The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 20, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Carrara Paitit
LooKs Better, Wears Longer, and Costs Less
5 Than the Best White Lead Paint.
' Tha ont of painting It a henry bnrdon. Cticinp palnta loon fade,
peel oraoale oir, and White L1 ml Oil ooat to much and biu
replaced to often tht It la a oonetant expense to keep the bright,
clt-iin i)HmrMHOH m Ieirabl in the otmy oottaga boe or elegant
VTe hive all colon of Carrara Taint and are Agent for Antoila,
Color Cards for the asking, free.
Local Brevities.
, Teleifrapli Much Down.
Both Western Unlonk and Postal
wlrea went down last night,, and aa a
result The Astorlnn appears thla morn
ing without Jt usual full telegraphic
report. The telephone wlrea were like
wise out of communion beyond Clats
kanle, and Astoria waa cut off from
communication with the outalde world.
Flnea and forfeiture In the police
court yesterday aggregated $125.
The regular meeting of the council
will be hold Monduy night. Several
Important mutter are to be brought
up for action.
City I'hyalrlim Pllklngtop reporla a
case of acarM fever at the home of
Klmer Scott, 12 Aator street. The cub
lonmry quarantine regulatlona are In
aboard tho ncow end will remain there
while the work U carried on. The pr
motera expreea the utmost confidence
In thnlr venture. '
The Swedish-Finnish Society gave a
delightful social at O'Brlen'a hall laat
evening that waa attended by a large
crowd. A program of high order waa
rendered and the hall waa beautifully
vdecornted for the occaalon.
John Hailing, charged with robbery,
waa arraigned yeaterday before Jua
tlce Goodman. He waived examination
and waa bound over to the circuit
court In UOO bonds. In default of ball
he waa remanded to the cuatody of
Sheriff LlnvlUe.
JDr. August Kinney wUhea to make
imown the fact that' he U not connect
ed In oty way with the company
which la being formed for the purpoae
of engaging In gold mining along the
aeaahore. Dr, Kinney merely learned
of the circumstance and Informed a
newapaper man. It aecme the promot
er are now offering etock In thla city.
They have commenced operatlona near
Seaside, where a dredging ecow la lo
cated. The machinery by which the
gold la separated from the aand la
The Beaalde cottage of Mrs.' Alex
Campbell woa deatroyed by Are Thure
dny night. The fire waa undoubtedly
of Incendiary origin, or perhape the'
reault of the carelessness of tramtya
who had broken Into the house. Noth
ing waa known of the fire until the
following morning, when the amould
erlng rulna were found.
The W. C. T. V. boa arranged for
the use of the A. O. U. W. hall during
the time that R. Fouler Stone, the tem
perance orator, will be here. Mr. Fos
ter will apeak Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday evenings of thla week. He
comes highly recommended, having
gained a national reputation' In hi
especial line of oratory. '
The funeral of the late Miss Alex
andra Wlllcn will be held thla after
noon from Pythian hall under the aus
pices of tho Finnish Brotherhood. The
funeral services will necessitate post
ponement of the meeting of the Eagles
for an hour. The burial will take
place at Greenwood In the Finnish
Brotherhood plot. Bervtcea at the hall
will be' begun at 1 o'clock.
Ing onto a stringer, plunged headlong
Into the river. Mr, Church atopped
the engine and went to the assistance
of the man, who had crawled upon a
snng. The whUtle cord was 'removed
and thrown to the hapless pedestrian
and be waa finally hauled to the track.
Mr. Church took him aa far as Rainier.
He waa almoat frozen when rescued.
In the three-men team tournament
at the Commercial alleys Friday night
RuUton's and Regan's teama split
even on games. Pye'e 195 was the
best flat total of the night There are
several postponed games to be bowled
during the coming week.
