The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 23, 1904, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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The Southwest-' Limited Kansas City to
Chicago, The 'Overland Limited to Chicago
via Omaha. The Pioneer Limited St. Paul
' to Chscago, run via ,
Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
Koch route 1 offers numerous I attractions.
The principal thing to insure a quick,
comfortable trip east is to see that your
A : V tickets read via tho Chicago, Milwaukee & 1
St. Paul Railway. f ,
General A jent
134 Third Street, Portland
American Jews Not Raising Funds
to Purchase Battleship for v .
New Style Restaurant
Everything First Class. The Bestfthe Market Affords. f
' Open Day and Night Good Service.
20 H(h SU next door to Griffin Bros.
nd edjolninl the OfTke SJoob
Wholesale and Retail
Ship's, Logging Camps and Mills supplied on 'short notice.
The Finest Hotel in the Northwest
For Full Particulars, fUtei, Folder,
Etc., Call on or Address
y City Ticket Agent.
123 Third Street, Portland, t
S. O. TERKE3, O. W. P. A.
ll First Avonue, 8e,ttle, Wash.
to Chicago and alVpolnU aartj Loula
vllie, llemphlrt. New Orleana, and all
point south. .
See that your ticket, readi via the
Illinois Central R. R. Thoroughly mod
urn trains connect with all transconti
nental lines at St. Paul and Omaha.
If your friends are coming wet let ue
know and wo will Quote them direct
tho specially low rates now In effect
from all eaitern polnte.
Any Information at to rate, roulea,
etc, cheerfully given on application.
B. H. TRUMBUuL, Commercial
Agent, 143 Third street, Portland, Or.
J. C. LINDSET, T. F. tVA'., 1U
Third afreet, Portland,' Or. '
fP. B.' THOMPSON, F. ft. P. A..,1
, Time Card ol Trains
Leave Arrive
Puget Sound Llmlte4.7:B a m 1:41 p m
Kanaas Clty-BU Lout t
Special , ....11:10 am l:4S pm
Norm coast limited l:N o m 7:00 a m
Tacoma and Seattle Night
express . ii:tt p ra 1:06 p a
Take Puget Sound Limited or North
Coast Limited for Gray's Harbor points
Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym
p!a direct
Take Puget 8ound Limited or Kan
saa Clty-8t Louis Special for point
on South Bend branch.
Double dally train service on Gray's
Harbor branch.
Four trains daily between Portland,
Tacoma and Seattle .
. r " ;
People Are Patriot, Me
Hay, and Will Act In Ac
cordaiuWlth Their Gov
ernment of Adoption
New York, Feb. 22. In a. sermon
on "The Jew u a, patriot tho rtv
Dr. Joseph Silverman, of the Tempi
Kmu-El, has branded as false reports
that the Jews of the United States are
raising a fund to purchase a warship
for Japan. , ,
"l am astonished and pained," he
said, "that any one could believe such
a statement to be true. There is no
movement on foot among ; American
Jews to do anything of the kind. We're
not living in any political sense as
Jews In this country, we shall not
Me with or against Russia as Jews.
We follow the policy of the American
government and if that policy is de
nned we Jewish Americans will aids
with our government to befriend Russia
or Japan, as the case may be. The
temporary persecution, massacre or
riot of the disorderly element among
Russians will hot induce the American
Jews to take sides one way or the other
In a struggle that is International and
seems about to become even broader.
"The worst feature of anti-Semitism
Is the charge often made that the Jew
s a stranger In the country In which
he resides, that he Is not an Integral
part of the people and cannot be a
true patriot.'
"This charge has often been refuted,
but still requires an answer because
there are thousands and thousands
who will not listen to the truth and
who still In different countries relter
ate the charge with vehement m
"The fact Is that the Jew Is a pat
riot by nature, training and by virtue
of his religion. The Jew Is so con
stttuted that he becomes the best pat
riot of nil nations, and there Is suffl
dent evidence In history to bear out
this statement.'
