The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 12, 1904, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Storm Tones Down, But Bar Is
So Rough That Vessels Can
Not Put to Sea. '
Only Meager Adrlees Have
Been Received Prom Cali
forniaOther Marine
The heavy blow which prevailed
Thursday night quieted down some
what yesterday, but the bar was very
rough and there were no movements
In or out of the harbor. The Alliance,
laden with grain and earning a lS
number of passengers, could not get
out yesterday, and will await modera
tion of the weather.
Shipping men who were down to the
mouth of the river yesterday state
that the bar was unusually rough, a
heavy swell having been on during the
entire day. Several vessels are in port
and ready for sea, but none dared at
tempt the trip yesterday. During the
day nothing was reported tn the off
Only meager advices have been re
ceived of the extent of the damage
which was wrought further down the
coast From what little has been
learned, however, It Is evident ship
ping has suffered to a very consider
able extent Local shipping men are
anxious to learn how the tug Daunt
less and her disabled tow, the steamer
Grace Dollar, managed the heavy blow.
There Is no concern for the steamer,
which li a staunch vessel, but It Is
expected the tug will have more or
leas difficulty In the storm.
met and agreed to refuse to comply
with the demands of the engineers,
and at last advices there was no Im
mediate nrosDect of settlement The
Indications are that the trouble will
continue for some time, and that there
will be a scarcity of small tonnage.
A, p, A. Will land Sixty-one Vessels
North This Ytr.
The Alaska Packers' Association an
nounces that it will have SI vessels,
with a total tonnage of 48,414 in Its
1904 fleet, for use In connection with
Its canneries. They range In size from
a 30-ton tender to a ship of 2200 tons.
, Of the 61, eight, the ships Charles
H. Moody, Star of Italy, Hecla and
Eclipse, the schooners Premier and
Prosper and the barks Palmyra and
Fresno, will load on Puget sound. The
ships William H. Macy and Balclutha
will take one cargo from San Fran
cisco and another from Puget sound.
All other cargoes go from San Fran
cisco. Following is a complete list of the
vessels that will be operated by the
association this season:
' Ships-Wm. H. Macy, Alexander Gib
son, Chas. E. Moody, Star of Russia,
Tacoma, Balclutha, Slntram, Star of
France, Bohemia, Star of Italy, Eclipse,
Santa Clara, Hecla, Indiana, Llewellyn
J. Morse, Columbine. Centennial.
Barks Levi G. Burgess, Isaac Reed,
Gatherer, Carondelet Palmyra, Eu
terpe, Fresno, Himalayas, Coalings,
Electra, Nicolas Thayer, Will W. Case.
Barkentlne Skagit
Schooners Premier, Prosper.
Steamers Kvlchak, Nushagak, Pres
ident, Unlmak, Chllkat, Island Belle,
Jennie, Kayak, Alltak, Kadlak, Thistle,
Hattie Gage, Gertie Storey, Afognak,
Elsie, Ella Rohlffs, Pacific Royal, Polar
Bear, Novelty, Naknek, Katahdin,
Arctlce, Wigwam, Alert, eRporter, Lil
lian, Ryba, Qulnnat
May Load at Portland.
It Is now very probable that a ship
ment of government oats will be made
from Portland to the Philippines on
the British steamship Inverness, which
Is due to arrive from Vancouver, U.
C, shortly after the middle of the
Captain Jesse M. Baker, distributing
quartermaster at Portland, has receiv
ed a telegram from Washington ask
ing if oats can be carried safely with
lumber and if so how large a ship
ment the Inverness can take out. This
matter Is now being Investigated, and
an answer will soon he given, u is
said there is no question as to the
practicability of shipping oats and
lumber on the same vessel and alt that
has to be really inquired Into Is to de
termine the quantity of oats that can
be handled. Mr. Taylor, of the firm
of Taylor, Young & Co., local agent!
for the steamer, says It is his opinion !
that the vessel will carry, In addition
to the lumber shipment, about 2500
tons of oats, the full amount that the
original contract called for.
