The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 31, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 150.
Blames Republicans for Refusing
Postal Inquiry, Chides Com
mittee for Undue Haste,
Roasts President
Charges That Adjournment of
Congress Is at Beck and Call
of Chief Executive.
Democrat! Clamor for llearliiff
of lltfttb Clmrg-ca ft ml Are In
funned That ICvidenre
Against lllui Im Inrklnir
Washington, March 30. The senate
tllay began the consideration of the
postoftlce appropriation bill and It was
a elgnai for the revival of the demo
cratlo demand for an Investigation In
to the charges of corruption In the
postoftke department.
The debate wan Initiated by Mr.
Oorman who criticised the republican
party In the senate for refusing the
Inquiry and charged the poslofflce
committee with undue haste In report
-. the hP, W dltVHv ,,ptiMriUl,!
party with a desire t. udjuur.t cmg
res at an exceptionally earl date In
order to mt th wishes of the presi
ding ' '
Clay contended there ahould be a
congressional Inquiry, saying, the
charge against Heath, as-first postmaster-general,
were such n to de
mand an Investigation, renrose and
Lodge, spoke for the republican aide of
the chamber, defending the committee
on piwlofncea against the charge of
hnate and also the administration.
Iodge contended that congress could
not make the Inquiry ea thorough aa
that already made by the poBtofP.ce
committee. He charged the democrat
ic attack to a dealre to find a political
Boott quoted District Attorney Reach
and Assistant Attorney-General Robb
aa aiiylng there waa not sufficient evl'
dence upon which to Indict Heath,
Georgia Congressman Answers Mass
achusetts Member Ansnt Negroes.
Washington, March 30. Substantial
progress waa made today by the bouae
In the consideration of the sundry ap
propriation bill, 61 pages being dis
posed of, leaving; only 21 ,to be read.
No amendments of general Importance
were made.
Bartlett, of Georgia, briefly replied to
the statements of Olllet, of Massachu
setts, made last Monday on the negro
question. He said that the Maaaach-
bMts member bad lectured the south
for disregard of the violations of the
law, whereaa In the city of Marlon,
Mass., persons had tarred and feath
ered a man and woman who had been
acquitted and were paraded through
the streets aa heroes. He believed
that the people of the south are en
titled to work out the negro problem
"as God shall will It."
Crumpacker, of Indiana, declared
that SOtO persons had been mobbed
and put to death In the laat 26 years
In tfi United Btates.
Strict Censorship Employed Gives Rise
to Belief That Some ImPortant Move
Regarding Army Movements
Is Contemplated.
Supposed That Troops Are to Be Re-Embarked to Some Other
Point Vice-Admiral Makaroff Sleeps With Clothes on to
Be Ready at All Times to Answer Call of Duty, But
Reports Himself to Be in Splendid Condition.
a blinding storm raging at the time,!
causing her twice to lose her way. She !
Anally reached the place, however, and
filed on land covered with (,000,000
feet of yellow pine.
Miss Page waa with the Tacoma
party that stampeded Into Southern
Oregon last summer and filed on tim
ber land, which subsequently was in
cluded by the government In a forest
Sueeesds In Downing Person of Ta
soma and John Berg.
Tacoma, March 30. Chief Two
Feathers tonight defeated Chris Per
son of Tacoma, and John Berg, of Iiel-
I Ingham, In a wrestling match. Two
Feathers secured the first fall from
Person In 26 minutes and 40 second.
He secured the second fall from Rerg
21 minutes and 10 seconds. Per-
erm ton third fall trv,n the Indian
In nine minutes and 40 seconds. Two
Feathers then won the fourth fall
from Berg In 30 minutes and Ave sec
onds. Th Indian agreed to take three
fulls out ot Ave from Person and Rerg.
Nomination Will Bs Msds By Colored
Party July 6.
Hast Bt. Louis, His.. March 30. W. T.
Scot', a negro, has announced that
preparations have been completed for
a national convention of a negro candi
date for president The convention
will be held in St. Louis July . The
name of the new party Is the "national
ctvll liberal" and the platform will call
for government ownership and pension
list for former slaves.
