lAOE FOUR. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, TUKSDAY, MARCH 15, 1901. f'r. NITRO GLYCERINE EXPLOSION - ACTS LIKE AN EARTHQUAKE NORTHERN PACIFIC Oakland, OaU March 14. An explo sion of nltro glycerine In the washing house of the California Giant Powder works on the bay shore at Sobrante shortly aftw noon tenia y killed two men ami crippled" a third. The fact that most of the employes were awoy to lunch accounts for the .small loss of life. A laborer 200 yards away from the explosion had his leg o badly shattered that It was later amputated. The property loss Is about $15,000. The cause of the esrlosion is a mystery. It shook the country for miles around as though an earthquake had occurred. A wheelman's tool bag Isn't complete without a bottle of Dr. Thoma' Elec- j ,trlc Oil. Heals cuts, bruises, stings, sprains. Monarch over pain. r. Lyons PERFECT Author of World's Fair Mymn. The selection of the veteran poet Edmund Clarence Stedmon, to write the world's fair hymn, seems to have been a popular choice. When the question was asked who should be in vlted to undertake a work of such mo ment, the name of Mr. Stedman was suggested from many quarters. . The poem has now been completed and set to music by John K. Paine, of iHarvard university. Permission to hear this notable composition ts with held from the public until the opening day of the exposition, but that an un usual treat Is in sto.-e for them is as " sured. ,f , Poems by Mr. Steadman hav been used for musical settings of several of the most distinguished American com posers and he is especially gifted in lyric composition. The song for the world's fair Is considered his best effort. No Dessert More Attractive AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century PRIPARID tr Vpi vTr VThv nse celatine and spend hours soaking, J sweetening, naronng and coloring when JettO nwvinwi results in two minutes? Everything in the package. Simply add hot water and et to cool. It's perfection. A Bur prise to the housewife. No trouble, leas ex- Trr it tfwiav. In Four Fruit Fla. Tors: Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, Kasp, tony. At jrocers. luc. ASTORlV AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD LEAVE PORTLAND I AHtu v r. 8 00 a ml Portland Union De- 11:10 a m 7:00 p m pot for Astoria and :40 m Way Founs I ASTORIA i.iK.mi var Portland andl 11:30 am fi-io n ml Way Points 10:30 p ro SEASIDE DIVISION la. it Aatnrin for Waren-I 7:40 a m 11:33 am ton, Flavel Fort 4:00 pm 6:50 p m Stevens. Hammona,-iv;w a m and Seaside I 6:15 a ml Seaside for War- 12:50 pm 9:30 a m renton, Flavel.j 7:20 pro s snn ml Hammond. Fortl '9:25 am I Stevens & Astoria Time Curd ol Trains " , ' PORTLAND Leaves Arrive Puget Sound LlniUed.T.SS a m 8:45 P m Kansas Clty-St. Loul Special U:10 m 1:46 pa North Coast limited :M o m T:00 a ro Tacoma and Seattle Might . Express .. ........11:45 pm 1:05 n Take Puiet Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Cray's Harbor points Take Puget Sound Limited for Olynv uia direct Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan sas Clty-St. Louis Special for points on South Bend branch. Double daily train service on Cray's Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland, Tacoma and Seattl RADIUM (ADIOS RADIOS RADIOS Stupendous Offer , Made : by a Well Known Phila. Firm. RADIOS KADIOS UAlIOS HARDESTY Qimflav nnlv aii Mina malt close connections at