r f 1 i V s 1 i r 1 "I. i : PAGE EIQHT V V ' V : THE MORNING ASTORIAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 19o4r - ; - REID SAYS HIS MARRIAGE WAS AN 1 UNLAWFUL ONE Declares the Ceremony Was Performed Two Days After He Had Been Di vorced From First Wife. Attorney Fulton Contends That This Fact .Squashes Mrs. Reid's Suit for Divorce and Alimony Reid Files His Answer to the Martin Damage Suit, Alleging That Martin Drove Her From Home. Captain John Reid wyi That Mrs. Reid's action for di- vorce is ridiculous, for the reas- an that thay were navar lagally ( married; , That ha waa divorcad from a 4j former wife on Decambar 11, 4 1903, and that ha marriad the ! plaintiff in tha prasant action at Saattla on Dacambar 13; That tha lawa of both tha itata of Oraaon and tha atata of Washington raquira that di vorcad partiaa ahall not ramar- ry within six montha from tha data of divorce. Judga McBrida haa mada an order requiring Captain Raid j 4 ta retain poaaaaaion of all hia 4 property pending aetttement of 4 4 tha eaae. 4 In hia reply to tha $5000 dam- 4 4 aga suit filed against him by 4 4 William Martin, for alleged alen- 4 4 ation of hia wife's affections, 4 4 Cantata . Reid enters a general 4 4 denial; say a Martin threatened ! ,4 to kill hia wife, and that ha waa 4 4 ao cruel to her that she waa 4 4 compelled to leave him; that 4 4 Mrs. Martin waa granted a di- 4 4 vorce because of Martin's cruel 4 4 ty. Martin's attorney replies 4 4 that thia latter fact doea not bar 4 4 tha plaintiff from recovering, 4 4 and on thia point the suit 4 4 hingea. i It developed during the preliminary skirmishing In the sensational Reid vs. Reid case. In the circuit court yester day afternoon, that the parties involved were never legally married. The state ment was made by the attorney for Captain Reid, who will "show" the court on Monday, when the proposition will b up for argument. ' Incidentally It developed that Abercrcmble & Wil son, attorneys for Mrs. Reid, mean to get alimony for their plaintiff If there Is any possible way to do It. The case was called up when Messrs. Abercromble & Wilson asked the court to issue an order restraining the de fendant from disposing of any of his property, and requiring him to pay over to Mrs. Reid the sum of $200 as temporary alimony. Mrs. Reid's law yers were anxious to argue the motion at once, but George Clyde Kulton, rep resenting the captain, would not agree. Mr. Fulton's statement brought out the interesting fact hat the parties were not legally married a. fact now for the Srst time stated In court, although well Known to many persons familiar with the case. Disregarded tha Law. Mr. Fulton evidently means to quash proceedings against Captain Reid early in the game, and for that reason objected yesterday to Imme diate argument of the motion of Mrs. Reid's attorneys for the injunction. Mr. Fulton said h!a client was never married to the plaintiff in the action and related the circumstances. It ap pears from his narrative that Captain Reid divorced a former wife in Port land on December 11. 1903. Now. tha laws of Oregon require that a divorced person must not remarry within six months from the time of the granting of the divorce, and Mr. Fulton stated that Captain Reid and the present Mrs. Reid, disregarding this feature of the 1 law. had married at Seattle on Decem 'ber 13. 1903. two days after the grant : ing of the divorce to the captain. I The attorney for the defendant con tended that the illegal marriage was a bar to such proceedings as those Instituted by Mrs. Reid, and he asked the court to defer further hearing of the matter until Monday, so as to ghre, him a chance to secure from Mult nomah county & certified copy of the divorce decree handed down there to Captain Rid. This request, was grant ed. Mrs. Reid's attorneys were ready to argue their side of the ease, but Mr. Fulton, evidently with the Idea of set tling the case at one fell swoop, In sisted upon a postponement until the certified copy of the decree was avail able. . However, Judge McBrlde mode an or der requiring Captain Reid to retain possession of all his property pending settlement of the suit but did not grant Mrs. Reid the $200 asked by her lawyers. Statua of tha Damage Suit. Captain John Reid yesterday filed his pm p.eyAL t our new store at No. 530 Com mercial Street, we will make SPECIAL PRICES on odds and- ends of various -brands of Cigars in box and lest than box lots. Many of these are high priced cigars. Will Madison First National Bank of Astoria ESTABLISHED 1886 Capital and Surplus $100,000 Scow Bay Iron 8 Brass Works Manufacturers Iron, Steel, Brass and Bronze Castings. ' General Foundryuien and Patternmaker! Absolutely firstclass work. Prices lowest ; Pbcne 2451 . Corner Eighteenth and Franklin. Subscribe for The Morning Astorian. answer to the complaint In the damage sutt Instttuted ngutnst him by William Martin. Martin asks $5000 damages from Reid on the allegation that Reid alienated from him the affection t the former Mrs. Martin, who