The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 28, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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.Vicious. Italian Slashes 'Throat of
Conductor and Is Mobbed
By Passengers.
Klndhearted Women Stop Train
I In Tim to Irernt Terrible
, TrayQly.8eamp J I untied
:. Off to Jail.
. i .,
Nw York, Feb. ,17. Quick action
hf a crowd of women panaengera prob
ably eared an Italian from death at
the handa of a mob In Pateron, N. f.
.The Italian bad alaahad an Krle eon
duotor with a rasor In a dltpute ever
a paaa. , He va aelsed by enraged
pasnger thrown upon , the ralla be
fore an approaching train, where the
crowd proposed to hold him, In the
dark neat It la likely he would have
been cut to piece. Heveral women
ran up the track and algnalled the
train to atop. Police arrived at that
moment and hurtled the Italian to jail.
The conductor1 throat waa badly torn
by the tutor and be will probably die,
;j.'1: I KUUDLto Or
iuhiiis pijiuitu mo ittuiin ior a iew, mo
ment, but their president gave aur
anrer that a man afood ready to loan
them enough for the flmt payment and
a committee waa choeen with power
t act, . .' . . , .
Served in War, Alto Served In
Penitentiary, '
New York, Feb, 27 Frank Killeon,
known aa l)lflr,H a familiar character
In thla city, I dead of pneumonia. He
la aald to have been the youngest p ni
cer in the union army, having run gway ISeanae William Lucien Drink
Trapeze Artist of Chicago Brings
- Suit Against Qaklander Who
Owns the Isle of Man.
from hla home In Philadelphia and re
ceived a lleutenant'i commission al the
age of it., ; ..
Ellliton waa once a member of the
stock eachange and belonged to the
(lading club. In. 1893 he aulted
another broker and waa Wntenwd to I
water Carey Takes Unto
Hlinaftira WirelleMuat
! ' Face Damage Mult
The nioriinjf glory hahga her Mrawm out
FreMh wry dawn; '.
Yiwtanlay'N blooms lived out their little hour,
. And thpy were gone. , ;
Ho live today, with patient, steadfast will-
And loyal heart ;
Then Khali tomorrow find thee, truer xtill
10 Dear thy part.
And if tomorrow ever come to thee, ,
itest thou content,
If but today ha borne its very best
; Before it went.7'jei?c Advocate.
'. '
(Ken Frandeco Call)
Oakland, Feb. 2T.Willlam Lucien
Definite Action Taken By Ladiea of
Athletlo Tendeney.
New York, Feb. 27. After dltcuaalon
eitendlng over a period of ,many
month the New Tork City Federation
of Women' Cluba ha taken definite
action toward the eatablUhment of a
club house for women. It la to have
all the ac?ountrement of a Men club
and will fuel 1500.000.
At a recent meeting of the federa
tion a puminltti waa chosen to aeek
suitable quarter. Thla committee re
jx,rted In favor of the old Knlcker-
nve year in me pennenuary. ctwi Drlnkwater Carey , of Beach Houae,
were made by .Influential friend to
procure hla pardon, but tt wne grant
ed only a few montha before the ex
piration of the sentence. '
Convention at Denver.
Denver, Prb, 17. Word haa bee ti re
ceived here from Mra. Clinton B. Flk,
national president of the Women'
Home Missionary f"K -Wy of the Metho
dist church, that the 24th national con
vention will be aold in Denver In Kep
tember of thla year. Thla society hoe
enrolled more than 100,000 women In
the United State, beside large branch
organisation In the 1'hlllpplne, Ha
waiian Island and Porto Rico. ,,.