' B U S IN E S S L D C A L S I
LET YOUR WANTS BE KNOWN. Somebody has what you want, or want! what you have to
sell. Here Is where want and wanted romc together. ADVERTISE.
housekeeping, centrally located. .Ad
dress C. E. F ear The Astorian.
furnished house or three or four
room flat, suitable for housekeeping.
Family of three. Address A. care
For furnished rooms at reasonable
rates call at No. 211 Bond street
First-class meal for 15ct nice cake.
coffee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c U. S.
restaurant, 434 Bond street
One Effect of Fight Between Engineers
and Steamer Managers.
The difficulty between the Steam
Schooner Managers' Association and
the Marine Engineers' Association will
have the effect of curtailing the grain
shipments from the Columbia river to
San Francisco. For months past sev
. eral small steamers have been regu
larly engaged In carrying to San Fran
cisco grain which should be sent away
from the Columbia In foreign bottoms,
but among the vessels tied up at Oak
land creek since the trouble between
the managers ana engineers are a
number which have been on the Co
lumbia river run out of the Bay City.
The Alliance, now ready for sea, takes
750 tons of wheat below, and the Au
relia, now loading, will take an add!
tlonal 500 tons.
Anions: the other vessels billed to
come north for grain were the Aber
deen, Prentiss, Redondo and Francis
Leggett, all of which have been laid
up because of the misunderstanding
at San Francisco. The managers have
Marine Notes.
It Is expected the bar dredge Chi
nook will leave up the river today for
Portland, although no definite an
nouncement has yet been 'made as to
the time of her departure.
Lumber shipments have been very
slow thus far during the month, and
only about 3,500,000 feet has been
cleared. It is now certain March will
fall far below February In this re
At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
when the last report was received from
the mouth of the river, the wind was
blowing JO miles an hour. The bar
was reported at that hour to - have
been extremely rough.
The launch Panther left up the river
yesterday for Eagle Cliff, to be used
as a cannery tender. The trial trip
of. the Panther showed that she wasi
fully up to expectations, and her own
ers are well satisfied with her.
It was authoritatively stated yester
day that no damage of consequence
resulted to the jetty during the last
hard blow, but that a few piles were
carried away where the gap was re
cer.tly torn in the breakwater.
If you want your money's worth ring
'phone 1311.
The Morning Astorian will be found
for sale at Griffin's book store and at
Scully's cigar store, corner Eleventh
and Commercial streets.
New stock of fancy goods just arrived
at Yokohama Bazaar. Call and see
the latest novelties from Japan.
For good, reliable piano work see your
local tuner, Th. Fredricktom 2071
Bend street 'Phone Red 2074.
Union made heating stoves, home man
ufactured and very stove perfect, at
Montgomery's tin and plumbing
store, 425 Bond street 'Phone 1031.
It saves ithe baby. A perfectly harm
less preparation for teething child
ren. 25 and SO cents a bottle. Sold
Five chairs at the Oocident barber shop
You do not have to wait Only first
olasa workmen. Baths.
Ycur attention la called to the purity
and excellence of Olymplo Pancake
Flour, the Olympio Caka and Pastry
Flour, and the Olymplo Wheat
Hearts, a muih.
421 Bond Street
You ean always find the best 15-eent
meal In the city at the Rising Sun
restaurant, No. 612 Commercial atreet
United States Health and Accident In
surance Company, Saginaw, Mich.
For one dollar per month Insure
against accident or sickness. P. A
Trullinger, Agent
Welcome as Sunshine
after a long storm la a feellnf of relief
when an obstinate, pitiless cold haa
been driven awey by Alen'e Lung
rialsam. Only people who have been
cured of throat-acnt and or lung b
this remedy can quit realise what th
feeling la. There la no opium la the
Balsam; Ita good effect ta ra Ileal and
lasting. Take a bottle honn today.
Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any
kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly,
the transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Black,
Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera
house. ,
Standard portable and . adjustable
shower bath, finest made, price f 15.
Only two sorews to put in place. John
A. Montgomery, tinner and plumber,
425 Bond street Phone 1031.
Office Constructing Quartermaster,
Astoria, Ore.. Feb. 17. 104: Sealed
proposals, In triplicate, will ba received!
at this office until 10 o'clock a. m.