1ondon, March 30. The correspond
ent of the Times at Nul Chwang cab
Ing yesterday says: "The Russian po
lice have apologised and have re-hoisted
the United States flog over the cor
respondents' mess."
ed that the Hanyel had been fired on
land sunk by the Russian fleet near the
Mlaoto islands on the morning of
March 27. They also reported that
the remainder of the crew and pas
sengers, Chinese and Japanese, 17 in
number, had been taken prisoners by
the Russians.
London, March 30. The Telegraph
says that Japanese authorities have re
fused the correspondents the use of
the field telegraph lines, and all 'dis
patches must be sent to Toklo by mall
The Telegraph, in an editorial on the
unprecedent severity of thla censor
ship suggests that Japan has some Im
portant move to conceal, possibly a
Coresn Soldiers Riotous.
Seoul, March 30. It Is reported that
600 disbanded Corean soldiers near
Ping Taing are becoming riotous.
Only Mesns ef Reaching Agreement is
to Issue Inspection Order.
re-emoaraaiion. t-jni ttnV.er7Y.JuI.J Bwatly wdaj
iurvc ivr bviiio uviior puim mm la ii
xloua to guard, against other posslbll
Itk-s of leakage through foreign cor
Court Discharges Them All and New
Jury Will be Impanelled.
San Francisco, March 30. The sec
ond trial of Mrs. Cordelia Botkln on
the charge of having caused the death
of Mrs. J. P. Dunning by means of
poisonea canay, virtually ended in a
sensation late this afternoon. Acting
upon the Information that four Jurors
had been bribed to favor the prisoner,
Judge Cook ordered the jury Into the
custody of the sheriff until morning
when he will formally dismiss the
Jury and begin Impanelling a new one.
It la alleged that besides the four Jur
ors who are said to have been Influ
enced, attempt was made to bribe a
When the denouncement came In
court today Mrs. Botkln's attorney
made a passionate speech disclaiming
that Mrs. Botkln or any one connected
with the case waa Implicated. He al
so said he would not continue with
the present Jury. The state's attorney
concurred In the motion to discharge
the Jury.
Jumps Excitedly to His Feet Dur
ing Progress of Will Case
to Refute Attorney But
Is Told to Sit Down.
Facts Are Being Withheld Asserts
Counsel for Widow, During
Bitter Speech.
Entire Day Taken Up With Ar
guments Regarding Legality
of Admitting Letter, and -Sensations
Are Sprung.
New Haven, Conn, March 80. Fur
ther sensational Incidents marked the
second day's hearing on the appeal of
W. J. Bryan from the probata In the
superior court today before Judge
Gager. Ex-Judge Stoddard, counsel
for Mrs. Benett, and Bryan engaged ta
a wordy war during the morning ses-
Hsld up By Blizzard. . slon ana court naa to intervene, u
Seattle, March 30. The first through . followed , immediately after reference
I train from 8t Paul on the Northern , to correspondence. between Mr. Bryasi
Paelc7"iBcT'tk!ira l$eftr15ff - Been "WaSsT tiy Judge
invited the attorneys for thV partiesT'rhrTraIn 'rPlT iTbHisard Stoddafd In which tt was alleged that
It's Plain as Print
HutSduHMr J V
U Mm I J
HaftdTlord jT I
Tiiat the place to purchase
is at Stokes; Reason, su
perior goods aud lowest
Remember our
Dunlap Hats
Finest on earth.
OW iifM in fey itiiHtatM lui
a. mim
Explosives Planted by Jspsnsse to Be
Located By Authorities.
Vladlvostock, March 30. In order to
allay the apprehension of the people
the authorities have Instituted a search
for the mines alleged to have been
planted by the Japanese which were
to be exploded at on opportune mo
ment. Borings have been made In the
mountain upon which is located the
No Name battery, but nothing sus
picious was found.
Boilers are being installed In the
Jemtchung and Iiumrad which are now
building at the Nevsky works and the
authorities expect that In a few weeks
they will be able to remove theae ships
to Cronstadt where they will receive
their armament.
4 P
Nothing Officially Stated Regarding
Alleged Captures.
