The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 11, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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New Style Restaurant
Everything first Class. " The Best the Market Affords.
' Open Day and Night Good Service. -
120 lllh S- nutl door to Griffin Bro.
and adjoining tha Office Saloon
7 Wholesale nd Retail
81ili8, lagging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice.
KtmiiiiTiiiiiriirTTnirnrTrTTrrTrrri i imin fm
ASTORIA, OREGON jWilh"(and Sham ; A(tek i 0n
Portsmouth by Fleet of
- The Flnefct Motel In the Northwest
Trials of Motherhood
nm Brood AtrMt.
I aafrr1 for Bin fwn with ovarian tfonblna making Hf. tt,H.n to
aaytwlr m !! M to nir family, baring that tin I had two aiUtrri.
man ww tnugwi ra onua WDlcMour bow Him mcomu luipoui
ble. 1 bad cofutaut nuking Urlii-drwo JHilna In tin jwllo organa and s
puum. ii"Ku nj nan who imiUM diukiim, 1 mil 1111
toiutta'd ana ramilca rrequauuy mi) no r
win. ui uunui.
iMdlcta b.lpad low uuttl 1 tru
at niir
Thn mr Ktrl With Itunmrxl. Hi. nsltn wnAuMt Immii.4 and
I am now Hi hmvt'J toolbar ol boy lyblcca
mr onumtna join. n in Mudlui B.amtll muk to
fr four pli)(!ld n-diiiiii.
wtinoai, i wouki
ehllcll, (mUHul
niuuilii old and mr bitahand jofna t IbmuiIIui b.rtfolt
ll lurfltliin. . .
Wine ol Cardui U the mot luoeeanful menstrual regulator, 6
regulating ineroitruation, Wine of Canlul tanih inflammation
frum the entire female orgsniara and the strengthened ligaments
bring the orf an lak to their proper place. This it what Wine of
(Wui did for Mm. Ninllinger. It banished the racking pains and
burning inflammation and brought her relief. 6he wan rratwed to
health and strength and gites Wine of Caxdui tlie cmlit of making
hur able to become happy mother. This medicine equips a woman
ft evnry duty of wifehood and motherhood. There are many suf
fering wouira who think that health can never 1 their because tUey
cannot secure the anrice of a great pecialit, but we want to say
right here that while Mm. Ninllinprr live in I'hilidolphia, a great
medical center, ah depended on Wine of Cardui fur a cure and ibe
waa cured, lots aauic medicine is within your reach.
All druggists mII $1.00 bottles Wine of Cardul.
: mm
. .... . - -
have to
lilrc a Cab
The La Salle Street Station
in Chicago, which is used by
the trains of the Rock Island
System, is located in
the very heart of the
city, less than a
block from the Board
of Trade; less than
two blocks' from the Post
Office; within easy walk
ing distance of the principal
hotels, theatres and stores.
You don't hw to hire cab to iteh thtnu
Th "union loop" ll right In front of the itition.
Py t cenu, get ibord the dented, and you art
whkked to any tart of town you with to reach.
Let ni five you otner
rtaioni why you ahould Me
the Kock Itlind System.
There are Iota of them.
I. . OORHAM, Canertl AoMt,
1 40 Third St, Pertlanal, Ore.
finest Product of Australian
mines for domestic use.
The best house coal ever
brought to Astoria
Will be sold at same old
price while it lasts.
Free Delivery in the City.
Claim Thut Movement Could
Not II Maintained If Put ,
to the Tent of a Heal
New York, March 10. A remarkable
test of submarine boete ha been made
at Portemouth. according to a Herald
dlnpatch from London. In the courae
of the maneuver now In nroereea there
It wne d-cldftd (o atta k the defenie of
the hnrtKtr and learn what could be
done by the eubmnrlnea In rnlllrnr
the amtault.
The nHHulIant woe the home fleet un
der Admiral WIlHon, conHlntlng: of four
battleMhlna with five crulecra, which
received orders to force an entrance
Into Pnrtmouth harbor. The subma
rine flotilla wan aware that the attack
would be made at night, and when the
battleships were within range of the
fort, the latt'T opened a terrific fire.
Under cover of this cannonade four tor
pedo dewtroyers put to sea and steamed
toward the awiaHants. AlongBlde each
destroyer and close under her port
brain waa a submarine, screened from
the battleships.
The destroyers approached within
striking distance of the battleships
amid a fearful roar of blank ammuni
tion from the forts and ships. When
the appointed distance had been reach
ed the four destroyers fell back, putting
on all steam.
