The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 17, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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New Style Restaurant
Everything First Class. Y The Best the Market Affords.
Open Day and Night Good Service. '
ttO nth St. next door to Criffln Bros.
irvd djolninf th OMct Saloon
mzxzmiu ixzixxxxxrrxmxn
" Wholesale nd Retail
Ships, Logging Catm and Mills' ujplied on bliort notice.
' - - .
The Flneit Hotel In the Northwest
Wunnnu, Tie..
Ma; M, IMA
Before Wf baby M bora I la great
KlMtjr. I M )ul able la bs .boat but hitt M
wii as I bro lo Uk. Win. of Cardui. wblcb
bad bn rcorotuotl to nx, I Ml much bat
ter. In fact 1 frl lh.tif It bad not bwa for
Iblt wtUlelne 1 would not hat bMa trout
eooufb to lira through childbirth. Bat thai
wet uimI fomperetuely by tealaa foer
oiillcin fnr (our month, before baby came
Wlu. of Oardnl rtorl WT health a I look li
two aionlris aftaiaaiil. I caanot pak too
mini oi win.
Jardut aad I
am tied to aa-
Taeesvasa, Toa bUtbos's Cure.
Wine ot Cardui it a powerful toaie
which acta on tba generative organ, of
women, regulating menstruation and ffiv
inn tone and strength to the organ which
inflammation and waak-nwa Lava affected. It curse nineteen out
of avarv taent casta of bearino-down rains or ovariaa trouble.
WW of Cardui cores barrenness and ail tba mother ia
conserving bar aire ngta for tha ordeal of childbirth. Alter that
event tba Wine prevent dangerous flooding and helps mothers to
r' k recovery. Win of Cardui i the one medicine a mother
Id uae Iwfore and after childbirth.
All druggi.U asll $1.00 botUea Win of Cardui.
The finest Product of Australian
mines for domestic use.
The best house coal ever
brought to Astoria
Will be sold at same old
price while it lasts.
Free Delivery in the City.
Phone 1961 9th and Commercial Streets.
Baltimore & Ohio R. R.
Chicago and New York
Finest and Fastest scries of trains in the world, ' Palatial Coach
es, Pullman Buffet Parlor and Drawiug Room Cars.
The Finest Dining Car Service In the World.
Is operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.
D. M, AUSTIN, General Pass. A4t- - Chicago, III.
Toklo Government Plan to Ex'
tend Monoply on Tobacco
and Create Salt Trust.
Kxperidllure, to Data I a
000,000 Ven-IJonda Largely
HutHrlbed for In Hawaii
and KiwrFraiicisco.
Toklo, March 18. The cabinet, after
a conference with the elder a talesmen
and other political leaders, has decided
to submit proposals for the extension
of the tobacco' monopoly to include
manufactured tobacco, and the creation
of a salt monoply to a special diet corv
verting on Friday next This will n
volve & heavy outlay for the purchaso
of private tobacco manufacturing con
cern and the. aalt Interest, but the
advisers of the government regard the
expenditure at this time aa wine. The
cabinet hai decided also to suggest in
creases In land Income, business, wine,
my, au(?or atock exchange, mines, cus
tom oe duty, and atamp taxe and In
addition the creation of new taxes upon
silk piece good, kerosene and woolens,
an estimated total Increase amounting
to (8,000,000 yen. The war expenses
from the commencement of hostilities
to the end of March are estimated at
156.0O0.OC0 yen, divided aa follows:
One hundred and eight million yen
for Jthe army and 0,000,000 yen for the
navy. Of this sum only 80,000,000 yen
has actually been disbursed, Including
the payment for the cruisers Nleshln
and Kasaga, purchased abroad. The
government plans to meet the expen
ditures to the end of March with 100,
000,000 yen from exchequer bonds just
sold; 15.000,000 yen from the special
funds and I1.0oo08 yen to be raised by
a temporary loan. The expenditures
on account of the war from April next
to December Inclusive Is estimated at
S80.000.000 yen, besides a special war
reserve of 40,000,000 yen. The govern
ment plans to meet these expenditures
by the Issuance of 280,000,000 yen In ex
chequer bonds; 88,000.000 yen In war
taxes; 7,000,000 balance on ordinary an
nual receipts, and 25,000,000 yen from
special fund The foreign branches of
the Yokohama specie bank reports sub
scriptions for the Bret issue of bonds
totalling 860,000 yen. These bonds
were largely subscribed for In the Ha
waiian Islands and Ban Francisco.
(By Countess de Montalgu.)
