The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 04, 1904, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Arthur C. Probert Drops Business and
Takes French Leave, Stirring Up Com
munity to High Pitch of Excitement.
Some Think He Has Committed Suicide and Apply to Court for
Appointment of Receiver Lived Under Cloud Elsewhere But
New Friends Thought H Was Now Doing Well and
Had Fully Reformed
Dayton, Ore, March t A diligently
prosecuted search reveals no trace of
Arthur C. Probert, manager and sole
owner of the State Savings bank, of
this city, whose mysterious disappear
ance yesterday furnished the topic for
lively discussion among depositors and
cititens In general. Many believe that
the banker has committed suicide, and
some aver they heard shots In a clump
of trees In the edge of town just after
dawn yesterday.
The citizens are anxious to clear up
the mystery and to Insure an Imme
diate Investigation of the affairs of the
bank have applied to the court for the
appointment of a receiver.
For some time past a rumor, appar
ently well founded, credited Probert
with having been Involved in several
transactions of such a questionable
nature as to bring upon hlra the at-
tention of the police in variouB local-1
Ities. It is alleged that he is under
a cloud In California for some offense, j
It Is said that he did not deny this!
charge, but asserted that he had clear- j
ed himself of all stigma.
suave manner and business like de
meanor secured a cltentelie, and to all
appearances his bank was In a pros
perous condition.
Friends state that after his release
from prison at Washburn, he paid
creditors 100 cents on the dollar, and
was twice elected mayor of the town.
Charged by Citizens at McMinnville
. With Being an Embezzler.
Portland. March 5. Word was re
ceived here tonight that a warrant
had been issued at McMinnville, In this
state, for the arrest of Arthur C. Pro
bert, the Dayton bank owner who so
mysteriously disappeared yesterday.
The warrant charges Probert with em
bezzlement, the complaint being sworn
to by residents of McMinnville. Tele
graphic descriptions of the man have
been sent to many sections' of the
country. It Is estimated that the bank
contained about 17000 In money and
negotiable securities.
Word was received from Dayton to-
It Is lasojnigflt tnat the vault of the bank would
asserted that he came within the pale
of the law In Wisconsin, as the result
of the failure of -his bank at Wash
burn, in that state. He was convicted
of wrong-doing and sentenced to serve
six months In Jail
Probert arrived here from Chicago
via Portland two months ago, well
supplied with letters of recommenda
tion and other credential He Imme
diately opened his bank and by his.
be opened tomorrow.
Executive Officials of Contending
Roads Meet to Adjust Rate War.
New York, March 3. A step toward
the settlement of the grain rate war
which has robbed the Chicago-Atlantic
port railway lines of practically oil
Fine Quartered Oak, fewell Front
Dresser. Elegant in design, hand
somely polished, French bevelled
plate mirror.
Magnificent Birds-eye Maple Dres
ser, swell front, large French
bevelled plate mirror, a beauty.
A Pair of Choice Bargains
Our Store is Full of Them.
H. H. ZAPF, The House Furnisher.
of Ladies' Purses
of all kinds, also some Beautiful Oil Paintings
Svenson's BooK Store
557 Commercial Street, - - - - Astoria, Oregon
The Best Restaurant
' Regular Meals. 25 Cents ' J
Sunday Dinners a Specialty g
E erytblng tfee Market Affords a
x a
Palace Catering Company S
not on the race program, but In the I
candy box. Miss "Bright Eyes" wlllj
will find what she Is looking- for if I
her auest. or that of her masculine 1
friend, ends here. We are not timid
about saying that we make and sell, as
eood confectionery as can be had in
506-508 Commercial St.,
Next Griffin's Bjok Store.
Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works
Manufacturers of
Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings.
- General Foundrymen and Patternmakers.
Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest
grain trufllo from the central west has
been taken at a meeting here. ( Ex
cutlve officials of the roads In the
I'cntiol Traffic Association met the
executive officials of the Trunk lines
and npp lnted i commute to draw up
a plan for the purpoa of establishing
ht mony between the eastern mldroatla
and the lines with gulf port terminal
Oscar a Murry, president of the
Baltimore A Ohio, will be chairman of
the committee and representatives of
the Lake Shore, the Pennsylvania, the
Big Four and the Clover Leaf will
serve with him.
