The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, February 23, 1904, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    .1 1.
All Wool Rugs
' Palo Ikihemiaii Beer,
Best In The Northwcul
North Pacific Brewing 'Co-
Scheme to Improve Fire Protect
ion in the City of New
York ' I Entertained in Roma
tO ' ". . .- . "u f ' ttnmm. h. 22. All American In
n .Uiil MM rjf hri1 at th T'nlt-
WILL INCREASE THE SAFETY ed Stat, embassy today, where they
Washington's birthday, by Ambassador
Meyer and Mm. Meyer and the staff
of th embassy.
fledicine That Cures;
, " ' two, ow, May n, iw.
Win. of Cardui abaoluU-Iy (tocuM alck
consider It th. wort valuable wadlolr... audit th.
eh..p.;t eur. any alck won-a caa . ;
man.truatiod and Itltt moot aluabf. adnnt to
l7iT, 2 ILTTZi ulflaralUm. Wioful, smiine or scanty
durlug lha MiUa p-riod, lafrt -any chiUUirth and
"h'JSm .P. I wy bom. f J J"
, -,((,. and nwidrB and 1 BKWt Bear-
lly rcm
maud 1U
n n
Warraa ami L-ewasa.
Dr. Mr. Bochanaa is an authority on the science of nieclicina and cer
tainly latrtttagr-at work physicians are doing for the relief
K tiutlbi. idoM 'Jot deter b from expreaaing IVr views In nraiae of
Wine of Cardul. . , ' , ,
Mr Buchanan' hih intelligence and long and ntxmsful exper owe
rmdrt ad"h of areat value. Wine of Cardui regulate ntenrtruation.
cum SiVXS?S nd relive, eufferin. women of U.e pa and
T JT, i.lTtheir if beir. You have the word of Dr. Buchanan and
of rttt enlt wmnen that Wine of Cardui will completely
cure yo'i.
All druKtiUU wIl 11.00 Wtle Wine of Cardui. , ,
State street, became hysterical. The
two women were removed to a nearby
drug store and an attempt waa made
to revive them, but an ambulance had
to be called from St. Mary's hospital.
Miss Uamaon waa noon brought around
by the aurgeon and waa taken borne by
friends, but Mrs, Iyle became uncon
scious and was taken to the hospital,
plan I to Place Mains Leading
Prom Hudson and Kant
Hirer, Utilizing Natural
8npply of Halt Water.,
New York. Feb. 22, The mayor has
taken ' up the quint ion or increase
the city's protection ajalnat fire by
uaUis;, In Manhattan, aalt water orawn
by a system of mains from the Hudson
and Kat rivers, ' He forwarded a let
r on the subject to Commissioner
Oakley yesterday. In this communica
tion Mr, McClellan stated that be naa
nn desire or Intention to doubt the ef
ficiency of the fire department of this
city, but merely wanta to have every
agency possible used In fighting nres.
Me thinks the Island of Manhattan
should make use of the natural advan
tages of location to draw an emergency
supply from the North and East rivers.
Mr. McClellan stated afterwards tnat
be hoped to have Mr. Oakley. Commis
sioner Hayes and Borough Presioew
Ahearn meet him In a few days equip
ped with a plan for carrying the
scheme Into effect.
It is said that Mr. McClellan haa In
view the establishment of large mains
throughout Manhattan south of Forty-
second street, Independent of the Cro
ton water mains. These mains will
be connected with electric pumping
plants at various places In the business
i-tri, i. The Dumping stations wouia
i have connection with the power housea
of the elevated and surface roads. It
has been pointed out that after the cost
6t installation of this plant waa paid
the Item of maintenance would be very
Chief Croker. of the fire department.
Is much In favor ot the scheme. He
Hays thut when It Is carried out New
York will be the safest city from fire
fn the world.
By virtue of an execution and order
of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for Clatsop
Latest Style of Provender for Cattle
Proving Popular In Central wash-ington--Good
for Poultry.
North Yakima, Feb.' ?2.-The new lenown as billion dollar
as corn. This Is most desirable when
a crop of seed Is wanted. If planted
grass promises to become one of thai for seed It cannot be utilised for for-
You don't
have to
hire a Cab
The La Salle Street Station
the trains of the Rock Island
yj System, is located in
tne very ncart or tne
city, less than a
block from the Board
of Trade; less than
two blocks from the Post
Office; within easy walk
ing distance of the principal
hotels, theatres and stores.
Yo don't haw to hire t ek to mch them,
Tht unlon loop" W right In front of the itttion.
Pay ( tcntt, ct aboard tht elevated, and yem are
vhltked to any part of town you with to reach.
