j?AQE FOUR THE MORNING ASTOftfAtf, sAfUKDAYV AV1UL 23, 1004 tenets Every one knovvs that Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure. Hence the housewife uses it with implicit confidence . and without question, and she is justified in so doing. " But how few realize that Royal Baking ; Powder in its chief ingredient is a direct prod uct of the healthful and delicious grape! This constituent of the grape, crystallized and ground to an impalpable powder, is the cream of ttar- wnicn lorms ine active principle or every irr i r r-i .... . , pound of Royal Baking Powder. Fruit properties are indispensable to the I.ealthfulness of the body, and those of the rape as used in the "Royal" are die most , valuable and healthful of all. A I ience it is that Royal Baking Powder produces food superlative both in flavor md wholesomeness. s, ' ROYAL BAKING POWOIR CO. NEW YOUK THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. HERBERT HOPKINS BROWN. 1 Pastor Serrices every Sunday as follows: 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship II: 15 p. m. The Sunday School :30 p. m. The Young People's So ciety. . 7:10 p. m. Evening Service. Holy Innocents chapel in the east end at 3:30 in the afternoon. Presbyterian The pastor will preach morning and evening. The subject of the sermon at the evening service will be, "Men Not Saved by Believing in a Church." AMONG THE CHURCHES. ! Grace Episcopal Services at 11:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 12:30 p. m. Services will be held at the Baptist All the usuaUerviees will be held. The sermons to be preached will be upon the following subjects "The Mission. of the Seventy," and "The Nearness of the Kingdom." Methodist Episcopal The pastor will r preach both morning and evening. Sub' jects of sermons: "Silent Forces" and "The Market Value of Salt" Serv ices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Ep worth League at 6:30 p. m., led by Miss Lulu Gerding: Subject, "Chris tian Education in Missionary Lands." Sunday school at 12:15. You will be cordially welcome at (ill services. Seaside Divine services will be held in the Calvary chapel by Rev. J. E. Forsyth at 10:30 a. m. and in the church at Hammond at 3:45 in the aft ernoon. ' ' LABOR UNION FINES MEMBER FOR ASSAULT First Instance of Kind in History of Chi cago Just Recorded Nonunionist Beaten by Associate. Chicago, April 23. For the JIM time Hmrgwd with itssiiultlug Harry 8tiv- In Chicago It is said an Instance hits'' ens, u non-union fellow employ at m bwn recorded where a Inbor union ' faiKory. lVrgiiulet whs piodm-rd In fined a member for assaulting u nun- .omul by the union, hi union Mssocliittf union worker. Th cn was that of g:v ths'only evUrm1 sgiilnst Mm iind David Beigqulst, a, member of the Cur- h was jlued tJ by the lubor orttnhls.i- rlnga and Wagon Workers' union. Unit fur lli alleged uswiult. THREE BANDITS DROP (Continued from Page 1.) ceded the execution of Marx and Van Dine. When the Jailer entered Marx's room to give notice to prepare for the end, Marx said: "I want to see Harvey." -Van Dine was brought from his room few steps away into Marx's room. When the two men faced each other, Marx said: Harvey. nope to see you soon, and I think we will meet again." Van Dine seemed to be more affected than Marx. He replied: , "I hope so." Marx said: "I am ready," and went to the scaffold with the priests. Pre paratory to the third execution the rope was tested with a bng of snnd. It was feared the strands might have become weakened by the strain of the two previous hangings. The rope, how ever, was found to be satisfactory. STORY OF THEIR CRIME. Followed Career of Robbery and Mur- ; der for Six Months. Chicago, April 22. Hanging, of the youthful carbarn bandits followed losely a period of crime of less than six months. In that time eight mur ders vr rnmmittal. all attendant uinm robberies or effort to escape nr rest. The siet'tnV offense for which Van Dine, Ni'itlermeler and Marx were tried and sentenced - was the murder of Prank Stewart, a rlerk In the Chicago City railway i-arbarns, during ft rob bery there on the morning f August 30. 1903. James n, Johnson, a motors man, also was killed, and two persons were wounded. Th bandits escaped ftor having secured t'iDO. Ibwskl was not concerned In this crime, but after thu conviction of his companions was tried separately for one of th mur ders in which he wna accused as the principal. Apprehension of the trio In Indiana was brought about through the boost fulness of Marx, which also caused his own undoing. While under the In fluence of liquor he displayed ft mngii sine revolver of the kind known to have been used by the carbarn mur derers. He asserted that the police would never take him alive. On November 26. less than ft week after the confession of Marx, word was received that three men answering the descriptions of the carbarn bandits, were In hiding In a "dugout" near Clark, I nd. Seven polMmen wort lm mediately sent to th town. Surround ing th abode, tht officers prepared for A fight,, while Shorhan approached and 'opened the door of th "dugout" ,'. One of the bandits, who was Imme diately recognised us Itocskt, appeared and was ordered to surrender, Instead he darted back tnlo the cavs, fNa sooner had he done so than firing be- gnn, and volley after volley aimed at tho officer came from th