1 - t 4 ' r r j rt i eix ia avr t-'av rv jr ,;' ''wy " IBab wn...l , , ... . VOL. J.VII. ASTOIUA, ()K'l!(ON, S VT V U DA V, VVAU U A It Y 20, 190. NO. 1 17. OFFICIALS AND v POSSEMAKE BATTLE R.ivd Poolroom, Beating of Force ' of Policernen Who Uuard Entrance, and Allow Gambling'..' 7 - - 4' t 5 Object to Warrants Being Served on Operators Which Starts Bloody Riot. ONE KILLPD. OTHERS HURT ruu( in K'is.iii. l itt In Cod sk i n;iiiMi, I'idna: km Wuli in:. Train lliltl 'i.( Ii" All' ',' ' 1'nci.ni run. ' Jci fi'iiJ, . Four i hi:!'!;, i n't ft' Vrro (i re ste 1 tonllit, ilmtwA with tMii.g, f ' tries to incite' discontent Book Acounin) United, Stat, of Bad faith CiroulaUd by Colombia, ,w Y"ik. Feb. 15,-Oiw f u paper vord book entitled "The Pun amt CanaJ CjuoHttnn; A Plea for Col'mi Mu." MirtKlntlng chiefly of l-tl ac-:ua liiff thj Untied Finicfi' of tiiul f..'(h find of violation nf tbo Nn' nranfidfl maty, !! t!n4 dlirdjlbuii'l by a retupuwitn llve of the Colombian rovcriiment. The pir!irl(!"t ftl'-ft li M ltiK V!t In epun It nf 10 i f,!i(i to Ci'lomblim rfiiiMuH in ftinwic, AlihHi::h itm (ifhiK' o' ih? miOHit unfl (filter Ih r.fii jrl th I " hnvp 1,'n r ' l1'" '! ''V ii V,'l,H'r "f rccf iit f'fli)-!;. n rimiinl;' tli-n o WKh- 3 At EM MAN WANTED 8A0. THE POLITICAL ASPECT LOOKED OVER BY THE PRESS OF LONDON Little Credence Placed in Reports Coalitiqn of Russia, Germany and Erance-Storieo to That Effect. of As England . Stands by Japan and Continental Powers Sympathize With Russia, the Outcome May Not Be of Value to Great Briiian -Cemorhip Lifted By Russia , ; On AH News. . v tendon, .Fell. 13. - 'r.iii jjU-t. taj.'i'i. gitioii In Seoul baa been greatly t!on In war iiwn l-i'l !i..wHj.-it,eia t!K' i-trd-i.hcne-J duilnn the last few daya. luitiolni' lo (Wm ui tlii a- j.ct Many C"J'Moi Arml-iuy Wait R .f the Kt; uk!p In t.M f ir "it '. nt th"' r f - C. .v.nr. iftro t.M'ly to tilfi-t Orc-t IlH'-iln. : M-n-, o. W'i 1.-U l!i prinWi i. IhUh. vi., i: , ft n effort to ivt. yiuA ri''im th.tt huH f'ir a tmut ftbiit .(,! 1., ('. 1'..-i.i""nfr, wTw a,nr",'tr(.il io ntidi'i'ty ;i f-- w"l no v i)i.iint link ti h'alt'm ri iny fivfll'iirf. lit tw will I No t;rcit linir.tniii ii fitvud to Morl-a pulilifhfd jn Ir1a mil t- t. Wli'-lV on tb( (.cuitlnent of 1ft- I fi-ivl'lv iitmitfuL link MiM'm '"jtil.'Mo.a lookliu; ti t'ii i f.iii of Uu- fa.c nl rnny rivdi-orf. irn ra. wiuij,,. j,-mnt. MIIll onuatift At tt,- t'''' South America Neutral.' .Wiv J'oik, Feb. J9. Proclamntlonn tf ixujtrulity during the war tiettvct-n ft'ifsdu niiil Jap;in have been Issued by the jovprnni'-nta of Rrnzil and Argn tin';. Hi'i'!ng to the Herald dlg- Rlo de Janeiro and tituM I ii I'pwiitH in tli" oiiNldrtii uf'ii-' l i.,lus,iri 111 iitritMu llsA tk.i1 ffulil Hi i rli! ii. : in u- m'lt in 'M cliy, ni'ii h n1. ! tii'xl Tl t' thi-orv that u. . . mi l iih foul May nna n'l'e IIIKT ICIIUhUtUlU, tUllrU'l ny I ! 1 I !.. -f iltliM-iH, ini'l 1..