PAGE FOUR. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, SATURDA Y, MARCH 19, 1904. RADIUM (ADIOS RADIOS ' RADIOS Stupendous Offer Made by Well Known Phila. Firm. RADIOS KADI OS KJLDlOtf Tkoasaadt of Persons la All Seo- tins of Uie Couutry !! Been Healed by TbU Wonderful Diu i oovarj. lUAliaM, iu woniftrtul pwn al kaallac Mlltli bar eocnpld p(f after Pf In tit Metropolitan i-ubUc- tfaMM. Almoat ersrybody knows that tt Is tkt jratwt remedy Ut&t God has rer give to suffering h annuity. DlseaM rermi of every description flee Before n Uey oannot stand t&e con tact. "We hate such faith In ear propo attion that we guarantee absolutely to cure you., What is more we wiU Eire you a written contract to that ef fect. This offer has never been dupli cated. Fill out the blank below and mark the malady from which you are suffering and receive by re return mall Information that will be worth hundreds of dollars to you. Ask ar-y banking firm regarding eur responsibility. Fr Oft'er Free Offer Sin: RADIOS CO. SIS Drexel Building Philadelphia, Pa. Pleace send me free of cost in formation regarding your Radium treatment and your wonderful rem edy "Radios." Name Address....., City ... State Disease i ii l Mfaamii - 'y Send us a model or sketch of invention. wa will examine and report as to patent ability. FKEB. Bend (or special offer to IS inventor before apolvlne for Da tent: It k win my you; ton a no dokus guarantee fcj a V A ....w run i i v,i. 71 w rcrjiiu n,uDui i iiu it vmuauicuuui on patents. Patents secured byusadver Used in " Prowessive American" FREE. CCLPinU C0PJRIC8TITO PITEIT C9 ,Ine. W.rrtcr BUg., Washington, O. C. t Every Woman Is Unereauu nrm inouMl Know stout the wonderful MARVEL whirling Spray The ww fartul ByrlM.. y- nvnanv Barium, nm ar- Mt-Mo Convenient. JmkymrdrmttitittH. il be mmiot supply the MAUI HI,. u.'fe,.t no itat-r. Ixit f nd uamD for Ula,trtKi Itiirn full particulars and ttirMTtiorw In- 41 1'ark Uow, Sew lerk. A 1 toll's SFep$io Capsules rOCsTaVE CLT.E For Inflammation cr Oats-rt f the Bladder and DUeaod Kidneys. So cere BO pay. Cnrf oclctly aad tenua Dently ibe worst esses of OounrrliSK-s and tiJeos. noma'.t'rof bow long staud in;. Absolutely harmlrss. V'Ai by drnnfutii. jtIa 11.00, cr by mail, postpaid $1.60,1 boxes, ii.75. THE 8AliTAL-?P!B CO, OCLLCPOKTAiftG. otuo Sold by Chas. Rogers. 4S Commercial s.'i TT I J JS S aaf - .4 , SL E4S'j1 It M Dl'il r 1 ose tiny Capsules are superior . 7 v Basam ot topaiba-. ; CURE IN 43 HOURSV'-luTl, the same diseases wiuvV j out inconvenience. i , SotdgV all r)ntfft$tt. sssrf CHICHKSTtH'S fN'iiir mimmmi pills -"V ..OrlelBaiand Only Ursulas. .yi s CHlCUKhTEUri KNOLLS H 1 Kr: .01 Uald o.:-Jll bona, mled iwimmuBnnwD. me aa vthep. Krr.e & Iranceroas HubatltuUani aad I mIia. Utta Bur of roar IlrnrKin. or Awl. im n.ioi'a t Particular Tetliaaalala LSS 13 and "Relief fur '(.ellea,"MlMr,l,j re r ia inmit a'F,r,v lauiwauu. doioh allbrotl"'. I'klrheaferi'lienilcalCa, JIMUata aauara. i'Ull. a. P 0. arwss, 1 BMksiU Republiean Primaries. Wotlce is hereby given, tnat tns re publican primary election will be held In the city of Aetoria, Clatsop county, State of Oregon, on Saturday. April t, 1)04, for the purpose of electing 44 del egates to the Republican County con ventlon to be held In the City t)f As toria, on Saturday, April 9, 1904. for the purpose of nominating candidates for the various county offices to be filled at the general election to be held on Monday, June t. 1904. The follow ing is the number of delegates, polling places and judges and clerks appoint ed for said primary election: Ward No. 1. Polling place, No, two's engine house; Judges, J. a. Trulllnger, C. R. Stockton, James Ells worth; clerks. Jas. Hannaford. Chas. Abercromble; 17 delegates. Ward No. 1 Polling place, Welch office; judges, Jas. W. Welch. Sam Galllcb, K. C Foster; clerks. ,T. R. Davis, W. C. Curtis: IT delegates. Ward No. J. Polling