;.c::'i. uw .. -: ., . ; ;.. -j -' . i I Si: . . '. .- 1 grQj ' Ja lit 1 V0L.LV11. i I 1 fife ASTORIA, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, 3IARCII 43, 190. 'NO. 13. I w THE CHARGE PREFERRED Eastern Oregon Cattle King and ' Others Will Be Indicted For Fraud By the Federal Grand Jury. Suspicion Fastens Upon Charles Cunningham Because of Tes timony in Thomson Case. TASTES HIS OWN MEDICINE CharM Hbotild Conviction Follow Trial .nut Cliaptrr III Fhihou Hunt erit Urriron I.ttnil C'c Will Be Cloned. Portland, March 82. The Evening Telegram printed tha following to night: "On charg s of conspiracy, n. Cunningham, the millionaire cattle king of camera Oregon, together with five other men and one woman, will be Indicted by the grand Jury, at prea ent deliberating In the federal district court here, Tht grand Jury haa made n report m yet on the cw,the In vestigation of which was finished yes terday. Charlea B. Cunningham, .A-r Rayburn. Olen fluting, Shelly J A, ""Mark Bhacklerurd,' Dallas CFtUra," and Kat Jiunea are the persona to' be In dicted. Judge O. A. Hartman and Jo e h rarka will not "be concerned In the caae, except, positlbly, aa witness's at the tflal. "The Cunnlnghnm caae will come up for trial before the next trial of the Jury In the United States court. Thla will be the cloning chapter, providing Cunningham and thoiie concerned with him are convicted, In the celebrated eaatem Oregon caae, which originated with the arrest of Asa D. Tomaori, for mer receiver In the United States kind office at Ia Grande. "When Tomaon waa tried here last year the men now Implicated In the alleged land frauda testified In the caae. ; Their own tentlmony aroused the auaplclona of the federal official and they wore arrested and held for examination before the United States grund Jury." Dlok Appeara in Senate. Washington, March' eS. The Benate for part of the duy debated on the In dlan appropriation bill. Mr. Lodge took exception to the provision exempt lug candldatea for the position of In dlan agency farmer from a civilian' examination, and on hla suggestion the amendment waa paaaed over without action. Later In the day, Senator- elect Dick, of Ohio, appeared In the senate chamber. He went direct to Senator Foraker'a aeu( and waa cor dially greeted, but their conference waa cut abort by the announcement of th executive session. Free to Guam. San Francisco, March 22. Cnmmla- sltmrr of Navigation Chamlerluln haa written to Collects i?irattun. Inch tng a copy of an opinion rendered by Attorney-General Knox, In which It la aald that foreign veasela may carry cargo from a port of the Untied States to Guam without Incurring a penalty, It la decided that until congr legle latea the matter the coastwise taw requiring domestic trade to be carried on In veaaela of the United Btatee do not apply. Hy the same reasoning It would seem that foreign vessels may engage In trade with Pago Fago and Tuttillla. ' Easter Lillet Arrive. New York, March 22 The , first steamship load of Easter tlltea haa arrived hert from ' Bermuda. , Thla consignment waa mainly for the' far went and aa soon aa the vesat-1 docked express vans tranifrr4 the flowera to the railroad stations, and they were started to their destinations. Tbre were thousands of cratea In the cargo. requiring the most delicate handling It la expected that more of the flowers will bo brought north thla year than ever before. Last year'a abort crop created acarclty and high prices but thla season tha blossoms are reported abundant. 8t!ll Sign of Wreok. Seattle, March 22. A private tele gram received from Victoria, aaya In diana arriving from Utun field creek, on the west- coast of Vancouver Island, report that the arma of a ship's figure head have come ashore at Sechart and also another bundle of letters ad dressed to Chief Officer Lamorna. It's Plain as Print i am lrUfiSchairMrl W f J V Mirx J rhnd Tailored I f ' ' " 1 That the place to purchase CLOTHING is at Stole 08; Reason, su perior goods and lowest prices. f , ' ' .Rcmemborour Dunlap Hats Finest on earth. ' mm REPEATED ONSLAUGHTS ON PORT ARTHUR ARE UNAVAILING TO THE JAPANESE FLEET Discovered at Night By Russian Search lights, the Be'seiged Open Fire That is Kept up By Both Aides for Twenty Minutes. During the Day Attacking Force Divides Fleet, Battleships and , Torpedo Boats Taking up Different Positions, But in Spite of Maneuvering are Kept Aloof By Shot and . Shell From Ships and Tort Batteries. Ht Petersburg. March 22. The em peror haa received the following tele gram from Viceroy Alexleff: "Lieutenant-Genera Stoeaset reports that at midnight of March 21 the Jap- a torpedo