The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 04, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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May bo had from thf Dainty Viands wo Iiave to offer
Smoked Fish -S. 8. & Co.'i Bot7 pcrlk 77.717. ;.T! 7 ,'25f
Kastcrn Crabs-Soft Shell, very nice, per can 35c
Fat Macherel-Not the rusty kind, each 35c
'JockcyClub Sardincs-Thcso aro not herring; can v:::.TT.20c
Nanaen Smoked Sardines No oil, 2 cans ,...25c
Kastcrn Codflxh-George, per lb. . . , .12 l-2c
Finnan Haddioa-C. & K, cans v.....-.....j.!....r....35e
Mackca'lSouscd underwood, cans ......,.. . . , 35c
" Lot of Good Things to Eat, Delicious and Tempting.
ko$s, higgins a co
Hon of the fund will be used for social
purposes. The lodge Intends erecting
a hall which will be a- credit to the city
and the members have enthusiastically
taken up with the proposal.
Local Brevities.
UuRlrntM pointers on pax
Arthur E. Peterson baa purchased
from U. F. Allen A Bon the two-story
building adjoining the office o( The As
torlan, , , , .,.'?..,
Countr Clerk Clinton yesterday la
aued a marriage license to Mark Tay
lor, of Multnomah county, and Barah
Jtoaeburg, of Clataup county,
' A. Klljunen, the importing tailor, hae
moved bla eatabllnhment to 4fl9 Bond
street In the Occident hotel building,
where he will continue to eerre hla
many patrona.
A social and auction will be given by
the ladle of the Firat Lutheran church
Futurdny evening, March 65, In the
basement of the church of the east end.
A cordial Invitation la extended to all
no attend. -
The big log n-nt to the 8t Louis fair
aa part of the Oregon exhibit weigh
r47.S50 pound and the freight bill. In
eluding placing It In the fore try ex
fclblt. tout 31S . Thta log ta 30 feet
'long and 9 feet in diameter and ia a
part of Oregon's forestry exhibit.
The bride was a resident of Seaside and
Mr, Mackrell Uvea at Molalla, The
couple will make their home' ut the
latter place.
To accommodate the many people
who And It convenient to read the lat
est newa from the bulletin board, the
full eight pag of the Morning Aator
Ian , will hereafter be pouted -m the
Tenth atreet side of the building, that
he who rune may read. The Aetorlan
hat the exclusive Associated Tree
franchise for thla city, and la the only
paper publishing Aiaoclated Trent dla
Attorney Frank Spittle hai com
menced proceedlnga for Mre, Fllna
Nteml against Andrew Nleml'for dl
vorce. The complaint recltea that the
couple were married In Swsden In Mf y,
IAS!, and that the defendant has been
extremely cruel to the plaintiff, whom
he ha beaten and otherwise mlstrwt
ed, There are three children Otto,
aged 15r Avert, aged 18, and William,
aged 6 for custody of whom the n.oth
r aaVa, '' ' '
It la reported that many of the men
who recently accepted poattlona aboard
the bar dredgei Chinook have been let
out From what can be leorned there
waa no dissatisfaction with ihelr work,
but the department l reducing oner
btlhg expanses, Thle circumstance ia
taken to Indicate that the dredge will
be ahort-handed while aha la laid up
for repair.
Mle Rhoda Petrniun and Mr, Wl.
llam Mackrell were married yesterday
afternoon at the home of A. E. Allen
at Allendale of the west aide. The
ceremony waa performed by Rev. Wil
liam Seymour Short, of Grace church, j
The work of sinking the flret of the
tent wrlla for the water euppty at Fort
Htevens has been finished. The well
waa sunk 80 feet and ample water wui
found. Whether or not the Quality
will prove satisfactory can not be de
termlned until an examination la made
by Captain Ooodale. There are to be
several of these wells, and, aa the
mutter of water supply la an Import
ant one, the result of the testa
awaited with Intereat. ,
Astoria aerie of Fugles haa voted to
Increase the monthly duee to II. and of
each member'e contribution to the
lodge fund 25 cents will be set aside
monthly for the hall and aocfal fund
which la to be created. The new order
of things govs Into effect July 1. The
Eagles will first purchase a suitable lot
and then erect on It a handsome hall,
which wilt be an Eagles' club. A por
vShoes vShoes vShoes
Working Shoes Dress Shoes
Men's and. Boys' Shoes, Ladies' Shoes. ,
No fancy prices here Honest goods only.
