The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 03, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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One De d and Others Injured by
Fire That Cuts off all
Flume by Hprendlug Itnpltlly
Hem In Occupant of Ilulld
Uig, llefore They Could
He Awakened.
Chicago, May J. On person baa
been asphyxiated and many other oc
cupante of a thre-atory building In
Ualetead street bav been Injured and
narrowly escaped death In a fire which
wept through the place and cut off
cape by the talrways, both In the
front and In the rear. Only the prompt
work of the firemen aaved the Uvea of
wnen ine nre eianeo. in ioe wora ut
reacue two firemen and one policeman
were Injured.
The dead:
JOSEPH WEBB, auffocated by amoke.
The Injured:
Mra. II. Webb, overcome by smoke,
.condition aerloua.
Kdward Ocas, hands and fuce burned.
' Btella Goas, face and handa burned:
overcome by amoke; condition eertoue,
Policeman John Burke, severely
bumed while helping rescue lin
primmed tenenta.
Fire Captain McOraw, atruck by
falling wall and severely cut and
ripcmnn Ryan, face and bande
Wllllum Wolfe, severely burned while
endeavoring to reacue hla wife and
children from burning building.
The Are. which did a damage of only
a few thousand dollara, apread ao
rapidly that the occupanta of the place
were hemmed In by the flamea before
they could be awakened and told of
their danger.
iPf Vfl SOLE DUTRIPUTOm fOft I;-. fl A I BPf'
If 1 SPepl ' l.ll Mf
V.V.'i I J L . . MAKFR5L & WfVYORK I 1 U l W.
The Clothes That Make WISE Famous.
iSole Distributor For Astoria.
will not be opened tonight, and three
more will not be allowed to open un
lese they muke such alteratlona aa the
committee of wifely shall recommend.
It la declared by the autluirltlea that
If any house under the bun shall at
tempt to open It will be clused at once
by the police. It la understood, now
ever, that the three playhouses men
tloned are not among the important
onea on Broadway and thnt the others
merely delayed asking for their II
censes In order to curry out chang
ordered Immediately after the Iroquois
Alterations Being Mads.
New Tork. May 2. At lenst six the
aters have fulled to put In applications
for a renewal of their licenses, says
the commissioner of police, In whose
hands the matter rests. These bouses
One New Csse Reported.
New Tork. May 2. Only one new
case of bubonic plague was reported
In Lima, Peru, Saturday, according to
a Herald dlsputch from that city.
A little life muy be sacrificed to a
sudden attack of croup, if you don't
have Dr. Thomas' Ededrlc Oil on
hnnd for the emergency.
Tho World's Verdict
j& MADE. j&
We carry the largest, newest and
moat select atook of Foot-wear in
Oregon outside of Portland, and
can undersell ALL competitors.
Peterson Q Brown
Question of Sympathies With Combat
ants in Russo Japan War to Be
Decided at Los Angeles.
. im R00E3S!
See our Burlaps, Loathen, Lincrusta, Wood Imitations,
Crown Mouldings, Plate and Picture Hails, Etc.
365-367 Couimercial Street.
W. P Thomas, Maimirer, 8nn FranoW.
Has been Underaritinif on the Pacific
Ooast twenty-five years.
S. ELE10RE 0 CO., Resident Agents. Astoria, Or.
Los Anseles, Cut., May 2. As 'the
day for the aaMembllng of the delegates
to the 3 1st general conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church ap
proaches general Interest In the gatlv
erlng- of representative churchmen
from alt parts of the clvllleed world
becomes irreater, and when Ulshop
Steven Merrill calls to order-the first
seaslon at J o'clock next Wednesday
morning' 748 out of a total of 750 ac
credited delegates will he In their seats
ready to proceed with the legislative
t;mkn confronting; them.
The delegates will, during the dally
sessions luatlng through the month of
. May. be called upon to solve many
problems of importance to the growth
land future welfare of the Methodist
Episcopal church.
In the opinion of many high In the
councils of Methodism, the quadren
nlal session will prove the most lm
portant of any in the history of the
church. Among the most important
subjects are the following:
"What Can the Church Do on the
Liquor Question V "What Action
Can the Church Take to Solve the
Race Question?" "Shall Worldly
Pleasures, Such aa Dancing. Theater
Going and Carl-Playtng Be Condoned
by the Church."
"With Which Combatant In the War
In the Orient Are Our Sympathies r
"What Can Be Done by the Church to
Prevent, In the Good Name of the
Country the Crime of Lynching?"
"Shall the Itineraries of Methodist
Ministers Be Restroed?" "How Many
Bishops Shall Be Elected and how
Many Be Retired?"
A proposal ta consolidate the three
publishing houses of the church in
New Tork, Cincinnati and Chicago will
doubtless cause spirited discussion In
the conference aa the movement to
combine them all In one, in the Inter
est of economy is looked upon with dls
favor by many specials and it is earn
estly supported by others.
The subject of the American uni
Rm!r the Meat Carefal Atteatioa as
Well as Oo4 feU.
Did you ever see a rosebush which
despite the most beneficent environment
of soli of sunshine and of atmosphere,
-seemed never to achieve a healthy
A ton of manure will not help a plant
that bas a canker eating out Its heart
Tou must destroy the cause before yorl
can remove the effect
Tou cannot eure Dandruff and Bald
ness by rubbing on - hair lotions, and
rubbing In vaseline, etc.
Tou must look to the cause of the
trouble It's a germ at the roots of
your hair which causes it to fall out
Newbro's Herplclde destroys the germ,
and healthy hair Is the sure result.
