PAGE SIX. TobacGe Cigars THE MORNING ASTORIAN, SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1901. BLAME FIXED FOR DISASTER In All Brands and Sizes We have them in stock. The Trade supplied at absolutely bottom prices. t l We have added a Tipe Repairing Department. Best work in this line. w ii own iunn n 530 Commercial Street -114 Eleventh Street The aaaaanncn a a a . i Palace a - a a a a Cafe attnattt:aanaannnnan The Best Restaurant Reenter Metis. 25 Cents jj Sunday Dinners a Specialty n Everythin the Market Affords n Palace Catering Company I attaaaaattttttatttttianaaB ASTORIA- IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Pres. and Supt F. L. BISHOP, Secretary A. L. FOX, Vice President. ASTOKIA SAMKOa BANK, Trea Designers and Manufacturers of V THR LATEST IMPROVED CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Foot of Fourth Street, - - - ASTORIA, OREGON. j Captain Loll Held Responsible for Collision Between Elmore and Vosburg. . HIS LICENSE IS SUSPENDED o o o o o o o o o PRAEL 0 COOK TRANSFER 0. Telephone 221. Draying and Expressing All goods shipped toourcare will receive special attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. Reliance Electrical Works H.W.CYISOB, Manager We are thoroughly prepared for making eatimatea and executing orders for all kinds of electrical installing and repairing. Supplies in stock. We sell the Celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Phone 1161. 428 BOND STREET Fisher Bros., Company DEALERS IN Paints, Oils and Glass, Hardware, Iron and Steel, Groceries, Provisions and Crockery, Ship Chand lery and Boat Supplies, McCormick Mowers and Rakes, Corrugated Iron and Building Material, Hardwood Lumber. FISHER. BROS., COMPANY Ciiptain Schroder Exonerated of All Want Statement of Im ports for Month Ma rine Notes. Responsibility for the collision be tween the atearrter Sue H. Elmore and tug Vosburg has been fixed by the In spectors for this district, Captains Ed wards and Fuller. The blame for the accident has been placed upon Cap tain Loll, master of the Vosburg, and Captain Schrader of the Elmore has been exonerated. Yesterday Captain J Schrader received a letter from Mes srs. Edwards and Fuller notifying him that, as a result of the investigation made into the disaster, he had been exonerated of all bluine. The accident occurred May -12 as the vessels were steaming out of Tilla mook. In a narrow channel the Vos- burg tried to pass the Elmore, and, falling to do so, crowded so close to her that the suction rendered the steer Ing gear of both vessels unmanage able. The tug hit the steamer three times, and narrowly missed ramming her again. Both masters made application to the inspectors for an investigation Captain Loll filing a claim for dam ages against the Elmore. This claim was protested. The Inspectors took considerable testimony and decided that the Vosburg was solely to blame As punishment for his poor Judgment, Captain Loll's license has been sus pended by the Inspectors for a period of 30 days. The Vosburg suffered dam age to the extent of $500 In the col lision, and has Just been repaired at Portland. cargoes were cleared during April, a follows: Vessel Bushel. La Uruyere ..110,833 Armen 22.399 Thistle 135.693 Indrapura 384 Value $ 88,700 17,471 105,840 315 Totals 269,309 1212,326 All of the wheat went to the United Kingdom, with the exception of the very small consignment sent to the orient on the Indrapura. Barley Exports. One full and two partial cargoes of barley were cleared during the month, as follows: Vessel Bushels. Value, Armen 111.125 t 62,674.39 Indrapura 106,745 60,587.00 Lothian 28,623 14,760.00 Totals 243.498 $138.021. 89 Flour Shipments. Flour shipments were smaller than for many months past, but two small consignments having been sent out on oriental liners, as follows: Vessel Barrels. Indrapura t 19,603 Lothian 6,954 Value. $68,823.00 27,300.00 $96,123.00 EXPORTS FOR THE MONTH. STAPLE ARD FANCY GROCERIES Flour, Feed, Provisions, Tobacco and Cigars. Supplies of all kinds at lowest prices for Fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A. V. ALLEN, Tntt Mi Commercial MrtiH ASTORIA, OREGON THE LOUVRE A First Class Concert Hall - ; Finest Beeort I The City ADMISSION FREE ATTBACTITE PROGRAM CHANGE WEEKLY Seventh and Astor Streets CHARLES WIRKKALA, Prop. Brooks & Johnson, Proprietors; Phone No. 831 THE WIGWAM CIS BROOKE, Manager Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars SEE Tilt ILLUSTRATED PICTURES 6 Eighth and Astor Sts. ASTORIA Statement of Lumber and Grain Car goes Sent Away From Columbia. Eighteen full and partial' lumber car goes were sent away from the Colum bia river during the month of April to domestic ports, while five full and partial lumber cargoes were shipped foreign during the