The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 24, 1904, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Famous Trains
Tho South wot 'Limited ' Koiihus City to
Chicago, Tho Overland Limited to Chicoeo
via Omaha, Tho Pioneer Limited St. Paul
to CluKBgo,' run via . '
Chicago,, Milwaukee & St, Paul
v Railway . .
f i Hit i ' M
I 'J '
' a f-
. offer
';', V
numerous attractions.
Each route
Tho principal tiling to insure a quick, -,
i) comfortable tripjast Is. to; ece that your '
tickets road via tho Chicago, Milwaukee & :'.
' St. Paul Railway. " ' "
, Qtntni AftnL
134 Third Street, Portland
Interested Bankers Certain That
Northern Securities Will Con
tinue in Present Hands.
Hoik 1 That Decision Will
Ht!ttnt Lejjal Method of
. Holding Properties That "
, Company Will Follow i
Mew Style Restaurant
' Everything First Class. The Bestthe Market Affords. .
. Open Day and Night. Good Service.
rOO Oth SL Mxt door to Griffin 8.
and djlnin m Offlc Swoi
' I Wholesale and Retail r
Ships, lagging Camps and Mills supplied on short notice.
i 1 1,1 UV STOCK B.OUGHT AND SOLD , '" v
H O T B t? PO R T L A N D
The Finest Hotel In the Northwest
I'D . M
Tltno Card ! Trains
Lews Arrival
Puget Sound LtraIt4.7:IS ft ra t:4S p m
Kanxnt City-St. Lou!
Special 11:10 am pro
North Cot JJmltsd S:M in T:Mn
Tsonia and statu. Night
Exprea ........ ..11:46 pra 1:05 in
Take Puget Sound Limited' or North
CoMt Limited for Gray Harbor point
Take Puget Sound Limited for Otym
p!a direct.
Take Puget Sound Limited or ICaa
eaa Clty-BL Loula Special for potnta
on South Bend branch.
Double dally train aerrloe on Gray
Harbor branch.
Four tralna dally between PortlAnd.
Tacoma and Beatti
New fork, Feb. 23 While banker
...... .(.,.
here do not generally believe that the
United State euprfme court will ren
der Ita decision In the Northern Secur
ities caae immediately upon the recon
vening after He brief vacation, the near
approach of that event a causing- much
dlculon In financial clrctea. J. 3.
Hill,' president of the gecuiitlea Com
pany, baa been actively engaged of late
In conferring with the varioue tiankerg
Intereated, And It la now aaid a tenta
tive plan has been agreed upon for use
In caae the aupreme court decided ad
versely to the company, Mr. HU1 has
refused to discus the aubject in any
way, but one of the banker associat
ed In the enterprise 1 quoted by the
Herald a follow: y
"We do not in the align teat fear for
the fat of the Northern Securities
Company, no matter what the finding
of the aupreme court. The two prop
erties, the Great Northern and the
Northern Pacific roada, will In no event
pas out of the handa which now con
trol, thorn. How this and will be
achieved I am hot at liberty to state,
but it will be accomplished neverthe
leaa. If the aupreme court finds the
present manner of holding the secur
ities of the two roada to be Illegal, It
will Indicate what ahall constitute
legal manner of holding them and that
manner of retaining them will be pur-
ued. If the decree of the lower court
ahould be affirmed In all particulars
there would be trouble to some other
roads, but not so much to the Northern
Securities, which ha been preparing to
meet the outcome."
In a general way It Is understood that
In the event of an adverse decision and
a sweeping detres the Northern Be
curltte ompany will turn over the con
trol of the Northern Pacific ''stock'' to
other Interests, either to a railroad cor
poratlon In no way sffsoelated with the
merger roads or to a voting trusteeship,
The Joint guarantee of the Burlington
bonds by the Great Northern and
Northern Pacific will not be disturbed.
It la preaumed that this plan con Urn-
plates tho reduction of Northern Secur
Itlea Block by the equivalent of the
amount litaued for Northern Pacific
etock. '
Deapondedt Man Suicide.
New York, Keb. it. -William J.