At the same Instant the submarines
sank and In a few minutes later arose,
one alongside each battleship and
claimed the bitter as their victims.
The crews of the submarines dis
played great skill an! endurance In
their work, but their claims to victory
are disputed by the officers of the bat
tleships, who say such movements
would have been Impossible in a real
engagement. '
now to tell on him. He fell asleep
whIU I waa In the courtroom, and fn
a il'tle while he was snoring. Th
snorer, of course, disturbed the pro
ceedlngs of, the court, but the judge
showed great tact In Interrupting with
out embarrassing the rler. 'Crier
Jones he said In a loud voice; 'Crier
Jones, some one Is snoring!' The crier
awakened with a start and Jumped to
his feet. "Silence!" he exclaimed.
There must be no snoring. In the court
room' and he glared fiercely all about
him." .-.'"-''
' Prisoner Commits Suicide.
New York, March 10 A Japanese
shipping agent, who was arrested Mon
day on suspicion of supplying Rus
sians with Informaton haa committed
suicide In the military prison, says a
Tientsin dispatch to the American. It
Is said several other Japanese are un
der suspicion.
Dbiturbanres of - strikers ara not
nearly aa grave as an Individual disor
der of the system. Overwork, los of
sleep, nervous tension will be followed
by utter collapse, unless a reliable rem
edy Is Immediately employed. There's
nothing so efficient to cure disorders
of the Liver and Kidneys as Electric
ni'ters. It's a wonderful tonic, nnd
effective nervine and the greatest all
around medicine for run down systems.
It dispels Nervousness, Rheumatism
nil Neuralgia and , expels Malaria
germs. Only 50r, nnd satisfaction guar-
nntoed by Chas. Rogers, druggist
if Bill Was There.
Are irakl ng such a fuss- , .
The cables would be slzzln' hot
-teliln of the lights they fought.
For pill- he's got the wljole thing plan-
. ne .'
How each one ought to make a stand,
And Just how either could begin
And, with no tricks at all, could win.
There would be no trouble In the air
if BUI was there
If . WH was there
He'd take his submarines
And rapid Are machines
And tow 'em slowly, after dark,
Right up to where he's put a mark
Near tmit there town Its name b'gee,
l.uns out some fifteen miles to sea
And then, you bet, there'd something
He'd fight 'em, and on top.
And some one, sure, srould get a
scare '
If BUI was there
If Bill waa there '
He's stuck a dozen pins
To mark .the outs and Ins
Of how he'd march a million men
Across the land and back again.
And put the foemen In the ditch.
Whose menT What side? He don't
Care which!
He says sometimes he fairly aches
To see how both sides makes mistakes.
There would be flghtln' everywhere
If Bill was there
If Bill was there
But he's at Miller's store
Him and a doten more
Of our town's keenest strategists.
With stubby pencils In their fists,
ConeoctlrT battles and campaigns
That take In all the seas and plains.
If either one the Russ or Jap
Is lookn for a likely chap
To run the war with tact and skill
They'll send for Bill.
Chicago Tribune.
l l m si. ii i l i
Theatrical Bids Farewell to Friends Be
fore Submitting to Implacable
Knife of Surgeon.
New York, , March 10 Thomas J.
Magulre. treasurer of a theater here
and widely known In the profession of
the stage, has said farewell to bis
friends In preparation for a surgical
operation which will deprive him of
ever speaking again If, indeed, he sur
vives with his life.
Magulre came here in 1881 from San
Francisco, where he had been treas
urer of two leading theaters. For years
he had smoked 25 or more cigars dally
and this, It Is supposed, started a can
cerous growth at - the root of his
tongue. Thinking little of the irritation
Magulre neglected consulting a doctor
until recently and then it was found,
that the removal of his tongue would
be the only means of saving his life.
Magulre, after long deliberation, de
cided to undergo the operation,- but e
greatly has It preyed upon his mind
that his hair Is said to have turned
snowy white In the past six weeks.
Ne York, March 1(1. Bankers who
have assumed the financial guardian
ship of the Harrlman railroad system
have, according to the Herald, taken
up for serious consideration the prob
lem of unifying the funded debt of the
Southern Pacific system. It has been
generally known for a long time that
some comprehensive plan must be pre
pared In order to refund bonds which
mature In 1905.
The matter has been discussed In
formally by directors of the company
and various plans have been suggested.
The work of constructing a funded
mortgage estimated at $200,000,000 or
$300,000,000 has now been taken up in
detail for the first time, but It Is not
expected that the plan will be com
pleted for several months.
