The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 26, 1904, Image 1

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Oil ssA
NO. 122.
Company Will ' Not Place Ob
staclcs In Way of Govern
ment Concerning Trans
fer of Concessions.
Conversations Between Ambas
sador Porter and M. Bo,
t Indicate Smooth Sailing.
Willi Helllntr of thtt Concession
Will Nut He KiiJoIihmI, (Jov
crmiirnt lteriuliiMl to
Jtetitln Mhir'.
Paris, Feb. 35. Conversation which
have occurred between M. Ilo, presi
dent of the Panama Canal ompany, and
ibussador Porter, show that In the
"Won of the former no obstacle will
am. transfer of the concession to the
1 Btates.
wh admitted at the Colombian
Inn I hut there la likelihood Of the
fta refusing to grait a writ en
tiling the company from 1lln the
omesslon, but that every effort will
be mud y retain the ownership of the
Colombian "hre In order that Colom
bia may profit In the distribution of
Senate on Patriotism.
Washington. Feb. 25. The senate
today passed both the agricultural and
legislative, iind the executive and Judi
cial appropriation bill. The amend
mmit to the agricultural bill, fcu;uet
ed by Hcyburn, of Mho, caused nl
mated discussion. It contemplated the
'upervlnlnn of Interstate commerce so
a to prevent the transfer of plants or
seeds, fraudulently marked, from one
state to another. " The amendment
started n debate on palrlotlam. It wa
ruled out on a point of order.
Livernaih Retain Seat.
Washington, Feb. 26. The house
committee on eld-lion No. 1 today
agreed to report In favor of Llvornash
In the Kahn-Llvernash contest from
tho Fourth California district. The
committee decided the Gudger-Moody
content from the Tenth North Carolina
dlatrlct In favor Of Oudger, Democrat,
the lttlng member, and the Dantsler
Lever content from the Seventh South
Carolina dlatrlct In favor of Iver, the
sitting member.
Member of the Minority Campaign to
Cut Down Ship.
Washington, Feb. 25. The building
program of the navy, a contained In
the pending naval bill, occupied the
attention of the house throughout the
day, but the fight la by no means over.
Minority members of the nnvnl com
mittee, who, under the leadership of
Meyer, of !ulslna, first gave endorse,
ment to the measure, are campaigning
for a reduction In the number of ships
to be authorised.
The amendment to strike out the onA
battleship, made yesterday by Ilurton,
of Ohio, was defeated. The cruiser
wna then put to the test and enough
friend were found for tta retention.
Construction of ships at the govern
ment yarda proved to be a fruitful
topic for discussion, aid the amend
ment by Hell, of California, requiring
one collier to be built In the govern
ment yard, waa adopted.
The proposition for a preferential
four per cent, In favor of bids from the
Pacific const, waa defeated after Mc
Dermott, of New Jersey, had delivered
a humorous aueech In which the ship
building trust and the state of New
Jersey were put forward for the char
liable consideration of the house,
Brilliant Defense on Part of Russians
Drive the Doughty Enemy, an Entire
Squadron, from the Roadstead.
Persistent Efforts on Part of Orientals to Avenge First Repulse
Feeling of Irritation Against the United States Grows Apace
In Russia, and Orders for American Goods Are
Countermanded by Merchants.
Consul En Rout For Mukden.
Han Francisco, Feb. 25. Fleming
It. Cheshire the newly appointed Unit
ed fltates consul to Mukden, one of the
threo Amrlwur rapreattttativnrtnmeit
for Manchurlun ports under the provi
sions of the treaty of last October, ban
arrived here en route to the oi.-nt.
Regarding the went anno-ituvment
that Russia would probably tnjwt lo
tho new rnnHuls asxumlug their lure
Units In Manchuria, Consul Cheshire
saya he hud received no a-lvices on this
point and Is simply following ou In
structions given hhn In Vah'wiNiv to
proceed at once to his oost. He will
sail tomorrow.
