New Style Restaurant Everything First Class. The Best the Market Affords! ? Open Day and Night. Good Service. . ' ASTORIA, OREGON ao nth Si. iwxt door to Grimn Bro. nd idloinlng thi Olflc Moon fKXXXKXfl tiintiiiiirni FRESH AND CURED MEATS ' Whokimlc and Retail " Ships, Logging Camps and Mills wippliod on short notice. LIVE 'STOCK .BOUGHT AND SOLI) WASHINGTON MARKET , CHRISTENSON & CO. iiTamxxxxiii t n uiroiirarxiximrTTHxixxxxxxi SIR THOMAS IS PREVIOUS Club Intimates to Upton That Bridges Will Be Crossed Later. ' ' :f:'"'. THEY ARE NOT YET REACHED ItcnufHt ThatClialW'nf?e Be AcroptHl Under New IIhIck ltcdv UnfttV limbic Jtilj'. HOTEt PORTLAND The Finest Hotel In tlic Northwest PORTLAND. OREGON. Wm W it A TIAv4k rki II Aft Hh7. lenity. St. Lofu, Mo., M.reh It, IK. I w victim of m4 .itrttno Ii7..t l.-,t .nil aura out flODtlDUklly. I M H7, 7 Mr. 0, .nVby.Urlc.! .1 tho . lihU P""-"j , V u'7..!.i ITS o MkMwtodH rfCLjuit'tS. &jtd W. .ant ,oun Jtf Krt. 1W.I wcured by Uk.nff w'Bd!Q itJuud nigbt'o rertfor eighteen woatiu. Hor U,""V " hiVno uperior in the world M a madiciu. to tooth. a woman' norm ."ot u?ed tbeVnd cm iogt of tht approach of .canity and nM JgJj, befoW b.r. I kon Liberal Party. One or the faction 1 opposing strenuously the action of dovernor Congdon In throwing the pa tronage ot his nV to lome who have openly fought the government and the liberate for a long time, The riwon Liberal CJub haa adopted and puJJilshed resolution repudiating the new liberal organ, managed by Dn Mntheson and , A. Beddoe, and said to have been started by the aanctlon of the governor and with the understanding that It be given government business. The club l.dare th8 Sun to be the official or gan of the party. The members of the club allege that the Ottawa govern ment which haa the appointment of the governor, haa been trying to dominate the distribution of the Yukon patron age, utterly Ignoring the member of the Yukon liberal party. All druggitU wll 11.00 bottle Wine of Cardui. New York, March 18. The New Yacht Cluo haa replied to the lettw of Sir Thomas Llpton, In which the Irish baronet asked If the club would accept a chaJleng'for a race for the Ameri ca' cup under the new rule of maa- uremt-tit or tne ciuu. ini teiier w received early In January and ac knowledged, but It wan not deemed of tulUlent Importance to call a apeclal meeting of the club for I la considera tion, on no challenge could be .accepted for a race thi year. The letter waa read to the membera at tht annual meeting. February 18, and referred to a apeclal committee with power to answer for the club. This ooipniUtee considered the pro posal of 8lr Thotnaa carefully and haa no mailed the reply. Bir Thomii Llpton, In asking If the club would accept m. challenge . under the new rule practically asked the club to bar the Reliance, Constitution and Columbia from participating In future races for the cup. These boat could not be used aa defender be cause the present rule of the club limit the draught of "any boat to 18 feet, these three draw 20 feet each It la understood from club members who have a knowledge of what (the committee agreed upon that the letter 1 Intimated to Sir Thomas Llpon that the club does not cross a bridge until It comes to "it and that It ha no power to aay what It will do in the event of a challenge being received and can n .in-aompnt with any one til Ft ,,u 'Ml ' - which shall govern future contests. Tba letter polnta out that the deed of tlft req.ilre a challenge to come to some one yacht club ahd that It la tne JAPS ARE SHIVERING. Intent Cold in Cores Make it Tough ForTroopt. New York, March 18. Although the j Ice in Ping Yang Inlet Is broken, there Is much drifting, says a Times dis patch from Chlnampo, Corea. The weather I intensely cold, but nucn Japanese troop as are not immedlaely pushed forward after landing from the tranSDort are bivouacking with their animals In the open and sleep lrf turns in Corean house which, with fire under the floors, are warm. Everything requisitioned Is paid for, but at present the army Is Independent of the resources of the country. The men carrying two day "cooked ra- tlons" and three days' rice ration. All the correspondent who arrived In the Corean theater of hostilities without oftlclat license have been re to withdraw on board return ing transport. No correspondent ha be?n allowed more than is miles north of Ping Yang. HETTON COAL The finest Product of Australian mines for domestic use. The best house coal ever brought to Astoria ONE FIREMAN MAY DIE. Roof of Burning Building Fall on Six Men. Mature Leeds ... i Every one knows that Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure. - Hence the housewife uses it with implicit confidence and without question, and she is justified in so doing. But how. few realize that Royal Baking Powder in its chief ingredient Is a direct prod uct of the healthful and delicious grape! This constituent of the grape, crystallized and ground to an