Buy your shoes of a Practical Shoemaker.
Q A niMf?t7 543-545 Bond Street.
Purity and Accuracy
f are the first essentials in filling prescriptions.
Our drugs aro pure and all work is done with
utmost care, promptness and satisfaction. Our
stock of toilet articles, perfumes, brushes,
soaps, rubber goods, proprietary and standard
preparations is very choice, and our prices .
Robert Jeffrey returned yesterday
from a business trip to (Seattle. He
reports that while the Northern Pacific
train was coming down from Seattle It
ran down and Instantly killed a n an
who was walking along the track. The
entire top of the head of the man was
torn oft and the sight was a sickening
one. It waa loomed that the unfortun
ate was a half-breed and that be had
been drinking heavily. The futility
occurred on Tuesday.. , , , , , s
On Tuesday the Astoria Savings tank
celebrated Its 13th birthday. In 181
the bank was founded by Frank rat-
ton, who has ben lta cashier during
all of that time, and who baa made the
Institution one of the most prosperous
of the small banks of the state. At
a meeting of the stockholders on Tues
day the 11th semi-annual dividend of
S per cent was declared, and $10,000
was ordered transferred to the ui plus
fund. The Institution Is In a flourish
ing condition and lta stock Is eagerly
sought by Investors, who find none on
the market .
The republican, committee of the Sec
ond congressional district met at Port
land yesterday and selected Portland aa
the place and April IS aa the time for
holJIng the congressional convention..
Six of the 18 counties of the district
were repressed, J. C. McCue repre
senting Clatsop. The date for the
congressional convention la the same aa
that fixed for the. state convention
but the congressional convention will
be called to order an hour before the
state body gets down to business. There
wllj be 184 delegates at the congress
ional convention.
night would be A disgrace- fo the dty,
and crystalheed their sentiment along
tbls line by appointing ft committee to
circulate a .remonstrance designed ' to
prohibit the proposed exhibition. The
purpose of the ladles Is to present this
remonstrance to the rollce authorities,
their desire being that the department
will take the necessary steps to pre;
vent the bout materializing. One of
the leading members of the society said
last evening that the intention waa not
to attempt the enforcement of any par;
tlcular statute, but that the opposiion
to the prize fight was actuated purely on
moral grounds. "The fight would be a
disgrace to the city," sh said, "and
would tend to demoralise It youth,
and we intend to do our utmost to pre
vent the brutal exhibition. We are
very, much in earnest In this matter,
and Intend enlisting the services of ev
ery man and woman of Astoria, who
have the welfare of the community at
heart", , , , I
One of the best sign of Astoria's
awakening Is to be observed In many
parts of the city where cement aide
walks are being lal(f now In place of I northwest might have continued in pos
Frank W. Pettygrove, who has been
In the city lor a few days, believes that
the people of the northwest have been
sadly negligent of the resting place of a
man who, more , than anyone else,
helped make Oregon at, American pos
session In the early part of the nine
teenth cwtury. , Mr. , Pettygrove has
reference to Dr. John McLaughlan.
"McLaughlan," Jie saya, "was the rep
resentative here of the Hudson's Bay
Company, and while attending to the
company's Interests In the northwest
lent every assistance to the pioneers
who had crossed the plains,' He cared
for the destitute, doctored the sick and
In many ways encouraged the Ameri
can pioneers upon their arrival here.