Colonel Grayson Dtad.
Cincinnati, Feb, 25. Colonel John
T. drftysnn. of Portland, Ore., one of
the wealthy mining men of the north
west, dropped dead In his room at the
St. Nicholas hotel here tonight. Henri
failure or appolexy Is believed to be
the cause.
Our 20 per cent reduction
sale on clothing' is STILL ON
Parla, Feb. 25. A dispatch from th.
Bt. Petersburg correspondent of the
Echo Ue Purls aayi the lust, or the re
torted second, attack of the Japanese
on Port Arthur was repulsed brilliant
ly. It says the Japanese were obliged
to ijult the roadstead. Jt 4a presumed
that the entire squadron joined In the
second attack, hoping to avenge the
repulse of ihe preceding day. The Jap
anese are thought to have Incurred
further tosses during thla long fight
Admiral Stark telegraphed that he ex
pects a third attack.
munition or money, for the patriotic
rich are subscribing.
li fe 7
XS25 f:;-l" P H.nSAffr I
.Ns- : '' l'Vr All v Mux I
Americana in St Petersburg Get Cold
8t. Petersburg, Feb. 25. The Irrita
tion against the United States on ac
count of the supsed unfriendly nttl
tude of that country toward Russln,
which '"u slight ly nohceable through.
out negotiations, seems to have bet-ome
dully more pronounced and since the
Vlcksburg Incident at Chemulpo Amer.
lean business men here are really con
cerned about the possible effect on
American trade. Within the Inst few
days orders for American goods have
been countermanded, the only explana
tion given being that the prospective
purchasers did not desire to buy Amer
ican goods under present circum
stances. I'nlted Btutes Consul -General
Watts has been appealed to.
Americans here believe that an offl
clii! explanation of the Vlcksburg" inci
dent would be opHrlune. The gov
ernment, ofllclntly, h:ia not taken no
tice in the Incident. In government
circles, however, It Is seen plainly that
Kusslan susceptibilities have , been
wounded, the rear being expressed that
should Washington now disregard Rus
sian protests and procure exequateurs
for the newly appointed American con
suls at Mukden and Antung from Pe
kin, and attempt to send those officials
to their posts, a really unpleasant In
cident might be created.
The refusal of Russln to allow Mr.
Morgan, the newly appointed American
consul at Port Dalny, to go to his post
nt present, is based upon the military
situation, which may compel nil for
eigners to leave Port Dalny.
China It Intimidated.
Toklo, Feb, 25. The question of the
stay of the Russian gunboat Mandjur
a Shanghai remains unsettled. Paul
Lessaf, the Russian minister to China,
Is said to be trying to intimidate the
Chinese government In the matter, de
claring emphatically that Japan has
little chance 'of victory against the
Russian army of half a million men.
The court at Pekin is oscillating on
Ibis question. Russia is also pressing
China to declare neutrality In the por
tion of the empire which Russia al
ready occupies.
ft w days ago from London, had " a
lengthy audience with the cxar today.
Videttes Cut Wires.
Seoul, Thursday, Feb. 25. Kusslan
videttes advanced south ot Anju and
cut the telegraph wires between Anju
and Ping Tang.
Change of Base. V
Tinkow, Feb. 25. Refugee mission
aries say the Russian government bur
eau at Vladivostok has been with
drawn to Khavarovsk.
Sailinp of 8tamer China Delayed by
, Russia's Order.
San Francisco, Feb, 25. The railing
of the steamer China for the orient ha
been postponed from tomorrow to Sat
urday. Workmen are removing 1,000,
000 pounds of beef Isold to the Russian
government by a local firm. Thre
million pounds of beef had been con
tracted for by the Russian government
The first two Installments were shipped
on the steamers Coptic and Korea. The
beef seized by Japanese ocials Is be
lieved to have been the same. Local
sellers received orders at the last mo
ment to remove the third shipment
from the China. "
Five Butte Miners Buried Alive
by Cave In of Earth and
- ' M.J fiJ tS
To Strengthen Works.