Women's Industries will be widely ex
plotted at the Louisiana Purchase ex
position. Eleven years have rolled by
since the close of the Columbian ( ex
position. Since that time woman has
explored many fields of endeavor for
merly closed to her. At the present
World's fair her work will be classified
with that of men. and on every Jury
of awards a feminine juror will be ap
pointed. Much of the handicraft of women
will be exhibited In the palace of var
ied Industries. The exquisite statue
entitled 'The Industry of Women," by
Kotif, typifying woman in her primi
tive state. Is placed in a conspicuous
position on this magnificent structure.
It depicts the faithful housewife, who
with distaff in hand, spins the thread
from which the garments of the family
are woven. From this state where
woman scarcely rose above the posi
tion of a slave, by alow and painful
graduation she has risen to greater
heights until now she Is the guiding
spirit, of not only her home, but Is an
important factor in business, politics, I
religion and art. In fact; she has tak
en up almost every avocation once
usurped by man.
Between the women of an early age
and those of the 19th century there Is
a gulf wide and deep. Education has
done everything for woman. It has set
Its seal upon her countenance as well
as having developed her brain. Con
trast the classic but unintelligent face
of the Greek housemother with that of
the woman of today. The artistic evo
lution Is fittingly expressed in Miss
Enid Tandell, the distinguished sculp
tress. Her face is not perhaps as classi
cally correct as that of the exquisite
statue of industry, but the thoughtful
expression, the sweet decision of the
mouth, and the contour of the face, all
demonstrate tba Improvement of a.
race. While perhaps a loser as to mere
physical beauty woman Is a gainer In
the higher attributes of existence.
Here la another and distinctive type
the woman of business aa embodied
In Mrs. Margaret P. Daly, of Anaconda,
Mont Mm. Daly Is known as one of
the wealthiest, women in the world.
Such was the confidence of her hus
band in her business acumen that he
left ber unrestricted control of his
property, rated at 10,000,000, which
this enterprising lady has managed
with rare tact and efficiency. Mrs
Daly dispenses a great deal of her for
tune in philanthropy and exercises a
generous hospitality. Her magnificent
ranch at Bitter Root, Mont., is the
scene of much gaiety, and In her pal
atial home in Anaconda many strang
ers have been entertained. Mrs. Daly
represents Montana on the hoard of
World's fair lady managers.
In our day and generation what wo
man would be satisfied to retrograde?
The question Is, who was the happier,
the primitive doctor's prescription
blank, or the woman's suffrage, or she
of .the 20th century restless, ambitious
and forever reaching up after the un-a.tfahiaMe?
Friends of 8eoul Residents Reassured
By Letter Just Received.
Chicago, March 18. Assurances that
Americans residing In Seoul are in no
danger Is contained In a letter Just re
ceived by the local Woman's Presby
terian Board of Missions, from Miss
Eva H. Field, a medical missionary
stationed In the Corean capital Under
date of February 14. Miss Field says:
"If during the war any danger to
Americans should arise our 'two Unit
ed States boats will remain in Chem
ulpo harbor, and we would leave In a
few hours. The Japanese army Is a
credit to the nation". , They, behave on
the street like Christian gentlemen,
the reason probably being that their
discipline Is so perfect
Employers and Men Get Forces
Together for Life and Death
ed States, which Includes employers
associations in every branch of manu
facturing, and hi said to be making a
national campaign In favor of the open
shoo. '
Wrestling Classes Arrsnged
New York, March 18. Six classes In
wrestling have been arranged for the
supplementary meet to be held by the
Metropolitan Association of the Ama
tefcr Athletic Union, March 24 and 28.
The wlnnersm the different classes
will go to St Louis to compete In the
Olympian games to be held during the
exposition. Local men are ', exerting
themselves to make a good showing.
President Harper Better.
Chicago, March 1. FriJent Har
per, of the university of Chicago, has
so far recovered from his recent oper
ation for appendicitis that he has been
moved from the Presbyterian hospital
to his boms.
Itchiness of the ktn, horrible plague,
itost "everybody afflicted In one way or
another. Only one never falling
cure Doan's Ointment At any drug
store. B0 cents.
Bricklayers Insist That Agree
ment Has Not Iteen Lived
Up to and Will Fight for
' Their Kiglits.
New York, March 18. Employers and
their men In the building trades here
are preparing, according to the Her
ald, for a life and death struggle over
the question of unionism. The strug
gle probably will be precipitated by a
declaration on the part of the employ
ers for the open shop policy and the
destruction of the building trades un
ion The disastrous strike here last sum
mer which caused losses mounting into
the millions, ended In agreements to
arbitrate future troubles, but now that
the bricklayers laborers have gone on
strike, followed by the bricklayers, re
sulting in Idleness of 10,000 men, and
tlelng up of work all over the city, the
employers declare that they cannot af
ford to enter into further agreement
with the anions and It Is asserted they
are preparing to settle the matter in a
finish fight
The employers maintain that the
open shop policy is the only course left
to them If they wish to continue in
business. A firm stand is being taken
by the men, however, on the ground
that their plans for arbitration were
thrown aside by the employers. Clr
culars are being distributed broadcast
warning the men to prepare for a de
termined fight against the open shop.
