PETER WOLFF FOUND DEAD Erratic German of Burnside Point . Deliberately Drowns Him' self in Slough. PEOPLE THOUGHT HIM CRAZY Lived Alone in Ilousbmt uml -Had Made' Many Threat. Tlmt He Would Com mit Suicide. Peter Wolff, the old German who lived In a scow near Burnside Point a short distance from Svenson, has finally made good his threat to kUl himself. Yesterday afternoon his body was found on the tideland about 60 yards from his scow. The corpse was brought to the city last night by Coroner Pohl, and will probably be buried at county expense In the pot ter's field. , ..' .!. tft the city to notify Coroner Pohl. "One before tiie old man tried to kill himself," Siild Mr, Da vis yester day afternoon. In relating the clr-cumata-ive. "He told met he would kill hl.nsolf whenever, he became hungry, but I am satisfied he was not in need at the Jme of his raah act On the former occasion he tried toi Uxwn hlinsolf, but related to me that j he found It Impossible to do so, as he waa too ileshy to sink,.. I have no! doubt that the old man walked from J Ms s-iv along the tloatittg gang plank which leads too the tideland and. folding his arms, laid down in ihe water. Wlun we found him his arum Wt-re still folded, he was bare footed, but wore overalls, juniper and hat It Is my belief that he commit ted suicide about midnight on Thurs dy night." Wolff ownrd bo:t 28 acres of land mur lurnside Point. On his land wi'fl a valuable clay bank and recent ly he had been jitgotlntlng with Fer gtison & Houston for Its pale. Yes torlay Messrs. Ferguson and Hous ton went up the river to examine the bunk, but Wolff was not to be found. Ti e old man had been In town for a few days, rtturnng to his home Thurs day 'morning.'. While In the city he told several persons, among them Aumist Hildebrand an-l O. F. Morton 1339 NAMES RECORDED I Persons Who Desire to Vote for Presidential Election Must Register. NEW ASTORIA'S NOTABLE GAIN lietwecii One Thousand and Twelve Hundred Names Will He Added to ItuUs Iteture May 15 Next. Seaside . Melville ....... ;.;..,' 11 Chadwell i.,,, . SO Youngs River 4 . . ... .;.. ,, .... . . , . 19 Olney ......... ......... .,;. 17 ciifton Wcntport ........... Vesper . Jewell Mlshinvaka .....,,..r. ,...,,1, 13 Elsie 10 Push r... Total In county. 1JS9 Persons who desire to vote for presidential electors must register now. he meant to kill himself, but his Wolff was between 60 and 65 years' 9Ute"-',t was not seriously regarded. m lar as could be learned, W'oltf had no relatives In this part of the country. He had long been a resi dent of the country. His land Is be lieved to constitute his entire estate. of age and had lived his solitary ex- istenee In the lonesome scow for fully 30 Vears. The little slough in which his houseboat was moored was given the old man's name. He has always j been regarded as mentally deranged, but those who knew him considered . him a harmless erratic old man, who would never Injure himself. But he finally tired of life, and some time Thursday night drowned himself In the waters of the slough. News of the suifiide was brought to the city yesterday by W. E. Davis, a well known resident of Fernhill. Mr. Davis Is a, logger. About I o'clock yesterday afternoon he came out of , the woods and near Wolffs slough met Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Madison, of Burnside Point, who informed him that old man Wolff had been drown ed. The body was lying on the tide land. It was first seen by a man who was walking along the railroad Thirteen hundred and thirty-nine persons have reglsterel for the county state and presidential elections. Of the total number of names on the lists at the close of business last night. 855 had registered In the city and 484 lni the country, l it Is expected that lOOOj to 1200 more names will be added to the rolls between now and May IS, I when the boks will be closed. The most notable gain made during the past week has been that of New Astoria precinct. A big batch of reg istration blanks were " received front New Astoria by County Clerk Clinton, and the west side precinct Is now credited with TS votes. Clifton Is at the foot of the list, with only Ave, but1 STRONG AGAINST CHURCH. PERSONAL MENTION. Mux Pracht Is lit the city from Ash land, John 11. Woodman was down from Portland yesterday. J. 8. Levy of Stun Francisco Is rrg Istered at the Occident. U Q. West of Clatsop waa in the city yesterday on business. t John Svensen, the book dealer, is re I covering from a slight attack of the grip. Robert