PAGE TWO. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1901. Homing Astorian ;. ;;. btablishe4 1373. , .V DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. U Nl O N (lOu A BE L RATES. ijr mail, pr year .............. By mail, per month........ .... , By carriers, per month ...... $6 00 50 60 THE SEMI-WEEKLY ASTOKIAX. By ir.ail, ter year, in advance $1 09 ASTORIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. O "THE YELLOW PERIL Russia and other European powers that syinpath ize with it in its present contest with Japan are do ing what they can to alarm the rest of the world with the Idea that " a yellow peril" will threaten it in case Jauan triumphs. A warniug is sent out because that country is the only republic among the old world powers. Were France to idoutify her self with interests hostile to ours, however, the friendly feeling would at once disappear. , i Xational friendship depends entirely upon the at titudo of the powers concerned. Russia is now fight ing for monopoly of far eastern trade. She is seeking to shut, us off from our share of oriental commerce. Japan, on the other hand, is wammr rt war for commercial liberty. Her interests are iden tical with those of the United States and England. No matter what has transpired in the past, our - plain duty. today is to lend encouragement to our present-day friends. Traditional sentiment has its proper place in history, but , commercial security absolutely replaces it in practice. We are not mani festing any particular friendship for the Japanese in the present struggle, but we can not but admire their wonderfully progressive spirit, which almost equals that of our own people, and actually surpasses that of any other nation ; but we are triendly to the cause which she has espoused, Japan, Great Brit ain and the United States havemutual interests at stake in the far east, and those interests demand out earnest attention, no matter how friendly the pres- lent opposing interests may htive,Wn in the past. It s not a matter of sentiment, but of interest. MM ML mwm l2k SC0RATING Tlie tiuiet.'artistic beauty of any homo i easily nuured by "lack of tasto in wall (iecorutions. We wish to slate that tho New Year will find lift in a better position to do decorat ing than ever before. New patterns are beginning to. arrive, and till we flk is that you favor us with an op portunity to (show you tho lino. ' " B. F.ALLEN SON. ?657 Commercial Street. ? ART, LABOR AND BUSINESS. The union and non-union house painters of M in- i . i e t ... . " 0. w . , -V' . T . . . i-Fou8 nave xomm a common standing ground, from St. Petersburg that Japan and China united L,v. ti, Hatnr.u p,;,.. i t i x, , . . Mfljs the Saturday Evening Fast. It appears that a . wv ; wrtam person who mixes paint on a palette instead did m the tune of Attila or Zeugis Kahn, and that nt ; i i m . , t, . . , . , . . ' , of m buckets has obtained the contract to decorate liussia is the sole wall of defense against such a grave i, c i it u i , , , fc the new state tapitol. He callcs himself a "mural yT v i t x . 1 , . , pauuer, ana, as n mat were not enough, he comes .VI. Knrinn Into . hnunam iniiiidiw at T?.i I,.-I . 0 ' v, s- vuuv. "uuiou i av uctiiu, nasi VL,. v.. ..l rr. i. . .t- . . . i , .. ....... . "U1 jutn. iu ciiecs xms invasion ot lion icu pains 10 assure me worm mat mere is noi-..M,.. -r i ' rw,uivt- a e , , iTMurui, luuur, ivur juniieapous nouse painters have nnrBa i. i (1, oiktu iui uu injuncuon 10 siop ine executmn ot ourselves, he says, "to the maintenance of the onenLi... rm. ... i , , . i , .. .. . . . v lK wuimcu ify iioia mat ine asrrecment is not uoor, wnenever the tortunes oi war c othes us with i t 1 i , " , . ' , - - . . , -t , lK , 1X1 legal because bids were not advertised for, no bond ISOPtKlflTieV 111 thu tar oaat I Kn.l nmn ,w v, T i f was taken' and no Prance was shown for Minne Ullmulc , sota bidders as required b law ia nc Miau urwwi io siam me aoor m me lace of : i n . . ... ft- ' I . " I : r U1 w ble; but, perhaps, after all. it may be necessary to for thfi ASlftties. Jsinsfli hna tin cnnli nont ax Tl, . . ' r ? J v .k.i,. m . r uimutivu. i ..j : , . .... . .... ... .. . 