impalpable powder, is ihe cream of tar? tar which forms the active principle of every pound of Royal Baking Powder. Fruit properties are indispensable to the v healthfulness of the. body, and those of the grape as used in the "Royal" are the most valuable and healthful of all. Hence it is that Roval Baking Powder produces food superlative both in flavor and wholesomeness. ROYAL BAKING POWDES. CO., MEW YORK . LOWER THAN LOOKED FOR Prices of Wheat and Cotton Drop Further Than Bears Had Expected. TRADE ADVICES AT HAND chall fnging club and not the repre sentative that the New York Yacht club recognize. If a challenge I received from some yacht club asking a race under certain conditions, then the matter will be considered by the New York Yacht Club and some defl nlie acthm taken. LOOKING FOR INDIANS. Chicago. March 18. -Six firemen have been severely Injured In a fire of supposed Incendiary origin which burned the old Holden school buna-. Ing, at Loomts and Thlrty-nrst treets. One man may not recover. All the Injured firemen were on the third floor of the burning structure when the roof fell In upon them. The fir Htarted on the third floor and by the time he fire engine arrived the entire upper part of the building was in flames. It was rearea u would spread to the new school house adjoining which Is twice the elae of the burned structure, but by hara work the flame were confined to the uoner floors. The old Holden school building was erected at a cost of $50,- 000. Labor Tronbles Offset by Action of Soft Coal Miners In Ac cepting A Keductlon in Wages. Party of Fifty Red Men Lott In North rn Wild. NEGROES BOYCOT HIM. 400 T0NS JUST ARRIVED Will be sold at same old price while it lasts. J I ! . Free Delivery in the City, Seattle, March 18 A special to the Post-Intelllgenoer from Dawson says The Canadian government relief ex pedition will leave here tomorrow for the purpote of endeavoring to rescue 50 McKende river Indians who are lost In the nocky mountains 200 miles from Dawson. The Indians left McKenzlc some time ago, bound for this place. They lost tholr way, and, as It is 50 degress be low cet'o at the present time, the party must be In a oitlable condition. fi,.,- i. o irr lifiiiiirni ficht on be U i III I ia tween the different factions of the yu- Delegate Who Pushed Jim Crow Bill , Goes Hungry. ELMORE & CO. Phone 1961 9th and Commercial Streets. o , tjiii Mil . March 18. "Dele- ui:w - ' Kate W. G. Kerbln. of Worcester county, who haa been pushing the "Jim Crow" bill In the state leglsla-i ture has been boycotted by negroes. v.rtiin hfmrds at a hotel here. When he returned from Annapolis and entered the dining room he was in formed that the colored cook, had re fused to prepare another meal for him. Hungry and angry he traveled to Baltimore before obtaining food. His colored laundress also has Joined the movement. ' nn I O I GOING EA TRAVEL IS GENUINE PLEASURE ON y Baltimore & Ohio R. R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS BETWEEN Chicago and New York via WASHINGTON, D.C. Finest and Fastest series of trains in the Jorld. Palatial Coach 11 Pullman Buflet Parlor and Drawing Room Can. The Finest Dining Car Service in the World. - Is operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. ni a iiftTiN. funeral PasSa A&t- - Chicago, 111 III vuii"i No Dessert More Attractive Why oho gelatine and pond hours soaking, i weetoning, flavoring' and coloring whon s tela iroduoea better result In two minute! -nni).inn in tliA nnkairn. Simolr add hot water and tet to cool. It's perfeotion. A sar- prise to the nousewire. jno irouow, -t, ...... t tt irLAnv. Tn Pour Fruit Fkv Tort: Lomon, Orange, Strawberry, Bmfr berrr. At grooers. wo. ? MI hT inffuMd with pile, for IhlHy tfl Tr. J In. T.u iro lut Ap.-il I br gin Uklni CMO.rau nr nn.tliton. In th. eour.o of .week 1 notlcM th. pile. beeo to dl.uppo.r and t th. .nd of lit bT. don. wond.r. for m. I ra .ntlr.lT enra na ImI Ilk. . n.w m.Q." Ur Krjd.r, hpolou, O, yp$r$ Best For VlJJ Th5owel$ Japanese LanJing Delayed. , New York, March 18. The proposed .lannnese landing at Wonsan, on the eastern const has been further delayed savs a Hervld dispatch from Seoul. by the threatened attitude of the Vladivostok naval t-quadron consisting of four ships, which are now anchored rt Posslet my. an excellent base for attacking Japanese transports ap- nnmrhlnff Wonsan. It is reported by th nrefocts of northeastern Corea that bodies of RuHslans. accompanied Ka by interpreters are surveying country, ascertaining the population, tbe quantity of supplies and the senti ment of the people. New York, March 18. Special trade advices from correspondent of the International Mercantile Agency throughout the United States chronicle interruptions and changes incidental to breaking from snow storms Into a semblance of spring weather and the i usual season's Increase of labor dis turbances. The latter despite their seriousness at New York are offset by the conservative