PAGE FOUR. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1904. ; MISSIONARIES THINK THATv THEY ARE SAFE IN COREA Are Not Pronounced Partisans But Be lieve That japan Is More Friendly Toward Them Than Russia. New York, March 1. A letter dated, uncertainty that It haa seem.-d best Seoul, Jan. 22. ha been received by the Methodist Missionary Society from the Rev. George M. Burdlck. one of Us missionaries in Corea, It is ihe first written reply that has been received by the society in response to Its cable dis patch of Jan. 21. In which caution was advised American missionaries. The letter said that at no time hadj the missionaries there been In apparent danger. Early in the fall a Corean bey fell under a moving electric car on an American trolley road, and was kil led, and this accident greatly excited the Coreans. A mob formed und dam agvd a Japanese house whither a Jap anese who had helped on of the electric company's men to escape had lied for safety, but the excitement died down quickly and everything went on as be fore. Mr. Burdlck says also that some misunderstanding was 'caused ty the increase of tee guards at the legarions, and a fiery article appeared 'a a Cor ean peper, denouncing foreigners. The American minister advised Ameri cans should not go on the atrpets un attended. Mr. Bui dick also said: "Our missionaries who have country work have done very little for the last six weeks.- There has been so muchj not to run any risks. - But Brother Swearer started Into the country to day for a ten day's trip In holding the fourth quarterly conferences, with the knowledge and consent of the Uulted States minister. We are confident of safety. ' '"' A cablegram tame from liivhop Moore in Seoul on Saturday, containing references to oiliclal business only. No menUpn was made of the war (situation, so little fear Is felt here for the Meth odist missionaries. All of them, with the women and children, are attending the annual meeting of the Corean mis sion In Seoul, and will probably re main there for the present, v -' Letters received by th Rev. X)r. Ar thur J. Br a Wn, secretary of the Pres byterian board, contained practically no reference to the Impending war. A missionary official said: ,rVVe take no news to be goo-) news. We record It as unlikely that anything will hap pen to the missionaries. I cannot ex press any feeling as to which side missionaries and thoso Interested in missions hope will -tvin. I will say, however, that Japan Is particularly friendly to Christian missions. Ve cannot judge of the attitude Russia will take." Dr. Ipi's PERFECT TeaffiPoivdo AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY Used bv rwmia nf TflnTnftnt &r over a quarter of a century FRIPARKO Y 7 Pastes Should Be Restricted. Chicago, March 1. The cxeeutlv commute of the Western Pass agree ment has met and arranged to mevrnt the Issuance of free transportation to persons not entitled to ths privilege, The principal discussion was In regard to Issuing annual and other passes to officers of so-called Industrial roads. It was said that most of these Urn's are side tracks" to Industries and that the issuing of passes is in' the nature of a rebate and in violation of the sec Hon of the Interstate commerce h'w U was decided that officials of no Uie of less than 50 miles should receive an nual or trip passes unless it Is a con netting link between standard toads. Owen's Pink Mixture. It saves the baby. A perfectly harm less preparation for teething children 25 and SO cents a bottle. Sold only at OWL AND EAGLE DRL'O STORKS. Yt HATS TRIMMED FREE t: i Mrs. Ingleton has opened a fine line of Ladies' and Child- it Ten's Spring liaLs find Flowers, find invites tho ladies of As- .j H toria to call nd see them. , Skirts, slrrt waists, notions, hair !: si switched, jiomfiadours, ladies' and children's furnishing goods, i OPPOSITE BUDGET OFFICE. ASTORIA, OREGON Preparing for Royalty. New York. March 1. It Is s'ated that when the king and queen go to Treland in the spring they will stay a wclt and visit the Duke and Imcliejs of Manchester, at Kylrmore, says a Her. aid CispaUh from London. Great rep arations already have been begun f r the royal reception Bt 'this beautiful palace In Connemara. y Made to Supply AN