Goble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the EasUand Sound points. J. C. Mayo, General Freight and Pass. Agent Famous Trains The Southwest Limited Kansas City to Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul to Chscago, run via Chicaeo. Milwaukee & Si. Paul Railway V Each route offers numerous attractions. The principal thing to insure a quick, y comfortable trip east is to see that your tickets read via. the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. It. S. ROWE, Gtneral Agent 134 Third Street, Portland "As the Crow Flies" The shortest line between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago is the route of the famous North western Limited "The Train For Comfort" every night in the year. Before tiittlnron a trip-no mutter where-wrlte for tiiUTestltiK Informa tion about comfortable traveling. H.LSISLER, General Agent 132 Third St Portland. Oregon. T. W. TR'SIULR, General Pasm-nKcr Agent, St Fatal, Minn. Thousands t( !Vrii in AH Sw oons of tin"'"!!!! try llavw Ih't'ii llcutcdby ThU . Wonderful 1U-eovery. Every educated person ha heard of Radium, its wonderful powem and healing qualities have occupied page after page In tha Metropolitan i.ubllca tlom. Almost everybody knows that U Is the greatest remedy that God baa ever given to suffering- humanity. Disease germi'ot every description Itee before It they cannot atand th con tact. We have such faith In our prcpo Bltloa that we guarantee abwlutely to cure you. What la more we will give you a written contract to that ef fect. This offer ha never been dupli cated. Vlll out the blank below and mark the malmly from which you are Buffering and receive by re- return mail Information that will be worth hundreds of dollars to you. AM; ary banklnjt firm regarding our respon sibillty. Fr OtlVr - Fri'o Offer ASK THE AGENT TOR TICKETS RADIOS CO. ' 81! Drexel Hulldlnn Philadelphia. Pa. Sir! ' Please send me free of cost In formation regarding your Radium treatment and your wonderful rem edy "Radios." Name..... Address. City . State Diseasa n. p. Scientific Electrician and Contractor for EUdrfal Work Kloctrical Fixtures, Wire;and Supplies in SttK-k. ; GUARANTEED GAS MANTELS. s v 433 Commercial St. Astoria, Ore. THE LOUVRE Fin CUn Concert Hull : m "')' UJ . !' ADMISSION FREE ATTRACTIVE VHOOUAM v UlAPtuis. i.iinlflfll I rt ;t' Seventh and A?tor Streets CttAKLti. wikmsala, rw?. V i R, J. Owens, .Proprietor PHONE. 831 THE WIGWAM GUS BROOKE, Manager Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coqst Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars StE lilt ILllSlrMTlD PICIDRtS Eighth and AstorSts. ASTORIA 1 WW ..TO.. SPOKANE, ST. PAUL. DULUTU MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. 2 For Full Particulars, Rates, Folders, Etc., Call on or Address H. DICKSON, City Ticket Agent. 122 Third Street. Portland. S. G. YERKES. G. W. P. A. 612 First Avrnue, - Seattle. Wash. HETTON COAL The finest Product of Australian mines for domestic use. The best house coal ever brought to Aitoria 400 TONS JUST ARRIVED Will be sold at same old price while it lasts. Free Delivery in the City. ELMORE & CO. Phone 1961 9th and Commercial Streets. TRAIN DAIL.Y FAST TIME 2 aen-t us a model or sketch of Invention, ..111 ..ilnn on I ralMirt HH tO llStt'llV "D..7A" 0 Z t .r ..,.ini iiffer to I invontorn before amlylnK for patent It j '' '...:.. ... vti k n 1111(1 biKik I on patents. Fatwiitss-vunMlVy us Mv'r iu.U in " tToirrecslvo American" HlfcK. CBLtlSH WPIMMTIW P.UOT W.Iat.j Every Woman k.k rtmP rtrumrlal tW U Xi it. iiiimi auimlv li alum!' l' M 15 l lt-u.t 41 Vurk Uw w l-... ... .1 ....1 t.nli( ktiiiff ttl-.Mil tit)! WUlHtl'IItU 1 Minvri whiikiiia Sorny Ttie !""W V win i' I rtotf. ln)f A DIRECT LINE to Chicago and all points east; Louis- vllier Memphis. New Orleana, and an points south. 