4i 4 t i . . "uu a ""' v'vvnm oeiween an. on one side and idea that Japan plans the organization of the yellow , k. ik i ' , , l"c labor and business on the other. If the contract race for the purpose of crushing white power in As a i t, . i tl"l u"u"ul . P for decorating the Sistme ehape had been advert sed m a icuu-iuuus lauiasr. , , . . . miA . , . , ..... viuuui jhiuc vuuujtricui nouse uaiiiier wouiu nave There was scarcely need for a denial of this report .. ,.,., r: , , . . A- . , I uiiui-i uiuuvu tuiciiaei ingeio. let li mient not nave from any representative, either of Janan or Ohina , ... ....... 1 . 11 1U 1CKBIU tu Bosion the characteristics of the people, and the relations njn Ln 1 - i i u lin , , . ' colors, well laid on, by members in good stand ng now existing between. them, are a stronger euaran- 4i. n l 1 1n, , , , - ""mm, .t.. t)19t w .t Li , "!L! , of the Decorators and Plasterers' Union, at a lower aggression against the rest of the world than anv uu,.. c . i r. i . . fitat m i. I Abbe Sar'nt Povis de Chavannes. If might -:rr-fS " : ' W aum even happen sometimes that it would be better for ontive, possibly can be. The two peoples have noth- ,v , 1 w . . , f . in ; nm, ti. t , vhMJMi w jci a -cw i oi'K anist decorate its pub ic - " ..v . m i vi nai. auui l : i j : it . , . ... . . . t' .x.. . . . uuiiumg man 10 nepena entirely upon Uskosh. xveolu me iiuicnsiou vi me soiuier as more nonor- t 4l .1 ..... . . . able than anv other Tli C.W . "" liace, 01 art ln t,le commen-ial and diers. W" ' m;J,a: : , IT:: ,abor world oht to be settled. Uncertainty l-- t , ... I ,s ou ior uusmess. now are scuintors who work onion or neaee and t hev hato a . ' - Vi ""'- n e av. stnnA nn,l t ...l.t,.. l. They prefer relations with other people to relations ' V" . ' ' . '"Z "l ;v, t mi i , T , umier uie junsuiciion 01 me Dirt ui'irers I 11 1011 with Japan. They submit to Japanese domination. LL. t , , n. .. . . i,,,f T . a . 'line oroinernooa 01 stonecutters, or the Ama "amat- VllL tiananesft lnmipnep ian nsvor mien h am ta nn,' I ft 4yoMkQtf i va .i; - ' cd Association of letal AVorkers? And is a mnra pwitjr uaiiinL 111c rc?l Ui JUHIlKinU. A i , . t , , . I nnmtoi TrrrMtlr t.nKi,w.f . t. . ff ii So far as Japanese control in China might atTect . . -" V , f 1 "V""'l uns.UI UH tl, w ti, ti, : . . LUUlu iluuse amiers or 01 ine international Urder v,y IIDHU, UlCIt LIU UUCaHIUU 101 US 101 t lit i IT-. . ra. Ar.,-i. ... , , . of Plasterers and Decorators? iui. nc Kiiuvt now 10 ueienu ourselves airainst an invasion of labor from that quarter, and we shall know how to make defense against anv other form eniT Clews' letter says of the effect of the war of peril that may threaten us. No peril of anv sort 011 stocks: "he stock market acts as if confused is visable at the present time, nor is there anv nms- ty' tne multiplicity of influences. Chief of these, o pect of any. On the contrary, we have reason to course, is the war and its potentialities. Ifthestrng- nope tor an increase m trade, both in China and "ie 18 cannned to Japan and liussia, as it probably Japan, under Japanese rather than Russian domina- wiU De' its effects upon the world's financial mar- tion. Russia has not yet begun to be a commercial kets W1" not be f,('rios- But those who control the nmver Tlor nuinU oh n ...rn. . ,c nurw stpinys in Knmnn ru moxa uonu!ti.. .,l... " ' u4iv, nn, iiui lauiiiiai nitii iiuy oi " . lw aii.v r'.unibni; uuoui the more profitable modern arts. JTer policy has the effects of the war than financial leaders in the never encouraged commercial activity, nor can it '-n'ted States. While Japanese success appears to do so while it remains what it is now. and there are be regarded with satisfaction throughout the civ no indications that it is likely to greatly change itsf ized world, there are those who are apprehensivt cnaracier in tne near tuture. 