KNJII' Cigar I Av Now Made to Supply Jl p aDemand-sc Ik Mor than a MIIIIoa Sold jF Hives are a terrible torment to the little fnlks, and to some older orr Easily cured. Poan's Ointment mvr fails. ln?tant relief, permanent cure. At any drug store, 5i cents. Pavilion for Montana. St. Ixuis, March 1. Two members of the Mon'ana World's fair commission, ex-Governor 15. P. White and Paul Mc Ccrmlck, secretary of the commission, have arrived to Inspect their state pavilion, which Is about 75 per cent finished. " The dowager empress of China re f ntly placed an order for fifty motor cars to be "made In Germany." The process of giving somebody else a "piece of one's mind." usually des troys the peace of one's own mind. Some western churches have muster ed in "beautiful young girl ushers They pass the contribution box with astonishing success.' Shut your mouth, And open your eyes, And other people Will think you wise. To be a good lady means to be good many things. It means modesty, gentleness, self control and thought- fulness for other'.s welfare. , Try to realize that It is better to be ladylike than to be "stylish" when to berths- latter means that you must wear a ridiculous hat and Impossible shoes What a difference there Is In women aDout doing housework! some go about it so quietly and make every move count. Others well, they don't That's the difference. Call it scornfully the "grandmother skirt" if you will, but the full skirt Is the swagger one of the hour. Mrs. Wong Kal-kak, wife of ths 1m perlal vlc-ooninlsslonr from, China to ths Louisiana Purchase exposition. has ths written history of her child ren'a inctry for t.SOO yeurs, There's many a splwidld woman who would still be silly, frivolous, unthUik Ing girl were It not for ths trials through which she has passed. ' A woman selects husband, by her self, but she takes three other women with her to pick a hat. RADIUM ADI0S RADIOS RADIOS Stupendous Offer Made by a Well Known Phila. Firm. K.VIHOS RADIOS RADIOS TloxtHiHols ot'lVrsottK In All .Sec tions of tho Country llnve Dceii Healed l Thi Wonderful Discovery. , Office Constructing Quartermaster, Astoria, Or.. Feb, J7, 1904: Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at' this office until 10 o'clock a. tn., Mar. it, l04, and then opened, for ths construction, heating and electric wir ing of a frame post exchange build In at Fort Stevens, Ore. .United States, reserves ths right to reject any or all proposal plank can be aeon and speclilcatloni obtained at this pears, Voltaire and other standard job Ileatlons, These works are eold for eah at ft , mere fraction of the 'publishers' price. Call at or telephone your address te the Occident hotel. ; BIP8 FOR WOOD. BUe for llr bark elsb wood of best quality, In quantities, and to be de livered as hereinafter stated, will b oftlee and at the office of.Dleburelng! received by K. Z. Ferguson, Clerk, 171 Quartermaster at TorHeM, Ore,aiid! Uth street, until noon, April 1st, 1904: Seattle, Wash. Envelopes should be marked "Proposal for construction" and addressed to Captain Ooodale, Quartermaster, 'Astoria, Ore. 1 1 M POllTANT A N SOtJNCnMENT. ; Mr. J. J. Ilumer, representing the eastern banks Involved In the failure of the R. It Dumont Publishinir Company. Is In the city to dispose of the assets. The stock consists' of, 'encyclopedias, hlsitorlcs, works on literature. Shakes- 100 or more cords delivered McClur school; BO or more cords delivered Phlvely school; JO or more cords de livered Adair school; IS or more cords delivered AMorbrook hool; !0 or mor cord delivered Olney school; 10 or mor cords delivered Tsylor schol; delivery of all wood to be completed by August 1. 1904. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. iy order of the Board, K. Z. FEUOUSON, Clerk School District No. 1. Kvery educated person has beerd of Rudluin. Its wonderful powers and healing qualities have occupied page after page in the Metropolitan publica tions. Almost everybody knows that It Is the greatest remedy thati God has ever given to suffering humanity. Disease germs of every description l!ee M'fure It they cannot stand the con- ict. We have such faith In our prtpo- Itlon that we guarantee absolutely to cure you. What Is more we will Ive you a written contract to that ef- ct. This offer has never been dupli- uted. Flit out the blank below and mark the malady from which you are suffering und receive by , re turn mail Information that will be return mall Information that will l crth hundreds of dollars to you. Ask any banking firm regarding our respon sibility. r-. OflVr Free Offer H. F. HARDESTY Scientific Electrician and Conlrsclor for Cbdricel Work Kloclrienl Fixluron, Wiro.'aml Supplies in Slock. (it-AIiANTKKI) (JAS MANTELS.' 