PAGE EIQHT. TIIE MORNING ASTORIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1904." THE STORY OF "BOCCACCIO Opera -Tonight at Fisher's Will Bring Out the Full Strength or uiympia upera u. , appear in Alexander, who was the Marvljola, will appear as the leading spirits In the anti-Boccaccio movement Miss Elean or Jemklns' voice will be heard to ad vantage In the part of Ftametta, and Carl Hayden Is sure to make an Ideal prince. Miss Edna Hrumley and Mr. Leo Adde wtll both have Important parts. In fact, "Booea.'Mo, brings out ; four more people In the cast than that Olivette." 1 Production of Olivette, STORY OF OLD FLORENCE. The comic opera "Olivette was pre ' ' ' , ' ' ' senud to only a falr-sled audience at J Fishers last night However, It was a Poet itidlculPH Leading Citizens tnoroughly appreciative audience, and in Book of I'wnis aol Is Set ' Upou By Irate Mob, Beiit On Murder. ' "Boccaccio" Is & comic opera In three acts, written by that king of opera-boufe composers, Frank Von Suppe. It Is replete with harmony and comic situations, and stands at the head of lyrlo comedy drama, with' a fine story and clever lyrics. In select ing "Boccaccio" for Its closing bill, the Olympla management feels sure of leaving a good Impression In Astoria, which will insure it a warm welcome when it returns nest season. . The story of 'JBoccacclo Is, briefly, as follows: . ' Boccaccio, a poet, who lived In Flor ence during the fourteenth century, set the entire city cnuy with his charac terisations of many of the leading cit izens in a ridiculous book of poems, portraying graphically their political rottenness and pet sins to such an ex tent that finally the citizens gathered in a mob, determined to either kill or banish the author from the city. Their endeavors to do this give rise to many ridiculous mistakes, as none of them had ever seen Boccaccio, so every stranger they met was at once set upon and beaten' with clubs and stones. The part of Boccaccio will be Inter preted by Miss Lottie Kendall, which gives her a fine opportunity, both voc ally and dramatically. Mr. Carrack Major, the baritone of the company, and who did not appear In "Olivette," will be seen as Leouetto, and Miss Therese Barker, the character con tralto, who was not n the bill last night, will play the part of Perouella. SOLDIERS TO HAVE HOME Uncle Sam Provides Liberally for the Boys In Blue at Fort . Stevens. PLACE FOR RECREATION Proposed Post Fxtiiangn .Will Iteduee Visits to Neighbor lug Town, Making Home 3lore Inviting. . the players were heartily welcomed to the city. The opera Is interesttna; at all times, like oil other clmlc operas, j and the manner In which It w pre 1 ented reflects much credit upon the performers. ( Miss Kendall, who assumes the title i role, Is not only very pretty, but as I well an acompllshed actress and the i possessor of a sweet strong meio so prano voice. The Olympla company Introduces specialties by way of diver sion, and In her rendition of a won song Miss Kendall made a decided Lit, as she did also In her sob song. Her duet with Mr. Young In the second act was perhaps the best appreciated vocal effort of the evening, and three encores j factory bids are received work on the Uncle Sam Is good to his aotldler boys, and with customary liberality Is now preparing to build for those sta tioned at Fort Stevens a first class sol diers' home. Captain Goodale, con structtng quartermaster, U. S. A- has Just advertised for proposal for this new home for the men at the fort, and, while It Is officially know n as the post exchange building. It will be In reality a soldiers' club. The building will cost between $5000 and 17000, and If satis- were necessary. Mr. Young, the come dian, Is well up In his work, and last night kept the crowd convulsed with laughter. The crazy scene, in which he and Mr. Pitkin took part, brought down the house. Carl Haydn, the tenor, has a fine voice and an excellent stage ap pearance, and that the young grntle- atructure will shortly be. commenced. The building will be located Just to the northwest of the railroad depot and will be built acordlng to plans from the office of the quartermaster-general at Washington. The building Is to be of one story and a basement and will b of 51 feet 10 tnches front and 29 feet 10 man will soon sign his way Into grand j inches depth. opera Is a prediction which his per- The jost exchange building will be a formance last night fully merited. Mr. substantia addition to the post It l Major Is like wise a strong member cf to be fitted up for the especial benefit the Olivette cast . of the men of the two companies sta- The company carries a pretty, well tloned there, and will be a place of rec- trained chorus, and on the whole Is 'a first class combination, well worth any one's money. CHARLES DICK ELECTED. Akron Man Named as Successor Latt M. A. Hanna. to reatlon for them which will doubtless have the effect of curtailing their vis Its to Astoria and west side towns, and result In a greater number of re-enlistments at the Columbia post Recently congress made an appropriation of J 300,000 for the purpose of building post exchange buildings, and the new Columbus, O., Marcn 1. Charles , structure at Stevens will be paid for Dick, of Akron, was today elected to , out of this fund. Bids will be opened the United States senate to succeed , March 23. The post exchange will be the late Marcus A. Hanna. He was I conducted by the two companies, into given the solid republican vote of the j the fund of which the profits of the es- AU three comedians are in the cast of house and senate, which voted in sep- 1 tabllshment will go. These fund are "Boccaccio:" Mr. John Young, who made such a hit last night as Co quelicat; Mr. R. Q. Pitkin, who played Captain De Merrlman, and Mr. Joe. arate sessions. The democrats voted handled by what Is known as the post for John H. Clarke, of Cleveland. To- j exhange council. The post exchange morrow the house and senate meet In I officer is to be appointed by the corn- Joint session to canvass the vote. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 The Palace Cafe The Best Restaurant Regular Meals, 25 Cents Sunday Dinners a Specialty E erytnlnf the Market Affords Palace Catering Company 888888888888 8 8888 88888 8888888888888 ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK 5 Capital Paid in $100,000. " Surplus and Vndivided Profits $25,000 - Transects a general banking business. Interest paid on time deposits. J.Q.A.BOWLBY. O.L PETERSON, FRANK PATTON. J. W. GARNER, President ' Vice President Cashier. Asst. Cashier "MISS BRIGHT EYES" LOOKS FOR "GOOD THINGS" not on the race program, but In the candy box. Miss "Bright Eyes" will will find what she is looking for If her quest or that of her masculine friend, ends here.' We are not timid about saying that we make and sell as good confectionery as can be had in THE EASTERN CANDY STORE, 506-508 Commercial St, Next Griffin's Book Store. 3X2 First National Bank of Astoria ESTABLISHED 1886 Capital and Surplus $100,000 Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works manufacturers of Iron, . Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings, i General Foundrynien and Patternmakers. Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest. Phcne 2451. Corner Eighteenth and Franklin. munJlng omcer and there will be a steward under him. Such fixtures as billiard and pool tables will be paid for out of the company fund, but the gov crnmPnt makes an annual allowance of 125 per company for magazines and periodicals. It Is always the aim to se care for the exchange library local publications from all parts of the coun try, that all of the men may be kept thoroughly Informed as to the progress of events In those parts of the United States from which they come. The $25 allowance Is made for the first com pany. and an additional allowance of 115 yearly for each additional company located at a post. Under this arrange ment the Stevens exchange will be en titled to $40 annually. Captain Goodale yesterday explained to a press representative the plans of the proposed new building. The base ment will be entered from a cement platform 19 feet In length and 9 feet Inches in width. This entrance will lead Into a hallway 10 feet 10 inches wide, from which stairs wifl lead up to the first floor. On the, left of the hall In the basement Is to be located the bit Hard room, which is. to be 20 feet 10 Inches by 15 feet Inches. On the right will be the lunch room, with the lunch counter. This lunch room will .rove of particular convenience to sightseers at the post, who may leave Astoria too early for dinner and be unable to re turn to the city before the afternoon. At the rear of the lunrh room v. ill be a commodious kitchen, about lxl0, with cement floor, cooking range, sink. shelving and serving window connected with the lunch counter. At the rr-ar of the kitchen will be an area !2 feet 10 Inches by 7 feet 1 Inches for storage and other purposes.' Adjoining the kitchen will be the pantry, with cement floor, shelving and pantry closets. ,A toilet room will be provided at the rear of the hall, while the boiler room and coal bins are to be located Just back of the billiard room. Back of the boiler room will be an area about 15x8. The first story will be reached from the grounds by a cement porch 19x9 feet 6 1-2 Inches, leading to a platform 10 feet 10 Inches by 7 feet 8 inches, which gives entrance Into the hall, on the right of which' Is to be the lecture and reading room. This room, wHch will probably press the billiard hall for first place In the matter of popularity, Is to be, 28 feet In length and feet inches m width. At one end will be a portable platform, to be used for enter tainments, etc., and which may be is-, moved at the convenience of the men should they desire to convert the hall Into a dancing pavilion. Adjoining the hall at the rear la to b ths. olllos of the post exchange office, whll on ths left hand hide of ths first floor will be what is officially known as the public spact. about 1 feet square, with counter and shelving. Here will be kept for sals such dt'tk-acles us tha soldiers may de sirs and which are not provided In ths regular government bill of fart. In the rear of the building on the first story will bo a large platform for the receipt of goods, etc. Stone steps give en trant to tho building from the rear at tha back end of the lecture room. The building will rest upon concrete footings, with stone' foundations, and will be roofed with the best quality of sluts and