The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 25, 1904, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    Famous Trains
'. t . ; f a -"" .. i , . . ,
The South woat Limited Kaunas City to
Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago
via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St Paul
to Chucago, run via
. , - j( ( ;
Chicago, Milwaukee '& St. Pau
Each routo offers numerous attractions.
The principal thing to insure a quick
com tollable trip east is to see that your
tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee A
St. Paul Railway,
Gintrsl Ajcni.
134 Third Street, Portland
New Style Restaurant
.Everything First Class. . The Bestgthe Market Affords.
Open Day and Night Good Service.
0 nth Si. next cW to Griffin Brat.
u4 djoMnf th Olflcs Sstoss
Wholesale and detail
Ships, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice.
The Finest Hotel in the Northwest
Sudden Fright Makes Russian
Young Alan Look Like a Man
of Eighty Years.
Announcement of HI Aire Al
most CitiiMe Clerk to Fall
Under the Counter In
. IIUHiirpriite.
. (Portland Tel'fram.)
The spectacle of a man but 39 year
of ace and with hair, beard and imia
tachs whits as the hirsute of an octo
genarian and even whiter than mri, l
an unusual one, but auch greeted Chief
Drputy Cotiney Clerk Arthur C. Han
croft at the registration counter this
morning and expressed a desire to reg
ister. . '
lie gave hli name a 11. Maaoratsky,
aid he waa born In Kleff, RushIo, and
waa a merchant by occupation, with
address at 10Mi North Third street.
Thla waa nothing unusual, nor was the
sight of man with white hair and
beard one to excite Interest, but when
In answer to a stereotyped, question,
"age V the applicant replied that he
waa 89, the genial chief deputy nearly
fell under the counter. However, Mr,
Muxoratsky took an oath to that effect,
and to that fact the records now bear
witness.' - J-
A few other questions of a personal
nature, but having nothing to do with
teglstratlon, elicited the surprising fact
that this old-young man'a hair turned
white in a single day. It was believed
to be due "to fright, he said. ' He was
badly frightened once about five years
ago, and shortly after that his hair be
came a me anven snow in one aay.
No. he said, he had not been sick at
the time, and the only explanation ever
effcred hlin by any one who pretended
to know, waa that the hair lost Ita
color through the mysterious influence
of extreme fright. Another surprising
thing In connection with Mr. Maxor
atnky's case is that before thla mystic
change wa wrought his hair waa
bluck. ' ' ,
Scientists are unable to account for
the strange phenomenon of hair losing
Its color In a single day,' Their bser
vatlons are that the cells of the hair.
which are filled with pigmentary gran
ui-s, thus giving if Ita eolor,' appear to
have become vacated of thla substance
after the change and the cells filled
with air. There are a number of caw
on record of this kind. ,
Made Claim That 8h Was Born Prior
To Revolution. ,
Chicago, Feb. 24. Sophie Gab,
whose birth antedated the revolution
ary war, If her assertions were correct,
and who was supposed to have , been
the oldest woman In Chicago, is dead
at the home for aged and Infirm col
ored people. She was 129 years old.
According to the aged woman's state
ment she was born in Virginia In 1776.
before the declaration of Independence
She lived on the plantation where she
was born until fred by the proclama
tlon of President Lincoln.
. To Curs a Cold In -One Day.
Take, Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
If it falls to cur. E. W. Grove's sig
nature Is on each box. 25e. tf
Time Curd ! Trains
, v Leaves Arrives
Puget Sound Limited. 7: a m : pm
Kansas City-St. Louis
special ii:ia am s u nm
n v.obs( i4mitea o m T:W a m
aooma ana Seattle Night
AKiiress u;e pm 1:05 pa
Take Puget Sound Limited or North
Coast Limited for Grays Harbor points
' rugei sound umited for Olym
pia direct.
Take Puget Bound Limited or Kan
sas City-St Louis Special for points
on South Bend branch.
