The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 06, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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W bits the Famous rreems, Jam tod Jellies made of Purt
Fruit and Sugar, the kind you like.
LONO'H Aborted Trmmtt, 18 onooe Jsrs . . 'Mc
LONQ'S AMorkid Frewrfei, 16 ouoca Jirt . . 2lUs
SONOMA Assorted Jellies, 16 ouoee Jars, Hpeolal 20c
IIOMK MADE Raspberries, quart Jan . . 2Ac
liOMK-MADK. Jelly, William's, glsss . . . l()o
Local Brevities.
Th officer, elected at the last meet
In of the Ktks were Installed last even
In . ('harks V. Drown le the new s
lt(J ruler.
lyond the aid of medical men, came west.
Hh reached Portland yesterday morn
Ins and a few hour later died at the
Union dpHt. Her alsier arrived In the
metropolis lust nlht to meet her.
Twenty men were signed at tht cue
tome house yeeterduy for the Alaska
Fishermen. Packing Company. The
men will go north on the ship Itvrlln.
Oounly Judge Trenchant received
ford from Huperlntendent Catbreath,
f the Insane aaylum, yenterduy, that
Adelta I Toy, who waa committed from
Ihle county June 17, 1S02, had died on
April .
Mayor Hurprenant bunted himself
yeaterday ta (he extent of writing hla
name almost 100 time, lit alg-ned all
the measures passed by the council
the prevloue evening, aa well ae the
wnrranta for rlulma allowed.
A pathetic Incident occurred In Port
land laat night, when Mrs. A. F. Crane
atrrlved from Hnattle to meet her sister,
Htella Itouert. who waa returning from
Colorado to end her dnya at the home
of her sister. Minn Hubert waa a suf
ferer from consumption, ftnd, being be-
The Increasing; demand for the Morn
lug Astorlan hue made It necessary to
extend the city carrkr service around
Smith's point, so that all the residents
of the west end of the city and those
living on Young's bay' may now have
their morning paper on time and with
The Multnomah county grand Jury
yenterduy returned Indictments agftlrmt
all of the gamblers of the metropolis.
Keven of those Indicted are Chinese and
the others are white gamblers. Mayor
Williams appeared before the Jury and
Agent for Astoria.
A Straight Tip I
Every man who buys a '
Stetson Hat
Makes the best kind of an Investment because every
Stetson is a combination of the finest quality of materials
the highest skill in workmanshipand unequalled beauty
in design.
Agent for Astoria.
made a plea that the owners of prop-1 lists were circulated, and by f In the
erty on which gambling houses and I afternoon almost $10,000 had been con
lewd places are conducted be not In-1 tribute. There now remains a bal
dieted, and the Jury agreed to this, ance of only about ft.OOO to be taken.
Hut for the mayor's Intervention the Practically all of the stock will be held
Jury would have Indicted the owners of at borne. Mr, Prentiss will remain In
the property. the west until he closes up the pro
posals for companies here and at Coos
In the porbate court yesterday J. K. I Bay, The promoters Interested in the
Panttaja was appointed administrator Icondensary are very enthusiastic be-
of the estate of Nlles Mattson, deceased. I cause of the excellent start made and
Mnttson died December 30, 1903. The say there Is now not the least doubt
estate Is valued at $7 SO and the heirs I of the success of the proposal
are Kreeta Routlo, a sister, and Mlkka
W". Mattson, a brother, both of whom! The city attorney and street commit
reside In Finland. tee have not yet token any action with
reference to the Instructions of the
ine roruana Ministerial associs- COUncU that they Invest! at e and retort
uon is now formulating plans ror tne upon ths itaai of Ffteentn and g,
abolition of the girl traffic. As yet the Uenth -treeU north of CofnmCTc)aL ,t
ministers have not made a definite an-l, tnat many ryear, ag0 tne clty
nouncement or tne manner in wnicu mttde an order the D
mey especi to nccomp.isn xne ena fc N Ca to ue the foot of tne tw0
sought to be attained, but will prob- Ureets. The grant extended for a
ably decide during the week. neHci at 2a vr. ,..
