The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 30, 1904, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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R. J. Owens, Proprietor . ' Those 831
Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast
Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars
Eighth and Astor Sts. ASTORIA
Indianapolis, March 29. All the riv
ers tributary to the Wabash and Ohio
are overtloodlng, and (jreat damage has
been done to farm and buildings
throughout southern Indiana, At Vln-
Cennes the danger seems greatest. Kv-
ery precaution la being taken to pre
vent a possible breaking of the levees.
In the White river, bottoms 10.000
acres of wheat are inundated. In i'Uts
burg the river has backed Into several
mines, forcing them to close. Hut-
A First Class Concert Hall - Finest liesort Iu The City eiton is completely isolated
Seventh and Astor Stntts CHARLES WIRKKALA, Prop.
the east span of the big steel bridge
at Hloomfleld was swept away.
Detroit. March 29, Five lives have
been lost and probably more than
000.000 damage to property has been
done by the Hood which has devastated
many parts of Mrch'gnii during the
past few days. Tonight the Indica
tions are that the en 1 Is In sight, al
though the conditions are still very bad
at tlrand Haplds and also along the,
Saginaw river.
March Weather is Uncertain
so is tlio effect of the nrwrij'tion your doctor given you
utiles! you Imvo it filled by a competent druggU who
will none but puro frwh drug. When you bring
pur proscription to us it will bo carefully compounded
and the boft of drugs will bo used in filling it.
ss:;r;:.r;;"": hart's drugstore
UiAJNUJi WhL&Ll First Day's Hearino in Effort to Allow
8ealed Latter.
New Haven, March J9. Phlio S.
Bennett'a will was admitted as a com-
A Guaranteed Roof. SfftftK document tor ,,robM""t by ,h'
the wrong time, Something Uiat will stand bard mage. ELATERITB ROOFING uu r"uu m int um
will Satisfy these require meats and many more. It is guaranteed to do what we I day' neftrlnK In the appeal of William
claim for IL It has been on the market Tor over twelve vearsLand is offered strict- J. Bryan from the decision of the pro
KfcVm.iUn 6 '""" uu bate court which disallowed the "sealed
The Blaterite Roofing Oo. WSF'yss
IJ You Can Be Cured.
No. 11 Otdar Ttntci,
Hot SraiNos, Asa., April 3S, 1903.
When I wma tint married I found that my strength and
health were gradually diminishing. I became nerroiu
and irritable, and was in bed a week and sometimes tea
days of every month, and had intense bearing down psios.
My husband had the best physician tor me and I used
his medicine for nearly four months, bat I gradually grew
worse, had lew strength, and Anally, I was enable to leave
my bed at all.
a .ni i . V-i.l
Wine of Cardui and was so loud iu iu praise that I told ItnllUtviatg
her that I would take it to please her.
I was surprised aad pleased that before) I had nssd the botUe I really felt
better, so I kept on using it. Sight
bottles brought back my lost health tT tf j
and strength, and I hare not had a cU Jo-) tXm
sick day ia six months. l
, Tamsacaaa, St. axdsbws' Booisnr.
Mrs. Finnegaa bad little hope of relief because she knew that ere
time the bad those spells of menstrual suffering with attendant bearing
down pains she was weaker. And every month the pain was growing;
more severe.
But Ifrs. Finnegaa was cured by Wine of Cardui. She is bow so
well that there are few women who would not h triad tn 1m the hohh
, has. And any woman who has those dreaded bearing dowa pain
I itean Tranrssnraw sbti si
Tou can be free from menstrual irregularities if yon telwthUfaW'
vegetable wine. Why don't yon take it when you see what it has dent
for others? Secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui today.
Tour druggist has 11.00 bottles. (
When James K. Blake, clerk of the
probate court, was called as the first
witness, there was much sparring be
tween counsel over technicalities re
latlng to the identification of the will
and the sealed letter from the court
record. Every question asked by
counsel for Mr. Bryan was objected
to by the other side. The will was
entered as "exhibit A" and the sealed
letter was "exhibit B."