wired for electric lighting, Sewer connections will be niado with the main system of the post, and the building will be heated with hot water apparatus. The specifications call for the best of material" and tha highest class of workmanship. "I am very much pleased with the prospect of erecting this building." said Captain Goodale, yesterday, "for It wll fill a long-felt want Such places for the men give great satisfaction In every part of the country, and I believe ths soldiers at Stevens wtll find their club house an attraction which will prove tf value to them." , ROBBERS ATTACK OLD MAN. Fraetur Coal Dealer's Skull and Set Firs to House, Chicago, March 1. Three robbers have followed Patrick Burke, a coal dealer, from a restaurant to his i-fflce, attacked him and after a terrible struggle, In which a stov was oer. turned, wetting flru to tht place, left him bound and gagged and uncon scious with a fractured skutl. They escaped with $100. Burke, who Is 0 years old. was almost suffocated by the smoke from the overturned stove be fore he recovered consciousness and broke bis bonds. His condition Is criti cal. UNION LEADERS ON TRIAL. Suit of Clothes .i:(;FRJ::'.. We will present r first-cluss tsuit of clothed, absolutely free, to any boy living in Astoriti who will write the bwt ad vertisement to bo placed on tho new time clock lately erected on the outsido of our fitoro. We want something thai will represent our business in a few words, and it must be short aud to the point. . , ' .;' ' V This Is a Chance For ft bright boy to earn a suit of Clothes entirely free ' .' -i ' ' Below will be found the conditions necessary to .' ,.,,, . " compete CONDITIONS. Any boy residing in Astoria between tho age of 7 and 15 years is eligible to compete. Fifteen word or less are to be twfcd and all answers must be mailed or handed in to tho store of S. Dnnziger & Co. on or before Monday evening:, March 14, 1904. The boy submitting tho best advertiHemcnt for the purpose proposed will receive absolutely free a pood suit of clothes. Competent judges will be selected to make the award. " ' ; S. DANZIGER a COMPANY ' ON THE SQUARE. Cor. Twelfth and Commercial Streets. Court About Convinced Thst Charge Is Put Up Job. Cripple Creek, Colo.. March 1. Both the defendants In the conspiracy case against Sherman Parker and Thomas Foster, miners' union leaders, charged with attempting to wreck passenger! train on the Florence & Cripple Ck road, were on the stand yesterday. They made a general denial of the statements made by the principal wit nesses for the prosecution. Charles G. Kennison. president of Itinera' Union No. 40, swore to statements which tend to prove an alibi for Parker. Another witness testified to seeing a latter written by Churlis McKlnney to his wife, In which he admitted that, his confession, which Implicated the de fendants In the alleged attempted tiain wrecking, was made for a rirlce raid him by secret service men In the em ploy of the railroad. . . ASTORIA AND CUUBU FIVER RAILROAD LEAVE I PORTLAND I ARRIVE Fisher Bros., Cpmpatiy DEALKK8 IN Paints, Oils and Glass, Hardware, Iron and Steel, Groceries, Provisions und Crockery, Ship Chand lery and Doiit Supplies, McCormick Mowers and Rak, Corrugated Iron nnd Building Material, IlardwmMl Lumber. FISHER BROS., COMPANY t:00 a mj Portland Union De- 11:10 a n 7:00 p m pot for Astoria and j f.iOpm Way Points ASTORIA 7:45 a m For Portland and 11:30 am 6:10 p m Way Points 10:30 p in SEASIDE DIVISION 8:15 a m Astoria for Waren- 7:40 a n 11:35 amj ton, Flavel Fortj 4:00 p ni 5:50 p m Stevens, Uammond10:4& a m . and Seaside Astoria Fish, Game and Poultry Market On Twelfth Street ONLY FRESH AND CHOICE HEXTS FISH. GAME, POULTRY, SHELLFISH, ETC. IJest of Attention. Quick Delivery. J. II. MALAR, Proprietor. n O :15am Seaside for Wa'r-j 12:50 t it :30 a mj renton, Flavsl.l 7:29 p in 2:30 p m Hammond, Fortj 9:25 a in Stevens & Astoria) Sunday only All trains make close connections at Ooble with all Northern Taclflc trains to and from ths East and Sound points J. C. Mayo, General Freight and Pass. Agent NORTHERN PACIFIC Time Card ol Trains PORTLAND Leaves Arrive Puget Sound Limited. 7:25 am (:46 pm Kansas Clty-St Louis Special 11:10 am 6:46 pn North Coast Limited I:M o m 7:00 am Tacoma and Seattle Night Express .. ...... ..ll:to pm 1:05 am Tak Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor points Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym pla direct Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan- sa Clty-St. Louts Special for point on South Bend branch. Double dally train service on Orars Harbor branch. Four trains daily between Portland. Tspoma and Seattle. IT U S I n VHT OO TO mCOLUtaMmm TO LEAKN BOOK-Ht EPINO livucu f lull a kii no op tou At voru nnrn hi wrrlo for or KK I'I'KS MONKVI fulrnnf? IMHITIO, tnnl Plamvl T U A 1 1H. Fer. "I1IH. WHITK. J. H. OOOlJWIN. KtOfTt AofwxinlniiC, lliiom OS. Brodiry, It. V. STEWARTS BROAD ARROW IRISH FLAX S ,1111101 Twine LiKe all g6ods wsell it is THE BEST i Foard -Stokes Co. StS 12 Cm r Something New Ranges, Stoves, Iron Beds and Furniture of all kinds. Also 9 good assortment of Second Hand Goods at Lowest Prices L. H. HENNINGiSEN Q CO. 504 BON!) STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON. , PHONE, RED 2303