-iriiig war I "I 1 '' '" M ir-lul , , l ilUoi, who invH-u-poi. 1 ih il,srltli'l tht h Klmply Iw.i.jurol with nil "f U! money h could g'nth'i- t irf!li'f, Ai.d Imd for live Tills j"rt malting pr-Krtlrtiia fr 1 n',-i"a Ayr. liif.li for tliw linw-a of x HUM) eon i .. l't hilh t! j.'mi! room; juvcliiltated a t t ii" tii l.iy which milled In the ini.'iii of i iti'Mi. one of v liom may '. I Oi tic ajearntv "f th fonstiilili'ti ; i thw tio loom li M i s, the wranta l -.cr. )m1Iv to'u whi w -f there docl;ir.!i) tht'v Ind riiToiti il tin' oiM'intorti' iititl i'r I inr.'i'ii; ihi-irt. Ifcltl'tif Viiia uo ln on ft i ual, The i mii'tftlili'H W'tv l,.. n abaivloncl. or Unit he will tu,, jwntitnc at j .e;. r and iiu-Ke i-xiifan ilforiK. ,?ifttl1 wmio lino It In ret o,;n!.; l In th"' co'intrle that there l'i a ftn'iiK f' iiifiilnitt Oreat I'.ritaln on an our.t of her with Japiin, and n- Oerrnaiiv ranee Jnlned wdt Jtu'wi.i In 1K9j agalnat Jaimn, It woul 1 te n itmnl ror Kurain to neeK atnuiar rsiHis:jjij',-i In her hrwnt dlflleultl. rf.-j.n, i,i I wt a- a hafla of the union of the two l therf-fore made that 'It behoove Haw Presbyterian Church. Ft. Louis, Feh. 19. Committes rep HSMUii),' the Presbyterian churc-h and he CumbTlanl Preuyter!an chureh I 'fi'liiv 'iti.'inlmftimlv nilontod nn neTf- (H- ! I. t::n'ilre. . He fo'iiiil tl.'it a!ihlfh Ii-fff 'T wa I 'lnhiiit- a nod liu 'Itn; am! d-tily j hujidhd a tfooilv sum of ch. he had not for live ila nttn raid a Cellar of In d t.t"ii" CM. tm fur u the chief waa . i,t . to lci.ro in hi' tn ' tUiitU'itrt he m-4-r.Hl to leave, the teril-eii. whU h , d ! IitHin wlie h v.oM give 'l'lor- iM i.fler cenri !.nii.ie iirimment . mn.iy i" . - - : I ' . . ... 1. ... Creat ltrltaln lo be jrcrared for any and all remits. OFFER SHIP TO RUSSIA. ch'irchen. It In In the shape of a re port to the Sfnorn! asuemblle of the churches and muat be ratified by both thse bo.l;en. , JDoih anaemblles will meet on May 19. trh action of these cominUti" will malcij the rresbyterlan Government Hesitates to Buy At Vec-j'h'Jrch national In character, with a ' I ftM mml enhifi nni roxlmating 1.250,000. It it ri-.c'-c1lris tfiMtlnh Ue ne'thl'm'hiecl I"'1 ' UH ' l.e c'mi "',iMHi n'l'nniv") a t Ae rf e''y. .'of-,..! ( '. 'tat.f !i ii'i ! re .j'iiei i roin'i. ft'.Mit r.n,r.'T !),. pii" .'iy i'.'i,- j Trr.t.i'N'c '.'' is; lotT'If. ii'C ni niee or t"r'-ii out and th l'r I C,,,i!" !. ',(,.! , Th" r"'5" -lemnrt'ed iind' hole! ,Uiif Wilhum tU) New york. Keh. 13. An ent o ..n of the foieiKii powerH ban oftfii'd to ?upfily nuiHla, with a fstn.tll battle ahli, MiiiMtrtuted In lc;i0, two e rubers and two torpedo catcher, i;ays a llor- l-i recommended the united chureh shall ; bo kn nvn na the Preiibyterlan church l:i the Un'.ted Ktatw of America. The unlrn call be tffoeted cm the doctrinal ba':l of confeatden Of faith of the hiirrh in i tiiieT t .v.i'ii hi t,.f .J, f ! , ( I'm of the ;jii'"m t" ti, ! '. ffiii -1 !inli:t ii a "I'oiRtui it. a rn IV imiii, liu flivi! h't i'e-nver at the 'Mini. I'll iiii? 'Iii-i; 1 e im general. ,. ,. ,-.-.-. s: - l....'ly I ! !-'. V f :'i iii' ! ""I r(..o s. atl'Tc 1 lnir-i.-.l!y oviiy fliciiij.' into lh.' wiitlnfe "i.'.. i'(ntlu) (itli, l:niil il I .