The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 25, 1904, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Men Killed on Schooner Frank W.
. v Howe Were Washed Into
the Ocean.
ichooner Is Beinar Held To-
T gether By Carjfo, But Cau
Not Last Long Other
Marine News.
It was ascertained yesterday that
there are nobodies on the til-fated
schooner Frank ,W Howe. . Weather
Observed Kelliher stationed at North
Head lighthouse, yesterday sent a man
to the scene of the disaster, and the
messenger secured full" Information re
garding the matter. Observer Kelll
her made the following statement last
evening: , ' ,
"Iff messenger went to the scene of
the wreck of the Howe this afternoon.
He reports that the Fort Canby 'life
saving crew today boarded the schoon
er and made thorough search for the
purpose of determining whether or not
the bodies of the two men killed -last
Thursday were aboard. . The crew
found no trace of them.
"The masts of the schooner are now
working loose and will go by the board
in a short time. The vessel has brok
en In two and only the cargo of ties
Is holding the two portions together. I
am Informed that the schooner will en
tirely break up within the next SS
hours, as the cargo tn the hold is be
ginning to work loose and will soon be
carried away by the waves." '
There were three Insurance risks on
the wrecked schooner, in all amounting
to about $30,000. An adjuster who vis
ited the scene of the wreck expressed
the opinion that perhaps the vessel
could be saved, but latest reports from
the beach are that she Is to be a total
l9ss.' '.'''" ' 1
The gale which threatened Tuesday
night did not materialise, and ast
evening Weather Observer ElUs report
ed that Indications for fair weather
were better last night than on the
previous night. The observer says
there will be no storm at least for U
hours. The bar was quiet yesterday
and several vessels arrived and several
departed. The Oregon got out after
a detention of several dajs, but the
transport Wx is still weather bound.
The Dix will likely remain in the tar
tor until Saturday, when the tides will
"be favorable.
Strikers Who Want to Return Are Not
Given the Opportunity. "
The statement was made yesterday
by a member of the crew of the bar
dredge Chinook that the crew had
been completed, and that there was
no further vacancies to be filled. The
new men secured for duty are nearly
all residents of ths city, who will not
be so apt to quit the ship upon ac
cumulating a few dollars. Sixteen of
the men who struck wanted to return
to the ship, but the officers In charge
of the launch has recleved Instructions
not to take any of the strikers aboard.
There were at one time 120 men at
the wharf waiting to go aboard to
make application for positions. Most
of the strikers who have applied for
reinstatement are now "bust" and re
pentent. It Is understood that Chief Engln
mt Jnhn Undlev has been transfer
rer uj me engineer ueji uu -
of the transports, and that First As
sistant John Moorhof had- been made
chief. The first assistant has Just re
turned from a San Francisco visit
of two weeks. This change in the
engine room will doubtless have a har
monizing effect, as there has been
some friction 'between the captain and
the chief.!
The chief cook has quit his position
and there are now but two cooks
aboard . It U reported that the cull
nary department Is not as strong as
It should be, and that the work cut
out for the men In that department Is
more than they can properly attend
to. However, this difficulty will be
adjusted ere long.
Yesterday the Chinook took on 600
tons of coat
' aaaHaaSJ
Oregon Gets to 8ea.
The steamship Oregon departed yes
terday for Ban Francisco, after a 48
hours' wait In the lower harbor. The
vessel arrived down the river on Mon
mornlnir. took on a quantity of
shooks, oysters and canned salmon at
Astoria and then proceeded io w
tarhor. When she tried to get
out It was found the bar was breaking
badly and Captain Dorln put back mw
the harbor. He tried again to get to
sea Tuesday afternoon, but the attempt
was asuln abandoned. Yesterday the
bar was smooth and the Oregon de
Darted. She took 500 cases of salmon
from Astoria, besides shooks and oys
ters. : ... '
Buford Goes to Panama.
The transport Etuford. which arrived
from San Francisco a few days ago.
presumably for the purpose of taking
on 00 marines for Manila, will pro
ceed from the Columbia river to Pan
ama, according to a Portland an
nrtUncemnt. The marines are to be
used br our government to maintain
order on the isthmus and to prepare
the new republic for any attack which
may be made by the Bogota govern-
. a I ... 4.tA AM
ment. The Burora w sjbu "-
a quantity of supplies.
Thistlebsnk Not Damaoed.