! II, ! ,11,- -J. ill II ' .Ill,
The man wno accomplishes thinmi in this world
necessarily makes enemies, for all mediocraev
""""" " "" mn mm. Urn achievements are minimized and
the mm of England, haa traveled aev- his failures magnificd-but his plans are stolen and
eraUlmc. around .he h mklioib adopted wiUiont
every clime to be found on the globe w u nnt ... At , U.. '
and hua eittabllBhed temporary abode . V " ""l lnmnimv w o mis, .viiuperation, nd-
in hHif of the land upon thla earth. lcu,c an1 malIee are employed to detract attention
only to be eerved with a, breach I irom tne plain evidence of lack of ability on the
or jrmiHt auit in the quiet and peace-1 part or those who mouth their snleen
ui city of Oakland. The auit waa tiled Criticism is easier than accomplishment, but a sneer,
, i, ,aii, M wing uruuKiu ill mci rri. . .
mime uf !m imnne.' who in.. . I , "v " 'u wuu ursi uemonstratea tne leas-
"flying trame" act in Chicago theater J Ibility of making skin clothing for himself probably!
thut need that pariiduiar kind of t- nai lo encounter the derision of his denser minded
traction., I tribe, lust
1 ' ,vucu uau vj Uliuliiu H
It I. true that 1100.000 la a rather Hike experience when thev Wan to mrZ'Miini.
m iA ' J u A. I ' " " ' aM"v- vif tUMtblVUi
I a i A a A A fll I nm PAimn I tiff itttId.M t, 1 ItilttvAf affA,.l nna fr.ii I
New York, Feb, 27Advlce from lo Bonne Inalata that damagea - uaucry, uui carping
U Taa. Hollvla. announcea that the annum be awared in proportion to the Vl""v",lu " Ulc wauu-nmiuen oi aisnonesty. Still
ritdltlcmol treaaureot the Incanhawen u,nou,,t faaeaaed by the defendant, I the successful man mounts to higher planes over the
dlecoverel at CaJlactU, cabl.e the ana hfl l'mea In her complaint hshohkler of his critics, lie saves the breath for re-
Heruld'a Lima. Teru, crreepondciit. It 1 ht William Llclen Drlnkwater Carey newerl pflToef u-h51o th :
la pee;d of large eatav-a and la I T . ... ... . . .
I I nor 1 TIL'S. p utilt U'hila how tiacUotn . l, .l,:i
worth al leant 1250000. w th further I'. ....... w. , wuuc
uroeDecta. Including a nart If not the M'a,t
whole of the leie of Man. I ,nat 18 w"v t"erc w always one man in a com-
In thla hlgh-prtced document Leonajmunity who is conspicuous by contrast, and whv
Bonne further declare that Mr. Carey also, there is always one interest, one cornoratiorf
v. ... v...r, .r, vr, v. or om R!meMlon overtops aU otherS,
I I llO hour li.inl-nr- in n tm.n A. A :.T !i 1
CrltllN. u.v o., thut I ho rntnnera ... ""- " lUUCTIl UU U11SI-
tate la large and valuable. npss pcnius. lie worked. If he had stopped to listen
The alleged broken promise of mar- to his critics he would have fallen far short of the
riuge wa given in 1901 in the windy mark. He would not have escaped criticism even
city of Chicago where the then, for failure is a fertile field for malicious com-
uuiki aun rcmace ana nur a learnu, i majjf
ematlcal consideration ehe ha. come to AU of Mhlch 8W Pve that it does not makd
the conclusion that a jiooaoo aHce ofln?ueh difference whatwe do in this world, as long
that leie of Man estate would be about j it is honest. We cannot escape the critic, but we
the proper balm for all the ngony ehe at least confuse him by making him appear in the
mi eurrerea . rrom tne met mm Mr. nrlif nf a faao nnf.of ., i i. .
...r... I'.vi'iH-k, ami c uau Hiwi reap Hiiai
1 VL-lft VL'hfi tat 1 ... -
other stake in life besides his own personal success
say, some such state as children whom ho wishes
to be honored and honorable. But, above all, it
should give the man in hfolUad responsible public
office pause when the temptation comes to do for
his country that which which he would shrink iu
shame from doing.for his own private gain. Two
wrongs do not make'a right; evil may not he don
that good may come ; figs do not grow upon thistles
-these are trite old proverbs, but they sum ten thons
and years of painful human experience. And the
greater the nation , the greater the mn-n
swifter and severer the punishment. Nor does eter
nal justice rely for the casting up of her reckonings
upon such futilities as elections and war Sattir..
day evening Post. -
amounta to IU.000.000. '
The dlacoverera are of various jia-
tlomilltl'- and aree now (tunnelling
over the treaaure although a legal con
tract exIMa between them aa to the di
vision, The authorltle have Inter
fered In the matter.