Astortans who returned last night
from Portland report that, a very se
vere storm raged In the up river coun
try yesterday. The wind blew from the
east at a high rate, and at Goble the
blow waa o hard the ferry was un
able to crosa from K alamo. Little or
no rain fell In Portland. The day was
singularly disagreeable In Astoria and
the Indication! were very favorable for
a heavy storm. The barometer took
a audden downward shoot from 29.60
to 28.75. and then started upward, reg
istering 28.SS at midnight. Weather
Observer Ellis received notice of the
approach of a atorm, but It did not
break with the fury which the low ba
rometer Indicated.
Superintendent Coolldge, of the A.
& K. Co., stated hint night that the
rest of the machinery for the new elec
tric plant was on Its way here from,
the east. The foundations for the new
boilers have been almont completed.
Mr. Coolldge added that the original
plant was being practically doubled,
and sold Astoria would soon have fine
lighting service. While the Improve
ments are being made patrons of the
company will be Inconvenienced, but
this can not possibly be avoided. Mr.
Coolldge Is doing everything possible
to give an uninterrupted aervlce, and
expresses the hope Astorlana will not
complain because of the present un
certain service.
The young ladles of the Norwegian
Lutheran church gave a social .last
evening that was attended by 80 peo
pie. A fine program waa given and
much enthualaam was displayed dur
ing Its rendition. During the evening
a collection, amounting to $21.50, waa
taken up that will be applied toward
furnlshlnir electric llghta for the
Engine No. 8 woa brought down from
Portland lust night after having been
repaired. Aa Engineer Church was
crossing a trestle this aide of Goble
he observed a man on the track. It
was almost dark at the time. When
the engineer tooted the whistle the
man turned his head, saw the ap
proachlng train, and, Instead of climb-
You Can Afford The Best!
In HHOES If you buy right. Our New
Stock oontaini especially good valuea in
Style, Fit and Durability Always Considered.
California Flower Gardens
Famous for their beauty and sweetness have made
Famous for sweetness and lasting odor. With every
25 cent bottle we give yon a beautiful picture. Give
It a trial, and then you'll try it again. Don't forget
us when you need anything iu the drng line.
If Columbia river packers had 100,
000 cases of salmon on hand they
would make some money Just at this
atage of the proceedings. For months
there has been no chlnook salmon on
the market, and the sockeye supply
has likewise Ions since been depleted.
There remalna only a very moderate
supply of Alaska salmon 1n first hands,
the quantity being much smaller than
d.nilers generally believe. Despite the
present high prices rallied for salmon,
J. K. Armstrong Is quoting low figures.
Armsby, for Instance, quotes pinks at
60 cents, when, aa a matter of fact,
plnka are bringing 60 and 65 centa In
large blocks. Armsby's quotation on
chums Is 37 1-2 cents, while the actual
selling price Is 60 cents. One packer
hns, to the positive knowledge of the
writer, sold a very large block of
chums at 60 cents within the fort
night The outlook for the market 'was
never brighter, and the coming season
promises to be one of the most suc
cessful In 'the history of the Columbia
Services every Sunday aa follows;
11:00 a. tn. Morning Worship
12:15 p. m. The Sunday School
6:80 p. m. The Young People's So
ciety. A
7:10 p, m. Evening Service.
Theme of' the morning aervlce,
"Dealing Bread to the Hungry."
These of the evening service, "Cfur
Preferred Creditor."
through. He was told the Gilson hotel
had been destroyed and that the sa
loon adjoining had been somewhat
damaged, but that the loss waa not
very great So far as Mr. Blew was
able to ascertain, no other buildings
were damaged. The fire waa about
out when the train passed. It origin
ated from a defective flue.
..Mission Furniture..
In weathered oaK most suitable for
Library, Dining Room and Hall.
