The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 25, 1904, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Files Sensational Suit hi Circuit Court in
Which She Charges Her Husband
With Cruel Treatment.
although, In view of complication
sluie arising, the hearing may be ds
ferrid until a Inter date.
Demands That the Court Award Her One Third of Captain Reid's
Property and $100 Monthly as Alimony-Charge of As
sault and Battery Preferred by the Woman
and Will Be Tried Saturday.
- V".. - - ' "
Bertha B. Reid hat eued Cap
tain John Reid for divorce, al
leging cruelty at the ground for
the action? She allegee the ie
fearful of bodily harm and de
ctaree he ha threatened her
Mrs. Rent aaye er husband
is werth considerable money
and demand one-thfrd of hi
earthly possession .She also
demand 100 a month alimony.
Captain Reid i new defend
ant in an action for $5000 dam
age instituted by William Mar
tin, former husband of Mrs.
Reid, and the defendant in the
divorce proceedings just com
menced. The trouble culminating in the
divorce ease originated on the
night of February 18, when
Captain Reid chased an un
known party down Seventeenth
street and along Commercial to
a saloon, where the man sought
safety in an obscure roost at
the rear of the building.
Bertha B. Reid has filed suit for di
vorce from Captain "Jack" Reid the
well known launch owner. The paper
in the ease were fiied yesterday with
County Clerk Clinton. The plaintiff
teU up the claim that she ha been
treated In a cruel and inhuman man
ner, and that her life has-been rendered
unbearable. ,
AH the trouble occurred on the night
of February 18, according to the com
plaint. On this night. It wUl be re
called, a sensational episode occurred.
The incident has already been printed,
and was in effect the threat of one
man to shoot another, and the precipi
tate flight of the man whose life had
been threatened. It appears now that
Captain Reid was the man whose In
dignation caused the flight of the other
man, and that the trouble had its In
ception In an unexpected meeting of
the two men, the other party then bav
ins been In company with Mrs. Reid.
Ai'ter Captain Reid had driven the sec
end parly from sight, he Is said to have
returned home and kicked in the door
of his Wife's apartments, and the
events . transpiring at that time are
supposed to be the basis of Mrs. Reid's
action for divorce.
Abercrombie & Wilson represent
Mr. Reid in her suit for divorce. The
complaint recites that the parties were
married at Seattle, December 14, 1903;
that the defendant has subjected the
plaintiff to cruel and Inhuman treat
ment, particularly on the night of Feb
ruary 18, at the Reid borne, 706 Frank
lin avenue. The language of the torn
plaint with reference to the alleged as
sault on that night is as foliows:
"Said defendant, in a violent and
boisterous manner, kicked open the
door of the room which plaintiff was
occupying, and, without just cause or
provocation, then and there assaulted,
beat and bruised said plaintiff in a !
most violent and cruel manner, and hit
her on the head and face and choked
her so that the blood ran from her
wounds then and there inflicted; and
said defendant did then and there, anU
on many and dlvera other occasions,
heap and apply vie, obscene and op
probrious name and epithets upon and
to said plaintiff, and did then and there
threaten to klU said plaintiff, and
thereafter and on many diver occa
sions did threaten and attempt to drive
plaintiff from her house." I
The conduct of the defendant la said
to have resulted In great mental and
physical suffering, and she alleges that
she still fears bodily Injury at his
hands. .' , - v
The complaint recites that the de
fendant owns one timber claim, the ex
act, location of which Is to her un-
'known, and lot 8, block 5S, .McClure's
Astoria; also that be Is the owner of
the gasoline launch Fox. which f!
valued at $4000; that he has $5000 H
the First National bank; and It Is fur
ther alleged Captain Reid' property
nets him in rents about $500 per
month. '
The complaint asks the court to
grant the plaintiff $200 pending settle
ment of the case and $100 a month
thereafter as alimony, together with
$250 attorneys' fees. She likewise de
mands one-third of the estate of her
husband. The case will doubtless be
heard at the present session of the cir
cuit court. V
The domestic tribulations of Cap
tain Reid and his wife constitute an un
usual social drama. Mrs. Reid was
formerly the wife of William Martin,.
At the time of her separation from her
former husband she kidnaped her
child. Taking the boy from the apart
ments of her husband, she hastened
with hiin In a carriage to the eastern
end cf the city, where she boarded a
launch and fled to Keiso, ish. Some
days later the husband learned the
whereabout of the mother and son and
went to Kelso. He found the boy at
play in the yard of the home at which
his wife was stopping, and, leaping the
fence, secured the child and fled with
him- A great outcry was raised and
a mob followed him down the railroad
track. When .-is pursuers caught np
with him, Martin brought his rifle into
play and threatened to kill ihe first
man who Attempted to interfere with
him. He briefly recounted to the mob
that he was entitled to custody of his
child, and there was no further effort
to detain him.
