. " ' ' i ii ' ' ' "" ' v ;i 1 " ' VOL. LVII. ASTORIA, OREGON. WiilKNKSIMY, FEBRUARY 2, 1904. NO. 120. CANAL TREATY RATIFIED BY SENATE Result foregone ; Conclusion Only Interest Being In the Dividing of the Vote of ; , the Democrat!. ... j . r Final Action Taken- Withou Amendment Vote ; Standi Sixty-six to Fourteen. 1 NOW TIME TO SCRATCH DIRT Arrangemcntd for Actual Work Already Under Way-HUte Department Prepare to Kxchaoire Kntlflcutlon. . Washington, Feb. 23. The enat today ratified without amendment the treaty with Panama for a cartal across th Isthmus by ft vol of (I to 14. The result wn ft foregone conclusion, Interest In th matter being only In the division of the vote on the dem ocratic aid, which wa not known defl nltely until the roll was called, nil re publican being for ratification. Four teen democrat. Including Clark, of Montana, and Stone, of Missouri, were paired In favor of the treaty, and three democrat, Overman, McClurln, ' and Martin, were paired against It, no In the total vote II democrat were for the , treaty and 17 were against It The democrat who were present and voted for the treaty were: Itncon, Rerry, Clark, of Ark.. Clay, Cockrtll, Foster, of Alabama,, Gibson. Latimer, MeCrenry. McEnerney, Mill- ! Wy. tsinKWi TcBaf rrv . . Kvery thing la ready for the speedy consummation of the Panama canal treaty and both the war and state departments have made preparations for the net step, the former by the dispatch of troop to the lathmu and the latter by the completion of arrange menu for the ratification of the treaty which must take place In Washing ! ton. There Is reason why the, cere Ynony nhotild not occur within 49 hour. l The administration intends to press the canal project Jy all proper meth ods. A a cabinet official expressed it the next step after the appointment of ft commission will be to "scratch dirt'1 and already such member of the commlslon a are assured of their places, like Admiral Walker and Major deneral Davis, hav been giving some attention to the provision of a clcri nil force and the engagement of en glneerlng talent to conduct the ac tual work of canal digging, Washington, Feb. J3. Routine bus Ines of the senate today was broken Into bjr executive session on the can J treaty. After a vote on the treaty, consideration wa begun on the agrl cultural Appropriation bill. '. More than two hour was consumed in the discussion of the amendment making an appropriation for expert ment In stock feeding, against, which ft point of order wa mad by Lodge, The point wa finally withdrawn and the amedment waft Adopted, but not until rule 18 had mode It annual bill remain a unfinished business. Washington, Feb. 13. Although the house devoted the entire day to con- alderntlon of the naval appropriation bill under the flve-mlnute rule, email progress was made. Amendments were offered In profusion for the perfection of the measure, from a democratic standpoint, but all save the appro prlatlon for the Charleston mtvy yard were rejected. The fight over the proposed great lake naval training station wa begun during the last half hour of the session and promises a lively debate tomor row, ; Just before adjourning the house authorised the printing of 10,000 ople f. "Few Direction For De stroying Mosquito," Insanity the Plea. Ban Francisco, Feb. 21. It wa ap parent from remark made by W, o Grady in Judge Lawtor court yemer- day that when the trial of Alexander Domett, charged with the murder of Major J. M. McClung, takes place an attempt will be made to show that the defendant wa temporarily Insane at the time of the shooting and thut Insanity has existed In bis family. This Is the inference from the clan of d position dWlred tjy the defense.