Tarls, March 30. According to the
St. Petersburg correspondent of the
Echo de Paris, It is rumored In Rus
slan official quarters that Captain Kelt
sensteln's Vladlvostock squadron has
returned to port, but officials Ignore the
statement that the squadron has cap
tured any Japanse warships or trad
ing vessels,
In the contempt proceedings to meet
with him, with a view to reaching an
agreement regarding the application of
attorneys Forbls and Evans on behalf
of the Butte & Boston and the Bos
ton & Montana Companies for a per
petual Inspection order allowing in
spection at all times of the workings of
the Rarus and Johnstown claims sup
posed to lead to the Michael Devitt
lode. The matter of an amicable set
tlement was discussed at length.'
Finally Forbls for the Amalgamated
Company announced that It would be
Impossible to reach an agreement and
said that the court might as well make
an order for an Inspection and then
agreed that an order would be granted
for an inspection two times each week.
at Richardson. N. D. In the western
part of that state snow was piled
many feet deep and a rotary snow plow
with Its engines, was wrecked. Pas
sengers report that practically no suf
fering was experienced during the
wait. .
Admiral Never Undresses
Cronstadt, March 30. The War Re
lief Society haa received a cablegram
from VIce-Admlral Makaroff. dated
at Port Arthur, March 29, which says:
Last night waa a very quiet one, but
we cannot hope for a very quiet time
either now or In the near future. I
sleep without undressing, In order that
may be ready for any emergency
Consequently I cannot observe your
medical advice to take care ot myself;
nevertheless I feel splendid."
Plsns for Construction Docks. .
St Petersburg, March 30. Professor
Zlmlnoff has completed plans for dry
docks for the acomodatlon of battle
ships which are capable of being rap-
Idly constructed. Plans will be sent to
Viceroy Alexieff for his action.
Russisns Sink Stesmer.
Chefoo, March 30. The captain, an
oller and one passenger of the Japan
ese coasting steamer Hanyel arrived
at Tengchow this morning and report-
Failure of United States to Pay
Embarratsss New Republic.
Panama, March 30. The greatest
surprise Is manifested in all circles
here over the alleged non-fullfillment
by the United States in the agreement
of the exchange of ratifications of the
canal treaty. The United States should
pay to the new republic the sum of
310,000,000. and it is understood that
the failure of the United States to
make the payment has compelled the
Panama government to float a loan in
New York.
Washington, March 30. The reason
for the non-payment of the 310,000,
000 to Panama for the canal territory
Is doubtless to be found In the fact
that the title cannot be taken to the
canal until after the necessary formal
ities In Paris. Two law officers of the
department of Justice have gone there
to see that the Panama Canal Company
regularly conveys its rights and title
to the canal property.
Welcomed in Denmark.
Copenhagen, March 30. King Ed
ward and Queen Alexandra arrived
here today to attend the family gath
ering on the occasion of King Christ
ian's 86th birthday. They were re
ceived at the railroad station by all
the members of the royal family, the
cabinet ministers, the diplomatic corps
and civil and military authorities.
Benett was brought to the point of
writing the "sealed letter by Bryan.
Judge Stoddard Implied that Mr. Bryaa
was withholding the contents and said
"If this man insists upon getting
350,000 from a widow by suppressing
facts and showing that these letters
were written at his behest, the court
should know the facta" -
Mr. Bryan jamped to hia feet and
insisted that Judge Stoddard had mis
stated facts, but the court ordered hire
to sit down.
The day was taken up entirely by
arguments on the question of admit
ting the "sealed letter," Judge Stod
dard concluding the argument he be
gan yesterday.
I lie
Plucky Girl Files on Claim.
Tacoma, Wash., March 30. Through
pure grit. Miss Grace Page, a Tacoma
girl who works as a stenographer In
the office of the county attorney, has
secured a valuable timber claim In
Slskljou county, northern California.
She heard of a claim 40 miles from the
railroad and was Informed that several
parties intended to file on It as soon
as open weather permitted.
She made up her mind to have the
claim. She started out horseback, but
when 12 miles from the place was
forced to stop owing to deep snow.
She hunted around and secured a pair
of snowshoes and made the Journey
New and Beautiful Line
of Ladles Suits, strictly
Up-to-date i prices : $10
to. $30, and you can buy
j& them CHEAPER
Sunday next is EBBter, and we prepsred for it with a
magnificent line of Bibles, Testaments, Psalm Books
nd Hymnals. All we ask is that you See them. We
feel certain you will then be anxious to pay 10 percent,
less than tbe very low price tbey are marked.
f W ' WW " -