Smoke is
, II MMM, MM If MJjgZr ' '
LiercawTvof a u
.. -5- - J . ' ' ,-'," yV 1"""""" """x'w "lv
i rs. "
Wherever you go on any road,
in every town you're "rare of a
great smoke for 5 cents if you ask for the
Crcrao. The only cigar for sale everywhere,
and everywhere the same. ,
The 'Bond is t the ' Smoker's Protection. ,
"As the
Crow Flies"
The shortest line between
Minneapolis, St. Paul and
Chicago, is
the route of the famous
western Limited
"Ths Trsln For Comfort"
every night in the year.
before 1U1 ting on a trip no matter
where write for lnt-riWlnif informa
tion about oomforUibU) traveling.
H.LSISLER, General Ajtnt
132 Third 8t Portland, Oregon.
T. W. TI A 8 DALE,
Ueneml FaHRnKr Aitont, .
', HI Paul, Minn.
CouKhs and colds, down to the ver
borderland of consumption, yield to the
soothing healing Influences o Dr
Wood's Norway Pine Syruo.
More Gold Found.
Grant's Puss, Or.. Feb. 20. Report
of another rich strike is received from
' ,u n.. 11 I , - -
mo i murium mines, or me canyon
creek district, and us proof of the dis
covery a big chunk of quarti, thickly
shot with gold and tellurlde of gold
whs brought Into the Pass a few days
ago by B. C. Sprock, who with asso
ciates Is developing a rich claim In the
vanyon creeic district. MrJ Sprock
states that they have driven In a tun
nel on their ledge to a depth of 80 feet
and find the vein growing richer and
better with depth. They are sacking
much ore that is worth from 16000 to
$15,000 a ton. ;
Since the tellurium f nds on Canyon
creek, a few months ago that district
has attracted widespread- attention,
and scores of miners have gone In there
and located claims. Two or three
wealthy Companies and men with
money have equipped prospectors and
sent them Into the district. These lo
cated claims and are now developing
them with good success.
The Comstock "Mining & Milting
Company, headed by J. Monroe Lay.
man, is one of the companies that
placed men In the Canyon creek dis
trict, after locating and acquiring sev
eral promising claims, and these men
have since uncovered several promts
Ing leiges. Several Colorado mining
men have also located claims In the
district, as well as local parties.
Mining men from Cripple Creek and
othjr districts of Colorado Where tel-
urlum ores are well known and who
have made an examination of the
ledges' and conditions of Canyon creek,
state that they believe a number of
remarkably rich tellurlde veins will be
uncovered In that part of Josephine
county, and that the rich finds now be
Ing madd on the surface are but an In
dlratlon of the bigger and better things
deeir down, "
Spends Three Months in Jail and Loses
Two Years Pay Though Innocent
; r of Any Crime
win.. ivamn.
ATE. ! r.n.H 1,1,11a, lOrtstrfrt
fci t'IIU'lllrKU KNCL1SII
wlihMu.1l.lxiu. Tnll Mother. ItchM
launr HiihiitUaUma Jialut.
lion. Pujr 9t fit Dmiiiit.t. w mm 4. te
ilim fcr rrtlmlur, TwtlnlU
d 'Kcllr for '...llr" to uw. t. m.
tan Hail. KI.MtTMMwM. 14 M
MMHSttklpNI. SttMtln,'iUU.,
Subscribe for The Astviia.
What a Heap of Happiness it Woul
. ... Bring to Astoria Homes.
Hard to do housework with an ach
ing back ,
Hours of misery at leisure or at work
If women only knew the cause
Backache pains com from sick kid
Doan's Kidney Pills will cure it.