These contain copies of letters that
have been sent out by the National As
sociation of Manufacturers of the Unlt-
America's Richest Woman Buys Hand
some House en Fifth Avenue. :
New York, March 18, Mrs. Hetty
Green, Ajmerlca's richest woman, haa
joined the millionaire colony here, by
purchasing a home on Upper Fifth ave
nue. She has In recent years main
tained a legal residence in Hoboken,
N. X, but lately baa lived In a rented
house In Fifth avenue, near Washing
ton square.' Her new residence Is a
handsome five-story mansion of the
most modern design.
Used Special Weapon. '
New York, March 18. Charging that
the American rifle team won the Palm
trophy last year with a special weap
on Instead of the United States army
service gun, the Dominion Rifle Asso
ciation will follow Great Britain' ex
ample and not compete for the trophy
this year and perhaps never again, says
a Times dispatch from Montreal This
year's shoot Is to be held at Sea Girt.
N.X .
Autos for Fire Chief.
New York, March 1. Favorable ac
tion has been taken by the board of
aldermen to purchase two automobiles
for" the fire department They are te
cost not more than $4000 each, one for
the use of Fire Chief Croker in Man
hattan, the other for the deputy chief.
In charge of the Brooklyn and Queens
departments. The machines will be used
by the chiefs In making fast runs rrora
their headquarters to answer Import
ant alarms.
T owe my whole life to Burdock
Blood Bitters. Scrofulous sores covered
niy body. I seemed beyond core. B. B.
B. has made me a perfectly eH wo
man." Mrs. Chas. Hultos, BeryiHa,
Via. . '
ewbro's Herpicidc
WHYt Because dandruff Is a contagious disease and
one cannot get away from it too soon. It is owing to
the highly contagious nature of dandruff that the dis
ease Is so easily acquired. Washing and scouring the
scalp will remove dandruff, but the cause of the dis
ease can be removed only with a scalp germicide, and
the original one is Newbro's Herplclde.
THE CHIEF reason for hair neglect and consequent
hair loss Is due to the extremely slow destructive ac
tion of the dandruff microbe, thus giving the Impres
sion that the hair is not in danger. The Injury is to
the hair bulbs, for when they are gone as in chronic
baldness not even dandruff microbes remain in the'
scalp. .
THE MERE fact that a tiny flake of dandruff laden
with dandruff contagion, finds Its way Into the healthy
hair of a young person, does not cause Immediate dan
druff and falling hair. Dr. Cartea, of Paris, has found
that the dandruff microbe requires years of growth and
development before it produces dandruff; Tout after
this, the apparent destruction becomes more rapid;
causing in time Itching of the scalp and falling hair.
be gotten by chance, but in almost
every cose It is acquired through
the negligence of certain rules of
cleanliness that are best understood
by those who have kept pace with
, recent discoveries relative to the
contagious nature of hair disease.
to employ a scalp antiseptic that will insure cleanli
ness and freedom from hair disease. This '"duty" be
comes a genuine pleasure in using Newbro's Herplclde
and on account of its refreshing quality and exquisite
fragrance a pleasant habit Is usually formed for Its use
THE HERPICIDE HABIT. A well known traveling
man writes as follows: "A Wend of mine exposed
me to your delightful remedy and I promptly caught
the Herplclde habit". Ladles become enthusiastic over
Herplclde for it overcomes excessive olllness and
makes the hair light and fluffy. It promptly corrects
dryness and brtttleness of the hair and never falls to
cure dandruff and stop falling hair. It stops Itching
almost instantly. N
"In twenty-one years' experience in my business I
have found no preparation that equals Nebro's
Herplclde for stopping Itching of the scalp and re
moving dandruff (Signed) W.CGOODRICH. '
Portland, Oregon.
IT PLEASES HIS PATRONS. "I have given your
Herplclde a thorough trial, and take pleasure in rec.
ommeding It My patrons are highly
pleased with Herplclde, and I can
vouch for its merits as a positive
cure for dandruff."
(Signed) C. V. HARE.
Portland, Oregon.
A He&Uhy Hair.
Send 10 cents In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit, Mich
i ar f I'd
V 4
Aa Unhealthy Ealr.