PAGE SIX THE MORNING ASTORIAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1901. FULTON MAY BE FLOATED Stranded Steamer Has Not Been . Damaged Since Going Upon the Beach at Orford. DESPATCHED EFFORT FUTILE Weather. So Hough Wrecking ; Apparatus Could , not Be i' Placed Aboard-Other Marine News. . The steamer Fulton will not, in the pinion of Captain Levtson. " of th steamer Despatch, suffer any wry great damage because of stranding: at Port Orford. The Desptch arrived yes terday from San Francisco, having stopped at Port Orford for the pur pose of making an effort to float the stranded steamer. She took from San Francisco a quantiey of wrecking gear When the Despatch called at Port; Orford the weather i very severe, and ; The indications are favorable for continuance of the gale. The government barometer was down as low as 58. 95 yesterday afternoon, and the prospects are hot bright ' for good weather. James G. Rabbldge has passed a master's examination and a captain's license hs been issued to him. He has been given command of the steamer 1 Kurd, belonging to the Columbia River Packers' Association. Captain Keegan, of the schooner Frank W. Howe, yesterday filed a wreck report at the Astoria customs heuse. The report estimates the loss it $30,000 and states the names of the two men. killed during the gale as John Herman and William Van Banter, Captain Keegan has asked bids for the vessel and her cargo of 400,000 feet of railroad ties. i . BtTSrNBSS:L.OG-A:iS; : : ; is LET YOUR WANTS BE KNOWN. Somebody has what you want, or wants, what yon have to sell. Here is where want ami wanted conic together. ADVERTISE. PORTUGAL FOLLOWS SUIT. Sends Emissary ' Interests Hsr T to Look After in Far East. Chicago. Feb. 28. M. Leltao, of Lis bon, Portugal, an agent of his govern' ment. is in Chicago. He is on hia way, your loc&, tunefi Th jyicon v w.... .w.muc 20ti Bond street. 'Phone Red 2074. on rue southern coast, and will sail from San Francisco. M. Leitao said: Th Moriilhg Aatorian will be found for sals at Griffin's book store and at Scully's cigar store, corner Eleventh and Commercial streets. Wood. Wood. Wood. Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly. the transfer man. 'Phone S211 Black, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house. COAU COAU COAU If you want your money's worth Ring 'Phone liU. GEO. W. SANBORN. AgU First-class meal for 15c; nice cake, coffee Pie or doughnuts, to. U. 8. rs taurant, tSI Itond street. tf. Upper Astoria has a ptoce where you can get a flue glass of beer, as good wines and liquors as you can And any place In the city. HARRY JONES, tf Opposite Kopp's Brewery. JAPANESft OOOPB. New stock of fancy goods Just arrtv ed at Yokohama Bataar, Call and the latest novelties from Japan. For "My government Is by no means all attempts on the part of Captain j alarmed by events In the far east, but Levtson to place the gear aboard the ; we wish to be prepared for conttngen Fulton proved unsuccessful. The De-! cies as they may arise and 1 am going spatch was unable to get near enough 1 out t make a report upon the condl- the Fulton to permit of the transfer of the apparatus, and Captain Levlson tlon of the colony for defense. Portu gal Is simply doing what England is finally continued on his way up the ; j0ing at Hongkong and France In Ton- Wslooms as Sunshine Piano Tuner. Ion torm reeling of relief good, reliable piano work see when an obstinate, pitiless cold has been driven awsy by Allen's Lung Ilnlsum. Only people who havs been cured of throat-ache and sore lungs by this remedy can quite realise what the feeling Is. There Is no opium In the Balsam; Its good tffeet Is raJIcnl and lasting. Take a bottle home today. Five chairs at the Occident barber ' Laughing Water, Bedell, Pretty Lit tle Dinah Janes, Just Kiss Yourself Goodbye, Oh, Didn't He IlnmUa, and 100 other popular songs, with musio, postpaid for 10c, Address, Albert Brooks, KIM Fifth avenue, N Y. U. & Engineer O flics, Portland, Ore, Feb. 10, 1104. Sealed proposals will be received here for 140,00 tone, snore or less, stone for extension of jetty at mouth of Columbia river, Oregon and Washington, until 11 a, m March IL 1904, and then publicly opened. ! formation on application. W. C. Lang fitt, Major, Engineers. shop. You do not have to wait, first