- in t'.u ki'd. Whcti tie- f'li'tt iiU- waf over I tit COIlH I !lhl''H ilO'l ' lllld MM "f - t . . ' L.'ite' , , , ., ,.. , f ..., Will imeMe 1 myaiery inrnwn bikiui w niauer i , , , .... , , , , , M'.'f ' l'" t , , o!!v,r (bjitnnal and ecck'siKul eland- ,-i;t (i i i i .y i; i on,-r i.c , ii , ." . . t .. ' ..I..Im (I n itnnl l...l, (V.. . I inu . , I'll' l.rt H '.' !ll'l, Ull l Kir !.' ," ' '. '"V :t, -mi. u hriH rei id M-1 j out of date. her with the authority of ! i rd. I ('tie; lo t'1 o;;t HOlbi-n: !! bd! ; rr Ji-'M. f. Hilt'. IhV "! bUV i.!ac.Kmilil'tg l'!o vtcf.i I .t ' -UK it IHicly f'.,' Ms - l'v "f II.:" nlxO on iVi'iiic' 1 : till' K.iint i.t'1 t, t "fil ". --: 0'-"on fourid i--'" i" "i.'il' bic jtnHiandiiif,. (,n't It i.i H-iUxb: ht lli'i-ill U-h .iir.oiliil -Ion The t'onkm.ik.TK. h.iwevi, to-. Mo at b-unt tioon. Ii e alia. cliliU' U o iii Be-ot.'d Hi - ...l r.oiii ull Ii. tli.il h cull. :.,) m.T.iy tiom one of yt'on a iiHiuil tomorrow. j iln Mlhoilirli the pool room men an- iimi'Mhtf Viinirm lively tni'lcr arvat, thf imll.-e lii.i .ii ry i ."U iiiili-K of tli" r!ty for hivnl of freigl't. .aid after bt llral'l eiiliHH " II w,M tii ioiY UK-y HI Ii"! I'l-rndt cltlcim to lu-t!.c uv.ln h;;t! H"t t-fo Ai.!" ! ill Our ' 20 per" ceht - ' reclactioii;"ui; ! t sale on clothin g Ic&TILL i ' ii . t i v 1 ; I I 1 ' 'sl ' -A I -N f ' ' ' x I ' I ( ' i ' I I "", .- ..- t '. '.Vi (i . v y . ... vtv. . 'If f 't.-t 'I I li't. vi,L-r , 4 ;,i "i . ii ", ." ni"':!i,- ill 1 : I! xO'W , I... :.. V.'.'vill- ' IhitSfihalTatf 'i ' ' y H.JJ.i.i P.A.STOKES Whe'iier with tho authority imd ! giiverium tat or not, the a rent, vvi Us In: nr.d ' otf r by paying that If it la not m.i'. j::- Ill ; ed the fil,i !i will be fold t t jo j anef e. Two himli'd and ffty lit! -)'i;.:li(i have been taU-m from lb'; f lie work liere to to to Po-t ,'.t'h-,r fi do alt that la feasible, to, Ver-iir ,'!;e eli5' there. Tb? .'rceat !l',l.cu'sy. h'.ov ever h 1l1.it liolii; Vbivo- if" v..i-t av'-it IVi:1' no .Iry df'k e-i:i'.de cf t;v.at t.ob';iB the 1 1,; :V.! i'f wrtr.' "?': U ,., ! e.' Iran!";.":-! Mitnt hu'!: i'l -- j keenly f"lt. for VK-; ..J" V to '). h'i in i.i..T.l i i 'i ',u,',.'. I'.r.ai' "'. '.v?!l ai lai'.i rtir'!iJ.:' '.t 'V'-a- '1 ; -w" !. .t 0-;!' r;. rari,;. Fab. Thv U. IV! eon'eTo!. i,i of Ihe 1'l:;iiro i-.t too i..i.i,-ian sytiadnai at .Til' j' I, FINDS CAPTAIN , GUILTY.' .... ' "cr fi!.-.Ri:a;ir,liter. eomtm need inowln!f - about that time, and the: oi era W'-re i!le to follow bin treel-.a aioajy the Ktr't t to thj rriar- b!e vorks, -near the (joj.of, a distance I of niil a rio-. One of the knife 1 taken from ttio etie 3i found under DYNAMITE CAR CRASHES TO the ahod ot- the rtsarble works. ' A"! - trace of the robber waa lost at thfa ' . ' ' pla'.v . it I ItRown that no' triina left - ' " town efter the robtiery after the polieei ... were notified, and' th'y''hav watebei i Head y-on Collision rf Freight Trains Env&lves txplpjion That Sends Many fo - Fearful Death. every train eltire. ' White arid Bae'ett, the two inn ar-r'cte-l for holdlri? vp the Mint niloon Wedneg'liy mornlivg, vere released on the order of IM.itriet At'oney VTiite tWa monilns for var.t of ufflc:lent evidenre to conviet,. 