mngualnv guns of the. bandits. : ' v Concealing thetiwlves behind trees and buMltes.n best they could, ths po lice returned the 111. Suddenly two of th outlaws Jumped from tht chv and escaped across ths frosen prairie, keeping up fusillud a they ran. 1 H'twt I ve Drlscoll advanced to the "dugont" and was firing at ths fleeing desperadoes, when Nlederme!er-th police thought there btul been but two In the hollow emerged, fatally shot him In tho (wick nnd joined his 'com panlo'ns. while the other policemen wers still engsglng the outlaw. A moment liter IMw'ttvs Zlminor fell serhmsly wounded, Ths police then dwlded to send to Chicago for rein forcements. A speciil train with 60 IHillcemen, armed with rifles, was rushed to the scene nnd th hunt re newed. , Although escape- was now Impossible, the men showed no sign of submis sion They had not halted since firing their last volley and arrived at Toll! ston exhausted, but still determined to avoid capture. On a sidetrack at Tolllston, wher section men were working, stood an engine and a train of curs. Then fol lowed the execution of a quickly formed plan to seise the train nd escape. Th three outlaws Jumped Into the cab and commanded Fireman Oof- fee to pull out ltrakeman John Hcovla I No Dessert More Attractive "Why us guUUns and f (ieua jiimrs waxing, wsstMbiiig, flavoring ud coloring ba JqII-0 Modus Utter NssJts in twe mluaUmf XrajUiJag la the uk ,. Himply add hot wsstrasdanttoovot. It's perfseiion. Atus. ftim f Mi kowswif. Ho trouble, Urn eg jmsm. Try It U-4y. I Four Fruit Fla v ZsMKat Ortags, KlrswWorrr, m . i rt " rushed across ths pialrl to a polnf wher th mad curves, and wher ther was a locked switch, rompelltrui Fir, man ('offee to slop. Knowing they Were surrounded and that further rt- slslanc would be useless, th crlm liml, a surrender, few minute Inter, decided t A. ........4 ... I.-. 1 l ' m ai jrvsieruii- mijourncu session vt the county court Judge Trenchartl was authorised employ the men required to remove uc,h portion of the present building as may be neces sary to facilitate th construction of th new court house, Tho court hoped to have the plan for the new struc ture, but the Illness of Architect Ina arus mad this Impossible. The arch itect's health Is Improving, however, and there Is no doubt that, tha iiluns will b available by th tlm the reg- ular May tirm of court Is held. Th court yesterday consldarnd snvm-aJ petitions for reduced timber land us sessmen. Adjournment wna taken for th term. : ? A CiREAT SENSATION. There was a big sensation In L vtlln, lml., when W. II. Drown of that pl.ve, who was expected to die, bad his life saved by Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, n writes: "I endured Insufferabl agonies from attempted to tske the revolver f rom j Asthma, bfft your New Discovery gv vi.,,i..rn...i1.r while the other two bun-! me Immediate relief and soon ther- dlts pointed their revolvers at Coff-. (after effected a, compUt cut." Blmllar The scuffle was short - and 8cov!ukure of Consumption, Pneumonia, COTTAGE WANTED Young couple want 5 or 6 room cot tage, close in, must be reasonable. Address J. H. C, care The Astorian. pttcked head foremost out of the cab with a bullet In his brain. With their guns still pointed at Cof fee's head, the three ordered him hastily to tak ths train out of the siding, and It started on a wild run to Liverpool. In th wood, a short dis tance away, wer a number of armed farmers who, having heard of th escap of th outlaws, bad started to Intercept them. The posse reached Tolllston about noon. Just as the train passed. They ittoiichttls and Orlp are numerous. It's the peerles remedy for all throat and lung troubles. I'rlce S0o, and $1-00. Guaranteed by Charts Ilogwr, Drug gist. Trial bottles free. 5 EilliVHOYAL lJILLS X mmm whit fmmnmm .vi at nuciiMir.U't KsuuNti . , , i . , . . , , , .I., . .... . u:m i4 ata ' jiu i s l HM smoiim m4 taita. i 1.7 ftW "ttrltaf -M Mia k h- P lull Mali. It.lHifl l.ia,.(MiM kf sai n :: THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY the vShanahan Sale of Dry Goods, Clothing', Etc, NOW BEING SOLD BY a i" 1 15n 73 t n n ? w V- P 11 urn All Men's white Lanndried Shirts in this Sll6 All Men's Negligee and Dresa Shirts in this sale at . . . . All Men's work Shirts now in this sale at All Boy's .white Laundried Shirts in this sale at . . . . . . All Boy's Fancy Dress Shirts in this sale at One lot of Men's Underwear goes in this sale at . . . . . One lot of Men's Underwear worth $1.75 to $2.00 in this sale at . . . 38 Gts 58 One lot of Ladies' Underwear worth 75 cts aq if e to $1.25 in this sale at . . V vhB 25 34 37 24 51 09 One lot of Ladifr s' Underwear worth up to of 75 cts in this sale at : . . ' Ladies' Wrappers worth $1 00 to $1.25 in A q this sale at . . Children's Ready Made Dresses in Ging-.. hams, Linens, and Chamburry in ages' Af from 2 to 13 years in this sale ' One lot of Indies' Mercerized Underskirt QQ worth $1.50 now . ; . . ;: All Men's and Boys' HaU worth up to $3.00 tz( , in this sal at , , . Vv it (i . Remember, we give you bargains on every piece of goods in . the., stock, .'as .we . are clos ing it out regardless of what the goods cost. , . ' -.v-1- - Remember the place, THE D. SHAN AHAN STORE, where the stock is being sold by Jo i Jq I l L . Ik . Pfl fif Mi mm PA a 9 ,U J, HOWARD GOTSIIALL iSalcs Manager. H It