The British bark Thistlebank was
not damaged by stranding on the sands
in the lower harbor, The vessel went
ashore during the gale, having dragged
her anchors, and her heel swung out
of the channel and hit the sand. She
remained in that position for IS hours
and was then floated. No damage re
sulted, as the vessel rested easily all
of the time. She was towed up the
river yesterday to. load grain for the
United Kingdom.
LET YOUR WANTS BE KNOWN. Somebody hai what you want, or wants what ypitbave to
sell. Here is where want and wanted come together. AUVtKlIbL. t,
The Morning Aatortan will be found
for sale at Griffin's, book store and at
Scully's cigar store, corner Eleventh
and Commercial streets.
. Wood. Wood. Wood.
Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any
kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly,
the transfer man. "Phone 1211 Black.
Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house.
If you want your money's worth
Rlnt 'Phone Mil.
Girl wanted Girl wanted to go to
Skagway, Alaska, to work in private
family; good wages. Inquire of Mrs.
E. Z. Ferguson, 8S9 Grand avenue.
Marine Notes.
The steamer Prentiss arrived yes
terday from San Francisco, In bal
last .
The steamer Sue H. Elmore depart
ed yesterday for Tillamook, with a full
freight list and a number of passen
gers." -
The schooner Sailor Boy with 350.000
feet of lumber from the Hume mill,
was towed to sea yesterday morning.
She goes to San Francisco.
The lighthouse tender Heather left
out yesterday for northern waters,
where she will visit the lightships and
replace buoys on the sound.
The lighthouse tender Manxanita
has returned from Alaska with Cap
tain Calkins, but remained at Port
Townsend to await moderation of the
gale before proceeding south. She
will touch at Destruction Island com
ing down the coast Captain Calkins
returned to Portland from Port Town
send. '
Astoria must have a sea wall.
Escaped an Awful Fate.
Mr. H. Hagelns. of Melbourne. Fla.
writes: "My doctor told me I ha con
sumotion and nothing could be done
for me. I was given uo to die. The of
fer of a free trial bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption In
duced me to try It. Hesults were start
line:. 1 am on the road to recovery and
ow all to Dr. King's New Discovery. I
surely saved my life." This great cur
is guaranteed for all throat and lung
diseases by Charles Rogers, druggist
Price 50 cents and $1. Trial bottle free
The Followina Deeds Were Filed For
Record Yesterday: , ,
Daniel P. Ross to Will E. .
stone Lot 3, block 110. Mc
Clure's Astoria I 100 00
Angus Sutherland to John V.
Burns Lot 7, block 71, Mc-
Clure's Astoria .........
Millie Taylor to Tallant Grant
Packing Company 15.96
acres of tide land ,. ..... .
John P. Gains to John Hobson
Quitclaim deed to Hobson
claim on Clatsop plains . . .
John Kopp to W. F. McGregor
and N. P. Sorenson 160
acres in section 11, township
7 north of range 8 west.
1200 00
500 00
1 00
5 00
Total ......
,..,,..$1806 00
Build the sea walldo it now.
Fraud Case Goes Over,
San Francisco, Feb. 24. F. A. Hyde
and H. P. Diamond, recently Indicted
by the federal grand Jury at Washing
ton on charges of conspiracy to de
fraud the government in ,land grab
bing schemes, appeared today before
United States Land CommtssionerHea
cock. By mutual consent the case
went over until March J.
"I trie (11 klndi of Mood nmadtea whleh failed
to do mo an j aood bol 1 hare found tho right thing
U lul. MrtKtwH rail of pimplea and black
head. Atitt taking Cateareta hy all left. lam
continuing th ate of them and neommasdlns
them to my f rlendi. I foul Una when I rite a the
moral oe. Hope to hare chance to recommend
Frod 0. Wltten, M rim St., Newark, N. 1.
rFpYl Best For
(I J The Dowels) ' Jt
Plajant, Palatable, Potent. Teate flood, Do Good,
Kenr Blekea, Weaken or OrW 10c. , M. Nerer
(old in hoik. The (ennlne tablet (tamped OOO,
Guaranteed to (are or roar moner back.
Sterling. Remedy Co., Chicago or N.T. S9S
Piano Tuner.
For good, reliable piano work see
your local tuner, Th. Fredrlckson.