This committee- waa vested with
power to make an agreement with
the southwestern lines on any reason
able basis which would guarantee a
maintenance of a fixed schedule be
tween the eastern lines and gulf jort
roads. ,
The questlou which It is thought to
adjust Involves all classes of traffic
for export but leaves In status quo the
Import rate rivalry between the Qulf
porta and the northern Atlantic ports
which has caused the eastern lines
much uneasiness.
The fight to build up the export ton
nage of the gulf port lines at the ex
pense of jthe eastern lines has centered
about the grain rates, although cuts
were made in other classes of freight.
Pficns 2451-
Corner Eighteenth and Franklin.
Insane Woman's Capers.
Butte, Mont, March 1 Advices
from Lethbrtdge. N. W. T., state that
on Monday evening an Insane woman
made a bold attempt to hold up the
local postofflce. The postmaster and
assistants were busily engiiged when,
without rapping, a well dressed young
woman entered the private working
apartments of the postoffice.
Inquiring if It waa the postoffice, she
was gently Informed It was, but was
told of the proper place for transact
ing business. After further conversa
tion the officials wert covnlnced of hei
insanity, but considering her harmless,
they permitted her to remain within
the sanctum Quick as a flash the
stranger selxed a bundle of registered
and ordinary letters and made a dash
for the lobby. Two of the assistants
had her by the clothing, culling mean
while for the postmaster, who overtook
her at the front door and made her
disgorge her plunder, but not until af
ter a severe tussle ensued, in which
some of the letters were badly dam
aged. A warrant for her arrest was is
sued Immediately and she was con
veyed to the mounted police- guardroom.
Exercises to Be Held at the High
School This Afternoon.
A Scottish day program will be ren
dered by the pupils of the high school
this afternoon. The exercises will be
emmenced at 1:40 and an Invitation
has been extended to the public to at
tend. The program la as follows:
Song "Auld Lang Syne"
Recitation.. "The Thistle of Scotland"
Ora ScovelL
Easay "Sir Walter Scott"
Henry Bayard.
Recitation "Norval"
Amy Rannells.
Essay "Thomas Carlyle"
Edith Butts.
Instrumental solo. ,.,rauline Klrchhoff
Recitation. ."Meeting Between James
Fit James and Roderick Dhu"
Rose Mattson.
Essay "Robert Burns
Lottie Hess.
Recitation "The Hankie School"
. Grace Morton.
E8say "Lorna Doone Reviewed"
Baldwin Davles.
Song "Annie Laurie"
Oration "A Scotch Hero
George Poysky.
Recitation. ."The Men of Drumtochty"
James Hegart
Original story. ."How Jamie Was
, t
? - Anna Bergman.
Oration "Mary, Queen of 8cots"
Emma Shedd.
gong , ."Comln" Thro' the Rye"
Hat No Use For Husbands Who Gam
ble Awsy Their Earnings.
"Any man who loses the money
which he needs for the support of his
wife and children In a gambling house
ought to be publicly hosewhlpped, and
I would like to have the Job." , .
This is the statement made this aft
enoon by Peter Grant, owner of the
Portland club, says the Journal. It
waa brought forth by the case of Mrs.
M. Guber, who came here from Seattle
In an attempt to collect $200 from the
gambling house which
husband tool there'.
"I saw the wWimh at the city Jail last
for' by the chlct 'of police and aftor
listening to her t found her in a more
reasonable frame of mind than she
waa I had a talk with my partner
o'er the telephone. , He told me that
her husband had lout about 136 or $10
In our houae. The woman told me
hard luck story and said that she and
her children had nothing to eat
naked her what she wanted and she
told mo that $100 would be all right.
Her husband did not lose that sum,
but as the woman waa In very poor
circumstances I told her I would give
her that sum and also a ticket to Se
attle. I gave her some silver so she
could live until aht got to her home.
She signed a receipt for the money.
The receipt la now In the hands of the
clerk of the police court. There are
so many people who come to me with
stories of having lost money that I
have to Investigate every one."