mar a nijflfe
-' 75 cents each
Pule nolieiiiiiiu Beer
l!it In The Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.
wm u
ttKttl Wbf
. vcr5l5 .7 tt n.e,r ,dread the coming of winter.ifor with the first
treath of the "kt-king" this miserable disease is faaned into lift and all
tte disgttsttng symptoms return. The nostrils are stopped up and tht
throat can be kept dear of mucous secretions only by continual hawkin
and spitting. Catarrh is a nuisance . , ;
ma source oi annoyance, not onlv
to the one who has it, but everybody
tamer eer, nd hare found It aa tsecU
. ?.T, ? a beea
win ioim uium tar m
aad tried, aajr tbinaa la an affair) ta
noinini did m
U f tean
a nay ear i
vvuia uui naar toe was or a elaak. a waa
ioia. 8. S. 0. Bai dea away with taa
diaahar aad m, aaarlai haa keaa
woBdarlully iaaarevad; ua m
that I ean new eawrry ea a eoavetaatlaa
.ou fdlioa ha deat aa a wartd af
' eradil it daeerree.
aat relief, but
rtrmasent reod a4U
bad a dliaharira from
haarlnr waa ao badly
1 a a
dm oiaoaara iroia u ear aad my
affected that I
dse. The thick, yellow discharge
from the head produces a feeling of
personal defilement,'id the odor of
the breath is almost Intolerable.
The catarrhal poison brings oa
Stomach troubles and affects the Kid
Beys and Bladder. It attacks tht
oft bones and tissues of the head
and throat, causing total or partial
deafness, the loss of smell, and giv
ing to the voice a rasping, nasal
twang.V No part of the body is secure
from Ha ravages. Catarrh makes
you tick all over, for it is a dis
ease of the blood, and circulates all
through the system, and for, this
reason, sprays, washes, inhalers,
owders and salves have proven
The way to cure Catarrh thor-,
emghly and permanently is to cleanse
the blood of the unhealthy secretions
that keep the membranes of the body
inflamed, and nothing does this so
surely and promptly as S. S. S. As
long aa the blood is poisoned with
Catarrhal matter the discharge of mucus and other disgusting symptoms
of the miserable disease will continue. S. S. S, goes to the fountain source
of the trouble -and purifies and enriches
the blood, and 4o invigorates and tones up
the system that catching cold and con
tracting Catarrh is not so likely to occur.
Keep the blood in order and winter 's coming
brings none of the discomforts of Catarrh.
Write us particulars of your case, and
let our physicians help vou ret rid of thi
blood-tainting and stubborn disease. We make no charge whatever for
medlcal , t mstwnrsttsmo eov muxta, cm.
ko naif or oatiabb; ix tk
. , HIS YBA&8. ' .
Vllffl .n t M...I w.m.
remedy for Catarrh. IhadbeantranliiXl
A-boot thirteaa yeara aao I naed n
a a ur ear for Catarrh
With It for about nine vaara. boa at
with it. I faal able to recommend S. H. I,
r.-. .... V
f" ' rJ- :.v. .. -
euAwt ii.''
Carey now hua unother wife, who Is
llvln ii'iirefully with him In hi Oak
land home,
Minn Leona Iloitne neglect to men
tion In her complaint that ehe once be
fore aued Mr. Carey for breach of
promlee. at that time putting the sum
of her diinmge at 150,000, and Mr, Car
ey aay fht he wondera If the price of
her affection will Increase with the
year at that ratio and upset the the
ory that time heal nil wound.
Mlsa Leona Donne la UH in Chicago
doing her trapeae act In order to keep
warm amid the bllMsard of the Windy
City, ao that she I riot able to tell her
own story, but between the complaint
In thi cane of her attorney, F. J. Rus-
w-11 of this city, a little of her elevated
romance can be secured.
According to her complaint, Mia
ltonno met Mr. Carey in Chicago In
l'.)00. She was performing before
counties thousand at a Chicago thea
ter, and out of those thousands came
William Lucien Drlnkwater Carey to
tell her of a love that burned fiercer
mid more deeply than the usual Chi
cago, practical, workaday love. They
were much together, he says, during
which times he told her of the Island
that he owned or waa going to own and
wanted her to share the sea-kissed
land with him and take all of hi love.