These entries, however, wore for
purposes of Identification only. When
an attempt was made by counsel for
Mr. Bryan to offer the sealed letter as
evidence, counsel for the appellees ob
Jected, saying that when the proper
time came he would debate the ques
tion of the admission of the paper as
a matter of law. He held that the sealed
letter was not admissible. At the sug
gestion of the court, the offer of the
letter as evidence was withdrawn for
the present. Objections were also
made to the admission of evidence of
the will and the Inventory of the estate.
These objections were sustained, and
the documents excluded temporarily.
where Mrs. Oaborne la manager of a
lodging house, and she worked at
Burkes restaurant. 1 28 1-3 OFarrell
street. Mrs. Osborne and Mr. llurke
took an Interest In thj girl. They as
sert that she gave her weekly earnings
to Mrs. Trot man; that she was harshly
'treated by Mrs. Trot man; and that
when she finally rebelled and
to any longer give up her wages, she
was arrested by IMectlve Bailey at
the Instance of Mrs. Trotman, and
shipped away on the Sonoma. In spite
of her own protestations and the at
tempt of Mrs. Osborne and Mr l-urke
to prevent the abduction.
Stupendous Offer Made by
Well Known Phila. Firm.
P. A. Danforth, of La Orange, G.,
suffered for six months with a fright-
The following case Is but one
many aunuar occurring dally, la As
torla. It Is an easy matter to verify
its correctness. Surely you cannot ask
for better proof than such a conclus
Ive evidence.
W. R. Mcintosh whose place of resl
dence Is at 593 Harrison avenue, says
ful running sore on bis leg; but writes For years I suffered very much from
that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly I lameness and soreness across the
cured It in five days. For Ulcers. 1 vl 10 lurn m Dea ave
Wounds, Piles, It's the best salve In
the world. Cure guaranteed. Sold br
Chaa. Rogers, druggist
Thousands of Persons in All Sec
tions of the Country Have
fcBeen Healed by This
Wonderful Discovery.
Every educated person has heard of
Radium, its wonderful powers and
healing qualities have occupied page
after page in the Metropolitan publica
tions. Almost everybody knows that it
Is the greatest remedy that God has
ever ajivesi te suffering humanity.
Disease germs of every description See
before it they cannot stand the con
tact. We have such faith in ear propo
sition that we guarantee absolutely
to cure you. What la more we wlU
give you a written contract to that ef
fect. . This offer has never been dupli
cated. Fill out the blank below and
mark the malady from which you are
suffering and receive by re
return mall Information that will be
worth hundreds of dollars to you. Ask
any banking firm regarding our responsibility.
me painful twinges and when I was
not working but simply standing
around there was a constant aching
over my hips. The kidney secretions
gave me no end of trouble. I often
thought I had gravel, so painful were
the secretions In passing. I read
about Doan's Kidney Pills and got a
box at Charles Rogers' drug store on
Commercial street. On taking them
The World's Fair Route.
Those anticipating an eastern trip,
or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase
exposition at St Louis, cannot afford
to overlook the advantages offered by I soon noticed an Improvement In my
the MIssurl Pacific Railway, which, on I condition and the pain across my back
account of Its various routes and gate- was 8000 wonderfully relleved.Though
I did not take Doan's Kidney Pills as
regularly as I should have done they
did me a great deal of good."
For sale by all dealers; price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N
7., sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and take
no other.
ways, has been appropriately named
"The World's Fair Route."
Passengers from the northwest take
the Missouri Pacific trains from Den
ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either
going direct through Kansas City, or
via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant
Two trains daily from Denver and
Pueblo to St Louis without change,
carrying all classes of modern equip
ment Including electric lighted obser
vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten
Sentence of Senator burton Not Pro
nounced by Court
tit. IjiuIs, M.irch Is. Sentence was
not pulsed to.l.iy upon Senator lurt-
on or Kansas. lu yesterday was
found guilty In the failed States dls-
trlt t court of having illegally accepted
payment from the Klalto Grain and Se
curities Company of St. Louis, for the .
use of his Iniluence In behalf of this
company's Interests.
Counsel for Senator Burton today
filed a motion In arrest of Judgment,
and there Is now also before 'the court
motion for a new trial, filed Im
mediately after the verdict was rend
ered. Judge Adams will first have
to dispose of these motions before
sentence can be passed.