boats were discovered by our searchlights. Our guardshlpa and fort batteries opened fire npon hem, the firing lasting 20 minutes. At 4 o'clock In the morning the attack waa renewed. At 6:30 o'clock In the morn- rig four of the enemy's snips appeared from the south, followed by the whole squadron of 11 shlpa and eight tor pedo boats. Our aquadron left the roadstead to meet the enemy." A later telegram from the viceroy to the emperor aaya: "According to a supplementary dis patch from Lleutenant-Qeneral Btoes- sel,the enemy'a fleet conflicted of alx battleships and It crulaera About i o'clock in tha morning the fleet divid ed, the battleahlpa and torpedo boata taking up a position between Llao Tain and Oolublnal bay, while the cruis ers formed to the south and east of Port Arthur, At :20 the' battleship ftetvlxan opened fire over the crest of Llao Tain agalnat the enemy's battle ships, which replied by firing on the town. Meanwhile our fleet formed up In line In the outer roadstead. About 11 ofclock In the morning the cannonade slackened and the Jap anese fleet, reuniting, drew oft slowly to the aoutheaat and at 12:30 had dla- ppearetl. V During the bombardment four sol diers were killed and nine were wounded. One soldier on the shore aa bruised. '. Our shells, fired at a range of 80 cables, . were placed about 10 o'clock. Japanese battleship was struck by sly 11 and retired." When the first official dispatches were received the belief gained ground that Vice-Admiral Makaroff hud put to sea and a naval fight had taken' place. '. Later advices established the fact that the admiral had simply gone with the undamaged portion of bis fleet to the outer roada, where he could more effectively support the batteries and at the earn time take advantage of any weaknesa which might develop In the enemya attack. , SHELLED AT MIDNIGHT. Japanese Squadron Returna to Attack After Forced Retirement. London, March 22. A dispatch to Reuters- Telegram Company from St. Petersburg aaya: , "Japanese torpedo boata appeared off Port Arthur at midnight on the night of March 21 and 22 and the shore bat teries and guard shlpa shelled them for 20 minutes, t "The Japanese retreated, but reap pear4 four hours later, when they inet with the same reception, and they re tired again. , "At 6 o'clock a Japanese squadron of two divisions, composed of four and 11 ships and accVipanled by eight tor pedo boata, appeared and the Russian squadron Bailed out Into the outer roadstead to meet them. , "No further details regarding the action are obtainable. At J a. m. the Japanese battleships, having fired aev era! shots at Llao Tlshln and shelt ered behind a promontory, commenced the bombardment of Port Arthur." oreat Northern shares waa made In iuii oeiier mat auch purchases were In no wise obnoxious to) any law of the Untied Btatea. an opinion which haa received the approval of four ius- iices or tne supreme court of the United States. However, a majority of the court waa of the opinion that, a matter of law, your company's hold. Inga constituted a restraint of Inter, state commerce. Accordingly the rail way companies have been forbidden io permit your company to vote or collect a dividend on the shares held byf you.' "; - ' ' "Therefore, we have, under the ad vice of counsel, decided that In order to fully comply with the decree In this suit. It is necessary to reduce the cap ital stock of the company and to dis tribute to Ita shareholders the share of stock of said railway companies now held by you. . "To this end they recommend the stockholders: , "'First, capital etock be reduced from 3,954,000 shares to 39,540,' a re duction of 99 per cent "Second, said 99 per cent la to be called In and cancelled. " "Third, against each ahare so sur rendered there will be delivered 139.27 stock of the Northern Pacific Railway Company, and 130.17 stock of the Great Northern . Railway ' Company. The assets of the company remaining tn Ita treasury will consist of prop erty in no way Involved in the ault, producing an income and conserva tively valued at more than 13,854,000, to which it la proposed to reduce the stock of the company.'" ' ' TELLS OF THE BURNING OF THE SHIP Captain G. G. Grant, of the Hume Ship Clarence S. Bemcnt, Reaches San Francisco on Steamer. Accompanied By First Mate and Carpenter-Others En Route to Montevideo. ' DESTROYED OFF CAPE HORN 5Ien iiareb' Save ThemncUe After Jtunning iilazingr Sbip , Into Bitch t-Cargo of Coal ' for Newport News. RlrVERSlDE BANK SUSPENDS. After New Vessels. Paris, March 22. The Echo de Paris correspondent at St Petersburg aaya it is rumored in naval circles that the