Thornbury, chUf plan examiner In the
Brooklyn building department and one
of the most accomplished mathemati
cians, baa killed himself by Inhaling
gas. He had been In poor health for
a year past. '
For Full Particular, Ratea, Folders,
Etc., Call on or Addresa
. , City Ticket Agent.
121 Third Street, Portland.
8. O. TKKKKS, O. W. P. A.
li Flrat Awnue, - 8eattle, Waah.
to Chicago and all points eaet; Loula
vilie. Memphis. New Orleana, and all
.point aouth. 1
flea that your ticket reads 'a th
Illinois) Central R. R. Thoroughly mod-
rn tralna connect with all tranacontl
nental llnea at St. Paul and Omaha.
If your frlenda are coming west let u
know and wa will Quota them direct
the apeclally low ratea now In effect
from all eaatern polnta.'
Any Information as to rate, route,
etc.,' cheerfulty given on application.
B." H.' TRUMBUuL, Commercial
Agent, 143 Third treet. Portland, Or.
;; ; '' ( :-'; f T 1
J. C. LINES ET, T. A P. Al, 1
Third atreet, Portland, Or., , , ;
P. S. THOMPSON, F. A. P, A.,
''As the
Crow Flies"
The shortest, line between
Minneapolis, St. Paul and
Chicago is .
I 'Ma
the route of the famous
Western Limited
"Th Train. For Comfort" ,
; every night in the year.
netoreatettlngonatrlp-no matter
whero-wrlte ftr IntoreHtlng Informa
tlou about comfortable traveling.
H.LSISLER, General Agent
132 Third 6t rortland, Orecon.
General Panmniirr Agent,
tit Paul, Minn, ,
Notice For Bid. e
The undersigned will receive scaled
bid up to twelve o'clock noon of Tues
day, March the first, J904. at his office,
room numbered JO,' Concord building,
Portland, Multnomah county, state of
Oregon, for. the hereinafter described
property; said bids to be accompanied
by a certified check for ten
per cent of the bid tendered.
The . rronerty to be sold con
futing of all the real and personal
property of the Rainier Mill and Lum
ber Company (except the accounts and
cash on hand) which said property Is
now In the undersigned's hands and un
der the undersigned's control and which
said property consists as follows, to.
wit: ' v :
The n. w. quarter of section 16, town
ship 11 north range I west. In Pacific
county, Washington. Also contracts
for stumpage on 860 acre known as
Mitchell and Blaney claims, situated on
Graya rTver, In the state of Washing
ton; also all the logging camps and
equipment and logs (approximately 1.
600,000 feet), known as the Grays River
Logging camp, situated In Pacific coun
ty, Washington. ,v , ;
For, further Information concerning
the said property call on or write to
the undersigned at his above address.
The undersigned reserves the right to
reject any or all bids and any "le
made Is subject to the confirmation of
the circuit court of the state of Ore
gon, for the county ojf Multnomah.
' Bi D. SlGLER,
Rec. Rainier Mill ti Lumber Co.
1 , West Sid Note.
Mr. 'Dietrich I visiting In Clats
Mr. Edgar Campbell ha Joined her
husband In Warren ton.
Monday wa generally observed as a
holiday on the west side..
Mr. and Mr. O. B. Wirt enter-
talned a few Astoria friend Saturday
1 The Mint Carnahan were guests of
Mrs. C f, Carother Saturday and
Sunday, ,-..'- ' I
Miss Minnie Larson apent Sunday
and Monday at her home on the Lewis
and Clark.'. '. .' ' '.;
Mrs. Cv A. McOuIre spent Sunday
In Sklpnnsn, the guest of her mother,
Mr.;Av O. Wlrt., : .
Mr J. Zurlo left Warrenton Monday
tor Shoshone, Idaho, where she will
vfelt with her sister, ; ; ;
Joe. Patterson, representing the Cof
fee tt Spice Company, of Portland, was
doing the local trade Monday,
Mis Berry, Miss Mary Berry and
Miss Bertha Hobson were guests of the
Mtsses Dawson Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sifert and Miss
Mollis Larson were up from Hammond
Saturday evening In attendance at the
dancing party given by the A. & ,C. R.
