The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 30, 1904, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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After That Is Finished It's Time
to Talk of Dredging Astor
ia's Upper Harbor.
Government Maintains Large
Fleet of Vessels at Astoria
and Merchants Should
Provide tpcfc for Tliein.
the extent to which the dredge
Chinook will he permitted to work In
and about the mouth of the Columbia
river was the subject of considerable
discussion at Monday night's meeting
of the Chamber of Commerce. While
the dredge was unable to work on the
bar during- the heavy weather of the
past winter (according to the calender,
the spring season has set in) she put
in her time deepening the inner harbor
and at many points effected material
improvement. But it Is hoped the
Chinook may be permitted to eventu
ally devote some attention to the up
per harbor, where she could do great
The appropriation "for the Improve
ment of Astoria harbor," which was
available for many months, has, it de
veloped at the meeting of the chamber
been expended in the removal of the
Sylvia de Grasse reef. Astoria harbor
is therefore now without any fund for
tts improvement It will be recalled
that Senator Pulton has undertaken to
have Astoria placed in a separate im
provement district, distinct from Port
ind and the bar, and, while there will
be no appropriation for this purpose at
the present session, it is probable the
senator's effort will be successful, as
he seldom fails to gain his point
When Astoria is made a separate
Improvement district there will be an
appropriation for harbor work, and
under that appropriation the dredge
will be Enabled to work in the upper
harbor. Sentiment Is unanimous that
proper Improvnfent of the waterfront
means extension of all of the wharves
to the pierhead line and dredging of
Ihe channel beyond Its present north
ern conflnea The Chinook could pro
vide a wide and deep channel here,
and might eventually be utilized even
above the Tongue. Her Inner harbor
work has been very satisfactory, and
during the winter storms she Increased
the depth at many points from 12 or 14
feet to 22 and 24 feet
It was the general opinion of mem
bers of the chamber that the first
great task was improvement of the
bar. When the Chinook cuts a 40-foot
bole in the obstruction at the river's
mouth and an extended Jetty insures
the permanency of the Improvement, it
will be time to take up the matter of
inner harbor Improvement The big
vessel 19 a Columbia river feature and
there la ample time for her to make
all the improvements in this neighbor
hood which may be found necessary.
The return of the Chinook from Port
land, where her boilers are being re
paired, is anxiously awaited. Captain
Dunbar and all the other officers of
the dredge have repeatedly asserted
that they will provide 40-foot depth on
the bar with 30 days' good weather,
and those to whom the bar improve
ment seems the 'greatest of all public
works In Oregon are impatiently wait
ing to see whether or not the Chinook
will make good. Major Langfitt says
a few weeks will suffice to put the
boilers of the vessel In shape, and if
all goes well she should be back at
Astoria by April 15.
The fact was not chronicled in the
Portland papers, but It has leaked out
that the Chinook has had rather a dis
greeable experience since going there
for repairs. It appears she was moor
ed at an old dock, the piling of which
is rotten.' The big dredge broke
loose from her moorings and started
down stream at considerable speed,
and for a time It was feared she would
be damaged. Uy prompt use of six or
even anchors, however, she was
brought to a stop.
Ten Vessels Heresnd Merchants Should
Provide Dock For them.
The rposal that a government
dJck be provided for the accomoda
tion of the government fleet at Astoria
is a matter that will receive the ser
ious attention of the Chamber of Com
merce. AstoriiU-s perhaps do not ful
ly appreciate the amount of money
whltf'n the government spends at this
port every month.There are three large
lighthouse tenders, Columbine, Mansan
ita and Heather; the bar dredge Chin
ook, the tug Mndell, dredge Ladd, tug
Major Gug Howard. Quarantine tug
Electro and customs tug Tatrol, and
the revenue cutter Perry.
the cost of maintaining this fleet
is very sreat the expenditures of the
Chinook aloie being in the neighbor
hood of $10,000 a month. The quar
antine station entails a monthly ex
pense of $1600, practically every dollar
of which is spent in Asiona. in
extent of the governmens maritime
interests Justifies the donation of
dock for the convenience of the ves
sels and the business men of the city
could well afford to provide the neces
sary wharf. The matter is to be given
the careful consideration of the Cham
ber of Commerce, which will hear the
report of its committee on commerce
and navigation at the next meeting.