2071 Bond street. 'Phone Red 2074.
First-class meal, tor 'l5c; nice cake,
coffee pie or doughnuts, So, U. S. res
taurant, 434 Bond street. tf.
Monarch over
sprains, stings.
Thomas Electrlo Oil.
store. '
Burns, cuts
Instant relief. Dr
At any drug
Tou will always And the best l
meal In the city at the Rising Bun res
taurant. No. 612 Commercial street
Men to learn barber trade. Only
eight weeks required; constant prac
tice and expert instruction; positions
secured when competent. Catalogue
mailed free. Moler System College,
San Francisco Calif.
Wanted Several Industrious persons
In each state to travel for house estab
lished eleven years and with a large
capital to call upon merchants and
agents for successful and profitable
line. Permanent engagement. Week
ly cash salary of $24 and all traveling
expenses and hotel bills advanced In
cash each week. Experience not essen
tial. Mention reference and enclose
self-addressed envelope. National,
Caxton BldfH Chicago.
" f , . , "'
UiUKf Astoria has a ptace where you
ran get a fine glass of beer, as good
wtnee and liquors aa you can find any
place In the city. v
tf Opposite Kopp's Brewery.
New stock of fancy goods Just Arriv
ed at Yokohama Baaaar. Call and est
th latest novelties from Japan.
Welcome as Sunshine
after a long torn is a feeling of relief
when an obstinate, pitiless cold has
been driven awsy by Allen's Lung
Balsam. Only people who have been
cured of throat-ache and tore lungs by
this remedy can quite realise what the
feeling Is. There Is no plum In the
Balsam; Its good effect Is rallcal and
lasting. Take a bottle noma today.
Business Proposition.
If you are going east a earful select
ion of your rout la essential to the en
joyment of your trip. If It la a busi
ness trip time I the main consider
alon; If a pleasure trip.', scenery and
the conveniences and comforts of
modern railroad.
Why not combine all by using the
Illinois Central, the up-to-date road,
running two trains dally from St. Paul
and Minneapolis, and trom Omaha, to
Chh ugo. Free reclining chair cars, the
famous buffet library smoking cars, all
trains vestlball. In short thoroughly
modern throughout. All ticket read
ing via the Illinois Central will be hon
ored on these trains and no extra fare
Our rates are the same as those of
inferior roads why not get your
money worth?
Write for full particulars,
B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agt
Portland, Ore.
J. C. LINDSET, T. F. & P. A.,
Portland, Ore.
Seattle, Wash.
Th Lee eleotrle ImoUs, which are
old by th Owl drug store exclusive
ly and under guarantee for cure, are
not previously charged with electricity,
but accomplish their wonderful cure
by th natural current generated by
the add fluid of the body, acting on
th positive and negative pole of th
battery formed by th slno 'plat In
on heel and th copper plat In th
other, See them In th window. Ask
for a descriptive booklet telling of the
marvelous cure of rheumatlam.
Univn mad heating stovo, home
manufacture and every stove perfect, at
Montgomery tin and plumbing store,
42S Bone Street . Phone 2031.
Subscribe for The Astorian.
Office constructing Quartrmstr,
Astoria, Or., Feb. I, lt04.8ealed
proposal!. In triplicate-, will be received
at this offlc until 10 o'clock a, m.
March 7, 1904, and than opened, for th
construction, plumbing, heating and
electrlo wiring of on single set officers'
quarters, and th construction, plumb
ing and electrlo wiring of on double
set N. C. O. quarter at Fort Columbia,
Wash. United States reserves th right
to reject any or all proposal. ) Flan
can be seen and specifications obtained
at this offlc and at th offlc of Dis
bursing Quartermaster at Portland,
Ore., and Seattle,' Wash. Envelope
should be marked "Proposal for con
struction buildings at Fort Columbia"
and addressed Captain Goodal, Quar
termaster, Astoria, Or. . '
Offlc constructing quartermaster,
Astoria, Ore., Feb. 6, 1904. Sealed
proposals, tn triplicate, will be received
at this offlc until 10 o'clock a. m.
March 7, 1904, and then opened, for the
construction, plumbing, heating and
electric wiring of one field officers' and
on double set of lleuteanU' quarters,
and for the construction, plumbing and
electro wiring of one set of hospital
steward' quarter at Fort Stevens,
Ore. United States reserve th light
to reject any or all proposals. ' Plan
can be seen and specifications obtained
at this office and at the office of Dis
bursing Quartermaster at Portland,
Ore., and Seattle, Wash. Envelopes
should be marked "Proposal for con
structlon buildings at Fort Stevens"
and addressed to Captain Goodale,
) Quartermaster. Astoria, Ore.