Im ana aire You outer
nuoni why you ehould uw
th Kock Iiland Syltem.
There art Uw of them.
iu . CORHAM, Csneral Aaant,
149 ThW mrertland, Ore.
V. ' -r-sa-
finest Product of ; Australian
mines for domestic use.
The best house coal ever
broufjht to Astoria
Edward Injured By Fall Sustained on
New York. Feb. 22.-Whlle Inspect
ing the cruiser Cumberland, King Ed
ward has been much Inconvenienced oy
the inlurles resulting from n fall, says
u dlHputch to the American from Ports
mouth, England.
The kltte visited Portsmouth In the
. . . a., . tha
course of a soclat inspection vi . "v
naval stationa and decided to make a
detailed tour of the Cumberland. lie
.... ......I Atu'it
was walking unuer uie
when, although the ship was brilliantly
Illuminated with electric ' lights, tne
king's foot struck the sin oi
partment door and he stumbled ami
pitched forward. In his fall he injured
his leg. but; when assisted to nm.ieet
,ww..t the hurt was silgnt. tie
limit;d nhore almost unaided, but later
oniplalned of, pain. t
i 11 1 11 " '
Mysterious Circumstance.
One waa wale and sallow and th
other fresh and rosy. Whence the dit
ference? She who Is blushing with
health UBes Dr. King's New Life Pill
,niniuin It. Bv rently arousing in
lajsy organs' they compell good diges
tlon and head off constipation. Try
them. Only 25 cents at Charles Roger
Women Beoame Hysterical.
New York, Feb. 22. Two women
were prostrated and one of them be
came so ill that she had to be removed
to the hospital because of a row on
board of a trolley car last night. The
row was caused by the attempt on the
part of the conductor ot car No. 1373
6f the Marcy avenue line to remove an
Intoxicated man from the car at Ber
gen street and Franklin avenue. The
man resisted and the conductor's hand
was thrust through one of the win
dows. - Immediately the passengers
were In an uproar and Miss Nellie
Damson, 25 years old, of 856 Lexington
avenue, and Mrs. Abble Doyle, of 310
Will be sold at same old
price while it lasts.
Free Delivery in the City. -
Phone 1961. 9th and Commercial Streets
Tfc.y Caa Step Their Hair Falllag Oat
, Wlta Herplclde.
fjidlM who have thin hair and whose
hair la falling out, can prevent the hali
failing out, ana tnicaea tne growtn, wim
Newbro's "Herplclde," Besides, Herpl
clde Is one of the most 'agreeable hair
ArAMlnra thorn la. TlArrvlpMa ItlUS the
dandruff germ that eata the hair off at
the root After the germ Is destroyed,
the root will shoot up, tind the hair grow
long as ever.' Even a sample will con
vince any lady that Newbro's Herplclde
Is an Indispensable toilet requisite. It
contains no oil or grease, It will not stain
or dye. Sold by leading druggists. Send
10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpl
plde Co., Detroit, Mich.
T. F. LAURIN, Special Agent.
County, tested the 18th day of Febrn
auy. A. D.i W, upon a Judgement and
order of sale of real estate tinder a de
cree of foreclosure rendered therein on
the Ifttb day .t Feberuary, A. D. 1H
In a suit wherein T. O. Trulllnger Is
pl tlntlff and P. A. Trulllnger and Em
ma W. Trulllnger and Theodore
. b.a m AnfnAantM . and - flrO-lflSt
urncivi 'j a
said P. A. Trulllnger In the sum of
4t:S.15, and the costs of suit taxed at
115 20, with Interest thereon from date
at the rate of $ per cent, per annum
.mtll paid, and for the sale of the real
estate, hereinafter mentioned, and said
execution and order of sale command
Ing me fo take sail Judgement, costs
and interest, and accruing costs ot and
uwm thls wrlt, and make sale of the
ArK. al estate and
t.r,-nilse. situated In Clatsop County
jatnta of Oreeon. to-wlti-
An undivided one-half : , commencing
at the point of Intersection of the East
nr ii Xo. 18. f block "A." in the
Annex to the Trulllnger's Addition to
nri;i. as laid out and recorded by
tli West Shore Mills Company, extend
d Norfherly on a straight course to
the South line of that certain right of
way 50 feet In width conveyed by the
w.i fihore Mills Company to tne As
toria and Columbia River Railroad
Company by a deed recorded August
14th, 1S95. at page 393 of Vol. 33 of the
records of deeds of and for Clatsop
County. Oregon, In which said right of
way Is more particularly described, and
..,ni., thence Northerly at right an
gle to the North line of said block "A"
and accosdlngly on the East line of said
lot extended Northerly on a straight
course to the Ship's channel of the Co
....., n!vr. and thence Westerly
along said Ship's channel to the point
where the same would be intersect
by a line drawn Northerly at rlgnt an
gle to the North line of said block "A"
and from a point thereon two hundred
nnd twenty-eight and 75-100 feet (228.-
75) East of the Northwest corner .