Afterwards Mrs. .lartln, who Is -aid
lo be of prepos.vsing appearance, se
cured a divorce from Martin and later
man led Captain Reid. At this stase
of the proceedings Martin filed sutt
agalnut Captain Reid for $,1000 dam
ages, alleging that the affections of his
wife had been alienated by Captain
Reid. That suit is now pending and
will be tiled out at the present session
of the circuit court. It is ' somewhat
singular that the former Mrs. Martin
should also at the same- time be the
plaintiff in an action involving dam
ages against the same party.
The day following the trouble be
tween Captain and Mrs. Reid the latter
caused the captain's arrest on a charge
of assault and battery. The complaint
was filed In the justice's court and the
case is sJt for bearing on Saturday,
Radio Activity Discussed.
Iienver. Feb. 84, Professor Florlon
Cajoil, of Colorado college, und Frofes
sor W'oKott, of the state school of
mines, report that Investigations made
by them have shown that radlo-ucUv
fty Is the source of therapeutical qual
ities of the water at Glenwood springs.
Cebella springs and at Pngos spring.
These scientific men now propose to
make test of every spring In Colorado,
and President Vanhlse of the unlver
slty of Wisconsin, has promised to use
hi Influence to secure government aid
for the Colorado researches.
Germ Infected Air.
Malaria' is not confined exclusively to the swamps
Bncl marshy regions of the country, but wherever there is
bad air jthis insidious foe to health is found. Poisonous
vapors and gases from sewers, and the musty air of damp
cellars are laden with the germs of this miserable disease,
which are breathed into the lungs and taken tip by the
blood and transmitted to every part of the body. Then
you begin to feel out of sorts without ever suspecting the
j cause. No energy or appetite, dull headaches, sleepy and
-.. tired and co- ?lv fagged out from the slightest exer-
te deplorable effects of this enfeebling
ease progresses and the blood becomes
d, boils and abscesses and dark or
pon the skin. When the poison is
microbes and germs to multiply in
Iney troubles and other serious complications often
5 and develops in the blood, the treatment to be
Tective must begin there too. S. S. S. destroys
germs and poisons and purifies the polluted
id, and under its tonic effect the debilitated
titution rapidly recuperates and the system is
clear of all signs of this depressing disease,
trely vegetable remedy, mild, pleasant and
nt medical advice or iny special informa
rost you nothing.
7 sptcmc co, Atlanta, co.
tired and co
tton, ar
Nw Steamship Company.
Albany. N. T., Feb. 84. The North
Alaska Steamship Company, of New
York City, to operate between New
York. Seattle and Nome, ha been In
corporated here with a capital of $300,-
ooo. . .;::;''.. V
From and after this date I will not
be responsible for any debts contracted
by Bertha B. Reid. JOHN REID.
Republican Primaries.
Notice Is hereby given, that the re
publican primary election will be held
In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county,
State of Oregon," on Saturday, April 2,
1904, for the purpose of electing 44 del
egate to the Republican County con
vention to be held in the City of As
toria, on Saturday, April I, 1904. for
the purpose of nominating candidates
for the various county offices to be
filled at the general election to be held
on Monday, June , 1904. The follow
ing Is the number of delegates, polling
places and judge and clerks appoint
ed for said primary election:
Ward No. 1. Polling place, No.
two' engine house; judges, J. O.
Trulllnger, C. H. Stockton, James Ells
worth; clerks, Jas. llannnford, Chas.
Abercrombie; 17 delegates.
Ward No. 2. Polling place, Welch
office; judges. Jas. V. Welch, Sum
Oallich, E. C. Foster: clerks. T. R.
Davis, W. G. Curtis; 17 delegates.
Ward No. 3. Polling place, W. F.
McGregor's office; Judges, Win. Paint
er, U Agren and John Nordstrom;
clerks, W. P. O'Brien, Geo. Leelnnd;
10 delegates.
G. C. FltLTON. Chairman,
C. J. CURTIS, Secretary. :
'.' Republican County Convention.
otice is hereby given, that a Re
publican County Convention for Clat
sop county, State of Oregon, will be
held at the City of Astoria, on Satur
day, April 9, 1904, at the court house
at 10 o'clock a! m., of said day, for the
purjtose of nominating the following
ounty officers to be voted for at the
state election to be held on MonJay,
June 6. 11(04, and electing 10 delegates
to attend the Republican state convention-to
be held at the city of Port
land, on Tuesday, April 12, 1904, and
10 delegates to the congressional con
vention; Two representatives,
One county clerk.
One sheriff.
One treasurer.
One county commissioner.
One coroner.
One assessor.
One surveyor. ,
Justices of the peace and constab
les in the various precincts.-
The various precinct of the county
are entitled to one delegate at large
and one delegate for every 25 votes
or fraction over of the votes cast for
F. L Dunbar for secretary of state, the
apportionment being as follows:
Astoria No. 1..,.. 17
Astoria No. 2 1"
Astoria No. 3...... 19
John Day $
Svensen '. 4
Waliuskl 3
New Astoria . j
Warrenton 4
Clatsop 4
Seaside' , , .... 9
Melville 3
Ohadwell 3
Youngs River 3
Olney 3
Knappa 3
Clifton 5
Westport 4
Vesper 3
Jewell 3
Mlshawaka 3
Elsie 3
Push 3
Total.. 112
The committee recommends that the
primaries be held on Saturday, April
2, 1904. O. C. FULTON, !