U. & Engineer Office, Portland, Ore
Feb. 10,, 1(04. Sealed proposal will be
received here for 110.000 tone, more or
lets, atone for extension of jetty at
mouth of Columbia river, Oregon and
Washington, until 11 a. nv, March 1L
1104, and then publicly opened, i.
formation on application, Vf. C Last
fltt Major, Engineers.
Laughing Water, Bedella, Pretty Lit
tie Dinah Jon, Just Kiss Yourself
Goodbye, Oh, Didn't If Rumble, sag
100 other popular song, with musle,
postpaid for 10c, Address, Albert.
Brooks. 1146 Fifth avenue, N. T.
HWniWalllll Id MWWWa
Toke Point and Bhoalwater bay
oyster at the Imperial chop house.
Try our coffee. It la unexcelled.' ,
B. If- OAT.TjkmtirTL Uin
Ptffirir Vlumtm
.i; 'viaiyii iiHiiitiii
KXs.cin x . . .
j vs .V nv a la uaanuml ! ahoaM kwr
H t ni4 (pi th fj
VI lot. ll4 C.p hit
lllii.iiaiMHu.k-t'-t'. IWirrt itlfrrtmti. It.
ealll.hlr to l,..l.n ltt 140.,
SI l-orbeiott, " aw.
The nrm arlwl a,rtee. Iijf
(MUM iii netef.
uet ( Matenkat,
The "Northwestern LioU-ed irsia.
electrlo lighted throughou', both luld
and out, and steam heated, are with
out exception, tbe finest train la the-
world. They embody th Ittest, Fewest
and best Idea far comfort, oonvealsagje
and luxury ever offered lie traveling:
Dubllc. sod altogether are th meet
complete and splendid sroduettoa f the
rsr builders' an.
Th splendid Traia
Connect with
Tie Great Norther . ' '
Tbe Northero I'aclflc gal
The Canadian I'aclflc
No extra charge for these superior
commodatlona and all rlaasw of tick
ets are available for pastg ca tbe
trains on this line ere protected In the
loterlnrkln Block f rstem.
: Going!
Our large stock of Couchas
must move! All styles, qual
i ties and prices.
Now is your chance to secure a handsome Couch Cheap.
H. H. ZAPF, The House Furnisher.
Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers and Loggers.
Tenth and Commercial Streets ASTORIA, OREGON
JOHN FOX, Pres. and Bupt.
F. I BI8HOF, Secretary
A. L.FOX, Vice President.
Designers and Manufacturers of V
Foot of Fourth Street. ' - . . ' ASTORIA, OREGON.
A First Class Concert Hnll - ' Finott Ucrort In Tlie City
Seventh and Astor Streets
Rob Wells Fargo Expreis.
Chicago, Feb. 24. A dispatch to the
Tribune from El Paso, Tex., siys:
It has Just become known lire that
the Wells Fargo Express Company was
robbed of $90,000 two weeks aw at
Irapuato, Mexico. Details are lacking.
Superintendent Chrlstenson, of Saii
Francisco; Superintendent Darls, of El
Paso, and several deputies, ars uov( at
Irapuato, endeavoring to run do wn the'
missing coin and locate the thieves.
. Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching revolt and
serious trouble In your system Is ner
vousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up
set. Electric Bitters will quickly dis
member the troublesome causes. It
never falls to tone the stomach, regu
the liver and clarify the blood. Run
down systems benefit particularly and
all the usual attending aches vanish
under Its searching and thorough ef
fectiveness. Electric Bitters is only 50
cents, and that is returned If It don't
give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed
by Ofcas. Rsgers, draggist.
We Gan Please You
and ave You Money
i t - ' ' '. i
.... '
0vf us your order for any kind of
I-rintlrar: plain or artistic, business
or personal. v guarantee atisfa!-
. ,
K: : Best workmanship. ffj
" Most.reasonablt prlceti , , "
Vl Two linotype machines enable us to V
Print briefs na ottttr book work on t y (
short notice,
J w
Newspaper composition a specialty.
Writ for Terms.
Astorian Publishing Go.
einhard i