Phe thought the combination a good
one and accepted, and then, she claims,
Carey went to the island to prepare It
for her coming-.. Somehow the love
got Hahgled on the way, for Carey
married, and drifting back to Oakland,
settled down.
It 1 true that the Carey story only
agree with this torrid Chicago state
ment In the mere "date. Carey an
nounce that he met Miss Bonne in
Chicago when she was "broke"; that
he helped her out of her trouble out of
mere sympathy, and then left her to
eonUnue his Journey to hla old home,
where he was married.
Miss Bonne would support her state
ments by copies of a number of letters
sent' to her attorney which she claims
were writttn by Carey to her. one
"was written on board ship and appar
ently was mailed at Queenstown. tt
begins with "My Dear Leona," and tell
of the writer sickness and how lonely
he had been at leaving her.' He and a
frl-and had been singing "Bring Back
My 'Bonne to Me" a touching play
upon her name, The letter was writ
ten in February and the writer said'
that he would see her again li. July.
lt',,. ...ttta,,. I I I. I 1. 1. ...
"luiruui icnuiu nam wore Drmars wmcn is
more than a "chronic kicker can look forward to
Salesman. " ; ; ;
-s- :
"Consequences are unpitying."
This is. perhaps, the profoundest of the many pro
found utterances of fJeorge Eliot. It cau not be
repeated too often. It can not be thought on too
much. ' " .
It should give every man pause who has some!
Mrs. Betz Coward, of Cream -Ridsre.. N' J. eU.
brated her one hundredth, birthday on Saturday last
She was left a widow many years ago. There was a
stone quarry on her farm; to this she immediately
turned her attention so'" effectively 'as" to' pay off a
mortgage and make lierself ' comfortable for life
bhe is hale and hearty; takes a walk twice a day;
and is still consulted about'the management'of the
quarry. -Mrs. Coward gives three rules the practice
of which she thinks accounts for her long life:
v. .."?.,,rv?v nmusinous; z. isever worry; 3. Be
lieve fully that "the Lord will provide when the in
dividual .gets out and hustles."
Dey am some people in de wol' dat 'ud ruddah
work on a dray dan drive a foah-inhaa, an' yo' mos' '
auus nn dat human ambition reaches hit's level.
D-y jjtu some men in de wort dat not in o' mow '
dan dey con spen' an' den agin, dey am some men
m de worl dat got de ability to wen' mo' monev dan
dey git. , . .
WVn yo' heah a man holler amen lak he trwine t'
bus' de roof, hit am suttinly mouty hahd t' reco'nize
de voice ob de man dat beat yo' in mewel trade las'
week. ' , '
Wen a man 'gin t' go up hill he fin' a moutv lot
ob people frowin' mountains in de way; but w'en
he staht down de hull worl' stan" back an' gib hii
de road.
De sun ob life am mos' ginnally shinnin' high in de
sky, but day am some people so contrarj built dat
dey keep on carryin' dey umbreJlers.
Now yo' jess take s'posin' a turkey, an vo' iess
take s'posin' a dahk night, an' yo' jess take s'nosin
a hun.Ty coon what' de answert - -, , ;
t i .
Hit am a bad sign w'en de deacon nasin' de col
lection plate lettin' his thumb slip so fah down on dj
inside hit snahly am. ;
The. next letter was a business letter,
In which the writer tell her, that he
had paid his former wife, from whom
he had been divorced, $1,000 due on
alimony, and that a soon as he paid
her 13,000 more he would be clear of
A third letter Is written from Beach
House, Castleton, Isle of Man, Eng
land. In It the writer says he has been
singing "Bring Back My Bonnie" again.
But "absence makes the heart grpw
fonder." he writes, and he will soon see
her again.
Then a cloud appear on their hori
zon, for In the next letter the writer
state he has received a "horrid" let'
Bonne's suit he swore some good round
American "swear words" that were not
imported and had never paid duty.
Mr. Carey's st:i.?ment Is as follows:
"This is merely a blackmailing
scheme, but it won't work with me.
said to have drunkheavily since then.