month. The total foreign and domestic shipments ag gregated more than 13,000,000 feet, which, considering the condition of the lumber market, is not so poor a show ing as was expected for the month. The following statement shows the domestic cargoes cleared from the As toria customs house during April: Vessels Feet Aurella 650,000 Zampa t 450.000 C. A. Klose 450,000 Alice McDonald 660,000 Elder 2.000 Despatch 600,000 E. B. Jackson 870,000 J. M. Weatherwax 478,936 Berlin ' 25,738 Sargent 80.000 Harry Morse 109,879 Mabel Gale 850,000 Wm.'F. Witzemann 480,000 Aurella 240,000 Oregon 11.000 Aberdeen 200,000 Chehalis 800,000 Ida Schnauer 290,000 Total 7,157,553 Foreign Lumber Shipments. The foreign lumber cargoes cleared from Astoria during the month were as follows: Vessel Feet. Value. James Tuft 1,323,823 $13,760.24 Cresslngton 1,707,129 17,588.00 W. F. Garms 1,297,203 16,082.68 Cromartyshire ....1,319,326 13,193.26 Indrapura 271,803 2,150.00 Totals 5,918,784 $62,774.18 The total foreign and domestic ship ments was 13,076,337 feet Wheat Exports. Only two full and two partial wheat W 1 1C4I U 0 Beer. mm Him ,;" if? ,1)1 1.1. ... . . - - i, La 4. 'Jr " 1 w 'If STUMACH .STOMACH Don't expect to enjoy good health a long as the stomach is weak. That's impossible. A Htrengtben It fS with the Bitters ana good neaim is assured. It always cures Poor Appetite. Heartburn, Indention, Dyspepsia and Liver CompUnti Girt it a Trial Totals ....26,657 Will Not Aoespt Low Rats. The sudden drop In the price of charters has caused much concern among thoee ship masters now In the harbor. Captain Turbet of the French ship Laennec, states that his owners will decline any such offer as 15 shil lings, and that the .vessel wllf be tied up before so low a rate Is accepted. There are at present three disengaged vessels In port. It hns been reported that the Marechal de Noallles has been fixed for gruln, but the report can not be verified. Exporters say they are unable to offer more than 15 or 16 shillings because of the high price which they are compelled to paid for grain, and some say the rate should drop to 12 shillings. With the arrival of the tonnage en route, a still further Marine add lead drop Is possible. Following is a copy of the letter re ceived by Captain Schrader from In spectors Edwards and Fuller: "Portland. April 28. Captain Foul Schrader, Master Sue It. Elmore, As toria. Captain: We respectfully In form you that you are exonerated from nil blame in connection with the col lision between steamers Sue H. Elmore and George It. Vosburg at Tillamook bay, April 12, 1904. Very respectfully, "E. S. EDWARDS, "GEO. F. FULLER, "Local Inspectors." The Vosburg returned yesterday from oPrtland and left out for Til lamook before notice could be served on Captain Loll notifying him that his license has been suspended for 30 duya. It is probable he will be notified upon the return of the tug to Astoria, or, if she should be absent for several days. then notice will be forwarded to Tillamook. The steamer .Elmore arrived In from Tillamook last night with a very heavy passenger and frelgttt list. 8he has done practically all of the business since the Inauguration of the rate war. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Wanted A girl for general housework. Apply Mrs. 0. Zitgler, 314 17th. St. Fr Sale Furniture of a six room flat Will sell all or part. Inquire at As- torlan Office. Agents wanter for the Sun and Postal Tvoewrlters. Cunningham, Curtis A Welch, San Franolsoo, Cat. The Morning Asterlan will be found for sale at Griffin's book store and at Soully'a elgar store, eorner Eleventh and Commercial streets. JAPANESE GOODS. New stock of fanoy goods Just arrived at Yokohama Baiaar. Call and see the latest novelties from Japan, PIANO TUNER. For good, reliable plane work see your local tuner. Th. Fredrlokson. 2071 Bond street 'Phone Red 2074. Union made heating stoves, heme man ufactured and very stove perfeot, at Montgomery' tin and plumbing store, 425 Bond street 'Phone 1031. Union Mutual Aid Association, of Portland, Or. For one dollar per month Insure against aocldent or sickness. P. A. Trullinger, Agent BEST 18-CENT MEAL. You ean always find th best 15-cent meal In the city at the Rising Sun restaurant, No. 612 Commercial street Alderbrook Transfer Company Bag- gag transferred and wood fur nished. Order reoslved at Gaston' tabl. Prion Main 1671. E. L. Gdds, Mgr. WOOD. WOOD. WOOD. Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest jrlc. Kelly, th transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Blaek, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house. Circular and sampl distributers wanted vrywhr. No eanvasslng. Good pay. Co-operative Adv. Co.. N. Y. L. 8. ANDERSON, 421 Bond Street LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Flrst-otas mal for 1B nice oak, eoff, pie, or doughnut, 6. U. S. rstaurant434 Bend street Mrs. Schwari, Practical Mldwlf, 287 Bond St Reasonable eharg) setli faotlon guarsntesd. WANTED AT GASTON'S FEED ttabl, wool, hid, furs, sack, rub br boot and shoes and aid metal. For Rent Stor room sultabl for any mall business. Inquire of Sloop Jf. fert Co., eor. Tenth and Duan. Phone, 2283 Red. Lost On Commercial street between court house and. Hellborn', tore, ladv's silver watch, with bead fail. ' v Flndsr lav at Astorlan offle andX rclv reward. Standard portabl and adjustable shower bath, fintt mad, prlo $11 Only two screws to put In pi. John A. Montgomery, tinner and plumber, 429 Bond trt Prion 1031. Upper Astoria has a place where you can gt a fin glas of br, a good win and liquors a you n find any plao In th eity. HARRY JONES. Oppotlt North Psoitis Brewery. Marine Note. The schooner Irene waa towed up the river yesterday to receive a lumber cargo. The schooner Ida Schnauer was cleared yesterday from the Hume mill with a lumber cargo for San Francisco, Th BtpamHhln Inverness, with a cargo of lumber and forage for Ma rilla, arrived down the river late last pvpnlnir. She got down too late to figure In the lumber shipments cleared from this port In April. The steamer Nome City, with a cargo of grain, put to sea yesterday for San Francisco. Portland longshoremen have placed this vessel on the black list because of the failure of her own ers to pay the union scale and when h reaches the Bay City there will be an effort to collect the charge de manded at Portland. SAMPSON'S LONG HAIR WAS THE eause of his death. You should gt your hair out at least once a month at the 'Occident Barber Shop, where there are first -class artists.' OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUAR termnstcr, Astoria, Ore., April 23. 1904. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received at this olllce until 10 o'clock a. m., May 13, 1904, and then opened for an extension to a frnme Quarter master's Storehoune, at Fort Stevens. Or. United State reserve the right to reject any or all proposals. Plans can be seen and specifications obtained at this office. Envelope should be marked, "Proposals for construction," and addressed to Captain GooJale, Quartermaster, Astoria, Ore, MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP, There's nothing Ilk doing a thing thomuKhly. Of all th Salve you ever heard of, Ilucklen'a Adnlea PUdee Is the best. It sweep away and are Burn, Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Betas, Ulcer, Skin Eruptions and rile. It is only 25c, and guaranteed to glv satisfac tion by Charles Roger, druggist. Office of C. Q. M. Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., April 17, 1904. Sealed proposals, n triplicate, win b re ceived here until 11 o'clock, a. m.. May 26, 1904, for furnishing fuel at military posts In this department for fiscal year oommenclng July L 1904. Information furnished her or by quartermasters at posts. V. B. re serve the right to rjl r accept any or all proposals aay part thereof. Envelopes tontstatag pro posals should be mark TMpoJ) for Fuel at" addressed T. 41. Hodg son. C. Q. M. HATS TRIMMED FREE Mrs. iDglcton has commenced s closing out sals of everything exocpt HATS. It include Costs, Wrappers, Skirts, Underwear, Shirt Waists, Block Inge, Notions, snd all Ladles' and Children's Furnishing Jds. WELCH BLOCK. Rifle Meet Arranged. New York, April 80. Arrangements have been completed for the second Franco-American revolver and rifle match to be played by cable in a team of 15 marksmen of th Cercle del Carablners de Paris and a team of 15 of the Manhattan Rifle and Revolver Club of this city. The Frenchmen will shoot at Paris on May 8, 12 and 15. The Americans at Greenville, N. J., on May 7, 12 and 14. Every man will shoot 40 consecutive times. The position for both weapons will be standing, free from any rest. Large Purse for Trotter. New Tork, April 30. Horsemen have been notified that the meetings of the Grand circuit at Empire and Brighton tracks contemplate offering $30,000 for a stake race for 2:16 trotters. If car ried out th puree will be th largest ever contested for by trotters. COOPER SHOP Tierces, Burrels and Kits for Packing Fish, Butter, Etc., Made to Order at Lowest Prices by M. STANnVirH1Cor.l7aDuan.St.. ahtobia, oiirxoorv DISTILLATE The coming Fuel for Marine Propulsion. Cheaper than Gasoline and EQUALLY Effective. Distillate is decidedly the ost Economical Fuel For all engines at present using Gasoline. Call and get our prices. Phono ltOl NATIONAL OIL & TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, Corner Ninth and Commercial Sts.. ASTORIA, OREGON. Ul Of hi in tn sic an in be; if' wi: pu an Istr im; are ma ies ail C