. Chairman.
C. J. CURTIS, Secretary.
Mnooin oigte ud. . ,t
New York. Feb. 84. Colonel Nunea.
.me of the delegate to the convention
at Chicago which nomlunted Abraham
Lincoln, ldeud nt hi home In Brook
lyn, He was a native of Philadelphia,
where he was admitted to the bar, and
later practiced law In San Francisco.
After the civil war he took up hi pro
fession In Louisville, Ky. In mo Col
onel Nunc was apixUuted consul ut
Curdeuns, CuImi, ami served four years.
Scltntiric EUctrlclM tnd Contractor for Elictrlol Work
Electrical Fixtures, Wireiand Supplies in Stock. -,
433 Commercial St ; ; Astoria, Ore.
Stupendous Offer Made by
Well Known Phila. Firm.
ThuiiiuiuUs of IVrsons lu All Sco
1 1 ons of the Country Have
ltreu Healed by This
Wonderful Din-covery.
Every educated person haa beard of
Radium, It wonderful power and
healing qualities have occupied page
after page In the Metropolitan iubllca
tions. Almost everybody known that It
Is the greatest remedy that Cod ha
ever 'given to unenng humanity.
Disease germ of every description llee
before It they cannot tnd the con
tact. We have auch faith In our propo
sition that we guarantee absolutely
to cure you. What la more we will
give you a written contract to that ef
fect. This offer ha never been dupli
cated. Fill out the blank below and
mark the malady from which you are
suffering and receive by re
turn mall Information that will be
return mall Information that will be
worth hundred of dollar to you. Ak
any banking Arm regarding our respon
Fr Offer Free Oder
812 Drexei Hullding
Philadelphia. Pa.
Pleas send me fre of cost in
formation regarding your Radium
treatment and your wonderful rem
dy "Radioe."
Address. ,
llata, Skirts, Shirtwaists, Undorwenr. All
kinds of Ladies' and Children's furnishing
goods. Hair , switches and pompudors. ,
Welch Block. MRS. R. IN0LET0N. ,
Short Line
and Union Pacific
70 hour from Portland to Chicago.
No change of cars.
Depart Krotn Arrive
Portland Hull Lake, Denver. Kt
Special Wort li, Oninhn, Kan- 4 :lr p m
txlft a. m. wn City, Ht Louis, ,
via Hunt- Chicago and the Kant
Kxprenf Palt Lake, Denver Ft
8;ip. iu. Worth, Omaha, Kan- 9:00 a ill
via Jiunt-H(;ity.Ht ixMili,
lngloii '' Chicago and tbeKiutt
HUPatil Walltt Walla, lewis.
FaatMall ton, Hpiiksne, Mlnne-
7:46 p.m. spoils. Hi Paul, Dniuth 8:00 pin
TlaSpo. Milwaukee, Chicago,
kune iftnd Kast
I 1 "
From Astoria
All sailing rtal' hud-'
jix-t lochangf KorKuni
Kranuiacu every Ave
7 am day
Dally et- Columbia lllvor to i a in
cet Hun- Portland and Way Dailv ex.
day lauding ceptMon
Steamer Nahcotta leave Astoria on
tide daily except Sunday for Ilwaco,
connecting there with train for Long
Beach, Tioga and North Beach point.
Returning arrive at Astoria same
Through ticket to and front all prin
cipal European cities.
G. W. ROBERTS, Agent,
Alter!, Or.
Commercial Street, Opposite 0. R. & N. CO. Wharf.
R. J. Owens, Proprietor Piioke 831
. CIS BROOKE. Manager
Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast
Fine Bar and the Best of Liquors and Cigars
- : ' , -
Eighth and Astor StV ASTORIA
The Largest; Stdunchcst, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel
over 011 this route. Best of Tablo and State Room AcconliAb
dations. Will make round trip every five days between
Fare $350
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation
Co. and Astoria & Colunibia River R. R. for Portland, , San
Francisco" and all points East. For freight and paasenger
rates apply to t i ''
General Agents, Astoria, Oregon
A, fflC, R. R. Com
O. R. L N. Co.,
Portland, Ore.
Tillamook, Ore
Portland, Ore.
' (ELATERITE li Mintral Rubber)
or find It iMKienNury to It l-il'lACJU A WOIlflf-OUU
Take the place of LIog!e, tin, iron, tar and gravel, and nil prepared roofiDjrs
For flat and ateep earffl:e, gutters, VHlleye, etc. Eaay to lay. Tempered for nil
cllmatea. Reasonable in coat. Sold on merit. Onaranteed. It will pny to ak for
price and information.
THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO., Worcester Building, Portland
so well as nicely lauhdried linen. We have the neatest
. . and most sanitary laundry in the state and do the best '
: work. All White help. . ,
K.a.JD..0.6,- The Tro-y Laundry