The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 24, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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, -
Local Brevities.
EMtwr Noveltlo at Th Littlt Dook
JUor. ,
Don't full to attend the grand mil
liner? opening at Th Be HIv on
J-Yldar and Saturday, March 28 and 21.
Jowph Sartor, aired VI y-flar, dld
ycHlenJay afternoon at hi horn, 1333
Franklin avenue, after art lllnwa of
4hrv month. The funeral I to take
vlace on FrMay and the InUrnwrtt will
lie In Greenwood cemetery..
All the hull'-a of the city are Invited
o vlalt the parlor of Mr. Rom thta
evening between 7 and 10 o'clock, the
oocaalon blne; her grand opening of
spring millinery. The reception wlU
continue during Friday and Hulurduy.
Deputy Cullei tor of Cuatotna McCue
yeaterday algned 24 Alaaka dahermen
for the Columbia Itlver Packer' Aa
eociaUon and three men for the Ala
)ui Fluhftrmen'a Packing Company. It
la etperted the men will aall from Aa
torta for Nuahagak on April 15.
Olaoti'a bond were Hxed at 1800. The
arvlcePwlll be triweekly, and the
carrier la to make round trip on
Tueedttye, Thuradaye' and Saturday.
Thla new arrangement la the'reault of
the effort made by people living along
the Lewla and Clurk to aecure better
mall aorvlt. Heretofore their mall
ha gone by wuy of Clataop and there
ha been much dlaaatlafactlon In con-
the. French bark La Fontaine haJ
been dlarnlaaed. The xwn were want
ed to anawer to a charge of larceny,
ami WwrlfT XJnvllle undertook to e
cure the custody of them for a deputy
who came down with the paper. Mr,
Manning' wire 1 to the effect that
the men are In charge of a United
Btat deputy marahul, and therefor
that the ta;e ran not aecure custody
'of them. The ce wa accordingly
dropped. , , .
The Commercial Club bowling team
la to make another try for the Felden
helmer trophy, The Multnomah, team
will bowl for thla prlae aural nut Fort
land Commercial about the flrat of the
month, and Aatorla will challenge for
a content on April 18. The flrat team
wjl! commence practlre at once and
will meet the ond team tonight. j
Foatmaater Iteed yeaterday received
notification from Waahlngton that An
nJrew J. Olaori, of Melville, had been
awarded the contract . for ' carrying
matt, between Aatorla and Melville.
The contract price I 1295 a year and
A cosmopolitan fair eodal I to be
given at the Preabyterlan church Fri
day evening, to which the people of
Aatorla are cordially Invited.- The
paatnr hope to form many new and
pleoaant acquaintance during the no
dal gathering, ao a popular attendance
I dualrod. The fair feature of the
evening will Intereat every buay houae
wife, aa well a the young people. 11-
frefihmenta will be aerved.
Froaecutlng Attorney Manning, of
Multnomah county, yeaterday notified
Deputy Dlatrlct Attorney Eakln that
the caw agalnat the three aallor on
At th clou of Butlntu.March 13 1904
. ntouncfi: ! .
Itana and rU
eunl ..-. ..... 1 2 1. "J
Viunty Warrant . 21,4
Oly Warrant....... U.lM.7t.
rurnliuraud rutur....
Du from Bank .... 1,T12 M
OMhOB Hand ... W
Total .....
, Capital Paid In ........
Hurplus. ........ ..............
Undivided ProflU
2S 00.00
05.109 M Hubjoct to Chock
Tim Certlfloate ......... Hom VI
W.0D04T IniandCrtlflcte., 11,113.13 KB,i7S.M
You Can Afford The Best!
In SHOES If you buy right. Our New
Stock contain! especially good value In
Style, Fit and Durability Alway CoDBidered.
The petition of Lorena Dragdon to
adopt the three Carr boy a 1 to come
up before Probate Judge Trenchard
thla morning. The boy are regarded
aa the clevcreat Juvenile on the coaat.