Astoria people endorse this
Mrs, D. Murphw, widow, who llves ot
305 Ivon street, Portlnnd, says: "Years
ago when llvng in Kansas I was great
ly troubled with kidney complaint.- At
that time I was, I might say, perfectly
helpless for months, but In time It wore
away as mysteriously as It came. It
did not bother me again until last fall.
when there was every symptom of Us
return, and knowing what I had suf
fered, formerly I began to look a:cund
for something to check it, and on look
ing over the paper I noticed DoaJi's
Kidney Pills highly recommended, so
I procured them and took them as di
rected. It only required a few days'
tieatment to ward off the attack. Since
then I have recommended Doan's Kid
ney Pills to a number of my friends."
" Plenty more proof like this from As
tora people. Call at the drug store of
Charles Rogers and ask what his cus
tomers reort. "t
Tor sale by all dealers. Price, 60
cents a box. Foster-MHburn Co., Buf
falo, N. Y., sole agents for the U. S.
Remember the name Doan's and take
no other. , " '. " ;
Notice For Bids.
The undersigned will receive sealed
bids up to twelve o'clock noon of Tues
day, March the first, J904, at his offlce,
room numbered JO, Concord building,
Portland, Multnomah county, state of
Oregon, for the hereinafter described
property; said bids to be accompanied
by a certified check for ten
per cent of the bid tendered
The ' property to be sold . con
stating of all the real and personal
property of the Rainier Mill and Lum
ber Company (except the accounts and
cash on hands) which said property is
now In the undersigned's hands and un
der the undersigned's control and which
said property consists as follows, to
wit: .
The n. w. quarter, of section 16, town
ship 11 north range ( west. In Pacific
county. Washington. Also contracts
for atumpage on 360 acres known as
Mitchell and Blaney claims, situated on
Grays river,: in the state of Washing
ton; also all the logging camps and
equipment and logs (approximately 1,
600.000 feet), known as the Grays River
Logging camp, situated in Pacific coun
ty, Washington.
For further Information concerning
the said property call on or write to
the undersigned at his above address.
The undersigned reserves the right to
reject any or all bids and any salt?
made is subject to the confirmation of
the circuit court of the state of Ore
gon, for the county of Multnomah.
Rec. Rainier Mill & Lumber Co.
, The World's Fair Route.
Those anticipating an eastern trip,
or a Visit to tne iouisiana rurennse
exposition at St. Louis, cannot afford
to overlook the advantages ofTered by
the Missurl Paclflo Railway, which, on
account of Its various routes and gate-
. ...... t
ways, nns Deen appropriately nnmeu
"The World's Fair Route."
Passengers from the northwest take
the Missouri Pacific trains from Den
ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either
going direct through Kansas City, or
via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant
Hill. - . ' .,
Two trains dally from Denver and
Pueblo to St. Louis without change,
carrying all classes of modern equip
ment, including electric lighted obser
vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten
dally trains between Kansas City and
St. Louts. ' .
Write or call on W. C. McBrlde, gen
eral agent, 124 Third street, Portland,
for detailed information and Illustrat
ed literature. ' '
According to the Seattle Times Jo
seph Vero, Just acquitted of the charge
of murder by a superior court Jury, re
turned to duty as a private in Com
pany K, Nineteenth infantry, at Fort
Lawton. Vero was a corporal at the
time of his arrest, but was v reduced
while in prison. His acquittal, how-
Now that Vero has served three
months in Jail for a crime that he did
not commit, his release opens up to
him only the cheerless prospect of be
ing absolutely penniless, for a year or
two to come. He has seen long service
In the regulars, but his pay now
amounts to but $14 a month. His bill
ever, has removed all obstacles to his j for legal servlcea la said to aggregate
promotion to the rank of a non-commissioned
officer in the future, and also
entitles him i full pay for the time
he was in Jall
Vero's legal expenses Incurred by his
trial for. murder aggregate a consider
able sum, and all were borne by his
fellow soldiers, who contributed month
ly io & ftnd for the purpose. Captain
Foster, of Company K, secured the
whole amount necessary by his per
sonal note. Both the officers and men
of the regulars at the fort are delighted
at Vero"a acquittal, as he is a popular
man In the garrison.
3260, and he has assured his comrades
that he will repay them every cent of
the money that they advanced for him.