01 "e eueci oi ueieat upon the Kussian emnire. which is weak financially, industriously and polit ically. Russia is ruled by a czar of highly humane purposes, but, unfortunately, it is only too evident that he is surrounded by a bureaucracy which is en tirely at variance with his ideas and beyond, his control. 'Further, Russia 'is seething with discon tent, arising from misgovernment and the corrup tion winch prevails among the official classes. It is not easy, therefore, to calculate the effect of a mil- itary and naval reverses upon the Russian govern ment, especially should they mean, as now appears probable, the driving back of Russia to the Amur river. ' Important developments in Russian affairs of a more or less revolutionary character are then tore quite within the range of possibilities, should Japan continue on her victorioas course. Added to this uncertainty there is fear of an uprising this spring m the Balkans, the outcome of which is en tirely beyond calculation; so that the foreign situ ation is far from bein assuring. BLACKSMITH I NG. FIR8T.CLAS8 HOUSE Work. CARRIAGE AND WAGON BUILDING. 8UOEINO. Logging Camp All klndi of wgon tnaterUli in tock for idle. We cnnraotee the bet :;, work dona In tbe city. Price riuht. r,; ANDREW ASP, Corner Twelfth ami Dimne Mr!. Tlione 201, . THE MATTER OP FRIENDSHIP. The Oregonian replies interestingly to the pro Russian element in the United .States which is out with its reprimands because of the decidedly friendly spirit manifested by our government for the Japan ese in their tar eastern trouble. The Oregonian goes into the history involved in the sentimental discus sion now being waged, and concludes that America is under no particular obligation to Russia for any ehing she has ever done for us. That Russia once saw fit to assume rather a friendly attitude towards our country can Ik- regarded -hh no particular mani festation of love for us; the circumstance is attribut ed to Russia's hatred for England, against which 'country America was then waging a revolution. What Russia has or has not done for us in the past is not a present-day consideration. International friendships are merely temporary. Twice in the his tory of the American republic England tried to wipe her citizens oft the lace of the earth. During the revolutionary war and during the war of 1812-14 the people of the tJnited States hated England with all the bitterness capable of emanating from a liberty-loving people whose enemy sought to destroy them. Today England is our best friend. We en tertain a natural feeling of friendship for France, The Washington Post refers to the editor of the Oregonian as "Colonel" Harvey Scott. It is to be presumed that Mr. Scott acquired the title at the time he commanded Senator Brownell, of Clack mas county, to accept an opportunity which the editor deemed favorable to an ambition he once cher ished. ; ' 1 St. Louis World's Fair News FROM- HEADQUARTERS A Great Combination Offer We will fuminh the Twice a- Week issue of tbe St. Louis Globe-Democrat MT1ITIIK Iwice-a-Week hM Astorian BothPapers Sln5 li THE ST. LOUIS tiLOBK DEMOCRAT in isaued Komi-Weekly, eiult pngea or more, ewy Tuesday and Friday. It ia , REPUBLICAN in