'jrodg'-MeiisitklThe! Dead nd Istjurvd a.e Antr- gave th meh 12 ho-ira Vrlt.fcln - which to leave town.?',' " , The police are iie;ii to fo.;iei up Kit the undenlrabbr ehr.raetera' and chase them out of th city et on,". Great Cro-wJ o AHind. St. LouiH, Feb. lfl. Colon.! John I. Martin, who will be eerfnant-ni-amiii of the domoerf'.'sij national cotiireatlon, aaid today: "There 1 ntit the allgbteat doubt, that we will he able to c;tre for ali the democrats who may come here. We have reserved rooms for the entire New England, Xew York, Pennsyl vania and Ohio delegation, together with many otheis from the east and Bouth. There will be about 700 dele gat . and I have h;i4 no trouble in e curlns q'uarters for thtm. . , "From reports which I receive daily, I judge there will be an enormous throng at the convention. It would, not. gurjilHe nie If the convention alone brought 50,000 pirsons to St. Louis. "The Associated Preps and the met ropolitan newspapers will send more m.i to this convention than to any other con vention ever held. We Intend to build a large platform near the stage for the accommodation of the prets." icar.s arvdlireiks TravH- - in" Ort fixlras. , ' ' -' f ' '' ' THROWN HUNDREDS OF FEET Special IVix-Ofil fo IStvuc yf Wreck Witli I turf or aiiil ' X ii rt'N a imI Injured Arc IU twrtie A t( oiit'u. Ogden,' Feb. 19. Twenty-four per son were killed and twelve badly in jured thin afternoon by the explosion of a car. of dynamite, caused by a head oh collision at Jackson, a telegraph station on the Ogdon-Luein cut-off of the Southern ' Pacific Company, S3 miles west 6f Ogd.-n. EX-ht of ti.e dead and five of the Injured are Amer ican, the others are Creeks. The collision occurred between two extra trsir-s and was citu'ied. It Is said, by the air braka apparatus on one train 'falling to opera e. Tic explr.-lon which followed the cotUrlon was ter rific, everything within half a mile being wr'eeked. The report waa heard in this city, S5 miiei away. Several 'outfit'' cars, oecupUnl by t:te"'xi, we-e Oemocr&t Fears War. Washington, Feb. 19. The house to day bce-.tn the consirleratiort of ; the :avnl ln,t the general discussion, l-'U vnvlr tnr ,vpA (,ri When the news of the aee r---:.l proimi was to pvocure a naval i the head-viarters in this city, a sre ',,-. . .r-,.,(,.- ft-., rr.-rni.inv. He fur- i iat train with do' tori. irarws thcr nid- N ' ' f stretchers w.i lun ri dt pat h"l to "la all fei.'tlons of the country the the R-ene of the di'iasier. L.te to.iight e'envictton. rightly or wrongly, is that this train returned to i.H: with the Cm ut, present in occupation of the : Injured. ' , .' ... i ... .... ... 1 I etT n r'.ff.!v rlrnm! Ti rr the v!n ij)rorr.tion tnut iv nours tie-p-r" raid, , the trsck. ' ... ' ' nt re.i' h and ' j Vi.losi.i, 19 T?u ' cromrfa j '.7 bite Ho'?e a it to Involve us iri f e l h '.;i- ' l'A y in,iu:r!n? into the oau- nf thj v;.vr with some c'her tuition.?1. ! it),. !'!. 1 1 f il e Stejricr Cla'.l.tm r:rd r,J livt t ' ; , .,' . ''. , j fi:) Janu- ry S, i'. i':.y, flv.lm- C.v. inf: f;;iia.i.t:-,V.t--!' fMiiv cvi,,.; ,:: ' v y f e:. 1 till o. ope 1 o'.e 1:1 s.'!'" i:i;:;i.v c ihe 1 cr ''i-rts- i Kag:.-i rbU-: I; I ...r ''ulll C i ens u.ttt.;i".; c; l'i:) .1.1 lie) 'iov. (i Kid Carter Defaated. Milwaukee, Feb. 19. George E. Gajf- , Cu'rli!'