Mar. 18. 1904. and then opened, for the
construction, heating and clectrlo wir
ing of a frame post exchange build
ing at Fort Stevens, Ore. United
States reserves the right to reject any
or all propoeala Plana can be aeon
and apeclficatlona obtained at thla
office and at the offl.'e of Disbursing
Quartermaster at Portland. Ore., and
Seattle, Wash. Envelope should be
marked "Proposals for construction"
and addressed to Captain Ooodale,
Quartermaster, Astoria, Ore.
The Lea aleotrla Insoles, which are
aold by the Owl drug atora exulusly.
ly and under guarantee for cure, are
not previously charted with electricity,
but accomplish their wonderful cure
by th natural current generated by
th acid fluids of th body, acting' on
U positive and negative poise of th
battery formed by th alne plat n
on heel and th copper putt In th
other. 8e them In th' window, Asia
for a desorlptiv booklet tailing of th
marveloua eurea of rheumatism.
barber trade) only requires eight
weeks; constant practice) expert In
struction. Positions secured. Cata
logue mailed free. Moler System
College, 8an Franoiseo, Calif.
Windsor, Vt, March 11. Ex-Selectman
and Member of the Legislature
Clarence Adams, of Chester, Vt, who
was serving a ten years' sentence In
the state prison here for many burg
laries, is dead. An attack of the grippe
carried him off. .
Adams robbed his neighbors right and
left his criminal acts covering a period
of 15 years, and the plunder obtained.
great quantities of which were found
in Adams' farm house, Included all
sorts of material from a paper of pins
to the shingles which he had put on
the roof of his barn. He was finally
caught, after being wounded by a
spring gun set by Charles H. Water
man, from whose mill Adams was
stealing shingles.
Smallest City in America.
(Pittsburg Post.)
"Most cities nowadays are regarded
as being small If they do not contain
more than 10,080 inhabitants. observed
a man from Missouri, "but I came from
a city that cannot boast of having a
population of more than 160 souls.
"The name of this unique little city Is
Fenton, and it Is situated on the pictur
esque Meramee river, Just fifteen miles
to the south and west of St. Louis.
"Fenton Is not a lively or busy town,
but In the absence of real metropolitan
activty the residents are proud of the
fact hat they live In the smallest Incor
porated city In the United States, If not
In the world. The municipal govern
ment consists of a mayor and a full
quota of civic officials, none of whom
are paid salaries. Instead of fixed In
comes they receive, certain fees for the
performance of their specific duties.
The board of control Is in charge of one
man who keeps the books of the cor
poration, and the public funds raised
by taxation are expended by the mayor
in person, by and with the consent of
the board.
"The city marshal constitutes the en
tire police force of the city. No ar
rests are made In Fenton, and tt has
been so long since the squire held court
that when the last magistrate died, last
summer, It was not cosldered neces
sary to elect his successor. There are
no politics In Fenton at least not In
so far as municipal elections go. And
for that matter there have been no
elections for more than a decade."
A . . W. ,. k I
Aiwaya Kememoer to run jan
fixative promo QmsaoC (Vfjc
a. tAA 3i.etfeaft1fvi sfS4TiPi 51 SMtm
on every
YfTTXri! boa. 25c
Is back again at his place at 105 Four
teenth stret and is in the msrket for
hides, wool, furs, rubber, and old
mtals, and solicits the trsde of his
old customers as well as new ones.
A. Kiljunen, the importing tailor, has
moved his establishment to 469 Bond
street, in the Occident hotel building,
where he will continue to serve his
many patrons.
Monarch over
sprains, stings.
pain. Burns, cuts
Instant relief. Dr
Electrlo Oil. At any drug
rooms for housekeeping, centrally lo
cated. .Address C. E. F, Th Astorian.
to help in kitchen. Good wages to
the right person. Call on or address
J. R. Ritter, Hammond Eating House,
Hsmmond, Ore.
Upper Astoria hkm a place where you
can get a fine glass of beer, as good '
wines and liquor as you can find
any place in the city.
Opposite North Pacific Brewery.