class barbers. Baths. Only Monarch over pain. Burns, cuts sprains, stings. Instant relief. Dr Thomas' Electric Oil. At any drug store. . coast. . . He said yesterday the Fulton was ly ing in an easy position on the beach at Port Orford and that she evidently has N not been damaged to sny considerable extent. He la firmly of the opinion that the steamer can be floated without difficulty when the weather moderates, and that it will be found she is not damaged enough to put her out of com mission for any great length of time. On the return trip of the Despatch she will probably stop at Oxford and make another effort to get the apparatus j aboard the Fulton. s quln, that is, putting things In order I so that if trouble Is widespread China we may be prepared." r,j NOATBLE JAPS IN 'FRISCO. NO MONEY FOR THE BAR. Chairman Burton Would Cut Out Ap propriation For Columbia.'' Chairman Burton, of the house rivers end harbors committee, has notified. Senator Fulton that he would oppose' the Insertion in the sundry civil bill that is to be parsed this session of any appropriation for continuing Im provement at the mouth of the Colum bia river, or for continuing the con struction of the Dalles-Cellilo canal, which has been begun with the present appropriations. Burtoii, contrary to the belief of the department, holds that neither of these projects is recognized by congress as .continuing contracts; therefore, he will oppose appropriations for them until the regular river and harbor bill is framed next session. Senator Fulton says an effort will be made to attach appropriations for the Dalles improvement, and for the mouth of the river,' when the sundry civil bill reaches the senate, in the hope that the Items can be retained In conference, for he regards It as vitally Important that more money should be made available, no that work can continue throughout the coming fiscal year on these two im portant projects. Diplomats snd Fair Commissioner Come to Amsries. San Francisco, Feb. Is. Three Im portant Japanese arrived here on the Coptic from Yokohama. One Is Hero mich Shuglo, of Toklo, Japanese com missioner to the St. Louis fair; another Is Ekll Hloki. first secretary of the Japanese legation at Washington, and the third is T. SakuraL collector of the port of Koke. one of the most Import ant commercial cities of the empire. Speaking of Japan's exhibit at St Lou'a, ghugio said: "It will be very much better and larger than the exhibit Japan had at the Chicago fair. Japan appropriated 800,000 for the present exhibit. This increased Interest and expenditure Is an evidence of the cordial friendship of our country for the United States." Hiokl, the legation secretary, has served his country at St. Petersburg, at Pekin and at Seoul, Corea . He is now going on to take the place of Count Matsu in Washington. BEST 16-CENT MEAL. You will always find the best 1 meal In the city at the Rising Sun re taurant. No. (12 Commercial street. Business Proposition. If you are going east a earful select ion of your routs Is essential to the en joyment of your trip. If It Is a busi ness trip time Is the main consider- alon; If a pleasure trip, scenery and the conveniences and comforts of a Your attention is called to the purity modern railroad. and excellence of Olympic Pancake Flour, the Olympic Cake and Pastry Flour, and the Olympic Wheat Hearts, a mush. i To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. 25c. FORTUNE FOR PUBLIC Chicago Institutions For Learning Be Benefitted. tf to ' Wanted. Men to learn barber trade. Only eight weeks required; constant prac tice and expert instruction; positions secured when competent. Catalogue mailed free. Moler System College, San Francisco Calif. Union made heating stoves, home manufacture and every stove perfect, at Montgomery's tin and olumblng store, 425 Bond street. Phone 1031. Something Good. Toke Point and Shoalwater bay oysters at the Imperial chop house. Try our coffee. It Is unexcelled. 