1 ': J .J See that your ticket reads V.a the Illinois Central R. R. Thoroughly mod em trains connect with all transconti nental lines at St. Paul and Omaha If youn friends are coming west let us know and we will quote them direct the specially low rates now In effect from all eastern points. Any Information at to rates, routes, etc., cheerfully given on application, B. H. TRUMBUiX, Commercial Agent, 142 Third street, Portland, Or J. C, LINDSET. T. F, & P. A., 1 Third street, Portland, Or. . P. B. THOMPSON, V., Si. P. A., Scoffs liBlarftpA Cpte Vot Icfl!mmitMo er Outfit of tii Uiwid'T unit DIM' Klunti. WO oir do tl7 Cawk qokkl 1 I'enu nt.utiy ti 0 worst o(im ot Ciunttri-bfM-a i)di. no fcutt' rof how ion to.i4' (id bdomwljr hnnlM fl.", tr Vr until, pottyiM. C1.04, t ioxv, the mm-nmH go. GUCf OHT4I1K. OMIO. Sold by Chaa. Rogers, 469 Commercial 'i ii ......... n..n!t. am cimnriri. Yii I RB tiny wupowiue f to Balsam of Cop;iir,a: Cubebs oi Iniflftions n Jifv CURE IN 43 HGW&W-l, the same diwases with- out inconvenience. Soit by ah 'iQryWf ... Iipr" XI l i U STEAMER SUE, H.ELMORE The'Largcst; Slaunchest, Si on 1"h-4 ami moat Seaworthy vcwtsl ever ou thw rout. Host of Tublo nml State Ilooiit Accoiimw (ktions. Will nuiko round trip every five dys tctweeti ; Astoria and Tillamook Fare $3.50 Connecting at Astoria with tho Oregon Ilitilwfliy & "Navigation Co. and Astoria & Columbia River It. K. for Portland, Sim Francisco and all point- I-kst. For freight and mssengor Vrntes apply to SAMUEL ELMORE & Co. 1 General Agents, Astoria, Oregon OR TO A. a C. R. R. Co., B. C. LAMB, O. R. a N. Co., Portland, Ore. Till- . tr . iiiiaiuuuni wrc Portland, Ore. When You Want a Gjod Roof SSi " n,.,t Lnunrnvmi l. li Huiiufin'f nrv inidur Mia rvifiul vitntiiiir I'nnililinna. One VHV HJIti iwiiu'"ii ,,v ' J .. m thnt will last. VVli-nyou are after that kind of a roof, you'll settle down on tLAitKllt KUUriNU, ii corns no mure wan oncnp, wonniess ppT or uuy uun-r nimalifiliiotory claas of roofing niuterial. but it's worth more. Let ns quote prices rni TTii TJ..X3 n in wor.FtTF ninr. llltJ JltHUl itU JUUimg VU. poRTUND, OREGON It. A Ev. f'!i ;'. f-x f... a A feK V,i l'i(vruu .-...ulii.u. unil Jinttn I . - jftl.n.. I: J f y. I" Otl'l4f.l I U JC e.r '.i.'.li.l . 'I -llmonlt.U V fe "'I "I-'-ll'-H'"' .fi'.,"tlt",,l nt. i-n '.i.i.i. Hi. i Hoiilli" fcll l)itoi..i. I''liti-lrn armlrnl Vmt CO TO "COIXKOC-V to i.lak Duun-nixriwo tWSri l WHEN I WILL MAKE A ; ;ftf5t-CIas5Sook-lpcr OK yoIT AT Vfll'H HOIR In II nrciiii fur lf nr in f -iiii too! l"nmlTII(ir'NAMIH. IVr I Jmnn ran pliiw out T,l7 tclinioiiliill I 1VIIITK. 3. II. (iOOHWIS, Hilll'i-l !. iiiiHiiii. Unotn I'll. liH IlrmKlwiiy, ST GOING EA TUAVKL IS CENUINE PLEASURE ON Baltimore & Ohio R. ROYAL BLUE TRAINS " -BETWEEN .': Chicago and New York via WASHINGTON,,!). C. ? Finest and Fustest series of trains in the worlcL Palatial Coach 03, Pullman1 Bullet Parlor and Drawiug Koom Cars., The Finest Dining Car Service in the Wor 'Is operated by tho Baltimore & Ohto Railroad. B. M, AUSTIN, General Pass. Agt- - Chicago, HI.