mid block, and thence Southerly and at
right angle to said North line of said
Mock "A" to the said South line of
. . .,.w. t xvv conveyed to said
Railroad Company, and thence Easterly
on said South line of said right of way
f beelnning: together
t,h nil nd singular the water, ripar
... .h,.rfln rights and privileges
upon or adjacent to or In front of sa Id
t,.te or any thereor, ana w.
lowing bounded and described tract, to-
' Commencing at th Northeast comer
,M lot No. 10, m saia yiu. .
and running thence Northerly at right
o.,ffi to the North line of said block
"A" to the South line of said right of
mnveved to said Rallroaa com
pany and thence Westerly on the South
u- f nl,l rlaht of way to tne v"-
where the same would be uiterected by
a' line parallel with said line running
vrk .nd 80 feet West thereof and
thence Southerly and at right angle to
he North line of said block to a point
on the North line of said block 60 feet
West of the point of beglnnmg ana
thence Easterly on the North line of
said block 60 feet to the point of be
ginning, the said last mtntloned real
estate being subject to all conditions,
limitations and covenants expressed or
mentioned In that certain deed from
the West Shore Mills Company to C.
N Hugglns, dated March 4th, 1902, and
recorded at page 539 of Vol. 42 of rec:
ords of deeds of and for Clatsop coun
ty Oregon, and reference to which Is
hereby made, and situate In Clatsop
County, State of Oregon.
Together with all and singular the
tenements, hereditaments and appur
tenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining.
Vfttlrat la hereby given that I will on
Monday, the 2Sth day of March. 1904,
t the hour of ten o'clock in the fore
nnon of said day, in front of and at
the Court House door in' the City ot
Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, sell at
public auction' to the highest bidder for
cash, the above described real prop
erty to satisfy the said Judgment, in
terest, costs and all accruing costs. ,
' Sheiiff. Clatsop County. Oregon.,
Astoria, Oregon, February 23rd, 1904.
. -rrnt n thx rirv .talks and re
rr.aln after ripening.' But ordinary
culture wilt Insure irom 40 to 70 bush
els, of seed per acre.
Harvesting the grass depends upon
the purpoe of the grower. When
wanted for ensilage It may be cut with
a mowing machine and put In the silo
the same as green corn. If grown for
eed It should be cut and shocked Uke
corn. , The seed may be threshed like
torn by running through ft grain nuv
Tht leaves the fodder In a
Lhredded condlUon, but does
. . - .,.1.1, . .. ... o a Arv food. It
Tne plant is n" rreciaie no "
stools out freely. It at- , l8 eaten by horses and cows with mucrt
valuable crop o'f central Washington
Experiments made by several .farmers
have shown that It Is a great producer
of green feed and pasture. Many es
timate the annual crop under Irrigation
at from sir to ten tons of fodder per
acre. The seed Is rich In protein, and
aider! almost equal to corn for
I nnnttrv and ceneral farm stock.
I yb t r"'." "
The acreage devoted to this crop win
be materially Increased this season .
Ttminn dollar srass Is a distinct rorm
TaMnMUl millet. KJUHir
Ul K
dealers sell It under the name ot uer
man millet.
arrower. and
tains a height of five to seven feet, and
Is ready tor cutting for green feed six
weeks after planting. The grass may
U cut three times jn a -
,.mw of the farm staff at tne m."-
achusetts agricultural station says the
grass gave a crop of 67 bushels oi seu,
11,297 pounds of straw. 26,000 pounds of
green feed and 12.000 pounds of dry
fodder per acre.
The cultivation of billion dollar grass
Is the iame as that required by ordln-
. m ..-w.Vieirtnd corn
ci-v miilM or nwiw"'
About 15 pounds of seed win w-
aire. 'It may be planted any month
rn, Anrll until August with good sue
ters. Some of the best farmers sow
fondness. The seed caa be crusnea ana
mixed, with other rations or fed whole
to poultry and hogs.