politics and has no equal or rival hi u GREAT MODERN NEWSPAPER If you want all the uewa ot the World'! Fair, all the newa of the national cam paign, and all the news of the earth, you niUHt have the GLOBE-DEMOCRAT and TIIKASTORIANdurinKthecomitiKypar. NOW IS THE TIME Send m$IJMTO-lAY and gut yonr Ik-Ht Home Paperand the (ireatt'Kt Newa. paper of the World's Fair City, both for a ' full j ear. Addresa the AST0HSAN, Astoria, 0r. Reliance Electrical Works H.W.CVRUH, Manner We are thorotiKhly prepared for making eatiinatci and executing orders for all kinds of electrical installing and repairing. Supplies iq stock. We 1 sell the Celebrated SHELBY LAMP. Call up Tlione 1161. 428 BOND STREET Dr. I. BALL DENTIST 124 Commercial street. Astoria Ore. Ph. VAUCHAN, Dkxtist. Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. ; Dr. RHODA 0. HICKS OSTEOPATHY Mansell Bldg. 671 Commercial 8t I'HONE BUCK W.. ' Dr. W. 0. LOGAN DENTIST 678 Commercial St., Hhanahan Building 0. W, BAKU, DENTIST r Mansell Building 673 Commercial Street, Astoria. Ore TELEPHONE BED 20(11. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Actlof Aulslant Kurfeon U.S. Marine HcwpltulMervlM. . .. Office hours: 19 to 12 a.m. 1 to 4:3! .m. 477 Commercial Street. 2ni Fleor. C. J. TRENCH A HI)' Insurance, Commlaslon and Shipping j; CUSTOMS HOUSE BROKER. Agent Wells-Fargo and Northern Pacific Express Companies. Cor. ELEVENTH and BOND STS PRAEL & COOK TRANSFER COMPANY. i Telephone ttt DRAYING AND EXPRESSINC All goods shipped to our oase , WIM receive special attention. Mo 138 Dtiaos BU W. X COOK. Mar k'TJsn't safe to be a day without Elec. trie OH in the house. Never can t.u what mement an accident Is a-oin ta happen. V Economy Brand Evaporated bream Is of uniform quality at all seasons, always pure, heavy in consistence, oi delicious i flavor and appetizing ap pearance. I Ask for tho brand-with the Helvetla"cap label I Mado by the largest pro- ducers oi bvaporated 'Cream In tho ycrld. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD LEAVE PORTLAND I ARRIVE I; 00 a ml Portland Union De-f 11:10 a m 7:00 p ml pot for Astoria andj 1:40 pm I Way Points A8TOWA 7:41 a ml For Portland and) ll:Mam 6:10 p m Way Points 10:10 p m SEASIDE DIVISION S:1S a m Astoria for Waren 11:36 a in ton, Flavsl Fort 6:50 pm Stevens, Hammond land Seaalde 7:40 am 4:00 d m 10:46 am 6:15 a m Seaalde for War 9:30 a mi renton, Flavsl, 1:30 ptu Hammond. Fort I Stevens A- Astoria 11:60 p no 7 ' ?rt n . . ... K v.w w a.. Sunday only All trains make close connections at Oobls with all Northern Pacific trains to and from tbe Eaat and Sound polnta J. C. Mayo. . Oenerat Freight and Pass. Agtnt. The Scenic Line TO THE EAST AND SOUT1L Throuah SU - UW- OHrr Im4uu, . Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Orfera the Chotce of Three Routes Thiough the Famoua Rocky Moun tain Scenery, and Five Distinct Roulos Eaat and South of Denver. 3-FAST TRAINS DAILY-3 Between Ogden and Henver, Carrying All Classes of Modrn Equipment. Prf t Dining Car Service and Per sonally Conducted Tourist E. curslons to All Points East STOP OVERS ALLOWED On All Classes of Tickets. , Fcr Information or Illustrated lltera tore call on or address W. C. M iimiDE. . - General Agent 124 Third St.. Portland. Or. Where do you get shaved now? ; On the face, of course. What for? 15c. ' Where? At the Occident Barber Shop THE BOSS TONSORAl ARTISTS mm L taYt T1iii n si nun i o , VBPU,8 uponct I u " obam or wpaiba, vuneosor n ertiOPn.' !Al 1 CURE IN Ak Uftitvi iZi I th an!,e d8ssi with. LA 9ut Inconyenlenc. aI itruifttrt T. 1 Sanfel-Pepsla Cspsulss IIIVE CURB S'", po par. the lAmi-ptwri ea. ; LI l.n.. . ', hom bicnas. ..: Tivm i ,u commercial Bu?dilla;efn.xl.tenc. ly. Permanentiv T-C.U'M Pmpt thestemach. "d tones fe)