THE MORNING ASTOIilAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1904. PAGE FIVE. Garrara Paint LooHs Better, Wears Longer, and Costs Less Than the Best White Lead Paint. Tb oost of (minting l heavy unrien. Cheap pnlntg soon fsle, peel or Mule off, and White Lend and Oil costs so much mid tina to be replaced to oftoti that it ia constant expense to keep the bright, clean apjwaraiios to desirable in the cosy cottage boe or elegant mansion. ' . v W bve til colon of Carrirft Ptlnt and are Agent for Aitotia, ROSS, HIGGINS L CO. ' Color Cards for the asking, free, Local Brevities. De ot mlM reading The Aatorlan's want columns. '. Lowt or strayed: Black cocker spaniel bitch, ana were to name of Topa Finder will please return to C2B Bond street and receive reward. It (Hep Into Johnson Bros, atora today end try a free sample plate of delicious ake made from the celebrated Olym pic Pancake Flour, Nothing nicer. At A. V. Allen's, Thursday and Friday. ent The superintendent ia required under the terms of the measure to five written notice to all property owners to remove obstructions from treats or sidewalk. However, this matter can be rectified litter on, so the mayor signed the bill. It Is sweeping in its terms. The afternoon tea given yesterday by the Indies of the Methodist church at the parsonage was enjoyed by a large number of guents. A short, but delight, fujl, program, was rendered, refresh ment were served and games were Secretary of State Dunbar has sent to County Clcik Clinton a large num ber of copies of the direct primary law and local option law, and persons in terested in the measures may secure copies by calling at Mr. Clinton's of fice. Both propositions will be sub milted to the voters at the coming June election. There are now, but three cases of vontagloua disease in the city. Of the three, two are of measles and the other of scarlet fever. Within a short time all of the afflicted homes will be out of Quarantine. Mayor Buprenant yesterday attached his signature to the ordinance prevent ing the obstruction of streets and side walks. The mayor hud the bill under consideration for a week, and the belief prevailed be would veto it lie said yesterday he did not like the measure In Its present form, because It put too much work on the street" superintend- Thomas Thompson, the A. k C. Co, man who was Injured Monday byjwlng whirled through the air on a revolving shaft, is not so badly hurt as was at first believed, and yesterday It was re ported that he had an excellent chance of recovery. It was believed the man had been Internally Injured, but this proved not to have ,been the case. In the Justice's court yesterday after noon Ira Hammond, an employe of the Fharman Transfer Company, was fined tOO and costs for throwing sawdust into the river. The complaint was Issued at the instigation of Finn Warden Van Dusen and Hammon entered a plea of guilty. The throwing of sawdust into the river constitutes violation of a very Important state law. play. At the picture guessing content Miss Nellie F. Busey won the prise, handsomely bound volume of the "Prince of the House of David. THE TIDES AT ASTORIA FOR MARCH, 1904. est e e e High Water Tuesday Wednesday ... Thursday Friday .. Huturdsy SUNDAY Hominy , . ..Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Vrtdey .... Hnturday . SUNDAY . Monday ., Tuesday . . Wednesday Thur1ay . rVldiiy .... Hnturday . SUNDAY . Monday ., Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday . A, M. J P. h. m't f tlhTm. H 5: IS 7.9 6:85 6:20 7.4 7:45 10 7:27 7.1 8:6 11 8:88 7.0 :67 12 :87 7.1 10:47 IS 10:22 7.4 11:27 14 11:21 7. ..... U. 0.02 7.6 Ifi 0:24 7.H 18:48 17 1:04 7. 1:14 15 1:22 1.9 1:61 IS 2:00 g.o 2:26 20 2:27 8.1 2:03 I 3:00 8.1 1:44 n 3:SX 1.0 4:35 23 4:23 7.R 6:3& 24 6:20 7.6 1:60 214 6:30 7.2 l:0H 26 7:60 7.2 9:1 27 9:0H 7.4 10:12 2N10J5 29tf:l3 1.311:47 3fl ...12:04 31 0:29 .ll!;64 ft. 6.9 6.9 6.0 6.3 ?:l 7.1 7.7 7.4 7.1 6.K 6.3 4.0 6.9 6.6 .7 7.3 1.0 3.6 8.8 8.7 Jxw Water I)ATB Tuesday Wednesday ... Thursduy Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday ........ Tuesday , Wednesday ... Thursday Friday Hntimlny SUNDAY Monday Tuesday ...... Wednesday ... Thursday . .... Friday ., , Hnturdny , SUNDAY , Monday , . Tuesday , Wednesday ..... Thursda- 3 9 10 It 4 15 13 19 201 21 23 4 2r4 21 ill n so 31 A- h. m. 0:17 1:36 2:4 3:65 4:60 6:36 6:14 1:48 7:17 7:60 1:20 8:64 9:30 10:20 11:14 '0:24 1:64 8:12 4:17 6:14 6:04 6:611 M. ft 3.2 3.6 8.6 8.3 2.9 1.4 8.01 1.7 l. 1 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 3.6 3.6 8.2 1.6 0.8 0.2 I P- M. h. m. 12:20 1:27 2:32 3:36 4:23 6:16 6:64 6:30! 