LKT YOUR WANTS UK KNOWN. Somebody has what you want, or wants what you have to
sell. Here is where want and wanted come together. ADVERTISE.
421 Bond 8tret
Five chairs at the Oooident barber shop
You do not hava to wait Only first-
class workmen. Baths.
Firtt-elatt meat for 15ct nice cake,
coffee, pie, or douahnutt, So. U. S.
restaurant, 434 Bond street
is the place to sell hides, wool, furs
and old rubber. Highest market
price paid.
If you want your money's worth ring
'phone 1311.
As spring approaches you commence
to feel poorly and you wonder at the
cause. Tou feel tired and out of sorts.
Tour head aches, you have no appetite
and the blood is Impure. Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters will quickly tone up
the system, overcome that tired feeling
and make life a pleasure. Test It
yourself. It also cures Dizziness,
Bloating, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, In
somnia, Liver Troubles, La Grippe and
Marine Notes.
There was not a movement yester
day in or out of the harbor. The bar
was not unusually rough, but It was
one of those quiet days that occasion
ally comes around.
Captain Hoben, Lloyds' surveyor,
as down rrom roruana yesieraay
for the purpose of making an official
survey of the French bark La Fon
taine, which stranded on the middle
sands. Captain Hoben found that La
Fontaine had not been damaged by
trending and pronounced her to be in
seaworthy condition.
The master of the schooner Mable
Gale, which arrived a few days ago.
reported having sighted the barkentlne
Chehalis, from Honolulu for this port,
off the mouth of the river. It is now
believed to have been the barkentlne
Arago. which has arrived at Willapa
would hardly be due as yet
The Morning Astorian will be found
for sale at Griffin's book store and at
Scully's cigar store, corner Eleventh
and Commercial streets.
New stock of fancy goods just arrived
at Yokohama Bazaar. Call and see
the latest novelties from Japan.
Union made heating stoves, home man
ufactured and very stove perfect, at
Montgomery's tin and plumbing
store, 425 Bond street 'Phone 1031.
You can always find the best 15-eent
I ml In the eitv at the Rising. Sun
restaurant, No. 61Z commercial street
Man Arrested for Hauling Muni
cipal Lumber to Residence.
San Francisco, March 29. John P.
Killilea, a carpenter residing at SOS
Devlsa-lero street, was arrested last
night and charged with grand larceny.
A. A. Martin, a special officer for the
telephone company, and Policeman R.
R. O'Brien took Killilea Into custody.
KHUlia was arrested at his home
as he was eating supper. The prime
cause for his taking is the alleged
theft late yesterday afternoon of a
load of lumber belonging to the city.
Killilea was employed by the election
commissioners in the razing of voting
booths. Testerday afternoon he was
to have removed a load of lumber from
demolished booths from the the corner
of Scott and Halght streets. Instead
of taking It to the corporation yard
Killilea, it is claimed, removed the
lumber, which is valued at $100, to his
own home.
Martin has suspected KUHlea for
some time of robbing telephone boxes,
For this reason he has been shadow
ing Killilea. Martin alleges he saw
Killilea haul the lumber to 305 Devls
arero street. Martin claims to have
proof of telephone burglaries commit
ted by Killilea.
Standard portable and adjustable
shower bath, finest made, price $15.
Only two screws to put in place. John
A. Montgomery, tinner and plumber,
425 Bond street Phone 1031.
barber trade; only requires eight
weeks; constant practices expert in
struction. Positions secured. Cata
logue mailed free. Moler System ani a. terrible cough set
college, oan rrancisco, uaiu.