plaoe. W. F. McGregor's office; Judges, Wm, Paint er, la Agren and John Nordstrom; clerks, W. P. O'Brien, Geo. Lee land; 10 delegates. O. C FULTON, Chairman, C. J. CURTIS. Secretary. i Republican County Convention. otice is hereby given, that a Re publican County Convention for Clat sop county, State of Oregon, will be held at the City of Astoria, on Satur day, April 9, 1904, at the court house at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day. for the purpose of nominating the following county officers to be voted for at the state election to be held on Monday, June 6, 1904, and electing 10 delegates to attend the Republican state con- entlon to be held at the city of Port land, on Tuesday, April 12. 1904, and 10 delegates to the congressional con ventlon; Two representatives, ' One county clerk, One sheriff. One treasurer. One county commissioner. One coroner. i One assessor. One surveyer. one schoolYsuperlntendent Justices ef the peace and 'constab les In the various precincts. The various precincts of the county are entitled to one delegate at large ind one delegate for every 25 votes or fraction over of the votes cast for F. L Dunbar for secretary of state, the apportionment being as follows: Astoria No. 1 . 17 Astoria No. 2 17 Astoria No. 3 10 John Day S Svensen 4 Waliuski S SUBMARINE BOAT RUN DOWN . - BY FASTDONAL CURRY LINER sjssaa Sanaa mssb sm msbb. asssto aaw mb ssBssa , t Lying in Seven Fathoms of Water Wait ing for Battleship When 5f ruck Eleven Persons Drowned. Portsmouth, March 18. The Britten submarine boat No. "A-l" was run down and sunk off Nab lightship to day by a Donai Curry liner and 11 persons were drowned, including Lieu tenant Mansergluj. The liner paiwd bnmilne vwiwul. but sh had iilwuvs on and reported she had struck a tor- btn a bud diver. pe l.. At the time Kht was Mruck th subinurlne bmt was off the llghlnhlu ciiKiitrvd In nuim'uvti nml w lying In (even fm horns of wutiT wnlllnit the approach of .iMttleahlp. Ttn iMHit was on tf the newest of the fWft of FOR HIGHER EDUCATION. Board Makes Holler Against Fsdt snd Fsddists. , New York, March 18. The cry for more simplicity, more devotion to the elements of education, has now arisen from within the hall of the board of eduction Itself. The complaint against "fads and faddists" has long resound ed In the outer courts, but now there la heard the same criticism from the board's own officials, 1 "There is bound to come a time." said one of their number, discussing the matter in his office, "and In the not distant future, too, when a break will be made In our present school pol icies of specializing and wldespreadlng activities of various sorts. The crit icisms we are constantly hearing that the 'three R's' are neglected In our present system are by no means querulous complaints or ill-considered strictures on the' board of education. They are founded on solid fart, and are the results of observation of la mentable lack of proficiency In 'rend- In', 'rltin' and 'rlthmetic' in our' mod ern school children. an educational one, and that Is work that belonKK to another field the de partment 'f charities. When you see children being taken on a steamer ex curalun down the hay, do you full that a function of the department of edu cation? Yet Jum this sort of thing Is continually being done. This Is the work of charity, philanthropy, or what not. It Is not a work of education, save In the morit metaphorical sense. "I regret to see that our vacation scnoois are really doing little more than this very sort of work. A beau tiful and valuable work. I admit. Hut by no means the business of our city schools. It Is a false sense of senti ment that approves It. The vacation schools serve to keep the children off the street' In summer, teach them to make baskets, carve wqod, play Kam.