!', 'he wealthy timber t dtn, of. Lowell, , defeated Kid svhs jr.inng the passengers j Carter, of Urooklyn, In a six-round i.i;-"c t !.,-Ut"-? train, 'bout tonight, if A;PP K'J'l i ! i iti 1 " i 1 ''' ' ii.: -ion ml i (1 til ! 11 ordered t' retun t-, (.'vi,i':.-t ' 1 Only Tiirco f'f ips Intrsi. i London, Feb. ' ':-- "i :c .:. i Ktiadron Is exj c ' '"I bore," i -'. the, Chefoo f te'-.i.'.-.l 0 1 Morning Post under datu of jary 19. "and It Iti ve,ii-tod ti) Ainericnns Intend to l uid a fu tnarlnes. There a re 'rumors of possible Itrotible with ' Germany, which claims lexctualve rights In Shantung province. ; China. Only three Russian warships ut Port Arthur remain Intact. ' ,i-if i 'vv, ol!v.!l?i tfon I ,C; rvnu '1 tr-A.r. ; U-e.i,r IV h'l Iw.'i,: 'l 1 -.! (.:,. ! i.l'; Jlur if : "lt.-; Censorship Abolished. St. Petersburg. Feb 19. The Russian government today nbollshed the censor ship on all news and other telegrams going abroad, with the exception of i the ordinary war censorship during hos- ! tllitles. The lifting of" the embargo, which has existed for a generation, Is regard ed as the most Important act cince the 1 emancipation of the rerfs. t :- Drevncd. I V . l:t... j.i; !i .'.I - .!) of V.i n-.. r, be.iit of ;h' 1- .in ; 1. --st!!:;' ein inii-1 tno.i. In cempanyl toys 'of his dge. lie j wiiii trying to ride .1 iVifitlng !:, whelij suddenly it turn-d .ind three of thej boys fi'ld from the slippery Surface into! the water. The otner hoy? sceeeeili-l In getting onto the .shore. THE BEE HIVE. . : f . ' i . hail cs' jinJ Men's 'Shoes, Ladies', v snf' and 8hiit Waits, Muslin LTn-i-vtti (Wet.-, Dress Ooodfi, Ging : . tc, etc., etc. ; . , . , AND SEE THEM ARE INVITE D ROBBERY UNDEK ARC LIGHT. Bold Thieves Work Trich In Daker City Followed Through Snow. Faker City. Feb. 19. A robber broke Into Palmer Brother's jewelry and gun store- early this morning and stole $00 worth of fine revolvers, Smilth & Wesson and Colt's automatic, also a lot of pocket knives. He effected an entrance by breaking a back window. , The revolvers were taken from a front March on Seoul1. -window on Main street under the glare New York, Feb. IS. Reports re-'iof an arc light, which hangs In front ceived from Corea Ktate that Russhm troops are advancing toward &enul and that a strong portion nt PUigyang has been occupied by thum, pays a Herald dispatch from Toklo, Their present movements, however, do not Indicate any Immediate Intention of attack! ilg of the store. It waa a bold piece of work, as them Is an electric light In the store, and sev eral all-night saloons acros? the street where people are passing- frequently. The thief had to stand where anyone passing could see htm plainly. , The the Corean capital. The Japanese le- J robbery occurred after 8 a. lit., an It The 8 IT ive BOOKS The most complete line of booKs, magazines, sta tionery,, blank boolls, sporting goods, etc, in the city. ' , JN- GRIFFIN:-" Groceries, E-fardware, -Snip Chandle ry, Paints, Oil and Glass -Hardwood Lumber id oat Supplies etc. & ? j& FISHER BROTHERS:, Ccr.' Bond arid 12th Sts. ... - Astoria, Oregon