So intricate are the finances of the
Southern Pacific, owng to diversity of
its holdings that It has been doubted
whether any plan for uniforming the
the debts of the various companies In
the system could be devised, without
the creation of an entirely new corpor-
ation. ' t
Those who have undertaken the so
lution of the problem believe it can not
be reached however, without altering
the character of the Southern Pacific's
holding of any of its properties or or
iginating uny new device for welding
together the debts of the constituent
companies. '. ' . '
, The frame upon which the great plan,
will hang will be a general refunding
mortgage. . The amount will depend
upon how much of the debt of the sys
tem which aggregates 1368,513,419 cap.
be included In any refunding mortgage,
however broad In Us scope.
JDebts of some properties which
should be included in the refunding
scheme are held by ownership stock.
Others are held by lease. Some of the
operating companies are owned by
other operating companies and some
are held directly by Southern Pacific
Company, which is a Kentucky , cor
poration. It is difficult. In some in
stances, to carry out the plan of har
monizing and unifying the system
without coming into conflict with state
laWS. . :'f . ;.
It Is on account of the differences
presented by this complicated situation
that the work haa been started well In
advance of the time for its Inaugura
tion. V. 7V.. , .7' .
Phone 1961 9th and Commerci&iStreets.
Jockey Signs Contract.
New York. March 10. Jockey George
Odom has signed a contract to ride
this season for James R. Keene. For
several years Odom has been attached
to the stnble of Captain S. S. Brown, I
the Pittsburg ccal magnate, and It Is
understood his new contract provides
that the Keenes shall have only sec
ond call for his services, with a large
Horaea Stay in Russia.
St. Petersburg, March. 10. An im
perial uknse has been Issued prohibit
ing the exportation of horses from Rus
sia until further notice. Even for the
exportation of single horses with ped
igrees, permission from the head of
the remount department must first
be obtained.
Husband Sued Because He Couldn't
Tell Whioh From Tother.
Fon Du Lnc1, Wis., March 10. Di
vorce proceedings have commenced by
Mrs. Pauline Hellmann against her
husband, August Hetlman. A sister
of the plaintiff, Miss Emma KIlx, Is
cited as the cause of most of the do
mestic trouble. '
The complaint alleges that Hell
mann wns constantly lavishing his
affections on Miss Kllx. Mr. Hell
mann Is said not to deny. that he was
affectonlonate toward Miss Kllx, but
she being a twin sister of the woman
he married and living with them con
stantly since the wedding, he was pus
hed to tell which was which.
P. A. Danforth, of La Grange, Ga.,
suffered for six months with a fright
ful running sore on his leg; but writes
that Bucklln's Arnica Salve wholly
cured It In five days. For Ulcers,
Wounds, Piles, It's the best salve In
the world '. Cure guaranteed. Only
25c. Sold by Chas. Rogers, druggist
As Result Assistant Minister and Dea
cons Tender Resignations.
New York, March 10. Rather than
countenance in church membership a
man engaged in the liquor business,
the Rev. Edwin M. Martin, assistant
pastor of the Iewis Avenue Congrega
tional church, Brooklyn, has handed In
his resignation. lie came to the Brook
lyn church from Richland Center, Wis.,
a year ago. Two deacons may also re
sign. The cause of the trouble Is a wealthy
wine merchant With his family he
has attended the church many years
nnd recently decided to formally be
come an enrolled member. When his
name was presented there was warm
opposition on the part, of Rev. Martin,
backed by several deaconeses and two
deacons, but the merchant was ad
mitted and the assistant . minister's
resignation followed.'
"I ain't tried dejn on me, but I'm sho"
them pants'tl fit me good.
"I owe my whole life to Burdock
Blood Bitters. Scrofulous sores covered
my body. I seejjied beyond cure. B. B.
B. has made me a perfectly n ell wo
man." Mrs. Chas. Hutton, Berville,
No Snoring.
Postmaster General Payne tells a
good story of an Incident in a Milwau
kee courtroom, In which, through the
kindness and tact of the Judge, the
court crier was saved a fine. "I one
day attended," said Mr. Payne, '.'a ses
lon of the court at which this Judge
presided. The court crier was a very
old man; he had served with fidelity
for many years, but age was beginning
Aussie's Popular Song.