Recently th child labor commlaalon
er atarted after Bragdon acalp for
violating the atate law and he fled to
fWattl. Blnce thn he ha not been
heard of, having kept out of th way
of the commlaalonera Whether or not
he will ahow up In the probate court
thl morning I not known.
t Colu'n.' who ha been 111 for aome
month, 1 "reported to be much lm
proved, and la now able to be up,
though , he haa not been out of the
houae for aeveral week. He haa hod
a hard aelge of It and for a time wa
thought to be fatally 111. HI etrong
conatltutlon pulled him through, how
ever, and he la now dally, gaining
strength. For a day or two L Wlae
and family, of Spokane, baa been vlalt
Ing Mr. and Mr. Cohen, but left lat
evening for California.
The Inconvenience of loading car
at the depot with the product of the
brewery ha long been an annoyance
to the management of the bualneaa
and It I now propoaed to do away
with the difficulty by building a aide
track to connect the plant with the
main line. Permlaalon muat be ob
mined from the city to do thla, as the
propoaed line will croaa an undevcl
oped atreet The railroad company
now having a aurvey made, and a
oon "a thl I completed the matter
will doubtlea be brought to the at
tention of the council. The brewery
people end out on an average of five
cara every week, ao the Importance
of the Improvement is obvious. i
California flower Gardens
. Famoua for tbelr beauty and tweetneu have made
Famous for sweetness and lusting odor. With every
- 25 cent bottle we give you a beautiful picture. Give
It a trial, and then you'll try it again. Don't forget
us when you neod anything fa the drag Hue.
,Corr Fourteenth;
and Commercial
R. Foster Btone Inatructed and de
lighted a large audience at the old
Preabyterlan church laat evening. Ills
theme wn temperance, and the point
he brought out wa how to eradicate
thai saloon evIL Mr. Stone expreaaed
the opinion that temperance organlza
tlon are on the wrong track, that
the only way to correct the evil I for
the voter to do the work with the bal
lot box and that toward thla end every
effort ahould be bent Mr. Foater la
both eloquent and witty and hla hear
er were convulaed with laughter many
time by the atorles he told to lllua
trate hla point. lie wa Introduced
by Mra. C. Davie, acting prealdent of
the W. C. T. U. Tonight there will be
a Bpecliil program of niutHc, beside
the main address It Is predicted that
the house will be packed.'
Have YOU a BABY?
Olv It pec and comfort by ..-JEZS
a ride In one of oar new and
itytlah ,
' W have now on d ipUy the largest
and finest lint of GO-CARTS ever
displayed In Astoria. All styles and
sizes. You will bt interested If you
call tnd see them. ......
Astoria's Leading House-furnishers
"Excepting the machinery, toola and
a part of the rigging," say Captain
Hardwlck, master of the steamer A!
liance, which reached port Tuesday,
"the ateam schooner Fulton, which
went ashore about a month ago at
Port Orford, will be a total loss. She
haa been driven 30 feet further on
the ' beach, and during the recent
storms the vessel has been badly dam
aged. She Is gradually breaking up,
and the probabilities are very strong
that any attempt to take her off will
prove futUe." While coming up the
coaat from Eureka Captain Hardwlck
put In at Port Orford for the express
.purpose of viewing the wreck, and as
pertaining what damage had been
done. He went aboard the Fulton and
found that she la In worse shape than
had previously been aupposed.. Cap
tain Lee, her fcommander,. Is the sole
occuphht, having remained by her
since the day of the wreck. The Ful
ton Is owned by the California St Ore
gon Coaat Steamship Company. While
en route from Astoria to San Fran
cisco about "a month ago she got
i . . ,
Wa Perfectly Bald Whea II Started
to lTH Nwbr' Herpleld
Frederick Manuell, Maryland block,
Butte, Montana, bought a bottle of New
bio's Herplclde, April 8, '96, aad began to
use It for entire baldness. The hair fol
licles In hla scalp were not dead and In
XO days he had hair all over bis head.