This furniture has taken the lead in many
of the fine homes in the W:st. -i! "u de
sire something different from tn: ::tt this
' is what you want ' '
A sensational report reached the city
aat evening to the effect that the pros
perous little town of Westport was
being destroyed by Are. Both tele
graph wires went down early In the
evening and the telephone line was not
available, aa there Is no office at West-
port. However, an Astorlan man talk
ed with Mr. Conyers. the operator at
Clatskanle, who said trainmen on the
night express out of Astoria had told
other employes of the company at
Marshland that the fire was one of
great extent. The glare was plainly
visible at Clatskanle, having lighted up
the river for miles. Swepson Morton,
who came down from Bugby on an en
gine, was told that the messhouBe and
one or two other buildings had been
I burned. Engineer "church had brought
down the engine and Mr. Morton said
he was tof the opinion the fire was
not a large one. When the night train
arrived Conductor Richard Blew was
seen and said be had talked with a
resident of Westport aa the train came
Color of Hair Said te Indicate a Per.
' sob's Temperameat.
Many people believe that blonde, or
light hair denotea affeotlon and dark
hair constancy. A person without hair
Is not devoid of character; far from It
the disposition of the average bald
beaded man la to show such soilcltuda
for the welfare of others, that he neg
lects himself. A germ causes baldness.
Prof. Sabouraud, of Paris, France, In-
nocculated a rabbit with Dandruff germs.
causing it to become totally bald in five
weeks' time. To rid the aoalp of these
dangerous germs It la necessary to apply
Newbro's Herplclde,
"Destroy the cause you remove the
Sold by leading druggists. Send lOo In
stampa for sample to The Herplclde Co
Detroit Mich.
Eagle Drug Store Owl prug Store
351-863 Bond St" 849 Com. St
Astoria, Oregon.
T. F. LAURW, Proprietor.
Special Agent.
- ;
The will of the late B. C. Kindred
waa filed for probate yesterday. The
document is dated October 11, 1898,
and provides that all debts agalnet
the estate, Including the last Illness
and funeral expenses of the testator,
be paid before a distribution Is allowed
The property Is divided among the
heirs share and share alike, except
that 1200 Is to be deducted from the
hare of Amelia Holt and James
Kranklln Kindred. Following are the
helra named, together with their placea
of residence and ages: James Frank
lin Kindred, Warrenton; 69; Henry
Patterson Kindred, Astoria, 61; Nancy
Fisher, Bear Creek, 65; Julia Babbldge,
Astoria, 63; William S. Kindred, Toke
land, 47: Mary Mudd, Hammond, 51;
Amelia Holt Astoria, 49; Amanda
Mathevvson, Astoria, 45; Rosetta Mc
Gulre, Hammond, 43; David Careck
Kindred, Astoria, 41; Sarah Mudd,
Hammond, 39. John W. BabEIdge Is
named as executor and the court yes
terday followed out the wishes of the
testator In this regard, bonds qf the
executor being fixed at $40,000. The
value of the estate Is estimated at be
tween $40,000 and $60,000.
F. W. Kepper arrived In tlje city
yesterday from Portland with a war
rant sworn out of Justce Re Id's court
- .... t . 4
ior tne arrest or tnree saiors on toe
French ship La Fontaine, which isj ly
ing hi the harbor with a cargo of grain
for the United Kingdom. The war
rant charged the men with larceny,
but the papers failed to state what
degree of the crime waa alleged. Kep
per reported to Sheriff LInvllle and
the eherlff took the special officer be
fore Justice Goodman, who indorsed
the warrant and rendered it service
able In this 'county. The sheriff and
the special officer went aboard the La
Fontaine, where they found that the
three men wanted were In charge of
a special deputy United States mar
shal. The sheriff displayed the war
rant issued out of the etate court, but
the special marshal declined to recog
nize it' He stated that he had the
three men locked up and handcuffed
on board, and that he waa acting un
der Instructions from United States
District Judge Bellinger. He eald he
believed his warrant from the United
States court Justified his course In
declining to surrender the men to the
state officials. Sheriff LInvllle saya
he did not feel that the situation war
ranted violence In getting the men off
the vessel so he came ashore and en
deavored to place himself in communi
cation with the United States court of
ficials at Portland. However,' he was
unable to catch them either over the
phone or. by wire. The special mar
shal said he had been Instructed by
Judge Bellinger to keep the men con
fined until the ship got to sea. This
case is morely a repetition of numer
ous conflicts of authority which have
recurred between government and state
officials. The sheriff yesterday con
suited District Attorney Allen and At
torney Fulton with reference to the
legal status of the matter, and both
lawyers advised him to be cautious,
as" the maritime agreement between
our government and France might
easily be violated. There la a pretty
well established belief that the prac
tice of sending down sailors In charge
of special marshals is Irregular, and
the local authorities hope to be able
to have the question settled some day
In a definite manner. It is probable
the sheriff will tomorrow receive word
from Portland as to the , Instructions
under which the special marshal Is
acting, and at that time determine up
on his future course. '
Lonsdale Cambric '. .131-2 e yd.