-"'" ' Tb defendant1 wh In Court Renter day to plead, but Orady filed n demur rer to the Information on the same grounds as on his motion to dismiss, which was denied on Thursday. The Judge overruled the demurrer and the defendunt plea3ed not guilty. Orady asked that the trial be post poned for 60 days to enable him to get the deposition of Mrs. Elizabeth Hitch cock-Colt, who I Bll to be In Pari'. To Succeed Converses Washington,. Fen. .3. U hug been tenatlvely decided that Rear-Admiral Converse, chief bf the bureau of equip mcnt, shall succeed Rear-Admlrnl C 6'Keil as chief of the bureau of or dlhance when that officer retires next month. APPROACHING ARMIES CAUSE GREAT PANIC AMONG THE COREAN NATIVES Opposing Forces , Drawing Together, as Indicated By Restlessness of Alarmed Residents of the District. ' Japanese Force at Chemulpo Reinforced by Forty Thousand More Troops-Some Land at Pigeon Bay-Intermittent Attacks Made on Port Arthur, But Little Damage Is Done , , , the Enemy In Control. ' London, Feb. 24. Colling from Ch- foo, February 23, the correspondent of the Morning Tost says that 40,000 more Japanese troop Jjav landed at Chemulpo, pd he says be ha received confirmation that some Japanese have landed at Pigeon bay, other at Tru lendwan and that an engagement oc-' The correspondent at Seoul of th-J Dally Mali reports a panic at Ping yang, Cores, which Is regarded a her aiding the approach of the opposing armies. Acoraing to toe standard ft cor respondent at Seoul the Japanese bom barded Port Arthur at Interval be tween the 8th and 14th of Febru- ..... . t ary, causing slight damage. The re port Is confirmed, thin correspondent continues, that 70 mile of irailroul have been destroyed between Herbl:! and Vladlvostock. In Manchuria for attempting to blow up the railroad bridge over the Bangan river were disguised as collie. Inquiry, revealed that they were Jap. anese officer of the general staff. namely, Colonel Assad, Lieutenants Seonelokscha and Kacburta. They were at once hanged from the girder of the bridge. MAY PASS DARDANELLS. Her Our 20 p!f cent reduction iale on clothing is 5TILL ON 4 . ( aw-jjBs n1!' S V Pii . HinSdialTiKr 1 . - ' V Mir y-KJ I Hind Tutored I tMMSMWMW.ial'.l I 'I' HHMg P. A. STOKES i. Russia Determined To Relieve Black 8a Fleet. New York, Feb. 23. Negotiations re progrpening, asserts Jhe Hrald' St. Petersburg corresKndent, for the pnesuge of the Durdanello by the Rus sian Black sea fleet. Rusnla Is deter- mitied to get her ships through, the orreepondent overs even If It Is neccs- eary to adopt the subterfuge of altering their appearance, disguising them as merchantmen. The portc is almost tiling and If England make an ob jection, the dispatch continues, "It will be a signal for an Immediate advance toward India." Admiral Alexleff' retirement to Har bin With his staff is interpreted to mean that he Is convinced the Jap anese will besiege Port Arthur. The fleet ha received Instructions not to enguge In any fight at present but to remain on the defensive until the be ginning of July, when a half of the whole Baltic fleet will be dispatched to the far east." It la hoped also by that time that part of "the Black sea fleet will be also on the way. . Work on all the ships under con struction is being specially pushed for ward. . , Minister of War. . St. Petersburg, Feb. 23. General fttkharoff, chief of staff of the military district of Turkestan, has been ap pointed to act as minister of war dur ing the absence of General Kuropatkln, whose appointment to command the flusslun military force In the far east was gazetted yesterday. ' Under Sealed Order. Genoa, Feb. 23. The cruiser Brook lyn. with Admiral Cotton on board. left here today going In an easterly direction, tinder sealed orders to be opened at sea. . ' '''-,.. WOMAN'S NERVY ESCAPE. NOT CROSSED YOLU. Force of Russian Still Massed on the . River' North Bank. . Toklo, Feb. ,23. Reliable reports from ; Northern Korea Indicate that Russia na have not yet crossed the Yalu river.' Their scouts have, It Is rumored, penetrated Into the country south of Wlju, but the main force still remains on the north of the river.' The .Tap- anene seem to . be convinced that the Russians are unable to assemble a suf ficient force to attempt a movement Into Corea. , The Russian strength north of the Yalu Is variously esti mated from 20,000 to 40,000. If the latter report Is true, It would be a great advantage for the Japanese, as Vladl vostock Is known to be very badly sup plied, and It therefore could not long resist a Japanese attack. There Is etlll, however, no means of actual op erations of any kind. Keope Cr8lr At Back De While - ! Makes Get -Away. . Berkeley, Feb. 23. Mrs. Mamie Murphy, of Third and Gliman streets, answered a knock at her kitchen door at 8 o'clock last night, and opened it upon ' two rough-looking