PAGE FOUR. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, TUESlMr, FEBRUARY 23, 1904. CRANK WANTS PRESIDENT TO CHANGE NAME SYSTEM He Claims People Present Method Has Caused a Wide Fly Waiy of Naming World - Convention Date Flx.d. Helena, Feb, 23. The republican state committee, at & meetlnir today, tlxed April 13 aa the hate fur holding the state convention to elect delegate to the national republican convention. The convention will meet at Helena. Washington, Feb. S3. Edward Rel irar, who gave his address aa Chicago, was arrested at the White House to day and locked up, pending an inquiry Into his mental condition. 1 Relgar evl dently Is of unbalanced mind. He has written many letters to the president, ' suggesting that people be named in ! accordance with their occupations. Thus he maintains that a dealer In wood should be named Wood, a carpen ter should be named Carpenter, and so on throughout the list. He says that the present" scheme of naming people has caused a war among the flies which may be ended only by the adop tion of his suggestion. For many weeks the secret service of ficers have been on the lookout for him, and when he appeared Unlay he was promptly placed in custody. Rel gar 'desired to see the president to as certain why his letters had not been answered. When he was searched a loaded revolver and uhx of cartridges were found In his pockets. The officers had no difficulty in getting him away from the White House. He was then taken to police heudnuarters, where he was turned over to the authorities, Rel gar says he Is a miner and railroad man. He arrived here Saturday night. An examination of his effects dis closed copies of several letters he had written to the president and some doc uments Indicating that he was inter ested in patent devices. . Chinese Brigands Operate N St.. Petersburg, Feb. 4 M. Heavy snows and bllaxards over the Siberian railway, especially east of ltnlkal, arc largely Increasing the difficulties f transporting troops, beside better en abling the Chinese brigands to onr ate. Japanese agents , are reported north of Vladlvostock, Inciting the brt ganda to action. lessons by experienced German I teacher. Trof. , Karl II. , Mandortr room 10, Main Street House. FlveJchttlrs at the Occident barber shir. You do not have to wait, Only first class barbers. Hatha. , The annual loss from the burning of buildings lit the United States Is about 13MU0.0OO, not Including cost of In- suronce and the appliance for Are pro tection. ' . til... III! II l I jIM ... J , .1 ,., lip II llijf, RADIUM CONVENNTION IS POSTPONED. Democrats Put Off Tikel Unti After Republican Primaries.. Portland, Feb. IS .At a meeting of the democratic state central committee this afternoon, it was decided not to put any ticket in the field until after the republicans had held their prim aries and to that end decided not to hold the state convention until April In Memory of Washington. Chicago, Feb. S2. The anniversary of the birth of Washington was ob served here today by the Unon League Club with two meetings at the audi tortum theater, one in the morning and the othr 'n the afternoon, and a ban ipiet tonight to the members of the club. The principal service was held In the afternoon'when Elihu Root, for mer secretary of war, delivered an ad dress on the "Ethics of the Panama Question. " ' FUNSTON COMING TODAY. General Funston and Others Will Visit . . t'he Dredge Chinook. "Portland, Ore., Feb. 22. A dlstin . gulahed party of United States army ' officers and government , officials will leave here tomorrow morning for the "mouth of the, Columbia river, to watch the operations of the dredge Chinook. was the principal sneaker at the large monthly meeting tonight of the Amer lean academy of political and social science at the new century drawing room. The large audience warmly greeted the baron. After the ambas sador had concluded his address, he was tendered a reception by the mem bers of the academy, ' PERSONAL MENTION. ? Mrs. H. E. Judge is In the city from Portland visiting with Mrs. E. W. Tallant Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Pendleton have returned home from Portland. Mr. Pendleton Is very much Improved in health, s , , . ; Mrs. Campbell, who has been 111 In one of Portland's hospitals for some weeks, is home again, greatly Improved In health. Miss Grace Wright, who has been visiting with her uncle's family, Rev. Mr. Larson, . left yesterday for her home In Oakland, Cat. Charles Isaacson, who has been In the city for the past few days In con nection with the settling up of his father's estate, is now en route for the east, having obtained a satisfactory settlement. - , - .