8. M. GALLAGHER. Manager. Why not combine all by using the Illinois Central, the up-to-date road. running two trains dally from St. Paul and Minneapolis, and trom Omaha, to Chlrugo. Free reclining chair cars, the famous buffet llbnry smoking cars, all train vcstibul-fcl. In short thoroughly modern throughout. All tickets read ing via the Illinois Central will be hon ored on these trains and no extra fare charged. Our rates are the same as those of infeilor roads why not get your money's worth? Write for full particulars, B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agt. Portland, Ore. J. C. LINDSEY. T. F. & P. A., Portland, Ore. PAUL B. THOMPSON. F. St. P. A., Seattle, Wash. Subscribe for The Astorian. Office constructing quarter master, Astoria, Ore., Feb. I, 1904. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m. March 7, 1904, and then opened, for th construction, plumbing, beating and elcctrlo wiring of one single set officers' quarters, and the construction, plumb lug and electric wiring of on doubt set N. C. O. Quarters at Fort Columbia, Waiih. United States reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Plana con be seen and specifications obtained at this office and at th office of Dis bursing Quartermaster at Portland, Ore., and Feattle, Wash. Envelopes should tie marked "Proposals for con struction buildings at Fort Columbia" and addressrd Captain Ooodale. Quar termaster, Astoria, Or., -Office constructing quartermaster, Astoria, Or., Feb. . 1904. Sealed j proposals, In triplicate, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m. March 7, 1904, and then opened, fof th construction, plumbing, heating and electric wiring of on field officers' and on double set of lleuteants' quarters, and for th construction, plumbing and etectrc wiring ot on set of hospital steward's quarters at Fort Stevens, Ore, United Statu reserves th right to reject any or all proposals, plans can be seen and specifications obtalnsd at this office and at the office of Dis bursing Quartermaster at Portland, Ore., and Seattle, Wash, Envelopes should be marked "Proposals for con struction buildings at Fort Stevens" and addressed to Ciptaln Ooodale, Quartermaster,-Astoria, Ore. Tha L'ae elsotrl Insols, which are sold by the Owl drug store xeluslv. . ly and under guarante for cur, are not previously charged with electricity, V but accomplish their wonderful ears by the natural current generated by th acid fluid of th body, acting en. the positive and negative polta of tn battery formed' by th si no puts la on heel and th topper plat q ih other. He them la the window, Ask i for a descriptive booklet tailing of ih marvelous cures of rheumatism, j Cleaned an Awful Fate. Mr. If; Hoggin, of Melbourne. Pis, I writes: "My doctor told me I had sumption and nothing could be dos- for me. I was given uo to die. Th f. I ; fr of a free trial bottle of J. Kin. v New Discovery for Consumption la i duced me to try It. Result wr start ! ling. I am on th road to recover . i ow all to Dr. King New Dlov-r. t surely aavd my life.- This great tU, ' t Is guaranteed for all throat ani t , viirir Jiogers, drUKMUt . n. v rm nnn si. Trlt bolt If Every Woman li unwl nn.1 ahoakl m K.I 4.1 frtnmto S. 'It-,, I, d bl, i i vorimiUMniiM .i,ir.i, i,. i I Wrung &,,, h -l-u-l, . v ' 'i V r- M M IluxuRious Travel Tfc, -Northwestern Llml!d" imios, lectrlo lighted taroughou', both Inside and out. and steam heated, are with out exemption, tbe finest train la the worlJ. They enbedy th ItUst, pivtt anj bt Ideas tit comfort, caaiMce and luxury vr offered th iravtUior Public-, and altogether er th ever' fotnplet and splendid 5huctkn f to car builders' art. Ttit eplmdfd Trains Cono With , The Great Northero " The XortlicrB I'aclflc The Canadian ftcinc : AT 8T. PAUL FOR CHICAGO aod tbe CAST. No itra charge fr these suonirr (commodations snd sll rlss of U-k- ( are evsllable for uasae er, mv trains on this line sn proi-id h the intnvKin i:i!g iom. j Going! Going! Going'! WEATHER IS TOO 8EVERE. Transport Dix Remains Bottled Up In Lower Harbor. The transport Dix is still bottled up in the lower harbor, and the prospects for her immediate departure are not any brighter than was the case several days ago. The transport is drawing more than 21 feet, and the bar must be smooth In order to enable a vessel of this draft to cross without pounding. The bar pilots are quite as anxious as the Portland Chamber of Commerce that the transport, should be hastened on toer way, but they are not willing to accept any desperate chances. A pilot has been aboard the Dix for sev eral days and Just as soon as the weaker moderates the vessel will