After attacking his stepmother, he vis
ited Faneher's house, where he former
ly boarded. Mrs. Fancher was at work
and di-1 not see him enter. He seized
the woman, choked, her almost
This is not the first time that this j less and fled when the children gave
woman hasHried to make trouble for .an alarm.
ine, for only a few months after my
marriage, three years ago, she began
u suit for breach of promise. I paid
no attention to, it, and 1 suppose that
It simply was allowed to lapse. At
that time Miss Bonne valued ' her
wounded affections at 550.000, and
suppose if the matter runs along for
another three years she will raise the
years. At that rate, before I pay her
a cent the total will be a large one.
"The truth of the matter Is that 1
met this woman when she was out of
work and penniless and, pitying her
condition, 1 paid a bill that she owed
at the hotel and paid her board for sev
eral weeks, until she could get work
This Is a fact . the proprietor of the
hotel she mentioned can testify to." ,
ter from her, and any one that had ! amount to $150,000 for every thre
mentioned Ada Conger to her only did
It, to mike trouble. He assures her
there Is nothing in It at all and wants
her to write him a nice letter. Ada
Conger is now Mrs. William L. D.
Theirs islenty of sentiment but no
talk of marriage in the letter. Miss
Bonne, however, has assured - her at
torney that she can show by the- pro
prietor of the S. Charles hotel In
Chicago and other witnesses that'he
said he would marry her.
William Lucien Drlnkwater Carey
came to Oakland during, the year just
past and rented a handsome house at
177 Thirty-fourth street. He soon
proved himself a good fellow about
town, for he had traveled around the
world and had the insc and polish of
a man that had been in many places
and seen He hail many , good
stories to tell of his. travels, and he
told them modestly. . . '. ,
, He occasionally mentioned his own
ership of "an island off the coast of
England," but he did not boast Chat it
was the Isle of Man, nor did he claim
fortunes nor estates across the seas.
In fact, he seemed more 'American than
F.nglish, and when he heard of Leona
Blnghampton, N. T., Feb. 2T. After
one of the most exciting man hunts in
the history of this city, lasting for
nearly 30 hours, Morris Odell, charged
with attacking two women, has been
captured. Prompt arrival of policemen
saved the man from falling into the
hands of a crowd of BO men who were
chasing him. Odell is a white man
nearly 50 years old and was captured
by. Levi Ray. colored. ' ' " .
' Foremost in the ""crowd was Frank
Fancher, husband of one of the alleged
victims. Fancher was unarmed, but he
Jumped for Odell, struck him and at
tempted to wring his neck until pulled
away by a policeman.'
Odell's wife died recently and he' is
ts it a burn? Use Dr. Thomas Elec
trisOII. A cut? Use Dr. Thoma Elec
tric Oil At your dme-aisfs. .
Hi Fortune for Country.
New Tork, Feb. 27. Prince Alexand
er of Oldenberg has caused a patriotic
sensation, cables the St. Petersburg
correspondent of the Herald. He not
only haa given a million roubles toward
the war fund, but has proposed that
the emperor raise a troop of Irregular
cavalry f the dreaded tribes of Buriats
und Kalmucks, of the steppes, the
condition being that they be under mil
itary rule in the far east, but allowed
to do all they like on the way of inde
pendent raids of the'r own, according
to their typical atyle of warfare. Vrlnca
Alexander offers to'equlp and pay for
the support of 1500 troops throughout
the war,
- 1 '
Should Colace Evea the Meat Skep
tical of It Truth.
If there la the slightest, doubt In the
mind of any that Dandruff germs do not
exist, their belief Is compelled by the
fact that a rabbit lnnoculated with the
germ became bald In six weeks' time.
It must be apparent to any person
therefore that the only prevention of
baldness is the destruction of the germ
which act is successfully accomplished
In one hundred per cent, of case by
the application of Newbro's Herplclde.
Dandruff la caused Dy tne same germ
which cause baldness and can be pre
vented with the same remedy Newbro'a
Herplclde. ( . ,
Accept no ' substitute. ' "Destroy the
cause you remove the effect." .
Sold by leading druggists. , Send 10c. In
tamp for sample to Tha Hsrplclde C8 '
Detroit, Mich. ,
T, F. LAURIN, Special Agent.
v -: ' 't -."-
. ....