- r.. :; t '- : ' - ' Rev. Oscar Ostrom returned yester day from Chinook, where he spent last Sunday. He expects to . leave this evening for Tacoma to attend the an- Help wanted Reliable energetic workers to distribute circulars. Good pay. No canvassing. Co-operutlve Advertising Co., New York. ADIOS RADIOS RADIOS "The food of the Chinese consists principally of rlcev and fish." That statement has appeared In nearly every school geography or history that has beeu published since the flood. "It's all foldcrol and flapdoodle," says a conces sionaire from the interior of the great empire. "The. streams were fished out ages ago, and you seldom find fish in the interior. On the coast yes. Much fish Is eaten. But the main food of the Chinese Is pork and chickens. Mutton and beef are rare. LesaVrlee Is eaten than you would imagine, buy there Is an abundance of palatable vegetables, and you would find no difficulty in making out a good dinner." . Stupendous Offer Made by Well Known Phila. Firm. ItADIOS lt.VDIOH RADIOS H. F. HARDESTY V-w Scientific EleetrkUn end Contractor (of ElKtrteal Work ' Electrical Fixtures, Wire;and Supplies io. Stock. i . ,;;;'qUAKAKTEED OAS MANTELS.' . 433 Commercial St Astoria, Ore. HATS TRIMMED FREE V tIG REDUCTION SALE DURING MONTH Of JANUARY Hats, Skirts, Shirtwaists, Underwear. All 1 I kinU of Ladies' ami Children's furnfahing goods. . Hair '.switches- ami , pouumdon.. r Welch Block. MRS. R. INGLETON V TliousaiiUit of lVrNoiiH In All 8t- tlousi of the Couutry Have Hern Healed by T1U c?ery. BAY VIEW HOTELS Commercial Street, Opposite 0. R. & N, C0.,Wharf. v COMFOHTAULE ROOMS AND GOOD TABLE B0AUD. HOME COOKING. NO CHINESE . MISS E. GLASER, 'Proprietress. for w o r.i e r J ; M That Every Weiikn Desires to Know About Sanative Antisep tic Cleansing And about the Care cf the Skin, Scalp, Hair and Hands The party consists of General Fun-j nual meeting of the Columbia confer Bton, Colonel Tucker, Majors Evans, i ence of Lutheran churches. Eees. ; Bethel and Langfitt, Colonel David M, Dunne collector of internal revenue, and Collector of Customs Pat terson. It is stated the trip is purely unoffi cial and has no connection with the recent trouble which occurred on board the dredge. , ' Private lessons tn telegraphy. Room 10, Main Street House. Chile con carnie, prepared by experts at the Imperial' Cafe, be pleased. Try It; you'U Engine Blows Up. Johnstown, Pa., Keb. 22. The blow ing up of the Pannsylvania railroad lo comotive Ehrenafeld, 10 miles east of this city, tonight caused the death of three men and probably fatally In jured iwo others. All were employes. Better than Gold. "I was troubled for several years with chronic Indigestion and nervous debll lty." writes F. G. Green, of Lancaster N. H. "No remedy helped me until usea .Electric tsitters. wnicn aia me more good than all the medicine 1 had ever used. They have also kept my wife In excellent health for years. She says Electric bitters are lust splendid tor female troubles: that they are a grand tonic and invlgorator for weak run-dowu women. No other medicln them. Only 50 cents. Satisfaction guaranteed by Charles Rogers. A steel like grass from the volcanic Elopes of Oran, Algeria, Is so elastic that it can be used Instead of springs In the manufacture of furniture. L. L. Paget, formerly of Astoria, is In the city from Portland for a brief visit with friends. Captain Latham returned yesterday t from Salem, where he attended the funeral of his brother-in-law, Edward Lamb, one of the best known printers in Oregon. V I Cintain Richardson, of the Colum bine, has recovered from an attack of bilious fever. Mrs. Sara Ross has returned from a visit In San Francisco. H. C. Wortman, son and daughter, of Portland, spent Sunday n the city, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dun bar. ! , B. C. Kindred is seriously ill and fears are entertained that he may not re cover. His illness has lasted for .some time and there Is no Improvement in his condition. a , Manager Humphries, of the Postal, spent Sunday In Oregon City. Too much strew ctnaot be placed on the great value of Cutlcara Soap, Oint ment and Resolvent In the antiseptic cleansing of the mucous surfaces, and of toe blood and circulating fluids, thus affording pare, sweet and economical local and constitutional treatment for weakening ulcerations, Inflammations, ltcbings, Irritations, relaxations, dis placements, pains and Irregularities pe culiar to females. Hence the Cntlcura remedies hare a wonderful Influence la restoring health, strength and beauty to weary women, who have been pre maturely aged and invalided by these distressing ailments, as well as such sympathetic afflictions asamcmla, chlo rosis, hysteria and nervousness. Women from the very first have folly appreciated the purity and sweetness, the power to afford Immediate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety and great economy whlcn nave made the tutlrnra remedies the standard humour remedies of the civilized world. Millions of women nse Cutlcnra Soap, assisted by Cutlcnra Ointment, for pre serving, purifying and beautifying the sain, lor cleansing the scalp or crusts. scales and dandruff, and the stopping of railing hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore bands, for annoying Irritations and ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanatlre, an tiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves, as well as for all the par poses of the toilet, bath and nursery. Sold threwhont Ui vortl. Cuttam RlM,aOt. fla form of Chocolm C'otltd Pllb, ase. por ml of D. Oint Buot,., 8ap. Be. liepxi i Lxmiat, V CtururbotiM So,, i Cm, koo 4o 1 I'ux i Bottoo. Iff Colombia An. Potior Drue k Chem. Corp.. Mt PnprMan. T 5oo (or " I Buok lor Won." Every educated person baa heard of Radium, Its wonderful powers and neaiing quumies nave occupied page after pug In the Metropolitan ublka- tlons. Almost everybody knows that It is the greatest remedy that God has ver given to suffering: humanity. Disease germs of every description Ilea before It they cannot stand the con tact. We havs such faith In our propo sition that we guarantee absolutely to cure you. What is more we will give you a written contract to that ef fect. This offer has never been dupli cated. Fill out the blank below and mark the malady from which you are suffering and receive by re turn mall Information that will be return mall information that will be worth hundreds of dollars to you. Ask ary banking firm regarding our respon sibility. R. J. Owens, Proprietor ' Phone 831 THE WIGWAM CIS BROOKt, Mnager Great Palace of Art of the Pacific Coast Fine Bar and (he Best of Liquors and Cigars SEE Ml IlllSJRAllD PICIIIRE5 Eighth and Astor Sts. ASTORIA Fro Ott'or Fire. Offer ..RADIOS CO. , 812 Drexel Building Philadelphia. Pa, Sirs;: Please send me free of eost In formation regarding your Radium treatment and your wonderful rem edy "Radios." Name Address. City , State Disease STEAMER SUE H. ELMORE The largest; Staunchest, Steadiest and most vSeaworthy vtwcl over 011 this route. Best of Table aud , State Koom Accommo datioiia. Will make round trip every fire days between A 0 Oregon Shorj Line akd Union Pacific 70 hours from Portland to Chicago. No change of cars. When the white man first reached the City of Mexico it had 300,000 In habitants, probably more than the en tire population of the North American continent. All German soldiers must learn to swim. Some of them are so expert that, with their clothing on their heads and carrying guns and ammunition, they can swim streams several hundred ! yards wide. . Ambassador Entertains, . Philadelphia, Feb. 22. Baron Speck Von Sternberg, the German ambassa- j dor to the United States, .upon whomi the university of Pennsylvania today j conferred the degree of doctor of laws, i Depart FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE L. E. SELIG, Leasse and Manager. ; ; Saturday, Feb. 27, The Comedy Drama "Slaves of the Mine A Heart Story of the Wyoming Valley By C. E. Callahan and Dan. L. Hart A Superb (Scenic Production Exclusively Special Scenery The Vivid Burning Culm The Shaft of the Mine Real Elevator, Coal Cars and Miners at Work The Awful Explosion and Cave-in The Thrilling Strike Scene A ylay with Natural Characters Witty Dialogue, Intense Climaxes, Funny Situations. Select Company. Admission-Reserved Seats 75 cents, Gallery 50 cents. Seat sale coe:s Friday morning at Grif fins' Book Store. Chicago roruana Mieciul U:lAa. m. vIh Hunt ington Atlantic fxprex H:li p. tn. via Jitmt- iiiKtou HLHaul Kant Mail 7:46 p. ni, via Spo kane ' HMKHnfKM!I.F.K Kroin PORTLAND Arrive Halt I jilt e, Denver. Ft Worth, Oirmhu, Khii witi City. Ht LouIh, Chicago and tltv Kant tnh Ijtko, Denver KB worm, umu ia. Kiwi. h (Jlty, Ht Ixiulu, (,'lilcagoand thet'ot Walla Walla, fewia. ton, Hixikmic. Mlnn- aprilU. Ht Paul, Dulutli HIIWUUKee. lllr-llir,. and EiM A :'!' p ra stona and Tillamook Fare $350 Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. and Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Portland, San Francisco and all points East. For freight and passenger rates apply td ' SAMUEL ELMORE & Co. General Agents, Astoria, Oregon 9 :00 a in 8:00 p in OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Astoria 7am All Railing daUa ku!- jora (o ('limine KorHnri Kranulauo every Ave days Dally ei eept Hun- day Columbia Illvorto roruana ana Way l4indlugR 4am ' Daily ex cept Mou Steamer Nahcotta leaves Astoria on tide dally except Sunday for Ilwaco, connecting there with trains for Long Beach, Tioga and North Beach points. Returning arrives at Astoria same evening. Through tickets to and from all prln clpal European cities. Q. W. ROBERTS, Agent, . Asterla, Ore. OR A. a C. R. R. Co., B. C.LAMB, O. R. (EL N. Co., ' TO Portland, Ore. TlllamooK, Ore Portland, Ore. ( (ELATERITE It Miner.l RMbbcr) orllnalt .Wr toHK.S8BA WOniwioT HOOK ELATERITE ROOFING Tskes the plaon of sLlngles, tin. Iron. lr nn ,ui . i . For flat anS steep M PFVni .TflD climates. lWable in coot. HolJ In mSkt hlK prices and information. on'ent. GuaraDtewl. It will pay to ask for THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO., Worcester Building, Portland NOTHING PLEASE IT!! la,UndrJed ,inW' We have the neatest Cor, Tenth and Doane St. rYt - pho.i99i. i jie Troy Laundry