Double dally train service on Graf's
Harbor branch.
Four trains dally between Portland,
Tacoma and Seattle-
For Full Particulars, Kates, Folders,
Etc., Call on or Address
City Ticket Agent.
l Third Street, Portland.
8. G. TKRKES, O. W. P. A.
nil Tiret Avenue, , Seattle, Wash.
to Chicago and all points east; Louis
ville,' Memphis. New Orleans, and ail
point south.
See that your ticket reads vi the
lllnol Central R. R. Thoroughly mod
m trains connect with all transcontl-
hental lines at St. Paul and Omaha.
If your friends are coming west let us
snow and we will quote them airect
.ho specially low rates now in effect
horn alt eastern points.
Any Information at to rates, routes,
ko cheerfully given on application.
B. it. TRUMBUuL, Commercial
tent, 148 Third street, Portland, Or.
J. C. LINDSST, T. F. ft P. A., 1U
PIrd street, Portland, Or. :
$. B. THOMPSON, F. ft. P. A..
"As the
Crov Flies"
The shortest line between
Minneapolis, St. Paul and
Chicago is
the route of the famous
western Limited
, "The Train Pot Comfort"
every night in the year.
Before atnitlng on a trip-no matter
whero write tot Interesting Infurma
Uou about comfortBble traveling.
H. L SISLEff. Gtnwil Agent.
132 Third St. Portland, Oregon.
General PamnKpr Agont,
t Pcciii, Mlun. -
Netioe For Bids,
The undiWlgiwd will receive sealed
bids up to twelve O'clock hooli of Tues
day, March the first, 1964, ft M$ offlce,
room numbered SO, Concord building,
Portland, Multnomah county, state of
Oregon, for the hereinafter described
property; said blda to be accompanied
by a certified , check for ten
per cent of the bid tendered.
The .property to be sold con-
rlfttlng of ail the real and personal
property of the Rainier Mill and Lum
ber Company (except the accounts and
cash on hands) which said property is
now In the undersigned's hands and un
der the undersigned's control and which
said property consists as follows, to
The n. w. quarter of section 14, town
ship 11 north range 6 west, in Pacific
county, Washington. Also contracts
for stumpage on 360 acres known as
Mitchell and Blaney claims, situated on
Grays river, in the state of Washing
ton; also all the logging camps and
equipment and logs (approximately 1
Preparations Being Made to Meet Japs
In Event ef Attack-
New York, Feb. 24. Trains of 12
cars, ach with 80 soldiers aboard, are
now arriving frequently at Port Ar
thur, according to a Herald dispatch
ft em Chef oo. ; Reinforcements are be
ing pushed forward from the Yalu to
the station at. Lai' Chang. ;
The railway administration has
placed two trains, each of 18 cars, eta
tlonary at Dalny to remove to the
north the hospitals, the 'offkiaU and
the workmen, t should the Japanese
bombard. Miner have been laid at
Dalny, 17 miles from the shore, Neu
tral vessel which arrived after the
hostilities began experienced grat dif
Acuity In clearing from that port.' The
captains of the boats were not allowed
to comm-ind 'thrlr vessels jUi.tU they
had entirely passed the mines, naval
officials doing the piloting.
' Mysterious Circumstance.
One was pale and sallow and th
other fresh and rosy. Whence the dtf
ference? ' She who is blushing with
health uses Dr. King's New Life Fill
to maintain it By gently arousing th
lazy organs they compel! good digeq
tlon and head off const) pajpjt. fry
them. Only 25 cents at' PMarlee Roger
Fish Traps Near Victoria.
Vl..tln T .. ..
""'"i v.., r?D. 24. it was re
ported here last night that th doir.ln-
,0V government bad at last agreed to
allow the, erection of fish traps at
point near Victoria. The canners of
the Praser river and Vancouver,' who
have bitterly opposed thls'innovatt.-tn,
now take a much more moderate view,
and are practically agreed that it Is the
only measure to adopt to cli.sckmate
the destructive woi k done by tl;e Amer
ican companies' traps at Point Roberts.