So, counting In the three months' pay
he has Just received, It will take every
cent of this unfortunate young man's t
pay for fifteen months to come to se
tle with his lawyer alone. -' '
Though Innocent of any crime, Vero
has thus spent & qquarter of a year in
prison and lost two full years' pay. It
is said that he spent most of the time
yesterday in looking up the meaning ,
of the word "justice" In the post dic
tionaries. . '
Charity Organizations are Alarm
ed at Spread of Pulmonary
'ret ails Principally ' lu Tene
; iitent Districts Committee
i t Appointed to Investigate
and Report.
New York, Feb. 22. An appeal has
been made to union labor here for co
operation with the charity organiza
tion society in preventing tuberculosis.
The secretary of the society present
ed the matter at a meeting of the Cen
tral Federated union. His figures
showing the spread of the disease in the
tenement districts, caused a sensation
among tho delegate. He also declared
that 10 per cent of the deaths In the
United States are due to pulmonary
tuberculosis. The trades in the order
of their tendency to contract tuber
culosis he classified as follows:
. Marble and stonecutter, cigar mak
ers, compositors, pressmen, hat and cap
makers, book binders, . cabinet mak
ers, musicians, glass blowers and bar
bers. Clean linen, better sanitary con- ;
dltlons and Isolation of patients were
recommended. - A committee of union
ists was appointed with instructions to
co-operate with the charity society.
k Big Fir at Skagway. .
, Seattle. Feb. 22. A special to the;
Post-Intelligencer from Skagway says
the Treadwell Y. M. C. A. building,
the best equipped Institution of the
kind in Alaska, all maintained by the
employes at the Treadwell group of
mines, burned to the ground early Fri
day morning, together with five other
buildings. The loss will exceed $15,000,
covered by 3S000 insurance. '
Subscribe for The Astorlan.
Is Not a Skin Diseases
Most teot)le have an idea that rheumatism is contracted like a cold, that the
damp, chilly air penetrates the muscles and joints and causes the terrible aches
and pains, or that it is something like a skin disease to be rubbed away with lini
ment or drawn out with plasters; but Rhuematism originates in the, blood and is
caused by Urea, or Unc Acid, an irritating, corroding poison that settles in mus
cles, joints and nerves, producing inflammation and soreness and the sharp, cutting
pains peculinr to this distressing disease.
Exposure to bad weather or sudden . v' ' " Bowling Qrsen, Ky.
Chillingof the body will hasten an at- 'urlraTnl
tack of Rheumatism after the blood and leg below the knee. I could not raise mj
system are in the right condition for it frm to oomb my hair. Dootors prenoribert
iij,.i. i, i. ,ntt,: j- for me for over two months without iv-
toaevelop, but have nothing to do with in.m,nyreHef. IsawS.s. S.saVerti.t
the real tms causes of Rheumatism, and deoidedtotrytt. Immediately Ioom-
Which are tulernal and not external. , meneed it use I felt better, ana remraoa
Linimeni Blasters and rahhinr wmotherthatlwassrlsainaaaiiaaMuuii.
wmmen.s,, piasters ana ruDDing ,omerelie( I continued He use and am
Will sometimes reduce the Infiamma- entirely well. I will alwayi feel deeply
tion and swe'iing and ease the" pain for intereated in the eaooess of S. 8. 8. silo
time, but fill to relieve permanently J; mu' ICJB HOHtos
because they do not .reach the seat of 8,1 iathBt- MKS- AUCn SOBT03T.
the trouble S. S. S. cures Rheumatism because it attacks it in the blood, i't
- the Uric Acid poison is neutralized, the sluggish clr
5 culation stimulated and quickened, and soon the srs-
9 4 1 BwSl jints are relieved ot all irritating matter and a lavan
C X C cure of this moat painful fXes effected..
S. S. S. is a harmless vegetable remedy, unequalled
s a tlocxl pi ' "tr aud an invigoratine. pleasant tonic. Book on Rheumatism will
be mailed Ut