On July J ha writes, "and today my hair
Is as thick and luxuriant aa any one
could wish." Newbro'a Herplclde work
on an old principle and with a new dis
coverydestroy the cause and you re
move the effect Herplolde destroys th
germ that causes dandruff, falling hair,
and Anally baldness, so that with the
cause gone the effect eannot remain.
Stops falling hair at once and a new
growth atarte Sold by leading
drurglst.' Send lOo. In stamps for sample
to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich.
Eagle Drug Store t Owl Vrug Store
851-363 Bond St. - (49 Com. St
. Astoria, Oregon. ;
- T. F. LATJRIN, Proprietor.
' Special Agent
caught In a terrific storm, , After bat
tling with the wave for almont k
week the supply of fuel oil became
exhausted and an attempt wa made
to effect a landing near the point
where she Is, now lying. The attempt
prjvjd unsuccessful, the storm driving
her ashore on th rocky beach.
Ten thousand demons gnawing away
at one's vital couldn't be much worse
than the torture of Itching pile. Yet
there a cure. Doan' Ointment never
fall. '
Fred Muller, of thl city, want to
give Joe Oana a chance to knock off
hi head. Muller think he can stay
10 rounds with the wonderful darkle
and any he ho $10,000 to back h!
Judgment. When Gans was on the
coast -Muller tried to get a match with
him, but th dicker wa not made.
Muller la noif In Walla Walla, where
he meets Barney Mullen on the 34th.
Writing to the Oregonlan he ay: "I
am In aplendld 'condition for my go
on March 24 with Barney Mullen,
Should I win, I have found backing
and $100 will be posted to meet Joe
dan for the lightweight championship
of the world, and 110,000 or any part
of same He behind the $500 that Joe
Oan can not atop me In 10 rounds.
He agreed to do o some time ago. 1
will meet him from 135 to 140 pounds,
and give him a side bef Muller la a
"stayer" and Is confident Gans could
not possibly best him in 10 rounds.
The black man might try It for part
of that $10,000, however. ,
Weleom as Bunshln
after a long atorm is a feeling of relief
when an obstinate, pitiless cold has
been driven away by Allen' Lung
ftalsam. Only people who have been
cured of throat-ache and or lungs by
thl remedy crm quite realise what the
feeling is. There I no nnlum In the
Balaam; Its good effect 1 ra Ileal and
lasting, take a bottle houus today.
, F. L, Parker, of the committee of
ten. yesterday addressed a letter to
the city council for the purpose of de
termining whether or not the council
would favor the sea wall proposal
The committee's Idea la to. get at the
council's position with reference to
street Improvements. City Attorney
Smith talked with Mr. Parker about
the matter last evening and said the
council would unquestionably take a
pro-sea wall view of the situation. The
city attorney said the sea wall would
effect a great saving so far a street
Improvements are concerned. Com
mercial street requires renovation
every two years, at enormous cost to
the taxpayers. Mr. Smith expressed
the belief that Improvements would
coat more arid more as the price of
lumber advanced, and It seemed to
be his opinion that the sea wall was
about the only way out of the dilem
ma. So far as the council is concerned
It, Is permanently In business, and any
expenditure that would effect a saving
at some future time would promptly
be made. The committee's letter will
be brought up for discussion at the
next meeting. '
Lonsdal Cambric ..13 1-2 e yd.
.Six Spool Thread 25c
Apron Gingham tc yd.
Good Outing Flannel ,,...7c yd.
Plaid Drea Goods .... ..... .... ...,,,..,.lJc yd.
paper Napkin ....Per hundred 25c
Ladles' Fast Black Hosiery .... .... ...10c pair
Children' Fast Black Hosiery 10c pair
Ink ............ . , .. .... ...Ee bottle
Lead Pencils .. ..... .... 7c dozen
Wir Hair Pins .... ............,1c pkg
Ladles' Handkerchief ,,.... ..... ............5c each
Toilet Pin .... ..V."..,. .... lc pkg
Shell Hair Pin .... .... .................... ......Ic pkg
Toilet Paper .... .... f roll 25c
Hooks and Eye .. .... .... ,.lc card
Towel .. .. ... ... ... '...5c pair
And a thousand other article just as good and equally a cheap.