characters. They assumed a threatening attitude and demanded something ' of her, whether money or bread she was too frightened to find out. She retained enough of her self-possession, however, to outwit the would-be robber; "My purse Is In the next room," she said, summoning ull her courage; "wait a minute and I'll get It for you." She got her purse, but she didn't go back to hand It to the men, Instead she ran out the front door ak)d across lot to the California Ink Works, a block away, to get her husband, James J. Murphy, who Is an engineer In the tnanufictury. .. Mr. Murnhy heard the breathless story and hurried to the house, In com pany with his wife and Oliver Parquet, a fellow workman. The men had pis tols. and when they reached the back door leveled them at the two men, who were still standing there,-waiting for Mrs. Murphy to come out. The men threw up their hands at the iiimmand of the Irate husband and made no attempt to resist, They dis claimed any Intention to rob Mrs. Mur phy, saying that they had simply asked her for something to eatl It is sup posed that the men are the same who have been loitering In the neighborhood for several days. later he again purchased 1250 worth of the stock on the strength of a mes sage received 'from Lizzie and trans mit ted to him on a slate by Earl. Some time later, after' he had re ceived various letter from Earl tell ing him that the Hecla Oil Company wa booming, the plaintiff alleges he consulted Earl about hi health. The latter, he says, Informed him that he knew of a medicine that Would work wonders with a lck man. He bought a bottle, paying Earl $10 for it, for the latter told him that hi alone knew where to get It A few days later he bought another bottle, for,- he ay, one night Earl gave him a mestage from one, Ir. Oscar Schmidt, a de ceased friend, telling hlrn not to be without the medicine. The message also told him that " no drug store hod it in stock," so, as in the first instance. he turned over the $10 to Earl Now he says that the medicine wa never worth $10 or no portion of It and that the stock of the Hecla Oil Company Is not worth the paper it la printed on. ; - ! CALLS OUT RESERVES. Officer Unable to Cope With Unreas onable Crowd of Passengers. New York. Feb. 23. The lone po liceman on duty at the Long Island railroad ferry, at the foot of Borden avenue, Long Island City, gens In a hurry call for the reserves of the Fourth street station about 7 o'clock this morning because he found himself unable to cope with the tremendous crowd of passengers that were jammed In the ferry house awaiting the Arrival of a boat. : The slip was full of ice and the boat had great difficulty In making a landing. About '7 o'clock there was longer delay than usual, one of the boats having made several unsuccess ful attempts to smash through the ice floes and the crowd became very im patient. There' were ; hundreds -who were on their way to business aud who were eager to cross the river, and Sn- lly a rush wai made through the big gates through which the teams pass. as every one wanted to be among the first to hoard the boat. The police man stationed at these gates tried to keep back' the crowd, but his authority as defied. He feared that if the mob succeeded in forcing Hslf through the gates there might be serious results, and decided to call on the reserves at the Fourth street etatlon. In response to his telephone message explaining the situation the reserves were hurried around to the 'ferry house and order as promptly restored upon their ar rival there. The reserves remained on duty for about two hours. WHEAT TAKES A SUDDEN TUMBLE After Fioundcrini About for Hours, May Option Fails , , 51-4 Cents, Leaving the Market at $1.03 U. Jump at Opening Causes Excite mentHigh Bidders and v ; Low Sellers Side By Side. THOUSANDS GO ON ADVANCE Fear of European Complications In Far East War Cames Ad. vanee That I Red need ' By Heavy Liquidation. Chicago, Feb. 23. With the eud deness of a culprit being Jerked from the scaffold. May option in wheat to day fell i 1-4 cents, kicking up and down for hours in spasmodic Jerk. The trading wa on an enormous scale Fear of European complications la' the Russo-Japanese war forced the price up to the new high record mark, $1.08 1-2, but the tremendous