la like wise the rreaent Mrs. Reid. The answer recites that on February Is. 190S, Bertha Martin commenced an action tor divorce from her husband In Multnomah county, alleging thnt her husband had treated her In a cruel and Inhuman manner and that he had threatened to kill her; that she was granted a divorce on April 10, and that the allegations were proven to be true. It is further stated In the answer that the cruelty of Martin towards his wife compelled her to leave him, and this circumstance la alleged to be a bar to proceedings against Reid on the part of Martin with the allegation of aliena tion of Mrs. Martin's affections. Martln'a attorneys yesterday filed a reply to this answer, In which it Is contended that the allegatlona In the answer are Insufficient to meet the complaint. The reply was argued by the attorneys, Martln'a representatives setting up the contention that the di vorce proceedings of Mrs. Martin did not affect In any way the suit of Mar tin against Reid. while Reid's attorneys put forth a contrary contention. On this point the case hinges. Judge Mc Brlde has taken the matter under ad visement, and on his decision will de pend largely the outcome of the dam age suit. The charge against Captain Reid. who waa arrested at the Instance of his wife for alleged assault and battery. Is set for hearing before Justice Good man today. However. It Is Improbable the case will be called until after the circuit cases In which the parties are Involved are settled. WEDDED BLISS IS BRIEF. Brida of Few Daya Charged With Complicity in Land Frauds. Lm Angeles, Feb. 26. Charged with having been associated with Carl An derson In the wholesale fraudulent land deals, to which she has confessed. Mrs. E. W. Allen, a bride of two days, was taken Into custody today in Pasadena and brought to the Los Angeles Jail. She confessed her guilt but claims that what she did was done without guilty knowledge of Anderson's Intentions. She was married on Sunday to E. V". Allen, u wealthy oil man of Pasadena. Before that her name was Massey, and It was only by learning that a woman named Massey had been married that the detectives were able to locate her. Acordlng to the woman's, confession. Anderson came to her last September and asked her to represent herself to be Mrs. Mary A. Oriswold, with whom he said he was In a real estate deal. He offered to pay her $15, and for that sum she went with him to the notary public, Blgned a deed In the name of Mrs. Grlswold, made affidavit that she was Mrs. Grlswold and acknowledged the execution of the deed. With this deed and copies of It whic h he himself forged. Anderson went to Omaha and sold the property of Mrs. Grlswold to a wealthy cltJaen. Then be went to Kansas City, and then to Chicago, selling the property at each of the places and sometimes to sev eral purchasers. The amount he se cured was large and he returned here a rich man, but was arrested Sunday r.Ight and confessed. He declares he will plead guilty In dourt. He confirms the statement of the woman that she did not participate with him In a di vision of the money he thus secured, but she had acknowledged that she committed a felony and will be prose cuted. Her husband knew nothing of the transaction, and now threatens to sue for divorce at once. NO COUNT AND NO ACCOUNT. Fake Nobleman and Wife Get Into Trouble at Dawson. Dawson, Feb. 26. Advices from the lower Yukon state that the Count and Countess M6racewskl, formerly of Dawson, have been arrested and taken to Nome, charged with an attempt to murder Captain William Galpln, who was the correspondent of the, London Times here during the boom days and who was later well known as a mine operator. Galpin also. alleges that the couple stole his diary and account books. Their bail has been fixed at $5,000 each. The trouble is alleged to have taken place at the Russian mission. It Is alleged that the countess tried to shoot the captain, but he had removed the powder from the cartridges and she snapped the revolver In his face with out being able to do any damage. At the preliminary hearing the count ess' was so haughty and Interjected so many remarks Into the trial that she was fined three times by Commls stoner McDonnell for contempt of. COUrt , , ' j '; The trio figured In a sensational trial In Dawson Inst summer. They were till single then, and the men were rivals for the hand of the woman. Her name wna then Alice Rollins Crane and she was an authoress of more than local fume, After the trial she married Moracewakt nnd went down the river with him. The reports from down the , river are to the ffect that Morncewskl Is no count at nil, but a Russian mechan ic. The woman who hi now his wife reported before leaving Dawson that the count owned valuable estates neur Moscow, but was exiled for some trouble he got into while a student REQUESTS A COMMISSION. Jams Henry Smith Appeals to Courts to Settle Dispute. New York, Feb. !6. In order to set tle a dispute between the executors of an estate of $50,000,000, the