-s and the like. It Is a beautiful service. I acknott ledge It heartly. Hu when so many thousands of our city chil dren are every year prevented from Kelt Ing their full share of school prlv lieges, when such enormous numbers are forced to be content with 'port time classes."" does H not seem the greatest of mTstnkes thus made avail able In the summer for supplementing "Far too much time Is giyen In our the work of the winter, for affording schools today to such special branches" t the privileges necessarily denied dur- as music, sewing, manual training and i Ing the season to many thousands of like that Don't understand me to be depreciating the value of these sub jects. They are all valuable yes, even essential, but they should, it seems to me. be taught separately, In schools of their own for instance, as is the case to a certain extent even now.pable under the circumstances None of thes subjects should be taught indiscriminately to boys and girls; musical and unmusical, to all minds and temperaments equally. In one sense they should be looked upon very much as college elective studies are in hlsrher education. 'Another thing we ought to drop from a department that sets up to be our boys and girls through lurk of ac eommodatlons? Would not such a use be more consistent with the prim ary function of a' department of edu cation? Would sxtf the Instruction In these essentials be more truly valu- -than teaching In the mysteries oi making 'raffia work' and weaving baskets? "I sincerely hope and firmly be lieve that there will be In the near future a radical change along then lines, and that the department of edit- ....!.. . . . " inim inai lime on do a more consistent and genuine literal work of education." New Astoria S Warrenton 4 Clatsop 4 Seaside 6 Melville I Chadwell Youngs River . . ,. 3 Olney J..... i Knappa 3 A. P. Lovejoy Is Desd. Janesville. Wis.. March IS. Allen P. Lovejoy, whose wealth Is estimat ed at several million dollars, was found dead In bed today. Mr. Love- Joy, who was 79 years old, had InT)?e lumber Interests In Oregon, California and Wisconsin. Country Horns Burned. Sonma, Cal., March 18. The coun try home of Rudolph Spreckels was totally destroyed by fire last night. The fire is supposed to have been caused by an explosion of tin acetylene gas plant. The family wai not at home. Gordon Voorhles, administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Rosa P. Burrell, deceased, will offer for sale CHfton 5 and w111 seU at Public auction to the Westport 4 Vesper 3 Jewell 3 Mlshawaka 3 Elsie 3 Push 3 Total . 112 The committee recommends that the primaries be held on Saturday, "April 2, 1904. O. C. FULTON, Chairman. C. J. CURTIS, Secretary. MORE RIOTS. Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an individual disor der of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter collapse, unless a reliable rem edy Is Immediately employed. There's nothing so efficient to cure disorders of the Liver and Kidneys as Electric Bitters. It's a wonderful tonic, and effective nervine and the greatest all around medicine for run down systems. It dispels Nervousness, Rheumatism and Neuralgia and expels Malaria germs. Only 60c, and satisfaction guar anteed by Chas. Rogers, druggist. 77. W -Its? A - ynnr go to "couueog"". I.IUCU ff tiff. A U . ,n . ft. OF TOtT AT TOrR HOSf K to VnWVI Falrniif? IMiafTUtVH. t,nl VWcrA THOUSANDS. Per. bsrn can p!a YOU J fjJ tPsUmontaU! 8 AVE 'TS. WKITK. J. H. OOODWIK, Kipert . Areoaiitnrit, Hoora . 