The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 04, 1904, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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School Children
Help on Exhibit
Rare Variety of Lady Slipper
Gathered on West Side and
Sent to Fair.
Warrenton, May 3. (Special Cor
respondenee.) The school-children of
this place have forwarded to County
Superintendent Lyman at St Louis
rare variety of the sweet-scented
Cower lady slipper. The flowers were
packed with their bulbs In moss and
It la believed that they already have
their place as port of the Oregon ex
Dibit at the treat fair. The variety
sent Is considered by florists as being
very rare, attaining Its principal
growth In Oregon than anywhere else
ia the country. The color is of a pecul
lar pink shade, the white kind being
ery scarce in this section. The chil
dren greatly enjoyed their excursion
Into the woods 'after the flower, now
being the season of the year when
they are beginning to bloom In abun
West Side Notes.
Mrs. W. F. Halderman has returned
from a visit to Portland.
Rev. J. E. Foresyth held service In
the St Thomas chapel last Sunday.
Mrs. A. L. Fulton and son Charles
pent Sunday visiting at Warrenton.
Miss Alice Sweeney will assist In
ne of the leading roles In the cantata
soon to be given in Astoria.
Miss Nellie Dawson spent Institute
week with her parents at Sklpanon
and returned to her school In Astoria
Miss Edna Morrison was at her home
at Clatsop Saturday and Sunday. She
Is teaching school in the WalluskI
Mrs. C. A. Collins and little daugh
ter of Auburn, Wash., are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Abbott of
Sklpanon, Mrs. Collins" parents.
The G. A. R. burying ground in
Ocean View cemetery is being beauti
fied with cannon , balls, and a small
cannon has been mounted in the plot
Mrs. TV Riemnn of Pnrilan1 ia visit.
fng with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. Wirt of Sklpanon. Mrs. Wirt is
In very poor health. Mr. Wirt, though i
nearly 10 years of age, works In hi
garden every day and has a garden
that would put many a younger man'
In the shade.
Mr. and sirs. Molhoff, Captain Dun
bar and Captain Speler of the dredge
Chinook were guests of Miss F. A.
King last Sunday. - The morning was
spent In driving on the beach and
digging clams. The merry party re
turned to Miss King's home in War.
renton in the afternoon where an ele
gant dinner was served.
Resident Pays Debt and
Commits Suieid.
Seattle. May S. Louis H. Wllkle. an
aged German, swallowed the contents
of a four-ounce bottle of carbolic acid,
witn suicidal intent. His body was
found yesterday In a corner of his
door yard.
Wilkle planned his death. Last week
he paid all his debts, his taxes and
every obligation he was known to
have. He owned two houses and lota
The deeds to the property he had In
his pockets.
Not wishing to disclose the identity
of the druggist who nad sold him the
carbolic acid, Wllkle tore the name
from the label of the bottle.
Wllkle said several days ago that
he was becoming a burden to his fam
ily because he was growing too old and
feeble to work. He then threatened to
commit suicide, but his relatives did
not treat the threat seriously. He was
one of the best-known men on the
northern part of the city. For years
he had lived in Ballard, a suburb of
the city.
AH on Account
Dancing Party
Whitmore College Disrupted by
Warring Factions in
the Faculty.
Tacoma, May 3. Staid old Whit
worth college Is disrupted by war
ring factions. The college Is a Pres.
byterlan Institution, and because some
of the students danced the Virginia
reel and the minuet at a colonial party,
given on Washlngtons birthday, sev
eral of the members of the faculty
have been ordered deposed by a ma
jority of the members of the board of
trustees. The president and minority
members, however, uphold the profes
sors who have come under the ban of
the other faction.
Friction has been wearing for some
time. Things reached a climax at the
last quarterly meeting of the board.
Messrs. Matthews, Ballard. Whltworth
and Black of Seattle, Dudley of North
Yakima, Hayes of Olympla and Loose
of Snonomlsh, with the help of one
member of Tacoma, are said to have
combined against Trustees Longstreth,
Stone, Barnhlsel and Ktlpatrlck of Ta
coma. and rushed through some cut-and-dried
resolutions. These provide
for the resignations of Miss Cooley,
Professor Holt, Mrs. Stacy, Professor
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Used bv neonla of refinement
for orer a quarter of a century
primrio er
ijth vesterdsy, and lodged In the
county Jail. They will be held to await
the action of the federal grand Jury,
They are charged with having held up
and robbed Thomas M. Hough, a busl
ness man of Vancouver. They ex
nwtixl sreater sum. It is suI mat
both young men have been arresieu
before In Portland on a similar charge.
It is said that about week before
th altered assail It Hough Vlsllfd a
disreputable house In Vancouver kept
bv Alice Shank, and to the Shank
woman he is said to have exhibited
a large roll of bills, the result of a
sale of timber lands. The prosecution
will endeavor to prove that the assault
crew out of the reckless display of
On the nlgth of April 2S, us the facts
are stated, Hough was making n round
of the Vancouver saloons In company
with the Shank woman, both being
drunk. They fell In with Fisher,
Stevens and another soldier by the
name of Joseph Peniuo. rney nau
Knight and also President Gault, un-meveral drink together, and when the
less he agreed to never let a student saloons dosed they still wanted liquor.