7:00 7:27 7:6 8:20! 8:61 9:27 10:11 11:10 12:1 1:32 2:46 3:60 4:46 6:361 6:21 7:04 ft. 1.0 1.0 0 0.7 0.6 0.8 0 0 1.1 1.4 1.3 3.2 1.6 9.0 3.6 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.3 0 0.6 5hoes $hoes -iShoes Working Shoes Dress Shoes lien's and Boys' Shoes, Ladies' Shoes. t No fancy prices here Honest goods ionly. Buy your shoes of a Practical Shoemaker. S. A. GIMRE, 543-545 Bond Street. We Don't Sell Experience But we use a whole lot of it whon We Fill Your Prescription Nonait the purest and freshest drugs are need and compounded byoom patent and skillful pharmacists. Call io and see our large assortment of Rubber Oool, Soaps, Terfumes, Tollot Articles, Stationery, etc iSSSSSa,i HART'S DRUG STORE The local branch of the Alaska Fish ermen's Union has deferred ac tion on the matter of prices until March 28. because of the small attendance at Monday night's meeting. The San Francisco union has compromised with the Alaska Parkers and it is now up to the local branch to determine whether or not the Sun Francisco scale is satis factory. ' The funeral of the late B. C. Kindred will be held this morning; at the Ham mond Methodist church. The services will take place at 10:30 and Rev. W. Seymour Short will officiate. The in terment will be In old Pioneers ceme tery. For the convenience of Astoria friends who desire to attend the f u neral the steamer Mller will leave the foot of Fourteenth street at 9:30 a, m. The county court was In sosslon yes terday and several matters affecting road districts were attended to. During the course of the session the court in structed District Attorney Alien to no. tlfy the railroad company that it would have to keep the railroad crossing in repair at the point where the track In tersects the' county rood at Svensen, and that. If the company declined to do so, the district attorney proceed against it Invitations are out for a social daflce to be given by the ladles of the Floro dora Club at Knappton tomorrow even ing. The steamer Jordan will leave the city at 8 p. m. and return at midnight The dance Is being arranged by the following ladles: Mesdames Ous Bar tell, Ous Blewerts and Ous Fricke; Misses Ella Measlnger, May Thompson, Emma 8hedd, Eva Messlnger and Stel la Yacht The session of Pacific lodge. Degree of Honor, Monday night, was an Inter esting event socially, and the members greatly enjoyed themselves. -After the business of the lodge had been attended to the members sat down to an apr pttlstlng lunch provided by Mrs. Henry SlK-llmler. On Monday Mrs. Spellmler celebrated the 60th anniversary of her birth, and as a token of esteem the lodge presented her with a handsome sofa cushion. tween them that Marlda should pay for the damage he had done to the fur niture at the house. The sum was to be fixed by a gentleman namd by both (he contestant , The arbiter decided thai $7.60 would cover the matter and Marlda was taxed the costs, an equal sum. Meantime, however, the police court warrant stood against him, and for a time it seemed Marlda would be compelled to appear before Judge An derson. However, when the police judge learned of the justice's court set tlement he turned Marlda loose. The police court while a city institution, has equally as great functions as the justice's court and could try cases which might more property come be fore the justice's court The Portland Chamber of Commerce yesterday acted with vigor regarding the hung-up Improvement of the lower Columbia, liver and the bar, and through Secretary Daniel Connell the following telegram was sent to Sen ators Mitchell and Fulton at the national- capital: "In view of the im portant necessity of commerce In re gard to the lower river and bar, the suggestion is made that you see that an appropriation Is provided for in the emergency bill." The time for payment of taxes under the 3 per cent rebate arrangement ex pired at 6 last night and, while the roll will still be open to taxpayers un til the date on which taxes will become delinquent, property owners will not be entitled to the rebate. The amount collected to date Is relatively below that collected up to March IS last year. This circumstance has been due to the failure of timber land owners to make the usual prompt settlement That the grand jury now sitting will shortly