The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 25, 1904, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Potato es Higher
But '. o still have a few
hundred sack to ' ell ftt
4125 per unred pounds
1 Thcne are good quality, f The Want More Kind."
Iccal Brevities,
"Wanted, tt once,' two good cnvM
mn, Call at Attorlut offloa.
For Rent Nlcelf furnlihtd
over A. V, Allen'e "tore.
Aitorl Typofraphlcan UnJoi-next
.Sunday, I p. m. Aatorlan otflce.
Apprentice wanted to learn the mil
. "Hnr trade at the parlor of lire. Barah
IIom, ISt Eleventh atrret.
The achooni-rj W. F. Garma, which
had been In the offlng for more than
wek, reached port at S:S0 laat even
ing. Bha weathered the gale la aafetr.
Tour attention la railed to the purity
and excellence of Olympic pancake
flour, the Olympic caka and paatry
flour and the Olympic wheat heart aa
muah. ' . ,
- ' ,
Deputy Hherlffa Hinder and Ander
son have thua far lueued 1000 tax re
ceipt! and have collected fully 125,000
on the 190S roll. Taxpayer are taking
advantage of the I per cent rebut al
lows! until March IS, and the ahowlng
thu far mud la a gratifying on.
Will Clinton leave thla morning
for Valdea, Alaaka, whert he expecU
to remain for more than a year, lie
mart today on til third trip to the
land of the midnight tun. Last even
Ing be wa tendered a farewell recfp
tlon by a hot of friend. ' ,
The regular montlng of the Long
Rhoremen'a Union will be held thla
evening In Cornahan' halL The e
lon will convene promptly At ' 8
o'clock, and it la urged by the offlcer
that there be a full attendance-a Im
portant buelnee will be tranaacted.
The cam of the tat agalnat Dr. C.
C. C. Roaentwsrf, charged with prac
ticing medicine without llcenae, oc
cupied the time o the circuit court
yesterday. Dr. Roaenberg appeared
without an attorney, but later engaged
Meaara. Smith and Noland to defend
him. The etate prcumted Ha caae to
the Jury during the afternoon, and the
trial will be reaumed at 1:30 thla
morning! '. y . f . '
Build the wall do It new.
C. W. Carnahan returned last even
ing from hi west tide ranch, where hi
daughter, Mia Florence, ha been quite
ill. Th young lady I Buffering from
a mild attack of pneumonia, and, while
her temperature ha bem high, it I
believed ahe la not alarmingly 111.', She
wa taken lck Saturday night.
The A. ft C. ha filed an answer to
the complaint In the $40,000 damage
ult of Jame Flynn. The anawer 1 a
general 6nlat of the allegation, par
ticularly stipulating that the place at
which the accident occurred wa
private way, and that the company
wafiot responsible for, the injuries
ufftfred by th plaintiff.
Encourage th sea wall committee.
Henry Binder, a member of the crew
of the steamship Pleladei, which wa
bottled up In Port Arthur at the time
of the naval fight between the Jap
anese and Russian fleet, Is reported
o be HI with yellow fever In a Toko
ham hospital. New of hi Illness
Has Just been received by his mother,
Mr. Louis Klrchhoff. For a time the
young man wa quite ill, but at the
date of the writing of the letter re
celved by Mr. Klrchhoff he wa be
lieved to be out of danger.
i Gmct 'Clothes ArMvV ')
I- : .,'
President Welch, of the Chamber of
Commerce,' yesterday received a letter
tmm Senator Mltcnoil. in wnicn me
senator Inclosed a letter from the act
ing surgeon-general. The last-named
official state that th plan ubmitted
by the chamber for Improvement of the
Columbia river quarantine station have
been turned over to hi office, and that
they will be given prompt consldera
tlon. An appropriation for the pur
pose will not be secured until the next
session of congress, a Senator Fulton
stated In hi letter to the chamber.
' - ?
Encourage the sea wall committee,
Tomorrow morning at o'clock the
hn ihMt for "Slave In the Mine"
open at Griffin' book store. The com
pnny will appear at Fishers' Saturday
night and there 1 ho doubt but there
will be a full house. The members of
the company are all capable actors,
and have been selected to fit the char
nrtor. They are such well known
people as C. T. Onrlgnn. Loul Zen
obla, Jos. R. Kettler. Louis Lyons and
othera of like renown. The play has
all the delicate humor, brilliant dia
logue and natural character drawing
that charucterlxes "The Parish Priest."
s,-nri vour seat early ' tomorrow
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter
Few attractions before the public
contain more pretty and stylish girls
than does the Olympla Opera Com
pany that will appear at Fishers' opera
house next Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings. In making a special effort
to secure beauties for the chorus, the
management. Messrs. Seamans and
Watchette, had In mind the ever in
creasing desire of the -public to , see
charming women in the choruses, wo
men who snn sing, act and dance
with an understanding of what those
arts mean. The principals that make
up the cast in support of Miss Lottie
Kendall, the- charming little star, are
well known comlo opera people of
more or less national reputation. Seat
sale opens Monday morning next at
Griffin's book store. '
Build the sea wall do it now.