action of 190,000 soft coal miners, who Tiave decided to ac cept a reduction in wages. Prices for wheat and cotton dropped further than many bears expected. Over a considerable period wheat should range relatively high on 60, non 000 bushels decline in domestic vis ible and invisible supplies within three years. The long predicted freer move ment of cotton from the Interior with growing short sentiment has, had the natural effect. The unusual accumula tion of funds at New York, by which banks are strengthened , against the day, of Panama settlement and pos sible needs by banks at European cen ters, due In oart to checked demands for mercantile accommodation. , In Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Chicago and St Louis there Is a slackening m de mands from banks also. On the other hand. Boston banks report no such check. Except at Chicago, among other cities, railway shipping facilities have vastly Improved since' last week, v,.. om-wir reDorts many cars need- ed, which have been sent to New York, t shot and Canadian points. ten- eral trade Is quiet. St. Louis takes the brightest returns, with business well ahead of last year In agricultural lm- olements and swelling volumes of sale of clothing, drugs and groceries. The entry of the Pennsylvania rau- rnaA . buyer in the steel rati mar ket leave no lingering doubt that the rteel industry will take on renewe activity at an early day and mat prlcea In some varieties will be stl further advanced. The senumenv New York financial circles haa im prove! greatly since the merger de cision and standard StocKS wno rr cent with long time money at 4 1-2 per cent are now beginning ' to have their natural influence. 1m f the Canadian dominion congested trai- fic ho been relieved by milder weak er. There Is considerabl activity the distribution of spring good, par ticularly cottons, millinery and foot wear. Building at larger Canadian center promise to be quite active The Increase at Toronto will probably be 25 per cent as compared with last year. The'prospect is for heavy Im CLAIM RICH VALUES. PldMint, PaUtaMe, Potent, Tit Good , ? K..r Stek.n, W.ken ot Grip., Me, "''f-fi?,')? lold in bulk. Th. (tnaln. tabl.t aropd COO, OBaranlMd to cur. or your money biek. 8t.rlln( Remedy Co., Chlc.go r N.Y. 53 HlMl SALE, TEM liiLUOM BOXES Hitchcock Suoceed Whitney. New York, March 18. At a meeting of the board of directors of the Sara- tnoa Breeding Association, for the Im provement of the breed of horse. P. rt. Hitchcock, has been elected prest .irit. to succeed William C. Whitney nnd Harry Payne Whitney was elected vice president In place of Mr. Hitch cock. Clarence M. Mackay was elect ed a director of the association. Itchiness of the r-kln, horrible plague Most everybody afflicted in one way o another. Only one '.ofe, never fallln cure Doan's Ointment At any dru store. 69 cents. - Spencer Gulch Make Showing of Frea Milling Ore. Jacksonville. Ore, March 18.-Jck and James McNulty. who have beea prospecting Jn the upper Applegat district for some months past, are de veloping a quart ledge on Spencer gulch near Unlontown, about 11 mile southwest of Jacksonville. The ledge has been traced about 480 feet on the Burface and a shaft has been sunk 4 feet at which depth the ledge is over four feet wide and assay made from various ports give flattering evidence of the richness of the mine. At the depth of 45 feet a vein of sulphite 1 inches wide was struck that yield high values., One sample of 1 l- ounces that was burned out In a fry ing pan yielded 30 cents in gold and a specimen of quartz sulphite weigh ing one-half pound when mortared and the gold collected with quicksil ver gave 75 cents' worth of the yellow metal. These tests show that values run about $2000 per ton, and the ore 80 far Is free-milling. McNulty brothers are going to sink their shaft to a 75-foot level and then run a tun nel to meet it. There is every indi cation that the mine will prove to be a money-maker, 4 Is Not a SKin Disease top, .tiliy ?K.r.rS.V S & .w. u nain's peculiar to this distressing disease. , N Bowling-Ora, Ky. Exposure to bad weather or sudden Ab 1 1 year K0 1 w.s ttack.d outj, chillingof the bftdr f Ibastenana rheumatu .in Uck of Rheumatism after the Wood and leg. below Motors Pr.orib.i .ystemare in th right condition for it on'b VJSl todevelon but have nothing to do with lnft me any relief. Iw !S. 8. 8-adv ertawl - kX causes of Rheumatism, "S JSW which are iti'ernol and n6t ext ernal. hiKl lXf Liniments, plasters and rubbing uom9roUeL I aud I1 "idMrJw tlon and swc'Ung and ease the paia for Ifgy"", g0od. time, bnt f til to relieve i permanently mb Bt MB8. ajjcB HOBTOS. ouktbn stimulated and quickened, and wmjtb. sys tem is purified ani cleansed, the aching muscles and JTSStd of all irriUti., maUer and a lasttrg U of thla LJifl. nneoualled ' . . na""ic" :6 rshrmatiam will a, blood pirifier and aainngoraung, pieasau w - be wailed fete. THE SWIFT SPCClFtC CO.. ATLANTA C.