Mrs. Gluber appeared at the Port-
land club entrance night before last
about 7: SO o'clock. She led a little
girl, probably Ave years old. She de
manded of Peter Grant the return of
$200 which the said her husband had
lost there. Grant referred her to the
chief of police or the district attorney.
She Insisted on entering the gambling
house and when Grant tried to pre-
ent her from entering she attacked
him with an umbrella creating a weno
and attracting a large crowd. Her
husband keeps a second hand sto-e on
Washington street, Seattle. He came
to Portland last week, sold a 'iHl of
goods and gambled uwiy the money.
His wife Immediately on his return
home took train for Portlund and de
manded back his losses.
Steamer Fulton
Can Be Saved
Such Is the Opinion of the Port
land Agent of California and
Oregon Steamship Co.
she " said W
Lost Call For
The Wind-up!
Odd and
Men's and
Youth's Suits.
Remember all suits included in this sale are eold at
alf Price
$10.00 for a $20.00 odd suit
$9.00 for a 18.00 odd suit
8.00 for a
7.60 for a
6.75 for a
6.00 for a
6.oo for a
16.00 odd suit
16!00 odd suit
13.60 odd suit
IS. oo odd suit
lo.oo odd suit
Get the Habit Go to
ianziger ' G
F. P. Baumgartner, Portland agent
of the California & Oregon Coast
Steamship Company, Is of the opinion
that the steumer Fulton, which went
on the noacn last ween at i-on ur
ford, can be saved. If the weather re-
will be made to float her. A steamer
equipped with a complete wrecking
outtlt will be sent from Sun Francisco
for this purpose.
Captain Lee and the first offlcer are
still aboard the Fulton, fly "coonlng"
two-Inch cable line which connects
the steamer with the shore Is their
only means of going back and forth.
The following acount of the wreck is
given in the Port Orford Tribune:
"Then occurred one of the wildest
scenes ever witnessed at Port Orford.
Regardless of the raging storm about
all the men, women and children of
the town lined the shore, and the men
were all ready and anxious to render
all aslstance possible. The mountains
of seas were breaking entirely over the
vessel, and soon the Intervening water
was a floating mass of lumber. One
boat was broken; another boat Was
launched with five men on board, and
was capsized. The bout was righted,
but soon capsized again. The second
mate was killed by drifting lumber.
and disappeared from view. Three of
the men reached shore on the lumber.
The other man hung to the side of the
ship for a time, but was struck with
lumber and badly hurt, but succeeded
In drifting ashore on the timber. The
cook made a brake effort to reach shore
with a line, but failed and was hauled
back on board completely exhausted.
A line was at last made to drift ashore
by means of a life preserver and then
the shore people were able to send a
double line on board. A small lire
raft was then launched and the men
were hauled ashore through the rag
ing sea, two and three at a time,"
Fisher Bros., Company
Paint, Oil and Gim, Hardware, Iron and Steel,
(SroeerioH, Provisions and Crockery, Ship Chand
lery and Bout Supplier, ilcCormick Mowers and
Hake?, Corrugated Iron and Building Material,
Hardwood Lumber.
Of course, If you can't help it, then
that ends the matter. But we believe
ou can. It's not a matter of will,
power, ine woria ien i uu kuihsj i
pieces. The whole trouble is with your
liver, and Just one of Ayer's Pills each
night will remove all this trouble.
Well Known Lawyer Dead.
Roanoke, Va., March 8. John S.
Crockett, a well known lawyer or
Wythevllle, Va., died today at that
place. During an exciting campaign
of this state 25 years ago Mr. Crockett
fought a duel With ex-Congressman
John S. Wise. Neithr was hurt
Crockett practiced law In Seattle for
a number of years. j
Astoria Fish, Game and Poultry Market
On Twelfth Street
rS Host of Attention. Quick Delivery. ,
jj J. H. MALAR, Proprietor.
riv :
LiKe all goods weell it is THE BEST
Foard Stokes Co.
Something New
Ranges, Stoves, Iron Beds and Furniture of all kinds. Also a
'. good assortment of Second Hand Goods at Lowest Prices.