return Indictments-, by the wholesale against those , conducting gambling houses in Portland is the conviction of those who profess to have gained knowledge of the plans of that body. Not only will the gamb lers be arrested and brought before the courts of justice on charges of violating the law, but It Is said the scope of the grand Jury's power will encompass those who own property upon which Portland's numerous gam bling resorts are operated. Whispers of what the grand jury is doing are heard upon every . side, and the fact that during the last week a number of antl-gambllng men were summoned before the grand Jury for the evident purpose or being examined upon ints subject has served to . lend color to the story. BIG THINGS FOR LITTLE ; MONEY Lonsdale Cambric ,., ...121-2 e yd. Six Spools Thread ..25c Apron Ginghams .. .... ,..6o yd. Good Outing Flannel ,. ......7c yd. Plaid Dress Goods ..... .... , .....15c yd. Paper Napkins .... ...... ... Per hundred 25o , Ladles' Fast Black Hosiery .... .... ioc pair Children Fast Black Hosiery ......10c pair Ink ............. . . .. .... ............ v... 7c dozen . Lead Pencils . ...,. .... ..6e bottle Wire Hair Pins .... .... i pkg . Ladles' Handkerchiefs ...... , .60 each Toilet Tins .... .........i. i. ....... pkg Shell Hair Pins .... .......................... 8c pkg Toilet Paper .... ; rolls 25c Hooks and Eyes .. .... .... .......... card Towels .'. , ... ... ... ; .'.....( pair And a thousand other articles Just as good and equally as cheap. Let us show you some of our new and fashionable dress goods Just received. . '' THE A. DUNBAR COMPANY ASTORIA'S POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE. aj? New V StocK New Styles T Fine Shoes Do you know we can supply you with shoes CHEAPER thaq other 6tores because we buy direct from the manufacturer and in large quantities. Give us a trial. WHERITY, RALSTON & CO. 8T. PATRICK'S DAY PROGRAM. YOU WILL LIRE IT the ever rorur.AU ..Mission Furniture.. In weathered oaK most suitable for Library, Dining Room and Hall. This furniture has takon the lead in many of the fine homes in the W.fst. -t ycu do- ' sire something different from ta 2 r:tt this is what you want. " . , CHARLES HE1LB0RN & SON THE LEADING IIOUSEKURNIS1IERS The taking of the testimony offered by the defense In th case of Charlotte Orimberg vs. the Columbia River Packers' Association was finished yes terday, and adjournment was taken by the court until 9:30 this morning, when arguments will be presented. It ia probable the case will go to the jury ttls afternoon. The case of Held, Mur dock & Co. vs. the Alaska Fishermen's Packing Company, a suit for damages, was set for yesterday, but as the Orim berg case was not concluded, the Reld, Murdock case went over. It will be tried as soon as the present case is out of the way. The Portland primary election takes place today. Both the Simon and Mitchell factions have made every preparation for the battle of ballots and the contest promises to be the warmest ever waged there. For days past all of the papers have been full of political advertising matter, which has cost the politicians a pretty penny something like $100 a column. Both oldes express confidence, but It is al most a certainty the Mltchellltes will win out During the past few days several Simon men have been down fronj the metropolis, and all conceded that the Simon facUon's chance of suc cess was rather a slim one. Several residents of Multnomah county who were In the city yesterday returned borne for the express purpose ot Totmtj There was a conflict of authority yesterday between the Justice's court officials and the police court, but the tangle was straightened out during the afternoon. The conflict resulted from the trouble between J. H. Anson, pro prietor of the Nehalem house, and Joe Marina, the logger, who had attacked Anson with a knife. Anson swore to a warrant In the police court and Ma rlda was arrested by the police, but re leased upon depositing 320 bail Yes terday morning Anson swore to a sec ond complaint before Justice German. When the two principals were got to gether In the Justice's court It was suggested that they amicably adjust their defterences and it was agreed be- N umbers to be Rendered at St Mary's Hsll Tomorrow Night. The St Patrick's day entertainment to be given tomorrow evening at St Mary's hall promises to be a most In tereBtlng event Testerday Father Lane received word from Hon. Frank Davey, who