Olv us your order for any kind of
printing; plain or artiatia, buslnssa
or personal. We guarantee actlafao
Best workmanship.
Most reasonable prices.
Two linotype machines ensbl us to
print briefs and other book work on
short notice.
Newspaper composition a specialty.
Writ for Terms.
How This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
This is to certify that I have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable In all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Todelo, O.
Hairs Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents
per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
look upon a card or to indulge In danc
ing. When seen, the president said:
"The Presbyterian church has no rule
against dancing. It Is left with each
member of the church as a matter of
Individual conscience. One of the
things complained of was the rendition
last winter of Howell's 'Mouse Trap.'
an Innocent and amusing play. Last
Friday the German Club gave a Ger
man play, and probably the rest of
the faculty will be discharged for al
lowing even that bit of harmless
The soldiers thereupon proposed that
they vlHlt a mythical saloon over thero.
and it Is alleged that once within the
reservation, the soldiers knocked
Hough down, badly beat him. and
robbed him.
At a preliminary hearing before
Justice of the Pence W. W. Spnrka In
Vancouver, Demlco mul the woman
were released, anil the other two were
bound over.
wnt a roof, use
CfAVAC Uiiin TfiAtt II(Af Dn When yon wi
uibito narv intii uocj. uui elatehtu wwiita
Roofing is M One of Tnera. rsffiSSl-Jis
, ...,,., 11 ta Ths prio will
lluas you. V rite for detailed tnfurmabou. W eareslwar. glad to answer questions.
The Elaterite Roofing Co. SSSW
Stanford Will Add
Relic to Museum.
San Francisco, May 3. Mrs. Jane L.
Stanford, after un absence of nine
months, during which she visited Aus-
Members of the Nineteenth
fsntry Held for Action.
Seattle, May 1 Clifton G. Fisher
and Georsre A. Stevens, members of.iraita. ceyion, mam, Kgypt ana ja-
Company A. Nineteenth Infantry, Van- pan, arrived home from the orient yes-
Take Hall's Family Pills for const!- couver barracks, were brought to this terday. on the steamship China, notice
patlon. city by Deputy United States Marsha! ably improved In health and happy In
the thought that
midst of her
she Is again In the
many Interests, pnra-
ewbro's Herpicide
An Exquisite Hair Dressing.
tnount of which Is the development of
i the great seat of learning at Palo Alto.
After a few days rest she will go to
f the Stanford university, iwhere she
: expects to remnln for several months,
. watching the progress of the work of
construction on the new library build
ing, the foundation of which will soon
be laid.
During her visit In Egypt, which ex
tended over a period of eight weeks,
Mrs. Stanford secured a-valuable col
lection of ancient relics which will be
added to the mgxeurn at the unlvers-
; Ity. Just before her departure from
' thut country these relics, which she
brought back with her, were unearthed
in the village of Glsseh, where the fa-
: mous group of pyramids are being
explored by a party under the direction
; of the sheik of Glzeh. In the collec
tion Is a portrait statue of Cheops.
It Is a seated figure of illnt stone,
four feet high, c learly showing the an
atomy of the body, the muscles and
veins of which are as distinct as those
on a well-developed human being, It
Is estimated by the Egyptian authori
ties, whofle permission was given to
Mrs. Stanford to bring the relics to
California, that the statue was made
7000 years before Christ.
Baltimore X Ohio R. R.
Chicago and New York
Finest and Foulest series of trains in the world. Pnltitial Conch
es, Pullmnn Buffet Parlor and Drawing Room Cora.
The Finest Dining Car Service In the World.
Is operated by tlio Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.
B, M, AUSTIN, General Pass. XtV - Chicago, III.
THE LADIES OBJECT to a gummy and sticky hair
Uiosbu.g or one that is fuil oX seuiuieniary tneimcais
iuienUtd 10 dye the hair. The marKed preference for a
clean and Uuinty preparation, particularly one that over
comes cxoubsive oiliness and leaves the hair light and
Holly, is rellected In the enormous sale of Nebro's
Herpicide. Discriminating ladies become enthusiastic
over its refreshing quality and exquisite fragrance.
A WOMAN TO BE PRETTY must have pretty hair.
The features may be quite plain or even homely, yet
if the head is crowned with an abundance of beautiful
hair, attractiveness will not be lacking. The poet says:
"fair tresses man's imperial race ensnare." Herpicide
gives the hair a charming distinctiveness that Is char
acteristic of no other hair dressing.
diseased hair is a misfortune in more ways than one.
There is the actual Injury to the hair follicles, and the
consequent loss or thinning of the
hair; this may cause diseases that
sometimes follow a removal or thin
ning of nature's protection to the
head. A diseased condition of the
hair effects a woman's disposition
to a marked degree.
ft- ' ''
V; .
