S the Jap anese began to land at Pitsewo and on the coast near Cape Terminal, about II mile southwest of Pitesewo under cover of artillery fire. "At this moment about (0 transports were observed bearing down upon the whole front and our post retired from the shore. . "According to Chinese report by the evening of May S about 10,000 of Summer Clothes w-j'i-J- ; ....... ... , : - . -v , m f .1 it - v. . 1 v. - You wont find anything in clothes more snappy ' mi attractive than this Hart SchafTner 1 & i Marxk single breasted outing Varsity.' ". , ',. Thi is particularly a yoifng man's style, but if' you like the looks of it on you we won't ask how old j you urq any man who likes these clothes is en-. titled to wear them as soon as he pays the price. It's an astonishingly easy price to pay when you consider how very good the clothes arc. P. A. STOKES One Price to EVERYBODY tlUnSduftJ ft HaaJTtilwnl H E EI I I Admiral Skyrdloff Unable Reach Port Arthur. SU Petersburg, May . (10:05 p. m.) a aispaicn received tonight says that Port Arthur is cut off from all communication by land, the Japanese having debarked In It rear, occupied the railroad and cut the telegraph. Vice Admiral Skrydloff, who Is en route to Port Arthur to take command of naval forces In the far east, will be unable to reach his destination. Jap Victory Rumored. Seoul, May . (2:30 p. m.) A dis patch from Antung say that it ' Is rumored there that the Japanese have captured Feng-Wang-Cheng, May 4, after fierce fighting and heavy losses on both sides. Michael Wa single, and 3S or 28 year old. So far aa known, he had no relative here. He Hved in a email house near the mill where he waa em ployed, at Twenty-first and Nicola! treeU, North Portland. He ba been In the employ of the mill 18 months and waa a good workman. f: , Aa soon as Michael was discovered Dr. Herbert W. Card well and F. Smith were summoned, but death had claimed It vktim before they bad time to ar rive. NO SUCCESSOR TO HANNA. National Civie Federation Pay Tribute , . . U Senator' Memory. ' New Tork. May t Th executive committee of the National Civic Fed eratloB. today held lt' flrt meeting since the death of it chairman, Marcus A. Hanna. , Samuel Gompers, president of th American Federation of Labor' presided. Resolution in commemora tion of Hanna were adopted unanimously... Brief tribute to the memory of the senator were spoken by Bishop Potter John Mitchell, Cornelieu N. Bits and other. ' Tonight & committee on nominations reported that a successor to President Hanna had not been chosen. The com mittee waa Instructed to continue its search tor a president. REWARD FOR ARREST OF TRIO Two Sons of Wei! Known Ca!i fomia Mining Man and Ajicd ate Wanted by the South era Pacific Co. Charged With Having R:lbed Oregon Express on March 31st. CUfLTV ,OF OTHER CRIMES Reckless Career of Young Dea. peradoes Covers Period of Ua ' usual Lawlessness- Operate Throughout the West. ' "' Malady at Victor. Butte," May . A Victor special to the Miner says that a strange malady of spotted fever has broken out there the daughter of John Cleary being in precarious condition from the dis ease. Great apprehension exists ovei the fear of a possible epidemic. BASEBALL SCORES. Alexieff at Mukden. Mukden, May . Viceroy 'Alexlefl has arrived here. Smoot la Confident. Salt Lake, May . Senator Smoo returned from Washington today. In an Interview Senator Smoot expressed entire confidence that he would fee al lowed to retain his seat in the senate MEETS DEATH IN A BARREL. OW(M HM h Hut fehaffnir 4 Mat Employ of Rolling Mill Drowned in Curious Manner. Portland, May . At 10 o'clock last night A. Michaels, employed in the Portland roller mill a a tongue-run ner, left his work for a moment to get a drink from a faucet outside the mill, and 10 minute later he was discovered with his head submerged in the barrel of water under the drinking tube. Ap parently he had dropped dead from heart failure," but he may have suffered death as the result of drowning. His body hung over the edge of the bar rel. An autopsy will be held by Cor oner FInley this afternoon to deter mine the exact cauee of death. Coroner FInley was Immediately notified of the peculiar death, and die patched a deputy to Investigate. That It was purely accidental was soon dls covered, and no Inquest will be held The dead man was found by J. W Baker, a fellow employe, after a 10 minute search. Michael' work, like that of the other men employed In the blasting depart ment, Is exceedingly hot, and he fre quently left his place to drink of the cooling water in the faucet close 6y but which la in a rather obscure place From the position of the body when found, it is presumed that he stooped placing his Hps to the mouth of the faucet, and that while In that position he either fainted from fatigue or heart failure. His head fell into the watei In the small barred under the faucet and, being unable to help himself, he was drowned, It la believed. , Michael's duty. was to transfer the molten steel from the furnace to the rollers a very hot task. He was seen to leave his place for the water fau cet, and It being very common for him to do so, no one paid any heed to it Pacific Coast. At Portland Oakland 6, Portlands At Seattle Tacoma 2, Seattle H. At San FrancoBco Los Angeles 4 San Francisco 1. Oregon League. At Eugene Roseburg 0, Eugene 8. Pacific National. At Salt Lake Butte 10. Salt Lake 4. At Boise Spokane 1, Boise 7. American. At Chicago St. Louis 5, Chicago 2. At Philadelphia Washington & Philadelphia 18. At Cleveland Detroit 1, Cleveland S. At Boston New Tork 2, Boston S. National. ' ... At Cincinnati St. Louis 4, Cincin nati 7. At Pittsburg Philadelphia 15. Pitts burg 7. San Franciscot May 8. The South ern Pacific Railroad Company today offered a reward of 1850 for the arrest' of George Sates, Edwin Vernon Gate and James Arnett, wanted for the rob bery of the Oregon express at Copley, March 81, in which W. J. O'Neill, th Well Fargo messenger, waa killed. The trio, although young in years, are declared to have been connected with the most daring robberies known to the western authorities. Included la the crimes charged to them are th robbery of an electric- car, near Port land last year, In which two men were killed, the hold-up of ; the Colorado Southern train, the hold-up of a stage at Weaverville, Cal.. and a robbery at Seattle. The Gates brothers are son of G. G. Gates of Alameda county, a well-known mining man. NO DEALINGS WITH UNION, Striking Machinist Will Be Given Un til Monday to Begin Work. Topeka, May 8. The striking Santa Fe machinists will be given until Mon day morning to resume their place with the company. Third Vice Presi dent Buckalew of the machinists union tonight offered to submit to the Santa Fe management a new set of rule adopted by the executive committee of , the union In Washington. He was in formed the Santa .Fe would have no dealings with the union, whatever. Our Ladies' Suit Business Grows apace. Must be a reason back of such growth; there is. It is price and quality. Suits from $9.00 to $25.00. Dress 6kirts, walking skirts, skirts for all occasions from $1,75 to $10.00. We have the largest assortment of shirt waists in the city; prices from 50c to $5.00. 4 If you are looking for something nice and stylish in dress goods we can satisfy you , every piece'and pattern is an inspiration. We have just received a lot of crushed leather belts in all the most stylish shades; Have you seen the new silk PEAU DE CREPE? We have it. Laundries like muslin. Thejiewest fhing for waists and dresses. Let comparisons witness the truth You'eanf' buy them CHEAPER 4 " . - ;: AT'iTHE BEE HIVE $1.00 to $3.00 CROQUET SWStS JNO..N. GRIFFI