For good, reliable piano work see your
IaaaI tuner. Th. Fredrlckson. 2071
Bond street 'Phone Red 2074.
Burdovk Wood Hitters gives a man
a clear head, an active brain, a strong,
vigorous bodymakes him fit for the
battle of Ufa.
Union Mutual Aid Association, or
Portland, Or. For one dollar per
month Insure against accident or
sickness. P. A. Trullinger, Agent
Upper Astoria h a plaoe where you
can get a fine glass of beer, at good
wines and liquors at you can find
any place in the city.
Opposite North Paolfia Brewery.
Your attention it called to the purity
and excellence of Olymplo Pancake
Flour, the Olympio Cake and Pattry
Flour, and the O'ymplo Wheat
Hearts, a muth.
Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any
kind of wood at lowest priest. Kelly,
the trantfer man. 'Phone 2211 Black,
Barn on Twelfth, oppoalte opera
"I owe my whole Ufa to Burdock
Blood Bitters. Scrofulous sores covered
my body. I aeemed beyond cure. n. B.
a has made me a perfectly nell wo
man." lira Chas. Hulton. nervlll.
A. Kiljunen, ht importing tailor, hss
moved his ettablithment to 469 Bond
street in the Occident hotel building,
where he will continue to serve hit
many patrons.
Houte, trutty perton familiar with
thit territory for branch office for
thit and turrounding counties. $18
paid weekly. Position permanent
No capital required. Previous ex
perience not essential. Address, 8up
erintendent, Como Block, Chicago.
"Just In the nick of time our little
boy was saved." wrltea Mrs. W. Wat
kins, of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneu
monia had played sad havoc with htm
Id Hesldes.
Doctors treated him, but ne grew
worse every day. At length we tried
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, and our darling was saved.
He's now tound and well." . Everybody
ought to know. It's toe oniy sure cure
for Coughs, Colds and all Lung dis
eases. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers,
druggist Price EOc and $1.00. Trial
bottles free.
Business fropositUn.
It you art going east a earful select
ion of your route la essential to the en
joyment of your trip. If It, is a busi
ness trip time la the main consider
alon; if a pleasure trip, scenery and
the conveniences and comfort of a
modern railroad.
Why not combine all by using the
Illinois Central, the up-to-data road,
River Attains Width of Thirteen Milet
and it Twenty Feet Deep.
Petersburg, Ind., March 28. The
flood situation In this county is ap
palling, while the river above here Is
13 miles wide in places and 20 feet
deep In the channel.
The Patoka river, which flows
through the county's center, is three
miles wide for nearly 40 miles. The
loss already has reached $250,000. It
Is feared there will be two more feet
of water, which will quadruple the loss.
If persons who have changed their
residence or place of business since
being Interviewed by the directory so
licitor will call at the office of the
company In The Astorian building and
make known the fact, they will help
to make the forthcoming city direc
tory accurate and complete and avoid
confusion during the next year or two
In regard to their locations.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 26c. tf
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers and Loggers.
Tenth aod Commercial Streets ASTORIA, OREGON
-5 1
JOHN FOX, Pres. and Supt
f. L. BI8HOP, Secretary
A. It, FOX, Vice President
Designers and Manufacturers of
Foot of Fonrth Street. ASTORIA, OREGON.
Pale Bohemian Beer
Best In The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.
running two trains dally from St. raul
and Minneapolis, and trorn Omaha, to
Chli uo. Free reclining chair cars, the
tarnou buffet Hbr.iry smoking cars, all
trains veetlbjl. In short thorouRly
modern throughout. AU tickets read
ln via the Illinois Central will be hon
ored on thee train and no extra far
Our rate! art the same aa those of
inferior road why not get your
money' worth t
Writ for full particular,
U. H..TRUMBULL, Commercial Agt
Portland, Ore.
J. C. LIND8KT. T. F. A P. A.,
Portland. Or.
P.U'L B. THOMPSON, F. . P. A.,
Seattle, Wash.