R. machinists In "Warren's hall. -
The dancing party given by the A.
& C. R. R. machinists last Saturday
evening In Warren's hall was a success
to every way. The music wa fur
nished by Johnstown's orchestra of As
torla, and wa enjoyed by everyone
present. '" ,
The condition of B. C. Kindred, of
Harrmond, has not Improved and the
gravest fears are entertained for his
recovery. All his children have been
summoned to his bedside. Grandpa
Kindred, as he 1 affectionately called
by his wide circle of friends, is as well
known as any resident of the county
and constant Inquiry is made regarding
hi health.
UPtttnati i I'l l ftaMinii,
fw ; HK Mi.SIi'U' KN4
I Hf. iJoTaJ n.,'Jlla Haiti, miael
with iiiiwrlbbwn, Tk no ihr. Rfftii
Mmw BJ; ft yw Drtifst. ot ff-eta 4. t
fftMif) tar I'airUi'Mlnris TwfRit
t jtettr tnr ti'lr,"' ia Uar, Uj r
t-H l'MMM T4tmonlala, SM f
Vmm Mais m. iftavMt twr lUilA 4.
Subioribe for Tbt AiUHaia
Th World' Fair Rout.
Those anticipating an eastern trip,
or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase
exposition at St Louis, cannot afford
to overlook the advantage offered by
the Mlssurl Pacific Railway, which, on
account of Us various routes and gate
ways, has been appropriately i named
"Thl World' Fair Route."
Passenger from the northwest take
the Missouri Pacific trains' from Den
ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either
going direct through Kansas City, or
via. Wichita, Fprt Scott and Pleasant
Hill. v '. ..''
Two trains dally from Denver' end
Pueblo to St Louis without change,
carrying all classes of modern equip
ment, including electric lighted obser
vation parlor cafe' dlnijig cars. Ten
dally trains between Kansas City and
St. Louis. , , , " "I, '
Write or call on W. C. McBrlde, gen
eral agent, 124 Third street, Portland,
for detailed Information and, Illustrat
ed literature.
Coughs and colds, down to the ver
borderland of consumption, yield to the
soothing healing Influence of Dr
Wood' Norway Pine Syruo.
Advertid Letter. '
List of letters remaining unclaimed
for thtrty days at Astoria post office
February 23, .1904. ' ";
Alchorn, Chas. '
Bonaldo, L. Mr. ' 1 ?;,
Bryant, F. C.
Burke, H. R.
Coatch, Francis M. ; '
Comp, Mathew
Curtis, Lester Mr. . ' i
Darrln, Dr. V '
De Lano, E. G. Mrs.
Durkln,W.J. , .
Ebbert, Roy Mr. ' . '"
Erwln, Hank Mrs. , ,
Fraaier, Paulina Mrs.
; Gilbert, H. L. '"'"
Ginllanl.N. -' r '
. Harder, August , ,
Harper. T. J. Mr. and Mrs,
' Harrington, Catherine Miss
Helenul, Paulls Mr.
, Holmstrom, Jho. W.
Holllnsheud, Clarence E.
Johnson, J.' M. Mr.
Kuans, J..' Mrs.
Kockehj, Kaarel , ,
Lee, Arthur J. Esq.
Larcan, Pete Mr.
Larsen, Emma C. ;
Parker, Jennie C. T (
. Paige, W. S. ;, '
Peterson, Chris , -
Pope, J. C. Mr. ! '
Pojenyne, Isaac :
Rennldo, G. Mr.
Strum. Carrie Mr.
Shock, Wm. Mr. ;
Somervllle, D.,
Smith, Ida - Sl . '
Taylor S. & W. Co.
Thompson, P. F. Mrs. , "','
Wade, Cora Mrs. ''
Wold, Erst Mr. '.' ;
Nip Leong. , ' -
' Foroijjn. "t "
Favor, Stepe Mr.
Fardel, Tiorro Mon..