Let us show you some of our new and fashionable dress goods
;.'',' Just received.
stwR ! Fine Shoes
Do you know we can supply you with shoes
than other stores because we buy direct from the manufacturer and
large quantities. Give us a trial.
"Just In the nick of time our "little
boy was saved.' writes Mrs. W. Wat-
kins, of Pleasant City, Ohio, "Pneu
monia had played sad tiavoc with him
and a terrible cough set in besides.
Doctors treated him, but he grew
worse every day. At length we tried
Dr. King's' New Discovery for Con
sumption, and our darling wa saved.
He'a now sound and well" Everybody
ought to know, It's the only sure cure
for Coughs, Colds and all Lung dis
eases. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers,
druggiat Price 60o and $1.00. Trial
bottles free.
Tony Beslch Is locked up in the
county Jail In default of $150 tends
to answer to a charge of adultery pre
ferred against him by Jerry Slavtch.
Both men are engaged in the restau
rant business, Slavlch says Bealch
ruined his home and boasted of his
lewd conduct. Beslch had been at
Portland, but returned to Astoria
Slavtch heard of the man'a declara
tions as to his' aacapades with Mra
Slavlch and administered to him a
ery severe thrashing. Besich was
foolish enough to have Slavlch arrest
ed for assault 'and battery, and the
latter was arraigned before Justice
Goodman yesterday.. He pleaded guhty
and was taxed the costs. $8.' Then
Slavlch consulted an attorney, learned
that he could make all sorts of bother
for Bealch and caused his arrest on
the adultery charge. Beslch was ar
rested by Constable Utzlnger and his
case was set for preliminary hearing
on Saturday. Justice Goodman fixed
his bail at $150 and he was unable to
secure It. The unholy relations of
Beslch and Mrs. Slavlch are alleged
to hav extended over a 1 period of
seven or eight months.
to our new store at No. 530 Com
mercial Street, we will make
on odds and, ends f various
brands of Cigars in box and lest
than box lots. Many of these are
" high priced cigars.
Will Madison
ii n
Mrs Tncrlptrin haa nnaiiaA a firm linn f T nAtna' nrA PV.51.1 It
ren's Spring Hats and Flowers, and invites the ladies of As- j
toria to call and see them. Skirts, shirt waists, notions, hair
switches, pompadours, ladies' and children's furnishing goods, it
CooK DooK Free
By saving Coupons in t
Violet Wheat Flakes
For Sale by
All Grocers
Following $150 books for a few days:
M AUDREY," by Mary Jobaitoae,$1.0S
"VULTURES," by H. Selo Merrloia, $1.08 .
PRO PATRI A." by Mai Peabertoi, $1.08 ' ,
"GENTLEMEN IN WAITIN0," ly Sewtll, $1.68
. " HERALDS OF EMPIRE," by Jack Loadoa, $1.08
SVENSON'S Boob Store, 12th and Commercial
'r-iiiiiiiii.-iniiiril.i.iniiiriiioiiiirmninniini 'i niMimirv n.i.iiaiiimlifmiiiBilrir i ., ,1,1 kTY
m --n-
Seeing is Believing
I It k hud lo bcliev n Ermponted Cream ea
make to many delicioot dishe until you try it
toureW. Wbtn you do, be uri you gel N
or ton other brand which
bu our cap label reproduced
herewith. It it a guarantee
that it it nothing but abso
lutely pur cow's Bilk, uer
iluea by tcientific prscesa,
rich in butter ht and of
heary and constant eonintency. tt delight, the cook and tickle the palate.
Be ture you ire the cap label oa the can before you buy.
It it the cap ot merit the aign ol honest good.
, .
Economy Brand
Evaporated Cream
EigUand, Uliiioi.