Jaoanes millets are adaptea
every agricultural section of the north
west. The farmers and dairymen of
the Puget sound basin win nnu
grasses valuable for forage, seed and
pasture. They may be grown in the
river bottoms or on the hill slopes with
equal success. The land snouia o v-
in proper condition before seeding ana
the crop given good care. Seed can
be purchased from seedsmen In almost
every city. Prices range from 5 cent
to 10 cents per pound for large quan
tities. The millets are worthy of trial
the seed In rows and cultivate we t ever, -
kaskfl m.m
Seattle, Feb. 22. -The blasting work
which Is at present being done by Con
tractor Elckson. Incident to the Second
avenue regrade Is responsible for a vig
orous protest filed by N. O. Christen
sen with the board of public works yes
terday. Christensen depicts a verit
able reien of terror, which he says has
existed in the north end In the viclnitr
of Denny way for the past few days.
He calls upon the board to put an eno
risk which dwellers in the neign-
, x.'a i., In dodelnsr noumers
which, he claims, fly In every airec
Hon in the wake of each blast.
rn,ri!Pnen Is a north end grocer ana
rAai.i at 2923 First avenue. He claims
that the contractors are using heavy
charges of dynamite to loosen the
fln in the street and that the vlbra-
. . .
' ,.... ,., i to cracK ine
tlon naa in .
ni.ter fn his home and arouse ten
ants In the adjoining structure to such
a pitch that they threaten to vacate
the premises. Christensen says recent-
lv a stone weighing five pounas leu
within fifteen eet of his bay window
ar.a that a smaller stone was hurled
thrn.xrh a window into his home. e
threatens to take the matter into the
courts if relief is not grantea mm im
mediately. . '
The protest was referred to bunei ku-
tendent. Youngs for investigation
that offl.lal announced that ne ou,a
take promrt steps to prevent any re
currence of the complaint. Erkkson
It conducting the blasting under a per
mit from the city which makes him
liable for any damage that may ac
crue as the result of too heavy charges
being fired or from flying debris.
Neither Possible Nor Desirable
That China Continues As
Innocent Bystander.
High Diplomat Says ilmt Any
Day May See Ills Govern
, nient Armed and At It
Hammer and Tongs-
New' York, Feb. 22 1 An Interview
attributed to the Chinese minister here
quotes that diplomat, says a World
dispatch from Berlin as having pro
claimed that Chlua's neutrality Is oniy
temporary; that no one, even tne a-
tiitoBt dlDlomats, can tell what cnange
a day will bring forth In China's atti
tude. The minister is quoted as hav
Ing said:
"It should never be forgotten tnat
the war will be fought out In Man-
churla, on Chinese territory, and that
the excitement of the Chinese people
will Increase as the war progresses
"Naturally, therefore, the Chinese
government may be expected on any
day to decide that Its contmuea neu
tralltv is neither possible nor desirable
"Thirty thousand well drilled Chinese
troops' are already stationed in the
province of Chili ready at a moments
notice from Feklu to enter Manchuria.
Our nation admires the Japanese and
n.v, i, o rteridorHv with their ef-
P liil.rct-Vi.iAV' . . - ....
forts." .'
' Uneasy About Vessel
T.-ov, vn ' A snecial to the
Post-Intelllgeiwer from Skagway says:
An th fli-Rt of the month a strong
wind began bloVlng from the north at
Skagway. which has , not since sub
sided, and there has been a continuous
storm raging on the Lynn canal. .
"The Al-Kl left Juneau on the after
noon of the 17th for Skagway and has
not been heard from since. WThile it
ta believed she Is anchored In shelter,
the agent of the company is fUug un
easy about her. .
After Being1 Chased Through Three
Cars Man Is Caught
New York, Feb. 20. -After an ex-:
citing chase which began in a. Ninth
avenue elevated train and was con
tin,,,! throuKh the streets and several
cross-town cars, a man who gave bis
name as Frank MunroV of No.'; 338
wt Thirty-first street, was finally
and locked up in the West
Thirty-seventh street station, charged
with stealing the pocketbook of a iei-
low passenger, last night.
Thomas Carroll, of No. &z i""
stre-st. was seatea in a '
elevated train, when he felt a tug at -
his pocket. The man sitting next to
him made a dash for the door, the
train having Just , slowed up at tn
Thirtieth street station. Carroll ran
after the man. shouting "Stop in..
an a number of other passengers
Joined In the chase, which led up Ninth
avenue to Twenty-eigiun srw
Munroe boarded a cross-town car.
Nothing daunted. Carrou
him Into the car. Munroe ran w
.loor of the car, closely iono
bv Carroll, then in and out of another
car going in the opposite direction, u.c
in and out of a third car to the street
again and back through Twenty-eighth
to Ninth avenue, where be was
overhauled by Policeman Hogan. of the
West Twentieth street station, wno ...u
joined in the chase. When searched
at the West Thirty-seventh street sta
tion, a pocket book containing 1,
which Carroll said was his, was found
in Munroe's pocket.