In my trans-Balkoltan home upon the
k Zmlehogmlptqvsworskl,
With my brother Dlmetrlllskiorbrne-
ovitch I used to play; ;
And our cousin Petroplanztrsvm from
Djargamoguvmzszoski ,
Oft would come to visit us and spend
the day. . -
Ah,' those happy, sunny hours of our
How I weep to think that they will
come no more;
For In ruins lies the home within the
wlldwood, ,
Far away upon the Zmiehogsmlpt
. qvaworskl shore. L
Oh, the moon is shining bright upon the
Where the catflflsh .browses on the
new mown hay;
Through the saxzyamores the, candle
lights are gleaming,
On the banks of the Zmlehoksmlpt
qvzworskl far away.
Council Bluffs Nonparlel.
Eight hour laws are Ignored by those
tireless little workers Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Millions are always at work,
night nnd day, curing Indigestion, Bili
ousness, constipation, Sick Headache
and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel
troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure.
Only 25c at Chas. Rogers' drug store.
Commanders Decorated.
St Petersburg, March 10. The com
manders of the' Russian warships
Variag and Korleti have had conferred
upon them the decoration of the mili
tary order of St. George of the fourth
class on account of their heroic con
duct in the engagement with the Jap-1
onooa at fhomtilnn Thf nther officers I
and crew of the vessels have been glv
en minor decorations, Including crosses
of the order of St Geor?e.
Port Arthur,-. March 10. A message
from the signal station at 11 o'clock
last night announced the appearance of
a Japanese squadron on tie horison.
Fifty minutes later the shore batteries
opened fire on the Japanese vessel?. A
gale sprang up and the attacking fleet
soon withdrew.
Chamberlain Reported III.
New York, March 10. Considerable
anxiety regarding Joseph Chamber
lain's condition Is being manifested on
account of the circulation of reports
among members of the house of "com
mons, says a Times aispaicn irom
London. The former colonial secre
tary is touring Egypt and the 'rumors
find little credence among his friends.
Persons opposed to his fiscal policy are
regarded, by them as chiefly responsi
ble for their circulation of the story.
John Sharp Williams, the Mississippi
wit tells of a southern friend whose
colored valet fell In love with a pair of
loud checked trousers which his master
owned. By way of hastening the day
when they should be turned over to
him he threw some srrease on them.
Then ha reported that he was unable to
remove the spots. "Have you tried
everything, Sam?" said his master.
"Yes sah."
"Have you tried ammonia?" :
"No, san," replied Sam, Insinuatingly,
From an Awful Skin Humoup.
Scratched Till Blood Ran.
Wasted to Skeleton.
One Application Soothed Him to
Sieep. Cure Speedy
and Permanent.
When my little boy was gbont thre
months old his bead broke out with a
rash, which was very itchy and ran con
siderable watery fluid. We tried every
thing we could, but be got worse all the
time till It spread to his arms, legs, and
then to his entire body, and he got so 1
bad that he came near dying. The rash .
would itch so that he would scratch till
the blood ran, and a thin yellowish stuff 'V
, would be all over his pillow in the morn
ing. I had to put mittens on his hands
to keep him from tearing his skin around
his wrists. He got so weak and run
down that he took fainting spells like '
we would think him dying. Ha was al
most a skeleton aud his little hand
were thin like claws.
"He was bad about eight months
when we tried Cutlcnra Remedies. I
had not laid him down in his cradle In
the daytime for a long time. He had
got so that he Just slept in our arms all
the time. I washed him with Cutlcnra
Soap and put-on one application of
Cuticura Ointment and he was so
soothed that I put him In the cradle.
You don't know how glad I felt when he
felt better. It took one box of Cu ticura
Ointment, pretty near one cake of Cuti
cura Soap, and about half a bottle of
Cuticura Resolvent, to cure. I think
our little boy would have died only for
the Cuticura Remedies, and I shall al- ,
ways remain a firm friend of them."
Mrs. M. C. MAITLAND, JisriB,
No return in 14 years. Mrs. Maltland
writes, under date of Feb. 24, 1303, that
the cure Is permanent.
" It affords me much pleasure to In
form you that it is fourteen years since
my boy was cured of the terrible skin
disease from which he suffered.
: " lie has been permanently cored and
Is hearty and strong."
' SoM tkraefhart th nrM. Cattrara Rtmlmt, SS. .
Cm (arm ot tkncoUu Ctt4 Mil. vn ti1 at wj
Ointmont, A)., boon. 1M. Do i lx4o., t'lurtof-
kMM 8d. FtrU, KtH dfkmti emu. IS UOlu
Potter Ora . t'DMB. Cirit, B PrtjMfc
ssr ataa a vwi mq