Six Spools Thread 25c
Apron Ginghams .. ................................. tc yd.
Good Outing Flannel .. .... 7c yd.
Plaid Dress Goods ;.. .... ............. .......15c yd.
Paper Napkins .... ... ............Per hundred 25c
Ladies' Fast Black Hosiery .... .... .10e pair
Chlldrens Fast Black Hosiery ..10c pair
Ink 5c bottle
Lead Pencils .. 7c dozen
Wire Hair Pins .... pkg
Ladles' Handkerchiefs '.. .......5c each
Toilet Pins , lc pkg
Shell Hair Plna .... c pkg
Toilet Paper , ... rolls 25c
Hooks and Eyes .......... card
Towels 5c pair
And a thousand other articles Just aa good and equally aa cheap..
Let ua show you some of our new and fashionable dress goods
' Just received.
stwK ! Fine Shoes lZ
Do you know we can supply you with shoes
than other stores because we buy direct from the manufacturer and
in large quantities. Give usa trial. .
pTIL flMfilOVA
to our hew store at Ko. 5$0 Com
tnercial Street, we will make
on odds and ends of various
brands of Cigars in box and lest
than box lots. Many of these are v
high priced cigars. .
Will Madison
Mrs. Ingleton has opened a fine line of Ladies' and Child
ren's Spring Hats and Flowers, and invites the ladies of Aa
toria to call and see them. Skirts, shirt waists, notions, hair
2 Bwitches, pompadours, ladies' and children's furnishing goods.
Reoord of Local and Out-of-Town
Preoincts To Date.
At the, close of business in the county
clerk's office yesterday afternoon there
had oeen 771 registrations recorded,
493 of which belong to Astoria pre
cincts. Following is the full record of
CooK Booh Free
By saving Coupons in
Violet Wheat Flakes
For Sale by
All Grocers
See Our Window I
Special Sale this Weekl -, v
SVENSON'S BOOR Store, 12th and Commercial
Astoria, Oregon. ,
the local and out-of-town precincts:
Astoria No. 1
Asto.-ia No. t
Astoria No. 3
Astoria No. 4
Astoria No. 5 ,
Astoria No. 6
Astoria No.' 7 .
John Day
. 62
. 70
. 84
. 89
. 98
. SO
. 60
. 14
Svensen 8
Walluski 14
New Astoria 4
Warrenton 8
Clatsop ,. w 13
Seaside 116
lUelville 11
Chadwell a...... 17
Westport .... ;......'....,.....,'.,"$
Vesper '. i ...... j
Jewell ........ ,, g
Mishawaka g
Elsie ...... 7..T 4
Push ............ 3
'' 771
Decree of divorce was yesterday
granted in the case of J. L. Adams
vs. Jane Adams, on the ground of de
sertion. : i
Youngs River
Pllfton ,
Schilling's Best.malce gen
erous , business. .Your grocer
is generous with it. Moneyback
costs him nothing; costs no
body anything.