Now, unless the council takes action
The ladles of the Maccabees gave an the ,tatute of mltatloni w, de.
enjoyable entertainment last evening prlv, the clty of ,t, f ht lo th
at A. O. U. W. hall. A program of liter- erty- The .committee must determine
ary and musical numbers was carried whether w not the company will recog-
out, dancing and card playing were In- nlze th() tltIe of lhe dty t0 th prop.
dulged In. and lunch was served. The erty wlthout the formallty of a ult;
attendance was very large and the whftt rental the company wll, wUI.
evening proved an exceptionally pleas
ant one.
Superintendent Coolidge, of the A.
K. Co., has commenced the work of
building a sidetrack at the power house.
The siding will be 600 feet In length and
wilt be used for the transportation of
fuel. The A, E. Co. Is expending con
siderable money In Improving Its plant,
and the new work will entail an out
lay of fully $30,000. -
Ing to pay for the continued use of the
property, and whether or not the com
pany will extend Fifteenth street from
Commercial to Its dock. If the two
streets are extended, the south side of
that portion of the dock lying west of
Sixteenth street will be rendered use
less, as vessels could not enter. The
council evidently thinks the city Is en
titled to rental for the property.
Frank Kankkanan, superintendent
of the Cooperative cannery, who, with
his family, recently returned from
a visit of some months In Europe,
Organizer Rosenberg, of the Inter
national Seamen's Union, says he be
lieves both the Columbia River Fisher
men's Protective Union and the Alaska "Peaks. Interestingly of the Conditions
Fishermen's Union will merge with the '-e found there. The chief object of
national bodies. Mr. Rosenberg has Mr. Kanukka nan going abroad was to
been In the city In the Interests Of c,08e' "u '" loreign mar
amalgamation and finds sentiment gen- ket io Umon, and he reports that
erally favorable to such action. A com- lne oiumo.a river orana is greaiiy in
mlttee from the Columbia river fisher- 'Sue ,n countries he visited. He
men's union Is now preparing a report BDent mo8t of hl" tlme wh!1 ftway
upon the matter for presentation at the traveling, going first to Germany and
-.,,,.- I from there to Finland, his native coun
try. He also visited Norway and
TO Get one of those handsome
Garments we are displaying.
There Dever was a time in the
history of Astoria merchandising
when so much interest has been
taken in ladies' ready-to-wear gar
ments. Our stock has attracted
hundreds during the past week
and on this account will continue
the display for this week only.
sfe I Fine Shoes I sfcP:
Do you know we can supply vou with shoes
than other stores because we buy direct from the manufacturer and
in large quantities. Give us a trial.
Capt Hardwlck, First Officer Kelly
The people In Finland are
Let Your Next RANGE be a
WHi lBVi.V
We are the Sole Agents in Astoria.
Astoria's Leading House-furnishers
nmnnmmMt'M wiiiiiiiiiMHiiiiiwiHiiinmiiimHHiiininiiiHM
and Second Officer Olsen, of thekPtn absolute subjugation by domi
steamer Alliance, have been notified nftnt Ru8"a and lfr'at,y dl88at,8fleJ
to appear In court at San Francisco the laws they are compelled to
. ,ln.... In th. of fh ITnltpH "7- w yiem 01 eauiwi mna hii
States against Davis, charged withthe of llfe ar gulaiti by Rus
criminal assault on the high sea. Davis la- Russian spies abound, so that a
. . waiter on the Alliance and Mrs. man 18 MVer fre to xPrM vleW8
Ames, a passenger, charges that he even In his own home. Immigration Is
drugged water which he brought to her restricted. Ks P'J
and assaulted her. Davis skipped after the frontier to prevent anyone from
the alleged crime, but was arrested at leaving the country. Just now the men
San Francisco. He has not yet been are recruited for the army to
Indicted, but Is to be given a sort of nnt for Ru88la ln the rlenlaI war- and
nrellmlnary hearing In the United thls circumstance causes great unrest
I .w. 1. ... . ... .I.U
States court. I ii! imiuij .i
Japan's enemy and would doubtless be
The 4-year-old daughter of L. Knapp. hKhy PlO n the event of the final
of Knappa. was brought to the city triumph of the land or the rising sun.