Foreman Knew of the Danger
and Kept Force From
Entering the Mine.
Opinion of 'Attorney-General Effects
Title to School Lands.
Salem. Ore., Feb. - 25.. Attorney
General Crawford today rendered an
oDlnlon to the effect, in the indemnity
f hol land nurchased from thei that tf vry oft and in danger
Sad Death of Shift Bosk, Who Is
Nearly ICestued When Sec
ond Avalanche Hides Him
From Sight of Reeuers.
Butte. Mont, Feb. 25. Five Uvea
were loat by a cave-in of earth and
rock at the Minnie Healy mine this
afternoon. ' '. '"'.""
The accident occurred on the sixth
floor of the thousand foot level. Early
In the day,' Foreman Joseph Kane in
formed the men that the ground at
Jews For Jap Army.
New York. Feb. 25. Leopold Moss,
of Chicago, who ts in this city, has an
nounced his Intention ot recruiting here
"a'Tegiment of Hebrews for service in
tfof Japanese army. Moss was a col
onel on the staff of the late Governor
Altgeld, of Illinois, and served ns a cap
tain In the war with SDaln. Officials
of the Japanese government have re
peutedly stated that the country's laws
do not permit the service of aliens, so
that Colonel Moss' regiment is not at
all likely to reach the front.
state and divested of its growth of
J timber. It afterward being found that
the state cannot conyey title to sucn
land, that the purchaser Is entitled to
the repayment of purchase price from
the' 'staW btrt-thar it the titteW-ww
land is found to lie whh the United
Spates, persons removing timber there
from, they are acountable to the gov
ernment for such devastation.
Murder Helpless Refugees and Ter
rorire European Women.
. Pekln, Feb. 25, Private advices re
ceived here from New Chwung con
firms the Teports of IH-treutment to
Japanese refugees at the hands of the
Russians while they were Journeying
through Manchuria. ' They declare
moreover that some of the refugees
were cruelly murdered. The Russian
soldiery at New.Chwang la so undis
ciplined that that place is unfit for
European Women.
-. ; : . .
Manchurians Ar Being j Enrolled
Against Russia.
25. Manchuria Is
the Russians, rays a
lismitch from Chefoo. Five
thousand Russian' troops have been
moved from Mukden to Sunmlnunff.
because In the vllluges along the west
side of Llaotung peninsula the rctlves
are making active preparations to cut
ofC.snuill bodies of Russian troops.
Ten thousand Manchurians have al
ready been enrolled In the movement
which I spreading. 4'olunteers are
Kind to Wounded.
London, Feb. 25. A special dispatch
from Hongkong says that the British
admiralty officials are serving out
clothing to Russian sailors rescued at
Chemulpo, Corea. and that crews ofJ
vessels forming part of the British
squadron have given half a day's pay
to provide luxuries for the Russian
Attack Is Renewed.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 25. Following
the dispatches of Major-General Pflug,
naytoig the Japanese had again attacked
Port Arthur Thursday morning and
had been repulsed. Viceroy ' Alexleff
sent in an Identical report to the cxar.
The fact Is known that the Japanese
have renewed the attack.
Makes Port in Distress.
San I Francisco, Feb. 25. The
schooner Sausalito, 15 days from Grays
Harbor for San Pedro, put into port
tonight In distress. She left the north
ern port about the same time as the
schooner Emma Utter, and weathered
the storm in which, the latter vessel
was wrecked.
Strychnin in Their Tea.
Baker City, Ore., Feb. 25 Engineer
Legg, of Pleasant Valley, w ho runs an
engine on the O. R. & N., u..d wife
were mysteriously poisoned last night
by strychnine in their tea. Owing to
the queer taste I'gg did not drink his,
but Mrs. Legg raitook of a quantity
and narrowly escaped i death. Legg
gave some to a dog and the animal
died In ten minutes.' Investigation ia
proceeding. Legg was married a week
Cruiser to Be Raised.