Catlln returned last night to Forllund after a brief visit In As toria. W. 8. Zimmerman of the firm of Zimmerman A Welbi. dealers In log ging machinery, la In the city. Mark .T. Brownson, special agent fur the Western Loan and Savings Corn- Judge Powers Gives Important Testi mony in Smoot Case. Washington, April 22. A thorough review of Mormon interference in polit ical affairs In Utah was given today by Judge O. W. Powers, the only wit ness before the senate committee on privileges and elections in the Investi gation of the protest against Senator i Smoot. Several times (efforts were made by counsel for the defense to show that his story was based on hearsay, but the attempts were met with an array of facta taken from a signed statement of members of the church, documents which are part of the records of the state, affidavits of track, and he called the attention of persons present at various places where the ladles to the presence of the body church Influence was manifested and , , j,av,a aegurea me corpse other evidence. Judge Powers will bo It could not float away and came j continue tomorrow. this precinct will cast about SO votes. -puny of Salt Lake. Is In the city. . . wlUHlf, W1UI Henry j.'.N.k(ni,len( ,h8 we known 14S. and holds second place of all thelPortlund ,llluor WM m the cy precincis 01 tne county. The registrations, to date exceed those on the same date two years ago by 19. Four years ago at this time,: 1828 persons had registered. The ! registrations In the various precincts are as follows: Astoria No. 1 .....,....',,,..106 Astoria No. 2 ....... 126 Astoria No. S .'................148 Hot ' Afeeiit a- New Sdrlna Suits yesterday. He returned on the night train. Haltle M. -8eciey, Esther Walker, Rhoda J. Hudson. Anna M .Leons and Lizzie Forbes of Grays River and Elisabeth Wend of Tacomn, school teachers, are visiting In the city. A feature of the Idaho exhibit which has been Installed In the Pal- Astoria No. 4 Haceof Mines and Metallurgy at e Astoria No. S 157 1 world's fair Is a anlpndld cnlliwilAn n gum nuggets found In the placer Astoria No. 6 k. ....... S4 II' pfl t I 111 ml Just Wan so tliis Ht-I!s tho best good--, arut'd by no uwhoh that ' it docMi't offer tho tW vfthics, quito tho contrary. We noil the beat you con buy, but we've got to movt comjictitiou . in price in order to thoroughly , interest you; tho 515 and 020 SUITS illustrate the point perfectly. They nrgue in irtnuiugt, cot only through their style and quality, but through the re-won-nblenesis of their price. 0 Suits and Topcoats S10.00 w S25.00 Astona ao. 7 mlMa of th9 ute TheM nuggets j are made into stick pins and orna- Total in city j ....... .855 ! men's and are uoId as souvenirs. John Day. 20 i " " ::..t".x Sven8en l Itodlly pn In loses Its terror If you've Wal'U8kl 16 la bottle of Dr. Thomas' Klectrlc Oil New Astoria.. , 73 : in the houce. Inntant relief in cun S, DANZIGER C. ON THE SQUARE Warrenton 8 Clatsop , 20 of burns, cuts, sprains, accidents of any sort. 1)U you 8e it udvortisttl in The Atorin lt-11 the Adyertiser of it. 7 V In I -iiJ m w ANOTHER! ONE OF THOSE' MARVELOUS I i II Commencing Monday Fining, April 18, 1904 'Amy ii I TRIUMPH OF THE SEASON After such flattering attention as was given to our special suit and cloak display by the women of Astoria during the past few weeks, we now present the second display for your considera tion which promises to be greater and better than before .-A We do this knowing that not half of the ladies were able to be accomodated before on account of the extraordinary demand for these suits,' so to prove our position that we provide the latest and best garments in the world, we present an assortment this week that will actually astonish tho most sanguine. Suits, Cloaks, Jackets, Skirt and Shirt Waists, of which there never has been a similar display in Astoria. - If you have not -seen our last assortment you should certainly call and look over this one as it embraces ready to wear garments of all styles and sizes such as are only carried by the larger stores in the big cities, but which, we are pleafed to say, we can present to you because we are in a position to get them and know how. If you care WE GIVE YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN ASTORIA tktoHHV bun: ID) Astoria's Only First-Class Suit and Cloak House CO. 5G6 Commercial Street. If you are not ready to buy, it will pay you to call , and see this wonderful assortrw n : ments-you wiU then know what the fine dressed women will wear tuTs '