is to, deliver the -address of the evening, saying he would sure ly be in Astoria to fill the engagement. Mr. Dnvey'e address will be of pec ullar historical Interest and during the evening an excellent program will be rendered, as follows. Piano solo Irish airs. Miss Gertrude Kearney "Klllarney" Mr. John C. McCue Violin and piano "Come Back to Erin" Mlses Esther Seltenrelch and Gert rude Kearney. "Kathleen Mavourneen". Miss Kathryn Shlvely Oration.... "The Faith of St Patrick and Modern Civilization" , . i, .Hon. Frank Davey Vocal Selection ..Miss Madge Sovey "Rose McNally". ..... .Mr. F. Deveney A son was born last evening to Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Davis. The Clatsop Mill Company's box fac tory Is being worked overtime on ac count of a press of business. A. D. Rockafellow, who was brought up from Seaside to eerve a county jail sentence for beating a boy, was before the sanity board yesterday. The man was under scrutiny for a long time, and during his interview with the commis sioners showed unmistakable signs of insanity. He told the board he was a military expert of rare genius and that he was in close touch with the war de partment. He related that he was par ticularly well posted as to the progress of events at Fort Stevens, and that he warned the officers prior to the time the recent attempt was made to de- What two words mean most to your grocer? and what do th?y mean? Schilling's Best ; and they mean a good deal of business without any trouble. PDL jMiilQVA to our new store at No. 530 Com mercial Street, we will make SPEC3AE PRICES on odds and ends of various brands of Cigars in box and lesi than box lots. Many of these are high priced cigars. Will Mad i son HATS TRIMMED FREE Mrs. Ingleton has opened a fine line of Ladies' and Child ren's Spring Hats and Flowers, and invites the ladies of As toria to call and see them. Skirts, shirt waists, notions, hair switches, pompadours, ladies' and children's furnishing goods. OPPOSITE BUDGET OFFICE. ASTORIA, OREGON Cook Booh Free By saving Coupons in VIOLET OATS and Violet Wheat Flakes For Sale by All Grocers stroy the fort After the offender had been detected, Rockafellow said, he had warned the officers against putting him in a certain guardhouse, rxom which he would escape, and his prediction was fulfilled. After the erring soldier es caped, Rockafellow,, according to his dream, followed him up the railroad line and notified the war department of his whereabouts. The man Is E0 years old. His case was postponed until this morning, when Mrs. Rockafellow will be called to testify. ' The games scheduled for the three- men team tournament at the Commer cial alleys were not bowled last night, but will take place at a later date. The failure of the club's team to lift the Feldenh,elmer trophy has not discour aged the men, and the bowling com mittee will shortly issue another chain lenge. The local team's average was 42.62, which would ordinarily have cap tured the cup. The Portland team's success was due to the fine total of 209 bowled by A. Howard, chairman of the bowling committee The belief pre vailed in this city that the ' Felden- helmer contest was conducted under the regulations of the cocked-hat asso- latlon, but this, it appears, was erron eous. The donor specified that total pHis should determine the winner, and -a team may win but one of the four games and still capture the silver pin. The locals had little practice before going to Portland, but intend getting in shape for the next match. SOFTNESS OF SEALSKIN. b Rivaled fey Hamas Hair Where Daadraff Is Eradicated. , Sealskin la admired the world over for Its softness and glossiness; and yet the human hair is equally as soft and glossy when healthy; and the radical cause of all hair trouble is dandruff, which is caused by a pestiferous parasite that saps the vitality of the hair at Its root Kewbro s Herplclde is the only preparation that Is fatal to the dandruff germ. Without dan druft there Is no falling hair, but a lux uriant growth of glossy, soft hair is cer tain. Scouring the scalp won't cure dan druff. Kill the dandruff germ. Thous ands of women owe their beautiful suits of hair to Newbro's Herplclde. Sold by leading druggists. Send lOo. In stampa to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit, Mich. Engle Drug Store Owl Drug Store 351-353 Bond St. 649 Com. St. v ' Astoria, Oregon. T. F. LAURIN, Proprietor. Special Agent - L "-----"Tse 1