Monday night for surgical attendance. Mr. Kankkanan Is satisfied with the
The lltle one was attacked by a savage result of his trip, finding little diffliculty
dog and the ear. neck and right arm ln Introducing the product of his can-
i ...,. k too.v, f nery In the European markets, me
the animal. Whether or not serious value of the royal chlnook as a canned
complications will follow Dr. Estes, the or PcWeJ article over that of the Baltic
attending physician, is unable aa yet "ea aalmon is beginning to be more and
to state, and, it Is hoped the child will mor appreciated, and In a lew years
recover. Mallcarrler Dalglty Is also will doubtless take Its place entirely.
suffering from wounds Inflicted by a
vicious dog. The animal belongs to G. At Monday" night's meeting of the
V. Lounsberry and the mallcarrler was council the committee on wharves and
attacked while delivering mall at thewater frontage reported on the letter
residence. No serious consequences are of tne commlttee of ten relative to the
..... i
anticipates ... wali Dror)08al. The committee of
ten sent ln the following request:
Jane K. Smith and son, A. M. Smith, We would Jlke an expression of your
yesterday filed suit against the O., R. honoraDle body as to the position you
N. Co.. and D. H. Welch for the would take regarding filling In the
purpose of having the circuit court de- 8tl.eet8 mentioned. If a large majority
clde upon the right of the plalntflffs to lf tne property owners arrange for the
title to that tract of property upon 8ea waU and flU of tnelr individual
which piling is now-tmg ariven oy . w ld you order ftU the
the defendants, who purpose building a gtreetg ,n tne d8trk.t flned to grade?
wharf near the O., R. & N. dock. The The RaseS8ment 0f the cost of such
complains recites that the plaintiffs 8treet8 mled to g0 against all the prop
are the rightful owners of the prop- erty m guch proporton as you may
erty, which Is about 60x300 feet; that declde Tne wharves and water front-
the defendants are unlawfully taking lge committee reported as follows
possession of tne land, ine court " We your committee on wharves and
asked to restrain the defendants from water frontage, to whom was referred
continuing with the work of driving tne cornmunicatlon similar to the one
piling, and to grant full title to the heret0 attached, most respectfully re
property to tne piaintins, 0 t tnat in ca8e the property owners
. .k. t... fy fllltn In that
The gentlemen interested in the for- ul v,lJF "
. . .t I portion of the city .usually covered by
mat Ion of a comnanv to parrv on hlp 1
business of condensing milk at this city hlgh t,de" W W0Uld recommend the
streets be filled in at tne same time,
either by the assessment plan or at
public expense. We are inclined to the
opinion that It would be better ta do
CoaSX, a11 thls at the exPen8e ot the Property
by the special assessment plan, pro
vided. that unreasonable charge for the
work be guarded agutnst Should the
property owners desire the lots and
streets filled, we would recommend
such favorable action as will secure the
have met with even more success than
was anticipated. Yesterday the stock
All over this
Schilling's Best is in every
one's mouth :
co (To.
lUvorinf .itracti
They gO far tO make living niling of the streets." This Is about all
Comfortable. " the counc11 ,8 M 10 d0 t0 further the
sea wall proposal, and the committee of
At your gncm nonqrU. 1 . .. ., ...,,,, wlth th.
council's action.
Fisher Bros,, Company
l -tEALkS IN
Taints, Oils and Glass, Hardware, Iron and Steel,
Groceries, Provisions and Crockery, Ship Chand
lery and Boat Supplies, McCormick Mowers and
Rakes, Corrugated Iron and Building Material,
Hardwood Lumber. "
Telephone 22L
Draylng and Expressing
All goods shipped toQarcare will receive special attention.
709-715 Commercial Street.
Cooh BooK Free
By saving Coupons in
Violet Wheat Flakes N,1
y s
For Sale
All Grocers
You Can't Enjoy Spring Weather
If yon are troubled with boils, skin diseases, or
blood impurity. What you need is a bottle of
the great blood medicine. It is a positive core for all blood trouble.
and builds up and purifies the whole system. Get a bottle right now.
Corner Fourteenth
and Commercial
T " For health and happiness, or only as a duty
""" If the former, try eating
T 4, ' : - Every Delicacy in Season.
Jls&C Private Rooms. 112 Eleventh Street
" '
Marine and
m 50
Horse power
An absolutely
t a Reasonable
Let me send
you a catalogue
and prices.