433 Commercial St. ' Astoria. Ore.' K, J. Owens, Troprictor . Phone H31 IHE WIGWAM . , CIS BROOKE, Mrtnuger Great Palace of Artof the Pacific Coast Fine Bar and the Best of liquors and Cigars SEE (IIIL lUUSlRAItl) PICIliKtS Kilith and Aitor Stn. ASTORIA SjteSGESSJI i Everybody's Traveling Bag, Trunk and Valise TOW I hlF AH ought to contain a bottle of Medical Lake Tablets and a box of Medical Lake Salts--Nature's own great remedies for if you have not used these preparations you have no idea of their great value to all sick people to the "stay-at-homes" and tourists alike. The effect ef Medical Lake Water on the run-down and diseased system is really marvelous, and this wonderful remedy cures by natural means, functional derangements of the Liver, Kidneys and Stomach it will restore you to perfect health, pleasantly and as sure as the sua shines. The Tablets dissolved iu water make a delightfully cooling and delicious drink, and are especially suggested to those whose blood is poor and who are subject to Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia and nalarla whether gliding sway over the rails or "sailing over the blue, you may find it convenient to have these remedies with yon. Buy Ui SALTS at your Oratfist's, 25c, 50c. sod SI. 00 a box Ths TABLETS, 25c twttle. NOT PATENT MEDICINES. ' flEDICAL LAKE SALTS, ilFQ. CO., Sole flfrs. New York snd Spokaas, Wash. ts yrr A, i ItADIOS CO. 81! Drexe! Pulldlns; Philadelphia. Va. Sirs: Please send ms frse of cost in formation regarding your Radium treatment and your wonderful rem edy "Radios." Name Address City .' ,. State Disease OREGON Show Line Union Pacihc 'i hours from Portland to Chicago. No change of cars. Impart ("hlcn(fo 1'ortlund via HuuU I uk ton AtlanUo r xii reus 8:15 p. in: via iiunt- lngtua Ht. Paul i (uxtMall 7:46 p. m,. vIh ipo-kune 1IMKH' -HKDULKH Pnun PORTLAND Mnlt Ijik, lionver. Kt Wortli, 0iiHliit, Knn- HiwC'Hy, Loulx, lyiiicngo ana me hunt Arrfve -all Lake, Denver FB worm, unitiliH. Kan- m (,'Hy, Mtl,ou, (;h n-jitfo and the Hast Walla Walla, iewlii- tou. HtHlkaill!. Ml linn HkiIIm. HI ytx, JllihiUi and Cunt 6 :23 p m 9 :00 S 111 8:00 p m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Astoria 1 7ra All HJillltltf Aunm snk j3i;i iuuiiuiirh roroun r rancisuu every nve days - Dally ex cept Hun- day Columbia River to run land and Way landings 4am Daily ceptMoo Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on tide dally except Sunday for Ilwaco, connecting there with trains for Long Beach, Tioga and North Beach points. Returning arrives at Astoria same evening. . Through tickets to and from all prin cipal European eltiee. .TT. ROBERTS, Agent, Aaterla, Ore. STEAMER SUE 1 1 . ELMORE The Largest; Staunchest, Steadiest und most Seaworthy, vesHtil ever on this 'routa Best of Tnblo and State Jloom Accommo dutions. Will uiako roundtrip every five days between Astoria and Tillamook Fare $3.50 ; Connecting at Astoria w'itli the Oregon Kail way A Navigation , Co. and Astoria & Columbia Kiver U. 11. for Portland, San Francinco and all points East. For freight and passenger rates apply to SAMUEL ELMORE & Go. General Agents, Astoria, Oregon A. (Ds C. R. JK. Co., B. C.LAMB, O. H N. Co., Portland, Ore. Tillamook, Ore Portland, Ore. NOTHING PLEASES so well as nicely laundried linen. We havo the neatest and most sanitary laundry in the state and do the best work.All White help. Cor. Tenth and Duane St. I'I rrs ' phon. 1991. i ne 1 voy Laundry Is Your Roof Sick? erjee enring roofs. Has bad spells doci it? We have had twelve yean expert- Sui'DOSe yoU Write IIS for Tmrtiiu1apa'ikn., n .TBm-rn ( ' on over tin oor'raKated iron. hfisVbtaglor auyoU, SZ.iT R" mskea tbe Ut roof yoo ever saw. It never weari out. g B'terUU 11 The Elaterite Eooflng Co. ifn,, PORTLAND. - ORFKON