Beautify Your Home
We have just received , ,
A a nice now line of
Box Couches, Wardrobe Couches
and Oak Framed Couches with
Yclonr Covering
.Make the home bright and comfortable
; From 05 and up
A large yellow smallpox sign adorned
the door of the county court room yes
terday. "Smallpox," It read; "no one
allowed to enter these premises with
out the consent of the attending physi
cian, under penalty of arrest or im
prisonment." It appears that C. J.
Curtis came up from Seaside to attend
to his duties as secretary of the repub
lican county committee, and that the
meeting of the committee was held In
the county court room. Curtis posted
the notice, which was the first Intima
tion any of hin friends had that he was
afflicted with the disease. When he
left the court house he forgot to take
down the sign, and during the entire
day it stared visitors in the face.
Doubtless Mr. Curtis will be quaran
tined, although residence at Seaside Is
regarded as practically the same thing.
things will select 10 delegate to. rep
resent Clatsop county at the state con
vention and an equal number of repre
sent the county at the congressional
convention. ' The Astoria, member of
the county committee wOl assemble
again March 22 for the purpose of e
lectlng a list of delegate to th county
convention from the three city ward
Thl list will be published Immediately,
so that all voter may know Just what
ha been done. Thla will be an inno
vation on the part of the committee
At yesterday's meeting the county com
mittee declared Itself for the renomlna-
tlon of F. A. Moore for supreme judge,
Thomas A. McBrlde for circuit Judge
and Harrison Allen for district attor
ney, and it Is probable the congression
al and state delegation will .be In
vtructed for those gentlemen.
Astoria must hsv a sea wall.
The committee of ten ha organised
by electing R. li. Dyer chairman and
R. E. Carruther secretary, The com
mlttee la now formulating plana for
carrying on Its work and expects to
start at once. Every property owner
In the dstrlct wilt be interviewed and
an expression obtained from biro.. At
a later meeting of taxpayer the opin
ion thus secured will be submitted
and upon the report of tpe committee
will depend what action will be taken
towards building the sea wall. It Is
not generally understood that. In & cer
tain sense, the sea wall will really cost
property owners nothing. The propos
al Informally aubmltted by Mr. Semplo
wa that the company should be se
cured for Us work with mortgages on
the land reclaimed. This land will be
made of great value by filling, and the
property owner will have the additional
benefit of 10 years' time in which to
make payment. The increase in the
value of the property will be much
greater than the cost of the improve
ment. James W. Welch said yester
day he- believed the tide land should
be filled from the hills, instead of from
the channel, as the government will
make provision for river improvement,
but not for Improvement of any city
property. k There 1 much sentiment tot
the improvement, and the belief is ex
pressed that the present undertaking
will be carried out.
Property owner, build the sea wall.
The republican county committee
yesterday - met and fixed Saturday,
April '9. as the day for holding the
county convention, at whicn wm
nominated a full county and legislative
ticket. The committee also appor
tioned delegates, oj whom 44 will rep
resent the three city wards and 88 the
outside precincts. The convention will
be made up of 112 delegates. , The ap
portionment appear more complete In
the call which appears In another col
umn. The convention among l other
County Judge Trenchard yesterday
shipped to Architect Lazarus a sample
of the native stone which is to be used
In the construction of the new court
house. Judge Trenchard said yester
day the architect was now working on
the plana decided upon at the recent
conference, and he expressed the be
lief work on the new structure would
be commenced In May, if all goes well.
Mr. Lazarus seems to think the court
house can be completed in a year, al
though, of course, the length of time
required for the work Is problemati
cal. However, no time is to be lost by
the county court either in getting the
work under way or In pushing It once
the start lis made. It has been fovmA
Impracticable to get along with a single
vault, and two vaults will be installed.
Each vault will be accessible from two
offices. The building te to be of 120
feet frontage and 100 feet depth and
the arrangement will be the same as
wa recently stated in The Astorlan.