Helenlns, Paulm Mr. ' v
Johansson, C. O. Mr. "
, Ocklestou, Charles' Mr. - r ,,
; Petterson, Gustaf Mr. s
Sverks, Grger Gorp. x 1 '"
Spencer, Charles Mr. ' I il
PAIR space
Clabop Requested to Furnish
; Special, Exhibit for Lewis
and Oark Exposition,
Aim Is To riM'onrae Coinprf
liensive Kxhiblls from Coun
ties and. tonimcrcial '
HodlCM. ;,
Th following letter has been re
ceived by The Astorlan from Henry E.
Reed, secretary of the Lewis and Clark
fair board: '
Portland, Feb. 21. An official Invi
tation Is hereby extended to the county
of Clatsop to make a special exhibit
either In its own behalf or In connec
tion with some other body, municipal
or otherwise, at the Lewis and Clark
centennial exposition to be held in
Portland In 1905. It is the purpose of
the exposition to encourage compre
hensive exhibits by counties and . by
chambers of commerce, boards of trade
and other commercial organizations.
For exhibits of this character,' Illus
trating the resources, industries and
progress of communities, the following
regulations have been provided;
First The preparing and installing
of exhibits by countie or organiza
tions will be left to the counties or or
ganizations in whose nam or und?r
whose authority the exhibits are made.
Counties or organisations" may erect
separate buildings, or may Install their
exhibits In the state building of the
state In which the county or organiza
tion Is located. Space will be provided
on the exposition grounds for all build
ings erected by counties and organiza
tions and no charge will be made
therefor. Plan and ipeclflcaiions for
such buildings shall be submitted to
the director-general for his approval.
Second All collective exhibit made
by counties and trade organizations;
rs n
. PZ
a' S I
m t I
Used hy people of refinement
lor over a quarter of a ceatxtry
v f' . PRE PAR go if '
will be permitted to participate In the
general competition ;( that la, be both
collective and competitive.
I desire to enlist your co-operation
Bnd support in thl movement, and re
spectfully to urge early consideration
of this invlution, so that if favorable
action be taken, we may allot the
necessary space and give you amp!
time to proceed with preparations for
your exhibit. Whatever may be the
decision upon our Invitation, I am sat
isfied we can shape our plans so as to
harmonize all efforts to the end that
your exhibit may be highly creditable,
not only to your progressive commun
ity and state, but to tbeexposltion as
well.'. - "..', ' ;
We feel confident that the arrange
ment we propose will offer to countie
an exceptional opportunity of demon
strating;, their potentialities at the
Lewis and Clark exposition of 1905, and
that the result of exhibits made in this
way will be beneficial to all. Very re
spectfully,' HENRY E. REED,
, Director of Exposition.
' It is always sunrise
somewjiere in the world."
Pears' Soap is sold all over
the world.
Established ttf.
L. E. SELIQ, Lessee and Manager.
Tuesday. M Weflnesday, larci 1-2,
;. ; the famous .
Olympia Comic Opera Co.
Andraus' Famous Laughing ,
; ' , Success'; ;':
V Olive tie"
Franz von Suppe's Greatest
of all Standard Comic Operas
MYI- laaa: '
Pretty Girls, Funny Comedians, Elegant Costumes
c Reserved Seats $1.00
w Gallery 50 cents
Seat Sale Opens Monday Mortiing at Griffin's Book Store
L. E. SELIG, Leasse and Manager.
Saturday, Feb. 27,
The Comedy Drama--:,- '
Slaves of the Mine"
' ; .; ' A Heart Story of the Wyoming Valley i
ByC.E. Callahan and, Dan, L' Hart
A Superb Scenic Production
Exclusively Special Scenery ; ' . ' -
. " The Vivid Burning Culm
' , : ; The Shaft of the Mino
Real Elevator, Coal Cars and Miners at Work
' ' The Awful Explosion and Cave-in
, , ;. V, The Thrilling Strike Scene
, , . A play with Natural Characters ,
Witty Dialogue, Intense Climaxes,
' : Funny Situations. Select Company.
Admlssfsn-Ucserved Scats 75 cents, Gallery 5
.cents. ' Sat s:!s cjs:s FrfJay izmz$ 2t Crll--
. ffel Cf - .
tj vriut 1