The defense Is busily at work pre
paring a bill of exceptions and making
a complete record of the evidence In
troduced. It may take two or three
days before this Is completed, and the
bill of exceptions ready for filing on
wnieir to tmse an nppAat to the united
States court of appeals, which Is the
court of the highest Jurlsductlon In this
If sentence is finally passed upon
henator Burton and his case Is ap
pealed he will be released on bond,
pending the rehearing of the case by
the court of appeals, at St Paul.May 1.
Telephone Til.
Draying and Expressing
All gowisshlppod toourrare will wclvespec!aUttenil0n.
700-715 Commercial Street.
We are thiimtiilil hmh.i i - . .
r,, ir mam,,-
estimate and executing oidert for
II kinds of electrical installing and
repeirlng. HupplUm in stock. W.
ell th. Celebrated SHELBY LAMP.
Call cpriionellCl.
( Mrs. Inglcton hn pcrnod a fine lino of Udiw'nnd Child,
reu s tyring Hub and Flowers, and invito., the Indies of A,
torn to cull am! gco them. SkirU, ohirt waist, notions, hair
witchw, pompadours, .adieu' and children's ftirninhinir coods
Cook Book Free
By saving Coupons in
Violet Wheat Flakes
For Sale
All Grocers
8erious Charge Made Against Officers
in 8an Francisco.
San Francisco, March 29. Ida Moon-
dally trains between Kansas City and ey' a glrl ' 18 years' haa been hang
St. Louis. haled and shipped away to Australia,
Write or call on W. C. MoBride, gen-1 acordlng to charges made by J. II.
era! agent, 124 Third street Portland, Bke, owner of an OTarrell street
for detailed Information and illustrat-1 restaurant, and Mrs. Osborne, of 715
ed literature. Post street The strong arm of the
American law Is to be reached out to
take her from the steamship Sonoma
Honolulu and bring her back.
ft POSITIVE CfJCE aptaln Martin and Detective Bailey
onuTvl?M0t the pollce dePartment. are accused
Scatt's Saoiat-Fepsio GapscTes ir
Fr Offer
Free Offer
812 Drexel Building
Philadelphia. Pa.
Please send me free of cost in
formation regarding your Radium
treatment and your wonderful rem
edy "Radios."
A .lr. lit i
AidBtfYS. Sn fltitw nn n&
Cures qnlcklf ud Perms-
nont.7 t:.e worst esses M
no buJ t r of how lonir stand-in-;.
Absolute! h&rmlrM
L-0i3 tij dranjlst. irlcy
ct.uu, tr ,y mull, postpaid
1Y.7. KAK7.BK:fH M
'"Xi&y Bl;LLEFOHT!ia.OrMO.
Sold by Chas. Rogers, 4S Commercial
1" P
of having taken an active part In the
work of shanghaiing the girl, and if
the charges are true, and Miss Mooney
was Rent away on the steamer against
her will, the officers and all others con
cerned In the case may find themselves
in serious trouble. Attorney Averlll
states that he Is preparing to have
habeas corpus papers served when the
Sonoma arrives at the Island port
Miss Mooney Is an orphan who was
brought from Australia about ten
months ago by Mrs. Trotman, formerly
k. riE, J-;;,.. 'Om Ml rruHrt
ltt,i Hbbon. T.l,,, .,,!,... u.ri.-
SPiKSJl ""torn of the a8y,um ,n whlch the
til Ma . lit I . ' - IB1 T VO U1UUKI1L till. VV1LII I III 1 fill
: ' V l ' WillT.OUMil 4. rVld M I w r " -
otm. Juc i;.u.i.trt. mans "he lived at 715 Post street,
Advsrtised Letters.
List of letters remaining unclaimed
for thirty days at Astoria post office
March 28. 1904:
Allen. P. E. Esq.
Banos, John Mr.
Barros, 0. 8. Mr.
Brown Alfred Mrs.
Campbell, W. E. Mr.
Dtlery, Mabie Miss.
Foster, John Esq.
Haines, Nellie Miss.
Harls, William I. Mr.
Holthe, Martin O. Mr. 2.
Ingram, J. L. Mr.
Jcobson, Martin.