The county clerk's office Is to be in the
northeast corner of the court house and
the sheriff's office in the southeast cor
ner. The county court room and coun
ty Judge's office are . to occupy the
northwest corner, and the assessor's and
treasurer's offices the southwest cor-
. The circuit court room, circuit
judge's office, district attorney omce,
school superintendent's office, jury
rooms, etc., are to be located on the
reoond oor. There will be a main en
trance on Commerclul street and a Bide
entrance on Seventh street. The sec
ond floor will be 12 feet above the level
of the street and 17 steps wiH l"ad
from the pavement to the main en
trance. The distance from the ground
to the base of the dome wilt be 60 feet
terday in Philadelphia to two year
Imprisonment and to pay a fine of $500
for attempting to swindle the Rapid
Transit Company of that city, out of
15000. ' .,,
The fraud for which Seymour was
convicted has, on several occasions,
been practiced on the Brooklyn transit
companies. Aided by colleagues, whose
headquarter were , the old , Parker
house, at 1418 Broadway, Manhattan,
and who Included a woman, once an
actress, and a negro medical student
In one of th Brooklyn hospitals, Sey
mour, hearing of trolley and "V acci
dents in the city, it is alleged, would
collect damages from the companies
for alleged injuriea to hi "wife" or
other member of his family, Some
times, it is alleged, he would go out of
commission himself, and lay up for re
pairs until his "Injuriea" were settled
for by the company he chose to nego
tiate with. The victimized companies
would usually settle In lieu of threat
ened damage suits, .
Seymour wa apprehended in Phila
delphia through an Investigation into
a damage complaint after a recent car
collision in that city. Reading of the
accident he went from New York to
Philadelphia, after seeing to It that th
woman assumed her usual appciirance
of being an accident victim, and thera
attempted to collect money for his wife;
claiming 5000 damages. ' Detective It
O. EiJcox investigated the case and
found the gang, and testified against
Silcox' testimony showed that phy
sicians are essential to the scheme, and
thre-j . f ihe-n and several nurse in
this city are Implicated, and may be
arrested. One of the physicians wa
treating the woman in the case for al
leged injuries received In three differ
ent accidents at one time, and wa
carrying on i - correspondence with
three different companies that were be
ing defrauded. Trolley companion, and
boat companies In Brooklyn, Manhat
tan, Newark and Paterson are said to
have been victimized.
Is It a burn? Use Dr. Thomas' Eiec
trl Oil A cut? Us Dr. Thomas Elec
tric Oil 'At your druggist's, .
United States Health and Accideat
Insurance Co, Saginaw, Mich. For
$1.00 pec month Insure against accident
or sickness, P. A. Trulllrvger, Agent.
A Hose Sale 'of Merit
If there ever was a time when you
; should buy hose, it te now. We are
selling .'. -
Ladies' Fast BlacK Hose
Regular 15c quality, sizes from 8 to 10, for
10 cents per pair
The A, Dunbar Co.
Astoria's Popular Lace House
Our big remnant sale is still going on.
Encourage the sea wall eommitte.
T. Woods, representing the Portland
Flouring Mills , Company, la selling
Olympic flour in Astoria today
, Madamt Dlllard has arrived In the
city from New Tork. to take charge of
the millinery department of the Bee
Hive. . V.- '
,W. J. Lloyd, wife and two-children,
of Portland, are in the city. Mr. Lloyd
is soliciting on R. L. Polk & Co.'s new
Astoria directory.
Curb Broker Kept Up Swindling Oper
ations For Too Long.
New Tork. Feb. 24. J. Frederick
Seymour, alias Charles Irwin, alias
Frank Harte, etc., etc., sometimes curb
broker on Broad street, but better
known in Brooklyn for his financial ne
gotiations and transactions with the
railroad companies, was sentenced yes-
New Gallery Opened
Having completed a new building especially for photo
graphic purposes, 1 am now ready to make
to please all. I guarantee satisfaction iu all work. Prices
the most reasonable. Give me a call. Studio on Bond
street between 11th aud 12th.
Henry Wedekin
Astoria Grocery
Corner Eleventh and Bond. V Succenort V- H. Coffey
We are closing out a fine stock of Shoes and Dry Goods at cost.
Ii. A. and li. F. Johnson, Proprietors.
For health and happiness, or only as a duty
If the former, try eating
MSI Every Delicacy in Season.
Private Kooms. 11$ Eleventh Street.
AShoes iShoes vSlio es
Working Shoes Dress Shoes
Men's and Boys' Shoes, Ladies' Shoes. r
No fancy prices here Honest goods only. " - ,
, Buy your ,shoe3 of a Practical Shoemaker.
S. A. GIMRE, 543-545 Bond Street.
Astoria Fish, Game and Poultry Market
; t On Twelfth Street r
fish, game; poultry, shellfish, etc.
Best Vf Attention. Quick Delivery.
o j J. H. MALAR, Proprietor.