The incoming salmon front "the "sea to
the Fraser strike a point on the straits
of Puca near 'Victoria. 'ami could be
taken there by fish traps In such num
bers as to render useless the traps at
the American stations. The establish
ment of traps here would revolution
ise the salmon canning Industry of the
Residents in this City Keep Pace
With Their Compatriots
Throughout the State-
Many Oriental Are Quitting
Their Jobs to Go to Front
ICeady to Start at a
". Moment' Notice.
working In close harmony. In case ef
necessity, we can raise 130,000 or more.
"All Japanese who own allegiance to
the navy of our country residing in
Oregon have already gone to the war.
Those who belong to the military arm
of the service have been duly notified
and are holding themselves In readl-
ness, . Most of them have already quit
their pobs and are prepared to start
upon an Instant's notice for the seat of
war." . r .;
Owen's Pink Mixture.
It saves the baby. A perfectly harm
,000 feet), known as the Grays River less preparation for teething children
25 ana 50 cents a bottle. Sold only at
Logging camp, situated In Pacific coun
ty, Washington. ; , ; .
For further information concerning
the said property call on or write to
the undersigned at his above address
The undersigned reserves the right to
reject any or ( all bids and any sale
made Is subject to the confirmation of
the circuit, court of the state -of Ore
gon, for the county of Multnomah.
Rec. Rainier Mill & Lumber Co.
Norwegian Will Observe Progress of
War For, China.
New York, Feb. 24. Quiet continues
at Pekln, says a dispatch to the Time
from the Chinese capital. The Chinese
nre maintaining order well.' They nave
covered the province with proclama
tions , enjoining the preservation of
tranquility. Manifestos of thenar
evoke little sympathy among the Chi
nese. - -.v ' : 1 '"" ' ' v
General Yuan Shin, viceroy of Chili
and minister of commerce, has tisked
permission to t.end Colonel Muhthe, a
Norwegian long in his serv ice, to be
attuehed to the Russian forces and re
port the progress of the campaign.
Admiral Alexfeff consented and Colonel
Munthe has started on his Journey.
O.'It Oraatata.
' l.ddlt!. .k Prurriri
In MK ! iioM ih wititt
lh ulmrtbtKM, 1 ah no (limn KvfaH
Hamrvr HulMilfHtlwM mmi I ml tin
Minim. Hhj f frmr Urtiirt, r .Mrt 4. ia
utmm f" lrtlralnn, Ttlnlto
ua fnf fV.r i.Atti"fti iffr, r
la-aM(Jl. I ,! T..ilm.i.l.. Mu!4M
Bukscrl'ee for Tke Actsrlaa.
- The World's Fair Route!
f . Those anticipating an eastern trip,
or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase
exposition at St. Louis, cannot afford
to overlook the advantages offered by
the Mlssurl Pacific Railway, which, on
account of Its various routes and gate
ways, has been appropriately named
"The World's Pair Route . ,
Passengers from the northwest take
the Missouri Pacific trains from Den
ver or Pueblo with the choice of either
going direct through Kansas City, or
via Wichita, Port Scott and Pleasant
Hiii.' : .' .;.;' ' . ;
Two trains dally from Denver and
Pueblo to St Louis without "chnnge,
carrying all classes of modern equip
ment, including electric lighted obser-
Viitlon narlnr enre n n nc ran Ton
daily trains between Kansas City and! V LjJjJ U J J fl
Write or call on W. C. McBride, gen-
eral agent, 124 Third street, Portland,
fqr detailed Information and Ulustrat-j
ed literature . ,
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question
every day Let tis answer it to-day. Try
J - I ' u
a delicious and healthful (lesrt
pared ia two minutes. No boiling I noj
t v;. ""'""K water ana sot to
eooL J?lavors:--Lemon, Orange, Rasp,
berry and Strawberry. Get
at your grocers c-lay, io ots.