New York, 'Feb. 25. Measures are
being taken for the raising of the
Railroad Employes Censured.
Ogden, Utah, Feb. 25. The coroner's
j Jury In rendering a veraici ior me
cause of the cut-off disaster last i-ti-day,
may be regarded as censuring
railroad employes, inasmuch as it j iej m t.h.e matter ot wa8es-
states that the accident might have , .
of falling. He withdrew all the min
ers working there: This afternoon
Shift Boss Haggerty took Furlong;
Dwyer, Abraham and Trinetti In to
laMv-afcwUUiead a nd - otherwise
strengthen weak spots.
Just how the fall came about will
never be known, as not one of the five
men is left to tell the tale. Shift Boss
Haggerty was found on the edge of a
mass of earth and rock, burled to the
waist. He was able to tell the rescu
ers that he and Furlong nearly got
clear of the place when they were
caught by the cave. Furlong was onlyv
a few feet behind Haggerty. Haggerty
scarcely had time to tell Foreman Kane
this much when the second cave oc
curred, burying him. respite the dan
ger, the rescue of the miners of the
Minnie Healy kept right on. Not un
til 6 o'clock that night was the body ot
Haggerty found and taken to the sur
face. It will likely be days before M
tjie bodies are recovered.
Trinttl. like the others, ' heard the
thing coming and made a dash for
safety. He ran into a chute, dow
which he fell. His dead body was
found at the bottom of the chute.
Longshoremen Strike.
Tacoma. Feb. 25. The longshore
men of the steamship Lyra, chartered
for a government contract struck to
day against the government wages of
25 and 30 centa an hour, and demanded
40 cents. There are 250 men. -They
have wired Washington. D. C for re-
cruiser Varlag at Chemulpo, according
to a Times dispatch from Toklo. The ! been avolded -had the powder been j
vessel Is said to be not seriously dam- J piacei a greater distance from the en-
aged, but the Korteu is a complete . gln
Czar Congratulates Navy.
Stock Freights Collide.
De Moines. Feb. 25. Two fast stock
A nre-
St. Petersburg, Feb. 25. The caar freights came together tonight.
has telegraphed warm congratulations ; man and three unknown stockmen
to Viceroy Alexleff and the entire Rus- Were badly injured.
elan squadron at Port Arthur on the h -
able manner in which they reuisea me JyfJ'J' HITtJ
laiesi niinviv w me .ij"'" v
Bakers. Raise Price.
New York, Feb. 25. Master bakers
of the west side have decided1 to ad
vance the price of rolls from 10 to 1!
cents a dozen owing to the high prices
prevailing for wheat and flour, Many
bakers have reduced the sixe of their
loaves, but no action has been tiiken
toward raising the price of bread,
York. Feb.
FUet Reaches Port Said.
Port Paid. Feb. 25. The United
States torpedo boat destroyer fleet, es
corted by the auxiliary cruiser Buffalo,
has arrived here on Us way to the
Philippines. The vessels had a rough
trip, but sustained no damage.
Everybody is playing' them
Rag's! Bidelia! Moon Moths!
Mysterious Visit to Consulate.
Toklo, Feb. 25. The secretary of the
Norwegian consulate at Kobe has gone j
Snjphn to see the cautain of the cap- I
tured ship Hoiks. This action is not
understood and has given riae to spec
ulation. , '
Confers With Czar.
.St. Petersburg. Feb. 25. Count
Henckendorff, the Russian ambassador
plentiful and there Is ho lack -of am-'to Great Britain, who returned here a
Groceries, Hardware, Ship Chandle
ry, Paints, ..Oil and GlassHardwood
Lumber Boat'Supplies etc. & Jt? X?
Cor. Bond and 12th Sts.
Astoria, Oregon