Jameson, Jas.
Jansen, O. Mr. -Johnson,
Larson, Otto.
Lewis, Jasper.
Lewis, Avery.
Manaase, E.
Mastll, Amanda Mrs.
Powers, William D. Mr.
Qulckala, C.
Richard, J. A.
Ross, Rowland, Mr.
Seamour, Chas. Mr.
Shannagel, Frank.
Slen Lug PearL
Simmons Pearl Miss.
Sarby, Mrs.
Wiggen, Mr.
Wright, H. O. Mr.
to our new store at No. 530 Com
mercial Street, wo will rnake
on odds and ends of various
brands of Cigars in box and lest
than box lots. Many of these are
high priced cigars.
Will Madison
to Chicago and all points east; Louis
ville, Memphis, New Orleans, and all
points south.
Require the Most Careful Attention as
well as Good Soli.
Did you ever see a rosebush which
despite the most beneficent environment
of soil of sunshine and of atmosphere,
-seemed never to achieve a healthy
A ton of manure will not help a plant
;nat nas a canaer eating out Its heart
Tou must destroy the cause before yorj
Tou cannot cure Dandruff and Bald
ness by rubbing on hair lotlonn anA
ruDDing in vaseline, etc.
xou must iook to the cause of the
trouDie its a germ at the roots of
jrour nairwnicn causes 11 to rail out
Newbro's Herplcide destroys the srerm.
uu ueaiiiiy nair is me sure result.
Bold by leading druggists. Send lOo. in
stamps for sample to The Herplcide Co., i
Eagle Drug Store Owl Drug Store
351-363 Bond St. (49 Com. St
Astoria, Oregon.
T. F. LAURIN, Proprietor.
Special Agent
Bee that your ticket reads vU, the
Illinois Central R. R. Thoroughly mod
ern trains connect with all transcontl
nental lines at St. Paul and Omaha.
If your friends are coming west let us
know and wa will quote them direct
the specially low rates now In effect
from all eastern points.
Any Information at to rates, routes.
etc., cheerfully given on application.
B. H. TRUMBU7.L, , Commercial
Agent 142 Third street Portland. Or.
J. C. LINDSET, T. F. A P. A.. 142
Third street, Portland, Or.
P. B. THOMPSON. F. A. p. A..
Every Woman
is imori'Mwi nn'l ihnulrt know
MARYTL Whin on Socuv
ITI10 H'uv 1'wlr.jl Hjrliw. lmre.
S 7" 111 .,.-. iH.I.Hll.
..t , ..... T J I - '
... . wax 11 rmrriti mr if ,
" "iiwi (npi'ly Hi
MA li 1. 1., ni-.-i- 1 i.u
otiH r. ( 'I fb-iMi HUnii't I- r
illu 11.. 1. ( lKii,k- i.iiii. tixi
1 nil ' 111:111111 n hii ; 'fif-rt m-
Yiiln-it. c id tfit 1.
SI i'lirk flow, l()ru.
Siioixt Line
ako union Pacific
79 hore from Portland to Chicago.
No change of cars.
uepari Vmtn Arrive
i;i,l'rttM' Jalt lake, Denver Fl '
h'Kbm C'liicagoand tlieKast
.im'Jii ,w" Walla, lewis.
7nM" u,nv,Hl""""'e. Minns-
vla C"1 vTi!'" t1'-"'. lluth (:00 pm
viaNpo. MHwHiikee, Chlcaso.
kano andJCast ' v",t"'
v , ' , V
From Astoria w
All sailing dates subject to change.
For Ban Francisco every five days.
Dally ct
clt Mon
day atram
i-oriianu and Way
4 a m
Daily ex
cept Mon
I hese tiny Capsules are sup)rio,
to Balsam of Copaiba . .
Cubebs 01 Ininrtior.s MiJUit,h
CURE IN 48 ii0ur:sl"i
the same diseases wiuVW'j
out inconvenience. I
Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on
tide dally except Sunday for Uwaco,
connecting there with trains for Long
Ueach, Tioga and North Beach points.
Returning arrives at Astoria same
Through tickets to and from all prin
cipal European cities.
O. W. ROBERTS, Agent,
Astoria, Ore.