A fund is being raised by the Jap
anese residents of this city that will be
added to the war fund to be forwarded
to Japan for the purpose of aiding in
the war now being waged against Rus
sia, The section bands of the A. &
C. R. R., all Japs, have raised $151
during the past few days, and their
compatriots in other lines of work will
raise similar amounts. The money wi'l
be sent to 8. Ban, the Japanese banker
of Portland. ; The intention is to ran
150,000 from Japanese residentd
throughout the state.
Y. Matsui, of 8. Ban's Japanese
bank, says that $15,000 ' has already
been received from voluntary contribu
tions and forwarded to Tokio. cir
cular letters explanatory to the situa
tion have been sent to every Japanese
resident of Oregon, and voluntary con
tributions to the fund are coming in
This fund is for the support of the
Japanese army in the field, the main
tenance of afflicted families of Jap
anese soldiers and sailors who may be
killed In the conflict and for the direct
use, of the government at Tokio.
''This Is but the beginning," said Mr.
Matsul. "If the war continues any
length of time, other steps to raise
funds for its support will be taken.
he Japanese Association of Portland,
the Japanese mission, ' the Portland
Shlnpo," which is the local newspaper
of our people, and other local organisa
tions, have the matter in hand and are
Relations Not Strained. '
New York, Feb. 24 Rumors of, She.
gotiations among the powr otwrnd
respecting the passage of the Par
danetles by the Russia Black wu feet
are declared, by the Paris tot respond
ent of the Times, to be itnfoumlod. The
disturbance of the equilibrium which it
might and probably would entail, the
dispatch continues, can hardly be a
matter of indifference to other powers
l. - - I Jl W . ..... - 4 . ... it
uwwuej ,ngj:pu mere is nux a par
ticle of evidence to justify the suppo
sition that the sympathy of the French
for their Russian allies in any way has
affected the Anglo-French entente car
dials. ' The relations between the two
countries are satisfactory as before the
outbreak of the war, concludes the cor
respondent. On this channel it un
questionably is the general wish that
the ' good understanding continue, an?
that neither France nor England be
come Involved in the war in the far
east.- "4 -"v . . ''
ir stomach and bowels. So mue.
depend upon them. Your health, hap
plness and even your life is controlled
largely by these organs. It is there
fore very important at the first evmp
mto of the stomach becoming wea .
of the bowels constipated that you tak
few doses of Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters. It Is the best stomach and
bowel medicine in existence, and pos
itively cures heartburn, indigestion
dyspepsia, constipation and malaria.;
Try it
It, & SELIG, Leasse and Manager.
pa.n... .in - a-J. ' uL.rj.. " J. " ! : ..... r-Tr
Saturday, Feb. 27,
.The Comedy Drama
"Slaves of 'the 'Mine"
A Heart Story of the Wyoming Valley
By C. E. Callahan and Dan. L Hart
A Superb Scenic Production
Exclusively Special Scenery .'
The Vivid Burning Culm
The Shaft of the Mine
Real Elevator, Coal Cars and Miners at Work
( v The Awful Explosion and Cave-in '
' ' The Thrilling Strike Scene
A play with Natural Characters
Witty Dialogue, Intense Climaxes,
' 1 Funny Situations. Select Company.
Admissicn-Rescrved Seats 75 cents, Gs"ery 50
cents. Seat sale cpens Friday n:rr.!n2 et Gf If
., fins' Bc:k Stsre,
L. E. SELIQ, Lessee and Manager.
i Bart' 14
Olympia Comic Opera Co.
Andraus' Famous Laughing
t : Success ; ;;
Franz von Suppe's Greatest
of all Standard Comic Operas
Pretty Girls, Funny Comedians, Elegant Costumes
Piirrs Reserved Seats $I.C0
A itt Gallery 50 cents
Scat Sale Opens Monday Morning at Griffin's Book: Store