His consideration for Americans cost
hton his position. In return for hla
kindness a coterie of grafters at Ore
gon City confiscated his property oe
rause be was a British subject! Today
he occupies a practically unmarked
grave.' t am not a wealthy man,, but
I have $100 for a fund to erect a suit
able monument ln? T".em0,7 ' tn!6
grand man, without whose aid the
the ou wooden walks, which were so
costly and of short life. Property own
era have come to the conclusion that
cement sidewalks are cheaper than
wooden walks, and it Is seldom a street
la Improved now that some cement la
not used for sidewalks. As to the prac
session of the British for yeare; and
who was he very soul of goodness to
the pioneers who blazed the way for
'-.KM -
We take pleasure in announcing the
arrival of our new line of - .
Spring Dress Fabrics
The most fascinating and modish as
sortment of dress goods ever brought
to Astoria. ,
Just to see what will be worn this
season. e will be pleased to show
you. ' 1
The place where you
find fine goods.
The snappiest $2.50 Shoes
that ever made a woman
come back fcr another pair.
Ralston SI Co,
lit more or less difference of opinion,
due to the fact that some of these
streets were improperly laid. It Is
likely the crushed rock Idea will not
hei-artr prove as popular aa was
formerly the case.
Chairman Parker, of the committee
of ten, yesterday s'ated that Several
iioammy ot crusneu rota sireeia mere replies had been received by the com
mittee from property owners directly
Interested In the sea wall proposal, and
that In every Instance the reply was
favorable to the, undertaking. The
prompt manner In which land owl ers
are making reply to the committee's
letter Is a source of much eatlsf action
Three sailors from the Schooner to the genttemen who have undertaken
Gem, which went ashore on Nehalem to ret the matter started, and confl-
beach February 16, arrived In Port- dence Is generally expressed that the
land yesterday morning and have tak-1 sea wall will bo built "The owners
en up temporary headquarters at the! of water-washed land appear to be
sailors' union hall The men are Louie alive to the Importance of this under
Christiansen, W. M. Barrett and Hen- taking," said Mr. Parker yesterday,
rick Abent They report that the ves- J and we are pleased with the ready and
sel will be a total wreck. After the I favorable responses which have been
schooner went ashore they state that received to our letter. We merely tvent
the eaptain left them without a cent, to know If property owners are favor
Astoria ;.:-;Gro eery
Comer Eleventh and Bond, laccesiorto V- M..Coffty
Cheapest puce in astoria to buy
We are closing out a fine stock of Shoes and Dry Goods at cost
K. A. and tt, F. Johnson, Proprietors.
and (hey have been roughing It ever
since. The Gem belonged to O. X
Olben, of ftari Francisco, and at the
time of the Accident waa en route to
Tillamook. No Uvea were lost In the
wreck. The sailor will remain there a
ably Inclined toward an Improvement
that will redound to their lasting bene
fit A favorable reply to our letter does
not bind a land owner in any way, ao
there should be no hesitation on thta
score. After the replies are ail m, we
few days and will probably make an will present them to the taxpayers at a
attempt to collect their Wages. I public meeting, perhaps wUh some rec
ommendation as to a future plan of ac-
Nothlng further haa deevloped re- tlon. Ours Is merely a preliminary
gardlng the order from' the treasury I work. Inaugurated for the purpose of
department to suspend the crew of the I sounding sentiment
tug Patrol and the men heretofore em
ployed on the vessel are quite as much
In the dark as they were the day on
which the order came. At the customs
house it was learned that no official
notification had been received as . to
what officers would conduct the exam-
Spring Time Is Comltig
And with it thoughts of Spring Ilousecleaning.
You will surely discover that you need a new
carpot or linoleum on your floors. We carry a
complete line and modern patterns of all kinds of
Carpets, Matting',
Linoleum; Rugs and
Special Sized Mats
Our prices are always RIGHT. -:
Sheriff Llnvllle aaya that the bad
boy epidemic gives promise of break'
ing out again, and he la anxious to
see to' It that the lads of the city are
kept within preper bounds. Not long
since a' farmer came as faris Wll-
Inatlon, although It Is known that one UamBport ,n h8 boati whC he moored
will be a special treasury agent and there and then proceeded over the hill
the other an officer of the revenue cut- to tne clty Qn hls ntvn , the af.
ler service, ine order nas caused un- ternoon he fouhd that his boat had
usual speculation, and aH sorts of ru- been Gripped' of oars, lock and rud-
mors are current The belief that the d mA tnnt u had been fllled wltft
department Intends replacing the crew h0,es b youthful miscreants. The
with revenue service men Is growing. farOP ,. pnlT,nP,iAi, a return to the
city, secure some tin and new oars and
locks. This act of vandalism was corn
mltted by lads who reside In the weBl
em portion of the city, and who make
periodical ' pilgrimages over the hills.