liquid ation caused a headlong dive to $1.63ft The market opened, at $L0l 1-2 t $1.08 1-8, and this showed more plain ly than any thing else the excitement under which the market opened. Some of the broker were bidding $11,084 while others almost at their side were selling for two cents less. The volume of tradetng for the first few ' minutes was enormous. Hundreds of thousands of bushels were sold on advance, and undori tfeis heavy prv!il taking prices for May fell 4 cents from the high point to $1.02 1-2, Many stop-loss orders were reached on the way down, which added to the weak ness. The shorts took advantage of the break to cover, and, buying frnn this source, caused a recovery to $1. 06 1-2. Within the last 15 minutes another flood of selling orders ap peared in the pltt The result of this renewed attack was a break la May to $1.03 1-4. . .. ' DEED OF JEALOUS MAN. Natives Are Panic Stricken. Seoul, Feb. 23. A telegram received here from a foreigner at Ping Yang. says tnat tne report that kubsuiu scouts are at Anju Is authentic. The telegram also says that the natives In Flng, Tang are panic stricken, but for eigners are .not. threatened.. .. ' JAP OFFICERS HANGED. to Disguised as Coolies They Tried Blow Up Bridge. ' St. Petersburg, Feb. 23. The Jap anese who were hanged by Russians . WANTS HIS MONEY BACK. ' Man Invest His Cash at Instigation .' Of Broker-Medium. San Francisco, Ft. 23. Spiritual ism, oil ' stock and patent medicine figure in a suit for damages filed yes terday by Frits Salmon against Ed ward Earl, In his capacity as stock broker, medium and dispenser of put ent medicine at $10 a bottle, induced the plaintiff to invest part of his bank account. Salmon says Earl. got $320 out of him, and he asks the court to give him Judgment for that amount. The plaintiff says that in Febru ary 1901, Earl told him that the stock of , the Hecla Oil Companwy was a valuable usset and advised him to pur chase a block of . it. Earl, Salmon claims, .verified his statements a few evenings later, when In his capacity as medium, he produced a slate mes sage from the plaintiff" sister Lizzie, telling him to buy the stock. Salmon followed the advice, purchasing $230 worth of the stock. A week or so Section Hand Cuts . Threat of Mother and Children. , Terre Haute, Ind., Feb. 23. Jerry Dugan, a section hand, killed Mrs. Benjamin Ramsey, her daughter Myr tle, aged four, and her son Albert, aged two, early today, pougan then 'sought a policeman and confessed the crime end gave up the razor which he had used in cutting the throats of his victim. He had been staying at the home of Mrs. Ramsey for some time and he admitted thaf he commit ted the crime during a Jealous rage. Business Men Like Peabody. , Denver, Feb. 23. The administra tion Of Governor Jams Peabody, of Colorado,, and porticularly his action In sending troops to the strike Infest ed districts Of the state, received a marked testimonial by the business men of Colorado tonight In the shape Of an elaborate banquet, tendered him at the Brown Palace hotel. The gather ing was non-partisan. Eight hun dred covers were laid. ' ; Bourke Cochran Elected. New York, Feb. 23. W. Bourke Cockran was elected a member of con gress today at a special election held In the Twelfth congressional dis trict to fill the place made vacant by the resignation of George B. McClel lan. Mr. Cocran had practically no opposition, the republicans' havlfig no nominee. . ' ' " i Panama Will Celebrate. Colon,. Fed. 23. Feverish excitement prevails over the whole of the isthmus today while awaiting the receipt of the hews from Washington that the vanal treaty has been ratified by the United States senate. " Preparations are undr foot to Illuminate the railroad bulld- i ... ing. tonjght. St. ' peoples' Convention. Louis, Feb, 23 .The national committee, representing the fusion and middle road wings of the populist party's, two factions, late tonight agreed to-hold In. Joint 'convention the people's- party national convention in Springfield, 111.. July 4. LATENT HITS Everybody is playing' them Rag's! Bidelia! Moon Moths! IN OUR SHOW WINDOW J. N. GRIFFIN Groceries, Hardware, Ship Chandle ry, Paints, Oil and Glass Hardwood Lumber iiout'Supplies etc. AT FISHER BROTHERS : Cor, Bond and 12th Sis. Astoria, Oregon