Sold by leading drugtfsts. Send lOo. In
stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co..
Detroit. Mich,
Eagle Drug 8toe Owl Drag 0tre
. 3S1-IS3 Bond St (41 Com. St.
Aatartst Or9a. ,
. ' T. V. LACZUN, Brpt4etr.
Bsetat AgvRt
verslty, in course of construction "at
Washington, Is one of the big ques
tions that the educational department
will have to decide. The institution.
as originally projected, was to have an
endowment of 5,000,0JO and an agree
ment was reached at a former general
conference that the university should
not be opened until this sum should
be on hand. About two and a half
millions have been collected, land has
been secured and several large build
ings erected. There is a strong party
in the cciferenec that opposes the idea
of letting this property stand Idle for
an Indefinite period, and urges that
the school be opened at once.
The educational department will also
have to decide the question of heresy
In certain theological schools 'where
the majority of the Methodist min
latere receive their training.
For the first time in the history of
Methodist general conferences women
delegates will have seats in the con
ference, and a voice In the direction
of church affairs. The election of
bishops will take place about May 18,
and la one of the chief duties of the
present conference. There are three
vacancies at this time and it Is prob
able that several, possibly three or
four of the older bishops who have
reached the age which Incapacitates
them for active duty will be retired.
It appears to be certain that no fewer
than four new bishops nor more than
10 will be elected. There are numer
ous candidates. Among them are:
Rev. Dr. James M. Buckley, New
Tork; Rev. Dr. George F. Bovard, Los
Angeles; Chancellor Day of the Uni
versity of Santa Crus; Rev. W. F.
McDowell of the Educational Society;
President Little of the Garrett Biblical
Institute, Evanston. 111.; President
Bachford of, Ohio Wesleyan Univer
sity; Rev. T. R. Jennings, Cincinnati,
and Rev. Dr. Henry Spellmeyer, New
ark, N. J.
The colored delegates, of which
there are 75 or more, will make a
strong effort to have one of their race
elected bishop. -
The subject of foreign" missions will
form a topic of earnest and Interesting
discussion. With the view of bring
ing the ubject prominently before the
conference, the missionary element has
arranged one of. the most comprehen
sive and instructive exhibits ever
shown at a church gathering. A fea
ture of the exhibit is a map of the
world, the largest ever printed, de
signed with the sjnscial purpose of
emphasizing the work of the mission
aries an showing at a glance those
parts of the world yet unconverted by
with lumber, has almost destroyed the
cargo, according to a Herald dispatch
from Buenos Ayres.
Immigration Commissioner.
New Tork, May 2. John W. Klssam,
commissioner of immigration at this
port for 25 years, is dead, at the age
of 89.
New Driven Wells Furnish Fort
Stevens Water Enough and
to Spare.
There was a big sensation in Lees
vllle, Ind., when W. H. Brown of that
place, who was expected to die, had
his life saved by Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. He writes: "I
endured Insufferable agonies from
Asthma, but your New Discovery gave
me Immediate relief and soon there
after effected a complete cure." Similar
cures of Consumption, Pneumonia,
Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It's
the peerless remedy for all throat and I
lung troubles. Price 60c, and $1.00.1
Guaranteed by Charles Rogers, Drug
The Five Well With Extra,
Pressure Can Provide 8000
Gallons an Hoar,! While
fiO, 009 a Daj Are UeL
The great problem of a water sup
ply for Fort Stevens, the magnlUcent
new government post at the mouth of
the Columbia, has been solved at last
Driven wells will furnish the post wttk
water and afford for tt even a greater
apply than will be necessary. The
wells recently sunk at Stevens have
more than come up to the expecta
tions of the government officials and
have removed the trreatest obstacle la
tbe way of the enlargement and im
provement of tha post
Captain Goodale, constructing quar
termaster, who has charge of all the
construction work at the forts at tbe
mouth of the Columbia, states that tha
Ave wells will easily provide 8000 gal
lons an hour, at that, with additional
pressure, 12,000 gallons an hour can
be provided. The needs of the post at
present are aboat 20,000 gallons daily,
and the possible supply which may be
pumped from the five wells and will
be great enough to amply supply a
full regimental post
The Jdea of sinking the wells which
nave proved ao successful originated
locally. The engineering department
had driven wells at Fort Stevens for
Its water supply, with much success.
and it was calculated that quite as
good results could be secured for the
post The wells were Ouly recently
sunk and the experiments showed them
to be satisfactory In every respect
Analysis of the water also gave satis
factory results, and the supply secured
Is not alone plentiful, but as well
(Continued on Page 4.)
gist. Trial bottles free.
Bad blood and Indigestion are deadly
enemies to good health. Burdock Blood
IBitters destroys them.
Fire Destroys Cargo.
New Tork, May 2. Fire discovered
In the hold of the British steamer
Zylph, Captain Charles Meara, which
haa just arrived from Gulfport, Miss.,
Lawa Mowers
At the Right
Prices j& at
Beda water, as made out of
pore fruit Juices, delightful
flavors, pure carbonated water,
milk and Ice cream when desired,
and served aa we serve It la la
great demand. Ladlea and gen
tlemen, large and email, clamor
for It, and we can "hardly satisfy
the numerous calls for It But
we try to have a glass for you
every time you calk
506-508 Commercial St.,
Next Griffin's Book Store.
, . O. W. Morton and John Fuhrnan, Proprietors.
542 Commercial St. Phone Main 321.