be taken to sea.. Yesterday morning an attempt was made to cross out, but the bar was altogether too rough. The Dix has now been in port for eight days, and tbe department is be coming anxious about her. The delay was occasioned by her long trip ot 30 hours down the river from Portland, which caused her to miss a good bar. The weather was very bad last night, and it seems the transport will be tied up for an Indefinite period. Chicago, Feb. it. "1 returned to Chicago all that I have derived from Chicago, and In doing so am glad to be able to recognize the obligation that rests upon all good citizens voluntarily to contribute, according to their means, toward the moral education of the peo ple which is most needed and is not provided for through our taxation and public schools." In this language the will of Thomas D. Lowther, as filed for probate, dis tributes an estate of $300,000 among Chicago institutions and Individuals. Mr, Lowther, whose fortune woe made in the real estate business, died bachelor and had few immediate rela tives. Our large stock of Couchas must move! All styles, qual ities and prices. ftow is your chance to secure a liandsomo Couch ('heap. H. H. ZAPF, The House Furnisher. THE LOUVRE A First CIiiks Concert IJnll . . VmM llmrl In T! ( ily ADMISSION FREE ATTRACTIVE l'JMJKAM CHANG K WEEKLY" Seventh and Astor Streets CHARLES WIRKKALA, Prop.1 Owen's Pink Mixture. It saves the baby. A perfectly harm less preparation for teething children 25 and 50 cents a bottle. Sold only at OWL AND EAGLE DRUG STORES. I Marina Notes. A 60-mile gale raged off the mouth of the Columbia river yesterday, and, while the steamer Despatch got in from San Francisco, the bar was very rough. Alliance Carried Out. New York. Feb. 26. Dispatches from Lisbon to the Vosslsche Zeitung state cables to the Herald's Berlin corres pondent, that in carrying out the al liance between Great Britain and Port usal, the latter country is now serving out to Its army new rifles and the rep resentative of a German firm Is at present at Lisbon Instructing artillery officers In the handling of the recently purchased field artillery. Coast de fenses are being overhauled in Lisbon, Fayal and Lagos, which would serve as naval stations. Telegrams from Amsterdam asserts that everything is ready for the mobil ization of the Dutch army. All leave is refused to officers. Always v Hem ej-nber tha Full jaxahve JJronso Qe Cure eCoM bOneDay, Cktyta Name E22220 2 Day en every TJWLy box- 25c STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fisht-rmou, Farmers an4 Loggere. A. V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets ASTORIA. OREGON ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX. Pre, and Supt. F. t. BISHOP, Secretary A. L. FOX, Vice President. AHTOBIA SAVINGS BANK, Treat Designers and Manufacturers of V THE LATEST IMPBOVED CANNING MACHINERY, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Foot of Fourth Street, - - .,. ASTORIA, OREGON. Theatrical Managers Meet. , Chicago, Feb. 20. Nearly 20 mana ger.' of Chicago theaters have attended a tret meeting called for the purpose of forming a protective association. After the meeting It was announced that It had beun decided to form a social and business organization simi lar to the one in New York. George Warren of McVickers was chairman of the meeting. Subscribe for The Astorian. Revolution Imminent. A aure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is ner vousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up sets. Electric Bitters will quickly dis member the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regu the liver and clarify the blood. Run down aystems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanlBh under its searching and thorough ef fectiveness. Electrio Bitters Is only so cents, and that Is returned if It don't give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by Oboe. Regr. arurtrlst. We Gan Please You and ave You Money 1 0 ryf ui your order for any kind of printing; plain or artistl!, business or personal. We guarantee satisfaction. Best workmanship. Most reasonable prices. Two linotype machines enable us to print briefs and other book work on short notice. Newspaper composition a specialty. Writ for Terras. m Astorian Publishing Co. y 1 ':. f WeifiharcTs Beer.