321 Broadway, RJ. V ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK OF REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the county court of the Ftate of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, duly made and entered of record on the 8th day of February, 1904, in the matter of the estate of Rosa F. Burrell, deceased, authorizing and directing the sale of the real prop erty to said estate belonging in the manner prescribed by law for the sale of real property upon execution, I, highest bidder at the court house dor of Clatsop county, in the state of Ore gon, on Thursday, the 31st day of March, 1904, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of ssid day, all the following de scribed real property situate In Clat sop county, Oregon, to-wlt: The east half of lot Ihree (3) In block two (2), Oc?an Grove, as laid out by Jarrfes K. Grimes; and lots one (1) and two (2) In block seven (T) in Grimes Annex to Ocean Grove, in the county and state aforesaid. Said sale to be for cash, Bubject to confirmation by the court. GORDON VOORHIES. Admlnlntrator with the will annexed of ihe estate of Rosa F, Burrell, de ceased. - 2-26-3-29. FINAL, NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final account as administrator of the estate of Anna Louise Adolph, deceased, and that the county court of Clatsop county, Oregon, has set Mon day, the 28th day of March, 1904, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the hearing of objections, if any there be, to the approvaj of said ac count and discharge of the administra tor. Feb. 23, 1904. GUS ADOLPH, 2-26-3-25. Administrator. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Lnnd Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Febu ary 13, 1904. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Clatsop county, Oregon, a Astoria, Oregon, on April 5, 1904, via.: John R. Wherry, heir of Thomas J Wherry, deceased; II. E. No. 12023, for the E NE. See. 19, anfl Lots fi and 6, Sec 20, T. 4 N. R. 8 W. . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upoi and cultivation of sju1J land, vlzy' William Luce.of HeasIdeOregon; Roy Wherry, of Collins, Washington; Her man Jackson Ontlo, of Push, Oregon; Ralph C. Jones, of Elsie, Oregon. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, 2-16-4-1 Register. Woman's Beauty is in a clear skin and good complexidn, neither can be had without pure blood and good digestion both will come by using Beechams Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c snd 25c. PRAEl & COOK TRANSFER CO. Telephone 221. Draying and Expressing All goods shipped toourcare will receive special attention. 709-715 Commercial Street. a o o o o o o o o fl. F. HARDESTY Scientific CUctrlclan snd Centrtrior lor Clictrical Work Electrical Fixture.., Wire anJ Supplies in Stock. yUAUANTKKI) OAS MANTELS. T33 Commercial St. Astoria, Ore, V THE LOUVRE - First Cltw Concert Hall . Finwt Kceort In The City J t ADMISSION FREE ATTRACTIVE FKOUUAM Seventh and Astor Streets CHANGE WEEKLY CHARLES WIRKKALA, Prop. R. J. OwKNS, Proprietor ' 'PHONE 831 , THE WIGWAM CIS BROOKE, Manager Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Ci gars SEC Hit ILllSIKAltD FIC11MS Eighth and Astor Sts. ' ASTORIA STEAMER SUE H. ELMORE The Largest; SUunchost, Sti-! mul most Seaworthy vessel ever ou Ihia route. Itatof Tbl and Stat Room Accommo dations. Will make round trip every five1 days 6etweer Astoria and Tillamook Fare $3.50 Connecting at Astoria with tho Oregon Ilailway A Navigation Co. tand Astoria & Columbia Hiver 11 H. for Portland, Sun Frauciaco and all point East. For freight and passenger rates apply to , SAMUEL ELMORE & Co. General Agents, Astoria, Oregon OR TO A. (EL C. R. R. Co., B. C. LAMB, O. R. & N. Co.. Portland, Ore. Tillamook, Ore Portland, Ore. i m 1 mrap EC0RATING The quiet, artistic beautv of any home is easily marred by "lack of tuste 111 wall decorations. We wish to state tlint tho New Year will find iw in a better position to do decorat ing than ever before. New patterns aro beginning to arrive, and all we , ask is tliut you favor us with an op portunity to show you tho line. B. F. ALLEN $ SON. ?65-7 Commercial Street. $lS.OO Fine Qunrlerod Ouk, RwhII Front ) Dresser. Klcjjimt in (IPBign. lmnd eomely polished, French bevelled plate mirror. Magniflceut Blrdg-eye Maple Dres ser, iell front, large French bevelled plate mirror, a beauty. A Pair of Choice Bargains uur&toreia Full of Them. H. H. ZAPF, v The House Furnisher.