Laughing Water, Bedella. Putty Lit
tle Dinah Jones, Just Kiss Tourself
i Goodbye, Ob, Didn't He Ramble, and
Notice la hereby given that th series
of bonds numbered from 1 to IS, for
11000.00 earh. lisued March 1st 194.
by School District No. 1 of the County
of Clatsop and Stuto of Oregon, will
be paid within 10 days from th date
of thla notice, upon presentation at th
offic of Charles Hellborn, County
Treasurer of th County of Clatsop,
State of Oregon, and all persona hold
ing said bonds or any portions thereof,
are hereby notified to present them
By order of the Board of Directors
of School District No, 1. Clatsop Coun
ty, Oregon. Dated February 25, 1904.
County Treasurer.
Business Propositi en.
If you are going east a earful select
Ion of your route la essential to the ea
loyment of your trip. If It la a bus),
nesa trip time le the main consider
alon: If a pleasure trip, acenery and
th conveniences and comforts of a
modern railroad.
Why not combine all by using the
Illinois Central, th up-to-date road,
running two trains dally from St. Paul
and Minneapolis, and trom Omaha, to-
Chlt ago. Free reclining chair cars, the
famous, buffet llbr.iry smoking cars, all
train vretlbjl'td. In abort thoroughly
modern throughout. All tickets rad
In via the Illinois Central will be hon-
oi M on those trains and no extra far
cl'ar'td. v
Our rates ar th same ss those of
inferior roads why not tt your
nmney'a worth T
Writ for full particulars.
li. II. TRUMOULL, Commercial Aft
Portland, Or.
J. C. LIND8ET, T. F. A P. A.,
Portland, Or.
P.U'L B. THOMPSON. F. . P. A.,
Seattle, Wash
Bids for fir bark stub wood of best
quality, In quantities, and to be de
livered as hereinafter stated, will be
received by H Z. Ferguson, Clerk. 179
11th street, until noon, April 1ft, 1904:
100 or more cords delivered McClur
school; 50 or more cords delivered
Shlvely school; SO or more cords de
livered Adair school; 25 or more cords
delivered AMerbrook school; 20 or more
cords delivered Olney m-hwil; 10 or
more cords delivered Taylor school;
delivery of all wood to be completed
by AuifiiAt 1, 1904. Bight reserved to
reject any and nil bids
100 other popular songs, with music, j lJy or(kr of (he nonr1
postpaid for 10c. Address, Albert i E. Z. FF.ItGUSON,
Brooks. 2146 Fifth avenue. N. T.
Clerk School DlMtrlct No. 1.
Th World Fair Rout.
ThoM anticipating an eastern trip,
Or a visit to th Louisiana Purrha
xpottliton at St Lou in. cannot effort
lo overlook th advantages offered by
the Mlssurl Pacific Hallway, which, on
account of It various routes and gate
ways, has been appropriately named
'The Worid'e Fair Boot."
Passengers from th northwest tak
tlie MlMnourl Psrlfic train from Den
ver or Pueblo, with th cholc of either
soltif direct through Kansas City, or
via Wichita, Fort B.6tt and Pleasant
Two trains dally from Ienver and
Pueblo to St Louis without change,
carrying all classes of modern equip
ment Including elrctrla lighted obsr
vatlon parlor cafe dining cars. Ten.
dally trains between Kansas City and
St. Ix)uls.
Writ or call on W. C, McBrlde, $en
eral agent, 124 Third atreet, Portland,
for detailed Information ami Mummi
ed literature.
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fialierujeu, ,
Farmers and Loggers.
Tenth and Commercial Streets ASTORIA, OREGON
Weinharcf s Lasuc
JOHN FOX, Pres. and Supt
P. L. BISHOP, Secretary
A. t. VOX, Vice President
Designers and Manufacturers of
Foot of Fourth Street, .... ASTORIA, OREGON.
Pale Bohemian Beer ;
Best In The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.
We Gan Please You
and Save You Money
Olvi. us your order for any kind of
j.nntln; plain or artistic, business
or iHfsonal. We guarantee aatlsf ac
Best workmanship.
Most reasonable prices.
Two linotype machines enable us to
print briefs and other book work on
short notice, . "
Newspaper composition a specialty.
Writ for Terms.
Astorian Publishing Go.
Associated Press Dispatches in
Ihe Ftlorning Astorian. ...