This is only an Instance of the many
outrages perpetrated by youthful des
peradoes. The authorities for a time
were IncUned to exercise leniency, but
soon abandoned this plan, as boys who
were released from custody on the
promise to behave themselves soon
again became involved In trouble. An
drew Nelson is a fair sample of the
boys who have declined to straighten
Captain H. J. Porter, formerly mas
ter of the British ship Indrawadl, who
was token from the Hesperian lodging
house to the Good Samaritan hospital
at Portland Wednesday evening In a
seemingly deranged condition haa com
pletely recovered his faculties. His
wife arrived on the Indravelll with
their two children and the family re
union was most affecting. The hus
band and wife had not seen each other
for nine months, "My being insane
was all a mistake," said Captain Port
er, "I fiad greatly worried and as a con-
requence was troubled with Insomnia.
My condtitlon being complicated with
Illness rendered me delirious
up. Ldttie more man a year ago mis
I arrt lad was sent to the penitentiary, and
I U 1 hah aasnlnd A rt.otf Al1rtv ia II
feeling all right now. and with my wife " - " - -
here will soon be aa well as ever." sentence for giving liquor to minors.
The officials leei tnai tney nao merely
At the meeting ol the W. C. T. TJ. wasted whatever sympathy they have
yesterday the ladles expressed the opln- anown tne erring lads, and they are
Ion that the Muller-Queenan fistic en- making g0od their promise to punish
counter scheduled for next Saturday them MVerely. -
Vy . UjQ'
to our new store at No. 530 Com
mercial Street, we will make
on odds and ends of various
brands of Cigars in box and lest
than box lots. Many of these are
high priced cigars.
Wi II Madison
Mrs. Ingleton has opened a fine line of Ladies' and Child
ren's Spring Hats and Flowers, and invites the ladies of As
toria to call and see them. Skirts, shirt waists, notions, hair
switches, pompadours, ladies' and children's furnishing goods.
0. Solomonson was over from North
Shore yesterday.
E. P. Noonon, of McGowan, was In
town yesterday.
Mrs. Ben Worsley was down from
her home at Svensen yesterday.
Sergeant Thompson waa visiting in
the city from Fort Columbia yesterday.
P. J. McOowan has returned to his
home at McGowan from a trip to South
Bend. s
J. Arthur, proprietor of the Break
ers at North beach, went to Portland
last night
Miss Mollte Larson la In the city
from Portland, the guest of her sister,
Mrs, George May.
J. L, De Bevolse, representing Ar
mour & Company, was down
Portland yesterday. '
Matt Pomeroy, agent for the Van
couver Transportation Company,' Is' at
Nahcotta on business. ' ' 'V i '
Miss Anna Olsen, who haa been 1U
for the past week, la recovering rap
Idly and expects to return to her school
work In a few days. , f '
Coverings Exempt
New York, March S. A decision has
been rendered by the board of the
United States general appraisers to
the effect that tea coverings from Japan
are not assessable tf or duty. The board
was called upon to act In the matter
by the protest of a Chicago merchant
against duty assessed on the covering
of tea package by the collector at Chi
cago, it waa held, In accordance with,
a ruling of the federal court of fb
northern Illinois district that the wrap
pings on the packages in, the case un
der discussion were- necessary for tha
protection of the tea.
See page six for business notices, an
nouncements and want locals. ,
Glenn's Captain Drowned.
Aberdeen, Wash., March !. The
schooner Glenn, from San Francisco,
reports that Captain Peterson waa
washed overboard during the storm on
February 23 and waa drowned.
Flavoring extracts are gen
erally fictitious or weak ; Schil
ling's Best are true and full
strength. ;
Your grocer's; money back.