If the hair is dull, brittle and lifeless, owing to the pres
ence of a microblc growth the effect is to dampen one's
spirits and cause a loss of Interest In personal appear
ance. The use of Nebro's Herpicide overcomes the
ravages of the dandruff microbe, after which the
natural beauty and abundance of the hair will return
as nature Intended. Almost marvelous results follow
the use of Herpicide. Gentlemen will find Nebro's
Hern)eld tn nw nt nil Important barber hnn.
PROMINENT DOCTOR 8AYS: "It gives me pleas
ure to state that since using your preparation, Herpi
cide, I have been much benefitted and nearly entirely
relieved from the troublesome Itching of my scalp. I be
lieve It will entirely cure such troubles if properly used."
(Signed) W. H. EWIN. M. D.
Union, Or.
nrteen applications of Nebro's Her
picide my head was free from all
disease and scales. When I first
commenced to use Herpicide I
thought it would be a fake like lots
of them but I am happy to state
that it has done all and more than
you claim for it"
(Signed.) L. N. JONES.
Independence, Or.
' There's nothing like doing a thing
thoroughly. Of all the Salves you ever
heard of, Uucklen's Adnlca Salve Is the
best. It sweeps away and cures Burns,
Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Bolls, Ulcers,
Skin Eruptions and Piles. It Is only
, 25c, and guaranteed to give satisfac
tion by Charles Rogers, druggist.
A Healthy Hair.
At Drug Stores $1.00. Send 10c in stamps to THE HERPICIDH CO.,
Detroit, Mich., for sample.
Aa Ucieallh jr Hair.
Is the experience of everybody at one
time or another. Tour skin becomes
, yellow, the tongue coated, and you
1 have severe headaches. You're Bil
ious, that's alt.. The liver needs at
tention at once. A few doses of IIos
! tetter's Stomach Bitters Is all that Is
! needed to set you right again. Get a
bottle today and try it. It is also un
equalled -for curing Indigestion, Dys
pepsis, Constipation, Insomnia, La
Grippe, Colds and Malaria.
via Chicago or New Orleans to St.
Louis, is one that gives you the most
for your money, and the fact that the
ILLINOIS CENTRAL offers unsurpos
sed service via these points to. the
WORLD'S FAIR, and In this connec
tion to all points beyond, makes it to
your advantage, In case you contem
plate a trip to any point east, to write
us before making final arrangement.
We can offer the choice of at least
a dozen different routes,
B.. II. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent
142 Third street, Portland, Oregon.
J. C. LINDSET, T. F. A P. A.
14J Third street, Portland, Ore.
F. B. THOMPSON, F. k P. A.
Room 1, Celman Bldg, Seattle, Wash
I hose tiny Capsule, are tuperic
to Baisam or copaiba. -
Cubebs or IniV.tiona amiCnf-,!
tha ame diseases with.
out inconvenience.
Sold 6y all fh-urpft
'.i,',' U
.Every Woman
u liiMiri -Mini mm ulimilrt knntr
. slmiitltm womlmful
MARVri. Vliirling Spray
IluK llflrf Hurl H. ilMt-Haf.
.!Mtwt (
1- k raw Aranl.l hf II.
Ii li- i-nm.i.t tlM?
MAKl tJ., itiiwi.t no
full Kiilltnl.uftnliiHiirrliiHi. hi.
Yiilimlilr Ii, i!ir SI tttVKLt O.,
v . I ur. nv-, arir urn.
hN 1
soil's Sital-Fepsii Gaasiifes
t An, i
Sold by Chas
A FOCITIV!! clt.e
r.irTr.nmmillon crCKlirrb
e'tbe BlMlilnrud UIhumI
Kldaeji. Mo our Do p
Uurot qatcklr na l'enn.
nniif h' Mont euet ol
UoMlirrhcM-a nd Uleet.
pa mad- rof how lonf ttibt).
J"-. MelmtlT humint
H .W, or bjr inntl. ncitciil
!!!! eAKTAl-rtltlll CfL
Rogera, at Commercial
Methodist Episeopal Conferenes, Let
AnBsles, May 3-31, 1904.
An excellent opportunity t enjoy
California Spring, which la enly a
continuance of the beautiful elimata of
winter, ampllfled by tha blooming
orchard, and luiurlent garaaae.
Portland to Los Angelee and return.
8ALE DATE8 APRIL 24-MAY 2, 1904.
For full Information regarding these
rates, and for beautifully illastrated
California advertising matter, address
Portland, Ore.
to Chicago and all points east; Louls
vll.e. Memrhls. New Orleana, and all
point, south.
Sea that your ticket reada via tha
lillnou central R. R. Thoroughly mod
srn trains connect with all transconti
nental lines at St. Paul and Omaha.
If your frtenda are coming west lat ua
know and wa win quota them direct
the specially low rt?a now In effect
from all eastern points.
Any Information as to rates, routes,
etc., cheerfully given on application.
B- H. TRUMBCXuL. Commercial
Agent. 143 Third Weet, Portland. Or.
J C LINDSET, T. F. P. A., lit
Third street, Portland, Or.
P. B.' THOMPSON, F. 4. P. A.,