Proposal for Beef and Mutton: Of
lie Chief Com'y. Vancouver IJarrack.
Wash., March IS, 1(04, Sealed pro
posata for furnishing and delivering
fresh rteef and Mutton for six month
beginning July 1, 1904, will b received
her and at office of Commiaarle at
Fort Stevens, Oregon; Bolt Barrack,
Idaho;; Fort Casey, Columbia, Flag
ler. Walla Walla. Ward, Wright, Wor
den, Law ton, and Vancouver Barrack,
Wash., until 10 a. m. April 15, 1904. In
formation furnished on application.
Envelope containing proposal should
be endorsed "Proposal for fresh Beef
deorg IX Davit, Chief Com'sy.
Republican Primaries.
Notice Is hereby given, tnat to re
publican primary election will be held
In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county,
SUt of Oregon, on Saturday, April t,
1904, for the purpose of electing 44 del
egate to the Republican County con
vention to be held In the City of As
toria, on Saturday, April I, 1104. for
the purpose of nominating candidate
for the varloua county office to be
filled at the general election to be held
on Monday, June ft, 194. The follow
Ing 1 th number of delegates, polling
place and Judge and clerk appoint
ed for aald primary election:
Ward No. 1. Polling place. No.
two' engine house; Judges, J. O.
Trullinger, C. IL Stockton, James Ella
worth; clerks, Jaa. Hannaford, Chas.
Abercromble; 17 delegate.
Ward No. 1 Polling place. Welch
office; Judges, Jas. W. Welch, Bam
Oalllch. E. C. Foster; clerks, T. IU
Davis, W. C. Curtis; IT delegate.
Ward No. I. Polling ploc. W. F.
McOregor office; Judges, Win. Paint
er, U Agren and John Nordstrom;
clerk, W, P. CtUlon, Oto, Ueland;
10 delegate.
O. C. FULTON. Chairman,
C. J. CURTIS, Secretary.
Republics County Convention.
Notice la hereby, given, that a Re.
pubtlcan County Convention for Clat
sop county, Stat of Oregon, wit be
held at th City of Astoria, on Satur
day, April I, 1904, at th court bout
at 10 o'clock a. m., of aald day, for th
purpose of nominating th following
tounty officer to b voted for at th
tat election to b held on Monday,
Jun I, 1904, and electing 10 delegate
to attend th Republican atat con
vention to be held at th olty of Port,
land, on Tuesday, April It, 1904, and
10 delegate to th congressional ooa
vention; Two representative,
On county clerk.
On sheriff.
On Irtaturtr,
On county commissi one.
On aoroner.
On assessor.
On urveyor.
On school superintendent
Justice of th pear and conttab
les In th various precinct.
Th varloua precinct of th county
are entitled to one delegate at large
tmi on delegate for vry It vote
or fraction over of th vote cast (or
F. L Dunbar for secretary of etate, the
apportionment being a follow:
Astoria No. 1 IT
Astoria No. 1 17
Astoria No. 1 1
John Day t
New Astoria ........... I
Clatsop 4
Melville t
Cbadwell I
Toungs River
Olney, ........ l
Knappa t
Cilfton I
Vesper , ,. I
Mlshawaka t
Eltle I
Total lit
The committee recommend that th
primaries be held on Saturday. April
2. 1904. O. C. FULTON.
C. J. CURTIS, Secretary.
Capital I'aid la 1100,000, Surplus tod Undivided Profit ftf.OOO
Transact a general backing bntincaa. Ioterest paid on time JepoeiU.
President View President Csabler. AttU Cashier
so well as nicely laundried linen. We have the neatest
and most sanitary laundry in the state and do the best
work. All White help.
Sr.T7jhi.dD....8.. The Troy Laundry
Famous Trains
The Southwest Limited Kansas City to
Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chitago
via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul
to Chscago, run via
Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
Each route offers numerous attraction.
The principal thing to insure a quick,
comfortable trip east is to see that your
tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. f aul Railway.
Central Ajent
134 Third Street, Portland