Vladlvostock squadron haa been ordered io overtake at a certain point In the Pacific a battleship and two crulsera bought from Chile by Japan and to return with them to Vladlvo- atock. Warrant for Arrest of Former Cashier Causes Run by Depositors. Riverside, CaJ., March 22. The Or ange Growers' National bank suspend. ed businesa today. The closing of the bank waa preceded by a run, precipit ated by the issuance last night of a warrant for the .arrest of II. T. Hays, former cashier of the bank, who Is ac cused of having embezzled about $100, 000. , ' Hays left the city last night in a buggy, going, It Is said, In the direc tion of the Mexican border. " ' ' ,; Gaylor Rouse, president of the bank, announces that the bank la perfectly solvent and that the depositors will receive every dollar due them. an Francisco, March 22. (UpecIaLl Captain G. G. Grant, who command ed the American ship Clarence S. Re- ment. which waa burned at sea De cember 23, near Cape Horn, arrived here today on the ateamer City of Sid ney. With Captain Grant arrived First Mate Oridley and Carpenter Truby. When the other 21 members of tha crew were last heard of they were oa their way from Port Stanley, Falkland islands, to Montevideo. Captain Grant aald the Bement ad a cargo of Baltimore coal for New port New. y -t , On December 21 fire waa discovered coming from a ventilator In the amid ship house. Tbe fire was fought un availing and it waa decided tha safest course lay In heading the ahJp for the Falkland islands, 200 miles dis tant The ship waa run into Bight near Fox bay, and the crew took to the boata Just as the flames began to make their way up -the masts. Twelve hours later the boata made land and a achooner carried all bands to Port Stanley. Irktusk, March 22. General Euro- patkln, commanding the Russian troops In. the far east who arrived here last evening, left for Lake Baikal thla morning. Jape Block Entrance. London, March 22. The correspond ent of the Times at Toklo, under yea terdaa date, cables that It is rumored that the Japanese have succeeded In blocking the entrance to Port Arthur. QUEEN CITY SAFE. Viotoria, B. C, March 22. A telegram from; Skeena river states that tha ateamer Queen City hi anchored in Quatsino sound, with her tailstaff broken. GENERAL SHAKE UP, nnouncement to Be Made Today Con cerning Railroads Uniting.' Suit Lake, March 22. The Herald tomorrow will aay: "The Union Pacific between Rerio and Green river la to be added to the Oregon Short ' Llne. The announce ment will probably be made today or tomorrow. "General Manager Bancroft, of the Union Pacific und Oregon Short Line, retains his headquarters at Salt Lake, having charge of the enlarged Short Line. It la understood that General Manager Calvin, of the Short Line, will go to Portland to take charge of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. A, L. Mohler, tow presi dent of that company, la elated for a position a Omaha on the Union Pa cific, It is stated. , "General Manager Markham, of the Texas lines of tha Southern Pacific, is to be general manager of the entire Southern Pacific system. All are to be under the jurisdiction of Julius Kruttschnltt. , SEARCHING FOR QUEEN CITY. Story of Indiana That Vessel Is Strand- ed Is Discredited. Victoria, B. C "March 22. It was reported here this afternon that the missing steamer Queen City was on the rocks at Hesquolt bay, on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Indians were said to have seen the vessel there,, but thla report Is not accepted by shipping men. The government steamer Quadra passed Clayoqut this morning north-bound in search. CAPITAL STOCK REDUCED. Plan to Set Forth by Hill Interests Comply With Law. New York, March 22. Following a day of great excitement in the stock market and 'numerous conferences among leading financial Interests, the new plan of the Northern Securities was made public thla ' evening In a circular letter to the Northern Secul ltles stockholders, signed by President Hill. The letter save In paftr The Northern Securities Company's acquisition of the Northern Paclfiu and THE BEE HIVE Iraiifl Ipening of Spring Milliner! 1 Friday arid Saturday, Mar. 25 and 26, 1904 To which every lady of Astoria and vicinity Is especially invited. THE BEE HIVE. P.S.-Beatttiful New YorK Patterns and Gage's fine 1 Tailored Hats. Fountain Pen Troubles Always trouble with yonr pen ; it flows too free or too v little, leaks in pocket, sweats, and looseoap.eto. Bring it to us, let us tell you why, or, if it can't be cured, ahow you a" WATEKMAIS IDEAL PEN." Itwill i do you good to know this pen, whether you want one . V ornot J. N. GRIFFIN.