greater part of which waa left to htm by his uncle five years ago, James Henry Smith, of this city, has applied to the aupreme court for the appointment of a commission which shall determine the commissions to which the execu tors are entitled. To nach an opinion the commission will have to appraise the whole estate exactly. The proporty In question la that of George Smith. It waa that acquired In Chicago and Milwaukee. In 1861. Smlh went to LonroH, where he died In 1899. Two of the executors are residents of Lon don and it Is to settle a dispute between them over commissions that the' heir has made application to the courts. The payment of about $500,000, Is In volved. CHURCH SERVICES. Baptist Usual services tomorrow. "Norwegian Danish Methodist Rev. C. J. Larsen pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. First Presbyterian Subject of the morning sermon. "The Lord's Portion;" subject for the evenln discourse, "The Lair of Sin." M. E. church. The subjects for the sermons will be "Things that Fleaae God." and "A Hard place for ,a Young Man to be a Christian." Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 12:15 and Epworth League at 6:30 pp. m. Batter I nan Gold. "I was troubled for several years with chronic Indigestion and nervous debll Ity," writes F. O. Green, of Lancaster N. H. "No remedy heloed me until used Electric Bitters, which did me more good than nil the medicine I had ever used. They have also kept my wife In excellent hoalth for years. She says Electric bitters are Just splendid for female troubles: that they are a grand tonic and invlitorator for weak run-down women. No other medloln them. Only 50 cents. Satisfaction guaranteed by Charles Rogers. Eastern Railway Building. New York. Feb. 26. The German Shantung railway, extending from Talngtau to Stnan Foo, is approaching completion, says a Times dispatch from Berlin. The first construction train haa Just been run from Sinan Foo east. It is estimated that Sinan Foo, the western terminus of the railway, will be opened to traffic June 12. Mysterious Clreumstanoe. One was pale and Hallow and th other fresh and rosy. Whence the dlf ference? She who Is bluxhlnsr with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pill to maintain it. By gently arousing th lay organs they compel! good dlges tlon and head off constipation. Try them. Only 25 cents at Charles Roger Land Office Appointees. Washington, Feb. 2. After a con ference today between the president and Senators Fulton and Mitchell, It waa announced the president would ap point J. II. Booth, of Eugene, receiver, and Joseph T. Bridges, of RoHeburg, register of the land office at Roseburg. They are the present lncumbants. Subscribe for The Astorian. THE PEOPLE ALL Is Chorus Cried, Give V ITewbro'e Herpldde. This word of late has been In every one's mouth, and many are wondering what the word signifies, though no one has yet been found, who will deny that NEWBRO'S HERPICIDB does the wore Well, for the information of thousands of people'who like to know all about a good thing, we would say that HERPICIDB means, a destroyer or killer of "Herpes," Now "Herpes" la the family name of ft disease caused by various vegetable par asites. A similar microbe causes dan druff. Itching scalp, and falling hair; this Is the microbe that NEWBRO'S HERPI CIDB promptly destroys; after which the hair grows. Sold by leading druggists. Bend 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpldde Co., Detroit, Mich. T. F. LAURIN, Special Agent. s Something ' Doing Around Here Nowadays You'd think so to, if you should see the ODD SUITS rolling V!. out every day They still go at HALF PRICE 820.00 odd 18.00 odd 16.60 odd i 15.00 odd 13.60 odd 12.00 odd lo.oo odd suit for suit for suit for suit for suit for suit for suit for 510.00 9.00 8.26 7.60 6.76 6.oo 6.00 See our corner window 1o vf? cn1n on Overcoats and MacKlntoih O Oil Salt; es will continue this week. Get the Habit, Go To S.DANZIGER COMPANY ON THE SQUARE. STEWARTS BROAD ARROW IRISH FLAX Salmon Twine LiKe all goods welsell it is THE BEST ' Foard & StoRes Co.. "MISS BRIGHT EYE8 LOOKS FOR "0000 THINGS" not on the race program, but In th candy box. Miss "Bright EJyes" will will find what she Is looking- for If her quest, or that of hef masculine friend, ends here. We are not timid about saying that we make and sell as good confectionery as can be had1 In THE EA8TERN CANDY STORE, , 506-508 Commeroiat St., Next Griffin's Book Stare. 8 u :t 8 tt tt U n tt tt Palace Gafe UttUttUttUtttttttttX auuttttttttuunnuttttuttuttttttuttu The..Bcst Restaurant S tx tt tt tt tx Palace Catering Company I tt n tt tt tttt n a itt utttttttttttttttttt ttn n$ Regular Meals. 25 Cents Sunday Dinners a Specialty Eerythln the Market Affords ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK ' Capital Paid in $100,000. Surplus and Undivided Profit. m m Transaott a general banking business. Inter paid on time deposits J A 252?' L P p N: FRANK PATT0N' J' W' OABSU, Prenideit Vice Present Csskier. AiaU taetW f 1